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'Human' (114) General Discussion

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    well, it was an amazing episode, as always. The second part of this season is really amazing. I've enjoyed the last three episodes more than anything in SGU (I didn't like SPACE as much as the others might have). Actors' today's peformances were brilliant, especially Dr. Rush and his wife were absolutely amazing. Music was great as always.

    I didn't quite understand what they were saying about the code in the end. I know it predates ATA, but that's all. Is it more unique than the ATA or what? I hope somebody explains it to me
    Stolen Kosovo


      Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
      well, it was an amazing episode, as always. The second part of this season is really amazing. I've enjoyed the last three episodes more than anything in SGU (I didn't like SPACE as much as the others might have). Actors' today's peformances were brilliant, especially Dr. Rush and his wife were absolutely amazing. Music was great as always.

      I didn't quite understand what they were saying about the code in the end. I know it predates ATA, but that's all. Is it more unique than the ATA or what? I hope somebody explains it to me
      Glad you're enjoying it so much g.o.d.

      I need to watch it again, but I think the point of it predating the genetic evolution of the Ancients is that it would make it more similar to human chromosomal make-up... but that's a guess. It also neatly removes the inconvenient need for ATA which plagued certain other plots at times.


        Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
        well, it was an amazing episode, as always. The second part of this season is really amazing. I've enjoyed the last three episodes more than anything in SGU (I didn't like SPACE as much as the others might have). Actors' today's peformances were brilliant, especially Dr. Rush and his wife were absolutely amazing. Music was great as always.

        I didn't quite understand what they were saying about the code in the end. I know it predates ATA, but that's all. Is it more unique than the ATA or what? I hope somebody explains it to me
        I totally agree with the Divided-Faith-Human triumvirate being awesome. Space I didn't fully love, which is a shame - we would've had a quinumvirate of Justice-Space-Divided-Faith-Human.

        Oh hey, I just realised Wray wasn't in this episode at all! Kinda odd, that.
        ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

        ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


          Originally posted by striker7770 View Post
          are you kidding, faith was some stupid little episode that really didnt anything.

          this is my type of episode, rush centered, and a psychological thriller, all into one. I really loved this
          Agree. This was a better episode than "Faith". Even though it didn't deliver a lot in terms of action, the insight into Rush's character was very enlightening, not to mention the cliffhanger at the end.


            Interesting to note that Chloe's army issue pants were very skinny and sexy. Looked very tailored to me.


              Absolutely fantastic episode!
              I was looking forward to this episode (even more than usual) for two reasons: 1. learning more about Rush, and 2. seeing Daniel again. And although Daniel is still my favorite stargate character from all three series... I was actually more excited about seeing some of Rush's backstory.

              I love twisty psychological stories that really get into the characters' heads (literally in this case). There was so much going on inside Rush's head here: his grief over his wife's death, regret over how he acted with her, how he reacts to reliving that and the revelation that he actually wanted to forget those memories, his resentment toward Eli, his desperation to crack that code and solve at least one mystery... and then, on top of all that, his struggle with his own conscience as he thinks of the person he's become since his wife's death. There's just so much material there, and it will be interesting to see how Rush continues to develop now that we know at least some of what's going on beneath the surface. And of course, Carlyle plays all of that emotion just brilliantly!

              The B plot with Scott / Greer / Chloe / Eli was good too. Certainly not in the same way, but I enjoyed it. There were some funny moments (Eli and Chloe wanting to come along, Chloe's nerd moment, and Scott reporting that Greer shot a spider. ), along with some really interesting bits like Greer's claustrophobia and James' reaction to not being able to get them out. I think I was most impressed that the writers had the guts to leave the four of them stranded. I'm so used to the deus ex machina ending that I half expected Rush to suddenly save the day. I'm glad he didn't, and I'm interested to see how these events carry over into next week. I really love the serialized style of SGU. It feels more organic and natural to me, and it's wonderful to see characters reacting to events from previous episodes each week.

              On another note: I noticed this was one of the episodes by a freelance writer. For his first SG story, I'm very impressed.

              Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
              I totally agree with the Divided-Faith-Human triumvirate being awesome. Space I didn't fully love, which is a shame - we would've had a quinumvirate of Justice-Space-Divided-Faith-Human.
              For me, it is a quinumvirate. Between the Justice-Space-Divided-Faith-Human lineup and the Air1-Air2-Air3-Darkness-Light arc... I'm going to have a heck of a time ranking my favorite episodes from this season! Although, at the moment, I think Human takes first place (with an, um, six-way tie for second).
              Chief of the GGP (Gateworld Grammar Police). Punctuation is your friend. Use it!

              Great happy armies shall be gathered and trained to oppose all who embrace doubt. In the name of Hope, ships shall be built to carry our disciples out amongst the stars, and we will spread Optimism to all the doubters. The power of the Optimi will be felt far and wide, and the pessimists shall become positive-thinkers.
              Hallowed are the Optimi.


                This episode was brilliant, like all the ones before it. Absolutely brilliant. SGU is shaping up to be at least as good if not better than SG1 and SGA, in my opinion. And for once it actually seemed like the math made some sense, they weren't just babbling random technobabble.
                My heart beats in 13/8.


                  This episode was a step up from some, perhaps because the acting quality was good.

                  I'm still troubled by the "magick". In this case it's the new super-duper interface to the chair device, using one of those all powerful SG standard issue laptop computers. Wow, those laptops are amazing! I'm afraid the writers have pulled this well worn prop out of the closet one too many times.

                  Since most of the story occurs in a lucid dreaming state (of which we are informed very early in the episode), that certain events or answers occur too easily (compared to real life) is not a concern of mine, and I don't think coming up with "46" so quickly is a big deal.

                  Regarding the planet - difficult to accept that there would be a non-human civilization that would build such human-like structures. Not that it is impossible, but those ruins were in what looks like a well watered area, and the fallen city is still pretty evident (structures and layouts), which means that the ruins couldn't be more than a few thousand years old. If they are that young, then where are the descendants of the builders or at least other signs of civilization?

                  When watching SG I tend to become somewhat analytical and critical, but I don't mean this comment to be all negative. Not at all. This episode has several things by which to commend it. First and foremost, if the purpose of this episode was to humanize Rush, a thoroughly despicable character in most episodes, then the story made a large step in that direction.

                  Also important is that this episode changes the direction of the SGU story-line. Up till now the story is based around these people on a ship out of their control, and thus totally subject to the whims of fate. Now a definite clue has been given to change the scene - the humans have a chance of taking control of the ship. We expect future episodes to take this up, and one day the SGA castaways will indeed take over the ship from the autopilot. If the writers refuse to do that (say before the end of the season) then I will be disappointed, and I suspect other viewers will be also.


                    "Say something Archeological"

                    "Why was Sergeant Greer forced to use his weapon?"
                    "There was a... spider sir, it was approaching Chloe"

                    Last edited by SGFerrit; 24 April 2010, 01:35 AM.


                      Robert Carlyle.




                        Originally posted by senilegreen View Post
                        This episode was a step up from some, perhaps because the acting quality was good.

                        I'm still troubled by the "magick". In this case it's the new super-duper interface to the chair device, using one of those all powerful SG standard issue laptop computers. Wow, those laptops are amazing! I'm afraid the writers have pulled this well worn prop out of the closet one too many times.

                        Since most of the story occurs in a lucid dreaming state (of which we are informed very early in the episode), that certain events or answers occur too easily (compared to real life) is not a concern of mine, and I don't think coming up with "46" so quickly is a big deal.

                        Regarding the planet - difficult to accept that there would be a non-human civilization that would build such human-like structures. Not that it is impossible, but those ruins were in what looks like a well watered area, and the fallen city is still pretty evident (structures and layouts), which means that the ruins couldn't be more than a few thousand years old. If they are that young, then where are the descendants of the builders or at least other signs of civilization?

                        When watching SG I tend to become somewhat analytical and critical, but I don't mean this comment to be all negative. Not at all. This episode has several things by which to commend it. First and foremost, if the purpose of this episode was to humanize Rush, a thoroughly despicable character in most episodes, then the story made a large step in that direction.

                        Also important is that this episode changes the direction of the SGU story-line. Up till now the story is based around these people on a ship out of their control, and thus totally subject to the whims of fate. Now a definite clue has been given to change the scene - the humans have a chance of taking control of the ship. We expect future episodes to take this up, and one day the SGA castaways will indeed take over the ship from the autopilot. If the writers refuse to do that (say before the end of the season) then I will be disappointed, and I suspect other viewers will be also.
                        Heh, yeah, I was quietly calling shenannigans on the laptop too. That such a precise interface could be written that allowed Rush to choose the memories to relive (I liked it that there was a risk he'd lose them, and that he actually hoped this would happen) is a bit beyond belief. I'm sure SGC laptops are a helluva lot better than anything you can pick up commercially, full of alien technological enhancements. Still, a stretch.
                        I don't think Rush has been despicable up until now, as long as you didn't jump to conclusions about his motives too quickly. I think he's been guilty of sneaky and underhanded behavior, and that his moral courage certainly was lacking. However, despicable implies he's been a thorough villain, and that was never the case. Whatever his intentions, though, the callous attitude toward the lives of others must change if he is to avoid reaching a point where he can't be redeemed. I am hoping that, due to Young's 'special efforts' and the kick to Rush's previously quelled conscience, the relationship between the two characters has a chance. Honestly, I'm sick of their headbutting, it need not be removed entirely, but if this crew has any hope of survival, an accord must be reached.


                          Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                          i want that song.
                          It's J.S. Bach Partita Nr. 2 Chaconne or Ciaccona in D minor for solo violin. I don't know another piece of music that is so complete and perfect as this one.
                          Last edited by shake; 24 April 2010, 02:08 AM.


                            Well this was a cool ep and I enjoyed it more than I expected to. To be honest the whole dream/simulation thing has been done before and while I was eager to learn more about Rush I wasn't looking forward to this ep as much as others. Then came along the B plot so we had the best of both worlds, interesting characters moments with Rush with some great acting by Robert Carlyle and the actress who played his wife, and a bit of a classic off world b story, with mysterious alien planets, a bit of an alien encounter and some witty dialogue. All in all good ep, great cliffhanger and I'm really looking forward to next week.


                              Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                              I think they've both been weak so ar.

                              Originally posted by Fridgefiend View Post
                              A season two episode titled "Produce"
                              They've ditched the one word titles so it would have to be Produce Shopping.
                              Last edited by EllieVee; 24 April 2010, 02:45 AM.


                                I have always supported Rush, so there's not much for me to say about him, and these dream sequeances, have been done on many sci-fi shows.. it was til a better episode than several others... and Daniel was under utilized... wish he could have been used with the stones,, for real...

                                but again, the clown crew going down to the planted torpedoed the epsisode..
                                only way to redeem this episode, is if it ties into a great episode next week,,

                                My Story:

