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'Life' (109) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Kidwizz View Post
    So, we saw what Spencer was like off his meds... What were they? ADHD meds? What will he do? kill someone?
    My non-existant money is on them being amphetamines.


      First I must say again: Will we ever loose those drama-stones? Its about time to get them crushed to dust forever. OK. I did not mind the earth scenes,but its just to much of them. Where is the writers plan to be total cut of from earth? I did not mind the involvement of earth in the start,but now its way to much of it. The new things that happened on the ship is way more interesting than the back stories to the people on it,and that is what the show was going to be all about,the ship and Stargate(s)?
      That was my weekly concerns,but there are always better to focus on the positive,so I`ll do that more from now on.

      I`ll give the episode a "+" for the discovery of the chair,and of course a "-" for not using it.
      BTW,Would`nt the person using that chair need the ancient gene? Anyway,Rush could use it,but really,who are going to help the one that might be stuck in it or everything else that has to do with ancient technology while Rush sits in it?
      Is it more like one of those "headsuckers" or closer to the ancients drone chairs or even the chairs that controls Atlantis and so on? The Ori ships did also have ancient chairs,naturally since they in some way was ancients. This chair did however look very different,but that makes it even more interesting.

      Yesterday I was thinking about the seeding ship,if they would get more information about it,or even find it destroyed or just stranded somewhere out in space. And then....wooohoo,they mentioned it,its nice to get something I wanted even though it was`nt a lot about it. If they only had use the whole episode to actually be ON the ship we could have gotten more of the cool stuff.

      And before I forget: Young is the MAN! I mean,the crushing Telfords face thing,not the never ending fights he has with Rush. And is`nt it bad that he ask Eli to spy for him,but when Eli comes with the information he go straight to Rush with his findings? That could cause problems for Eli and his relation to Rush. How will Rush treat Eli now? It can be bad. And now Eli can never spy again without Rush knowing that it will be watched. Young is great,but did he think when confronting Rush this time?

      Well,this was my thoughts,questions,complaints and so on and so on.

      Episode 9 "Life" was better than the worst one so far (Earth),but I feel to go down to a 5/10, (I dont remember what I gave "Earth",but it was under 7). But overall after 9 episodes, 7 episodes gets over 7/10,and 2 episodes just gets an "OK" from me is not so bad. Is it?

      I have great hope for the future episodes,but I actually already thinking about season 2,which where I hope the drama-stones are gone. I have to have hopes right?


        Originally posted by Icarus Base View Post
        He's going to kill someone. Oh wait, he probably will? Has anyone made the connection yet with next weeks episode.

        Spolers/Spec for Justice :
        They say theirs a murder, and young is framed. Spencer CURRENTLY does not like Young (So i believe, lol) Could spencer possibly be the one behind it all?

        Just a thought.
        BIG Spoilers for Justice

        Robert Carlyle said that there's an episode where a tragic incident occurs and Rush frames Young for it. Seeing where Spencer's story is leading him, and with Justice being the last episode Josh Blacker is being listed for on IMDB, I'm beginning to think he's the one who'll be killed. Also, if you've watched the preview for the next episode...

        Yeah. Spencer pretty much is dead.
        Last edited by Bagpuss; 21 November 2009, 02:46 AM. Reason: tagged spoilers in quote box.:)
        These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.


          This one was so so for me. The best part was probably the surprisingly well done lesbian relationship but other than that it was just more of the usual "Rush is hiding something" "I miss my wife" type stuff.

          While I initially liked him I'm finding Young less and less interesting by the episode and Scott's hard luck family back story was almost over the top enough to break into unintentionally hilarious territory.

          It was good that this episode finally had something for Ming Na's Wray character to do but I'm getting pretty bored of what seems to be the general Scott/Chloe/Young focus thus far. There still remain other characters like TJ, James and Greer that we've seen almost nothing about but here they chose to already go back and revisit Young and his wife which seemed really premature.

          Lastly I've also got to comment on the ballet scenes as it's starting to seem almost hilariously obvious that "Chloe Armstrong" was thought up while somebody was thinking of Summer Glau. Whether they actually wanted Glau for the role or not we'll probably never know, but it's obvious that the actress cast does resemble her a great deal, the makeup and wardrobe choices do anything but attempt to diminish any similarity, and these latest ballet scenes were virtually identical to ones from the terminator series in which Glau appeared. Glau is apparently also trained as a ballerina.

          Make of that what you will but it's getting pretty weird for me.


            SGU continues to be controlled by the need to appeal to the SyFy target audience of late teens/early twenty somethings - the next stage of television watching for the "Buffy" crowd.

            Summary: Unreal situations manipulated to meet the idealized fantasies of young people.

            Example: The writers are obsessed with idealized sex, which in this case leads to induced rape. By that I mean the use of the host body for sex without the participation of the host-body owner.

            No commanding officer (in this case Gen. Oneill) would run the operation the way we see it in this show. For example, the use of the stones. Since they work 24/7, and since the welfare of the people would be priority, the Earth-bound people transferring to the ship wouldn't be misc. military officers but would be counselors (who could do a real psych-eval, not the lame one the nurse does) and physicians. Hell, Oneill himself would go to convince himself whether Telford (who ought to be court marshaled for his abuse of the situation) is telling the truth.

            This is why SGU is, IMO, now become a bad TV show. It's trying to be an adult drama but is written as if done by teenagers.

            Last week's show was pretty entertaining, at least to me. This week, "Life", is back to bottom of the barrel. Of the entire cast of characters, Sgt. Greer is the one standout. The Young-(college dropout kid whose name I keep forgetting, I think it is "Eli") relationship to spy on Rush makes for an interesting story. So much of the rest is just teeny-soap-opera fluff.

            Thank heaven for Hulu... where I can skip forward past the empty parts.


              I thInk the drama stones a s you call them. Are the only thing that are keeping people sane at them moment and not turning it into Pandorum the TV series.

              The ship pre-dates the era the Ancients started to secure there devices with the gene.

              Anyways don't they ever marked the rooms or place. All doors look the same all corridors look the same.

              The Chair
              Rush thinks it's a download device. To me the chair looks more like an execution device. What is the need for those straps. You telling me the download is going to hurt that much? Im positive that a certain point in time our criminal tendencies will have evolved to a point of non existence or removed. But what if this thing was meant to punish people.

              I wonder if its safe to say that Ancient children didn't go to school. But received the collective knowledge downloaded at some point?

              BTW I tHink you are spot on With the Summer remark.


                wow, I liked this episode more than 101-103. Absolutely amazing episode
                Stolen Kosovo


                  Wait wait wait! *Looks at thread title*

                  Spencer had any of "it" to begin with?
                  ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                  ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                    I liked this episode more than I thought I would.

                    The parts where Camile visited Sharon was very well done when think about the writers track record when it comes to relationships. In fact I found the scenes with Camile and Sharon more interesting than the ones on the ship. There was some great acting from Ming-Na and Reiko Aylesworth during those scenes.

                    We need a Camile/Sharon smiley!

                    The only thing I didn't like much was the parts with Scott and his ex.

                    Oh and what the hell is wrong with Spencer!?

                    Now I'm just going to sit back and wait for someone to call Dr. Park a whore. You all know someone is going to do it just because she had sex two times in one episode.



                      Originally posted by EvilSpaceAlien View Post
                      Now I'm just going to sit back and wait for someone to call Dr. Park a whore. You all know someone is going to do it just because she had sex two times in one episode.
                      I say good for her. It's how she relaxes/relieves the tension, and she doesn't make it overly personal - remember her hello to that marine? Her response was akin to someone who just used a man for a booty call... Let her do her thing!
                      ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                      ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                        Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                        I say good for her. It's how she relaxes/relieves the tension, and she doesn't make it overly personal - remember her hello to that marine? Her response was akin to someone who just used a man for a booty call... Let her do her thing!
                        Yes I agree with you.
                        I've just noticed that some people seem to overreact when it comes to sex, and those people will probably go on and on about how Park is a slut just for using sex relieve tension. These are the same people who called Chloe a slut for just talking with Eli in one episode and then having sex with Matt in the next.


                          Originally posted by major davis View Post
                          Oh and btw.

                          Wray is a human resources person. She should know to consider her hosts sexual orientation and should consider that her host probably wouldn't want her making out with another girl.
                          Of cause the host could be lesbian herself an so would not mind.

                          A very good episode.
                          Last edited by knowles2; 21 November 2009, 02:31 AM.


                            Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                            Wait wait wait! *Looks at thread title*

                            Spencer had any of "it" to begin with?
                            hehe. good point. but he's gonna lose more of it soon.


                              Overall I wasn't terribly impressed with this episode. I think that comes down to the fact that it followed an incredibly excellent episode which, whilst obviously rehashing ideas from the previous Stargate shows, had such large quantities of character development and realistic emotion.

                              That being said, the parts with Camile and Young were excellent, especially as they didn't play on the lesbian aspect of Wray's relationship so much as the emotional strain.

                              What I'm not impressed with is Scott's character. They seem to be trying to develop him, with his youth history, his ex, his child, and his relationship with Chloe. Yet he still seems shallow and two-dimensional, and his relationship seems fake and empty at best.


                                Cognitive dissonance is a bad thing. This episode was incredibly boring. No plot. The characters were as annoying as ever. Nothing of importance happened. We're not getting anywhere.

                                This wasn't the episode you wanted to see. Stop lying to yourself. It's wasn't what we want Stargate to be.
                                We're whalers on the moon,
                                We carry a harpoon.
                                But there ain't no whales
                                So we tell tall tales
                                And sing our whaling tune.

