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'Human' (114) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by pipi View Post
    Interesting to note that Chloe's army issue pants were very skinny and sexy. Looked very tailored to me.
    And she was cute in that baseball cap.
    Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


      Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
      but it'll be ok son.
      crap, my chin's going all wobbly again

      Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post

      Oh hey, I just realised Wray wasn't in this episode at all! Kinda odd, that.
      that is interesting, isn't it? Completely out of the picture

      Originally posted by Khentkawes View Post

      I'm so used to the deus ex machina ending that I half expected Rush to suddenly save the day. I'm glad he didn't....
      you're not alone there. Usually it's as predictable as the sun rising so it's been good to see that it's not being done here. I'd watch anyway because I love SGU, but even if I wasn't, I'd be tempted to watch just because I'd have to know what happened

      Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
      "Say something Archeological"

      "Why was Sergeant Greer forced to use his weapon?"
      "There was a... spider sir, it was approaching Chloe"

      that spider comment really cracks me up

      Originally posted by shake View Post
      It's J.S. Bach Partita Nr. 2 Chaconne or Ciaccona in D minor for solo violin. I don't know another piece of music that is so complete and perfect as this one.
      beautiful, thanks!
      Originally posted by Vapor View Post

      Some people have claimed that Daniel was underused in the episode, but really, he's not there to be THE AMAZING LIFE-SAVING DOCTOR JACKSON we were often used to seeing him as. He's there to provide an extra bit of connection between the various shows, and to contribute to the story of SGU specifically. He's the guy that got Rush into the SG program, the guy that presumably both he and Eli watched on the "instruction videos" about it, and the guy who has just revealed to us the existence of the Lucian Alliance spy that is responsible for attacking the Icarus Base. There was nothing more he needed to do in the episode, and to me, it would have felt tacked on if they tried to force it. ....
      Nope, true enough. He wasn't stoned in to save the day, he's just a figment in Rush's head. (I'll have to rewatch but didn't Rush say something like 'this never happened' when he meets Rush outside?)In any case, Rush is using him as a way to access things in his own head, or the Destiny is using the idea/image of Jackson to speak to Rush about things he doesn't want to deal with, but should.

      Originally posted by myhelix View Post
      -the parts with Daniel and Rush (I have the feeling that the ship (Destiny) was talking to Rush and take the shape of Daniel to communicate with him)...
      nods head, I think so too. I think the Destiny is some sort of aware

      Originally posted by mizzoueng View Post

      The LA thing seemed under played, but then again we were in Rush's mind so it wouldn't be as big of a deal to him. Either way I think that little line will open up more information in the coming episodes. ....
      I kind of like that it was underplayed. Just drop a small bomb that will come into play later on



        Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
        I didn't quite understand what they were saying about the code in the end. I know it predates ATA, but that's all. Is it more unique than the ATA or what? I hope somebody explains it to me
        Its not like ATA at all. ATA actually examines a person's DNA to see if they are required to use a piece of Ancient technology. As Broody said the Destiny code numeric in that the code is basically a copy of some sequence found in the Ancients' genetic code. Basically we have to find those numbers. I suggest I don't have to mention just how big DNA is.
        Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
        I really like that thought, but I wonder for what reason the Destiny, or Rush himself, should choose Daniel to help him?
        I think it was a byproduct of when Gloria was dying is when Rush was approached to join the Stargate program. I think he chose the point of Gloria's death and Daniel was side effect.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          I really enjoyed this episode. It was nice to see some of the things that shaped Rush into the person he is today. Robert Carlyle's acting was superb, which was to be expected, however the actress who played Gloria did a good job as well. Michael Shanks ain't to shabby either. Oh, and I gotta say that I loved Chloe's nerd moment.

          One of my favorite parts of the episode was the music. Was it really composed by Joel Goldsmith? If so, he has really outdone himself this time. Did anyone else notice that Gloria played the same Opera that Rush listened to in Air Part 1, on her violin? That was a nice touch.

          Oh, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference. Me likey.

          Looking forward to Lost. I'm interested in knowing what it was that triggered Greer claustrophobia. In that little flash of his young self it looked like he was locked in a closet or something like that.


            Overall an interesting episode.

            A plot - Rush backstory: Overall rather mundane wife dying of cancer story. I was a bit underwhelmed by it all. What kept me interesting is the double meaning of everything that was happening. As I was struggling to find clues at the same time as Rush. It was fun to see Rush interacting with his environment in complete disdain as he was re-living the same events over and over again. Somehow it felt like the real obsessed Rush, even if anybody in his place would react the same way: Can't do the emo thing over and over again, can he? He had something to do...finding the code. It felt even more like the real Rush at the beginning when we didn't know it was a dream sequence. Treating his dying wife like a total crap. Good to know he's not such a B*****d...Or is he? It was fun trying to find the clues at the same time as the character, but the solution turns out to be a bit out of nowhere.

            B-plot: Again a variation of falling into the hole crap. Seriously, if we get to visit an ancient aliens civilizations. We would like to learn a little bit about them. What is next? Trapped under an avalanche of rocks?

            At least Chloe get to show some initiative.

            I give this one 6.5 again. Since they put meaning into his flashback episode. It was not only some forced character exposition through flashback.
            Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


              I liked this episode, it was nice to get some backstory on Rush.
              My only real complaint is the quickness in which Chloe and Eli patched things up, would have preferred that he sack up and leave her hanging for a few episodes. But it was good that he wasn't all friendly with her right away.


                I thought it was pretty good.

                Daniel Jackson was underused.

                Rush had great acting.

                Can't wait to see how Eli gets them out of this.


                  Originally posted by Arative View Post
                  I liked this episode, it was nice to get some backstory on Rush.
                  My only real complaint is the quickness in which Chloe and Eli patched things up, would have preferred that he sack up and leave her hanging for a few episodes. But it was good that he wasn't all friendly with her right away.
                  It was a bit strange since a few seconds later. He was ignoring her because he was hurt by her betraying. The next scene he was a real gusher, pushing for her to be on the mission. If I was Scott, I would have a little talk with Eli after that one.
                  Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                    After 3 watches total, I'm pushing this episode back down to ** in my book. The Rush moments (minus the ridiculous 10 second connection to figure out 46 = 23 = chromosomes) were so amazing that I was going to give it ***, but then I remembered the offworld bit, and even the nice development the characters had wasn't enough. The entire B plot is just way too contrived and nonsensical, obviously thrown in there just for the sake of having them stuck. A shame, since had that been left out, this would have been a phenomenal installment.
                    Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
                    Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                      Wouldn't it be logical to send a team with the shuttle to check if there are any people if you saw the ruins? Or did they think that if there were ruins the whole planet would be in ruins as well? It doesn't make any sense. With shuttle they could find some city for example.


                        Originally posted by Eestlanna View Post
                        Wouldn't it be logical to send a team with the shuttle to check if there are any people if you saw the ruins? Or did they think that if there were ruins the whole planet would be in ruins as well? It doesn't make any sense. With shuttle they could find some city for example.
                        The planet would have been in a nearby star system, too far for a shuttle. Remember, stargates can't connect to a gate in the same solar system, so if you're able to dial up a planet, it's always going to be too far away fro a shuttle.
                        Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
                        Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                          23? I think there was a movie about it.
                          Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                            Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                            The planet would have been in a nearby star system, too far for a shuttle. Remember, stargates can't connect to a gate in the same solar system, so if you're able to dial up a planet, it's always going to be too far away fro a shuttle.
                            Is this correct for SGU, though?


                              Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
                              Is this correct for SGU, though?
                              We know the Destiny gates don't have a very long range, so I'm just assuming. But either way, it wouldn't have been in the same star system.
                              Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
                              Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                                Great episode
                                well its not the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything thats 42

