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'Justice' (110) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Eternal Density View Post
    What a great episode! Justice has raised my opinion of the series or reminded me of how great it is. My excitement fell away a bit in Life but it's back. Such a mixture of characters and types of scenes!
    It was especially good to see Chloe get something useful to do And the ending was amazing! Leaving Rush behind, wow, I ddidn't see that happening, ever! Now I have months to speculate what happens to him, whether he'll run into Curtis and Palmer (very doubtful), whether Franklin's chair sitting was useful, how everyone reacts to the absense of Rush, etc...
    Lots of surprises, which makes me glad I succeeded in avoiding spoilers.
    I was going to say that people who claim this was predictable are implying that people like me are dumb but then I remembered that they have commercial breaks to speculate during.

    p.s. I quite enjoyed Storm/Eye but being late to the party I tend to forget there's a cliffhanger and consider them to be one long episode of epicness. And it wasn't all action imho. Plenty of character stuff.
    And what's Ronon's mission report for the episode?

    And yeah, I watched the Storm/Eye duo in a row too, and even then... looking back, it wasn't the be all to end all cliffhangers as several have made it out to be. Still great though.
    ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

    ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~



      I finally registered at the gateworld forums. Used to post at some other stargate forum, that's been dead a while now and I figured the mid season finale of sgu is as good a reason as any to finally pick a new one. Afterall I have been reading in here for some while now

      About the ep: Definately one of the best of the show. My favorite is still time, though.


      I suspected Rush might have framed Young. But not that Young would leave him stranded on some planet. Wow, that's some way to totaly turn the story.

      Obviously Rush won't just die there and the alien spaceship will be significant in his escape. Totally can't wait to see how exactly it is going to plan out.

      Originally posted by natyanayaki View Post
      I understand what you mean. I wonder if Young has a medical condition, a brain aneurysm or tumor, that's making him act unpredictably.
      That's what I have been thinking, since the begining of the show, like when there was this scene in the premiere, where he collapsed in his kitchen.

      Since the first half of the season is over, I guess it is time for some reviewing thoughts: I like the show so far and it feels quite fresh.
      However sometimes it feels "too slow", i.e. there should be some more (off world) action. Either way I still miss "Stargate Atlantis" (and SG1 of course). Pitty they got canceled


        Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
        Indeed it has. It just keeps on improving week on week.

        Rush will fixed up that ship an well either young will blow it out of the sky when he pilot it back to the destiny or Rush will be part of a alien fleet which destiny is suppose engage in combat in next episode. four weeks is way to long to wait.

        Either way the two will have to work together for Destiny to survive. I hope we get to keep that ship.
        Four weeks? Why do some people keep saying four weeks? Don't we have to wait until March?


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
          I'm afraid that's a failure of imagination.
          For a moment there, he thought he was in trouble...


            Good episode. Not great, but quite good.
            I like the fact that Young can be a *******. I wouldn't say he's unpredictable, but he does have a temper. Heh, and we all thought Greer would be a typical "black angry man". Get Justin Louis some black paint, make sure he never goes full retard, and we have an Emmy winner.

            And finally, Chloe's usefull to those of us not directly connected to her via our love muscle. Way to go, pwning Wray!


              YES! Just watched it,and I have now been reading posts here for around 2 hours so I could comment it well to. I have learned to skip some posts of people who only complain,even when they get what they missed from the other episodes...Its strange how someone never gets satisfied.
              And I only want to comment one bad post here.

              To globex: you wrote this: "So...I guess I was right then? The cliffhanger is cheesy and it won't end in a cliffhanger. Touche! Reading people's comments it doesn't seem to..
              I don't see this show surviving more than 2 seasons if these boring episodes keep coming."

              Well I haven`t seen the polls for this one,but if I don`t remember much wrong,so far every episode of SGU have had more people voting over 6-7/10 than under that so how you think you will get the show of air with the minority is beyond my imagination,but hey,good luck. Who knows,maybe you are right,but I cant go around saying: "No this show will last forever,since I like it so well."

              This episode is right where I want it to be,together with "Light" the best episode so far. For me its actually easier (shorter) to count bad (less good) episodes than counting good ones.

              The name and the information about the episode made me not to have so high hopes for
              it,but I was proven wrong. "I have never in my life been more glad to be wrong" (or something like that?)
              There are people here saying it was so obvious what was going to happen,but I cant understand that. The title was "Justice" ,and ok. we got an trial/hearing and a unsolved "murder" which we did know was coming,and that we also did know that a person would commit suicide,so connecting those "dots" was not so hard. That said,how could anyone see that they`ll end up using the chair,finding a alien shuttle,or for that matter even using Chloe as an defender for Young? Am I the only "idiot" here that did not see that come in an episode called "Justice" ?
              And about that,she actually did great too. I did even read some of the spoilers in the information about the episode and still could not see what was going to happen in this episode. So even the spoilers did not ruin it for me,on the contrary it did the opposite and that made me happy. I had my feelings Rush was behind it,but that was only after he went to the IOA-woman (Camille) with his request. Still,at that point it was still handled as a murder not a suicide used to frame Young right?

              OK. Rush is "a lot of work" as Young puts it,but the ending did anyway surprise me a bit. I did not think Young planed it that way since he asked Rush something like "are we done" ,and of course the idiot that Rush was said no to an officer that has combat training and probably could kill him of
              easy. It was a sort of death sentence Young gave Rush there,and even if Rush deserved it a bit,I don`t think Young did right. He is better than this,but I guess he was pretty pissed off,and that is understandable to some point.

              We don`t need to be a brain expert to understand that we will see more of Rush,and we will see Young meeting him again I believe. I am however not sure Rush will bring this up if he comes back. He knows that Young knows about what he did and might not want to "go" there if he don`t have to.

              That leaves us to how. How will he get away from that planet and how would he catch up with the Destiny? This is cliffhanger enough for me,not the same action filled mid episodes like SG1 and SGA had,but more smooth and for the thinking and wondering audience.

              I will assume we`ll see episodes that has sides stories about Rush on that planet or away from the Destiny now,but that`s just cool. It might even be less time for the drama stones from now on.
              Think about it: Destiny with all its problems and undiscovered mysteries,and then Rush on an total unknown planet far away from both Earth and the ship.... Its so nice to see a show give us this bright future for stories.

              This post became a bit long,but will end with praising Greer. After "Air part 3" he has become`d one of the most growing characters in the show IMHO. I also have grown to like TJ more and more.

              My vote will be 9/10 . LOL,I realize I never give more than nine...But maybe the day the connection to earth through those stones are totally broken I`ll give 10 if the episode is great of course.

              Merry Christmas everyone.


                Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                I'd say you were correct.
                You may not agree with that...but for some reason I got the same sensation...(not as strong) from Babylon 5.
                JMS had to struggle to get Babylon 5 off the ground and on air. The first season was its weakest as the show had to find its footing. The money it had to produce the show was far less than Trek (and Stargate even when adjusting for inflation) and the acting and writing took awhile to get better as JMS had to try to ensure his visions and keep his studio bosses happy simultaneously. There were a couple of gems in the first 3/4 of the first season but the show didn't truly become very good until the last quarter of season one. And JMS wasn't trying to show off or hold things back until sweeps or save the best for cliffhangers. He had a long story arc that he had planned and he was going to tell that story as if it was one long novel. By the time the second season had come around and JMS made a key addition to the cast (and subtraction) everything begin to work for the show. The acting improved all around. The production values got better. The story-telling improved greatly as JMS started to take over almost all of the scripts for each show. The show hit its stride as the people behind it got more confident of what they were doing.

                SGU is like B5 in that its heavy on continuity from ep to ep. SGU in fact may rely on more continuity. SGU is also not rushing its storytelling and even more so than Bab 5 is relying on character stories, allowing the audience to get a chance to truly get to know these people. TPTB of SGU seem to understand exactly what they are doing and how they want their story arcs to unfold. That may frustrate many SG fans watching but that's the choice TPTB made. The writing and acting of SGU, at the same stage of its first season, is better than B5's. But again to be fair B5 didn't inherit a crew who were a well oiled machine after working on two previous SG series, and B5 didn't have the budget or time to put together its cast and guess actors for individual shows. With that being said as much as I like SGU so far I'm doubtful it will provide me storylines anywhere near as epic as
                the Shadow Wars or the civil war between troops/officers/ships from Earth.


                  Originally posted by Inquisitor View Post
                  I think this episode further confirmed it as being a drama rather than sci-fi.
                  Syfy execs must be very happy about it.


                  Now if they can just cut off all those Destiny scenes and do more earth episodes via the stones, space confuses people...
                  Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                    After the boring teen drama and soap opera crap like earth and life, now Universe turns BSG on us and generate character conflicts. Its a bit less forced than BSG imo.

                    The episode was watchable, and much better than "Life". I was much spoiled about it this time around so there wasn't any surprise about the whole Spencer situation. I guess the episode could have play like a crime drama if I wasn't so much spoiled. Obviously I didn't know about the ship on the empty planet which was a surprise. A pretty good ending for a long hiatus.

                    For me, Universe is an average show. Its like watching the first season of Dollhouse or episodes after the first season of Heroes. Nothing great but it can pass the time. A little extra since its Stargate.

                    I give this episode 6/10.
                    Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                      Originally posted by AndSoItBegins View Post
                      Four weeks? Why do some people keep saying four weeks? Don't we have to wait until March?
                      Space in canada an Sky 1 in the UK both have there next airing in January, meaning it about four week, though it most likely will be 5-6 weeks given they sometime do not start airing new stuff until the second or third week of January at least on sky.

                      It Americans that have to wait four months unless you under take illegal activities.


                        OMG no!! rush!!!!!!
                        "Space" will be awesome! march or april... now thats not cool

                        Goodbye STARGATE & Gateworld



                          No stone usage. Showing people back on earth interacting with their families is an episode killer every time.

                          Little to no kino usage. I dont want to watch reality tv in space. But this episode it served a purpose at least as part of the discovery of the plot.

                          No music. Self explanatory.

                          Return to at least some semblance of sci-fi and stargate lore.


                          The first half hour of the Law & Order / NCIS andromeda galaxy show. Usually we get Days of our lives in space. This time we got 30 mins of Perry Mason. (look it up)

                          Playing the race card. He isn’t old enough to know what it was like not to be able to date white women (speaking of tiger woods) Lets keep the social commentary out of the show.

                          Chloe. Nuff Said.

                          Not enough Sci in the Fi. 4 minutes of the chair thats it? Dont they get 72 hours on a new planet and it took them 69 to find the ship? And by the time Rush gets there its time to leave already? And instead of him making a discovery about the ship an episode of WWE breaks out.

                          Lying about what happened to Rush. I figured Young would have hauled his ass back to the ship and cleared the record instead he beat his ass and left him to rot and lied about it. I thought better of him than that.

                          So I am guessing that unless Rush is no longer on the show he is going to figure out how to make the ship work or find a way to call another ship to the area and hook back up with destiny. Pretty predictable.


                          better than last episode.


                            Originally posted by FoX-1028 View Post
                            OMG no!! rush!!!!!!
                            "Space" will be awesome! march or april... now thats not cool
                            No !! January in Canada


                              Originally posted by Doctor Nicholas Rush View Post
                              No !! January in Canada
                              Is that confirmed?


                                Originally posted by garion55 View Post

                                No stone usage. Showing people back on earth interacting with their families is an episode killer every time.

                                Little to no kino usage. I dont want to watch reality tv in space. But this episode it served a purpose at least as part of the discovery of the plot.

                                No music. Self explanatory.

                                Return to at least some semblance of sci-fi and stargate lore.


                                The first half hour of the Law & Order / NCIS andromeda galaxy show. Usually we get Days of our lives in space. This time we got 30 mins of Perry Mason. (look it up)

                                Playing the race card. He isn’t old enough to know what it was like not to be able to date white women (speaking of tiger woods) Lets keep the social commentary out of the show.

                                Chloe. Nuff Said.

                                Not enough Sci in the Fi. 4 minutes of the chair thats it? Dont they get 72 hours on a new planet and it took them 69 to find the ship? And by the time Rush gets there its time to leave already? And instead of him making a discovery about the ship an episode of WWE breaks out.

                                Lying about what happened to Rush. I figured Young would have hauled his ass back to the ship and cleared the record instead he beat his ass and left him to rot and lied about it. I thought better of him than that.

                                So I am guessing that unless Rush is no longer on the show he is going to figure out how to make the ship work or find a way to call another ship to the area and hook back up with destiny. Pretty predictable.


                                better than last episode.
                                Actually I think its not always the same time in the countdown. I remembered 12 hours from Air I think. And if am not mistaken there has been other time in the countdowns also. Though my memories can be wrong sometimes.

