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'Earth' (107) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Coronach View Post was actually Chloe's "friends" that invited her out, as they thought she was Chloe's cousin (as that's the guise Chloe was using). You'll notice that Chloe was actually surprised to see her ex-boyfriend hanging out there, but the reasons for it were made abundantly clear.

    And I think that's exactly the point, she hadn't really figured that out yet. I think we saw that she was starting to have an idea of it (i.e. Darkness), but I think these scenes really served to solidify these feelings for Chloe, given what happened with her so-called "friends".
    Yep, you're right they invited her. So she has that going for her at least.

    I can agree the character might not have figured it out, but many people who watch the show had figured that. The point I was making is that while in the show the character had a sudden realization, it was played out very poorly and kind of like a "Well duhh" moment for me. (I don't know if other people feel that way.) After all, the writers are writing for us to watch, and there are many other ways they could have written the diaolgue that would have been creative rather then her just blurting it out. For example she could have talked about wanting to take a more active and meaningful roll, or said she needs better taste in friends, etc etc, which convey the same message.

    Some people will disagree with me and think it was done well and like the scene, I just didn't.

    On a plus note, they picked the least useful person in the situation (Trying to dial home) and put someone in her body that would make her more useful. Though with Eli, I think they could have chosen someone who has worked less with Destiny. Though from their perspective, Eli is very new to the project and they might have considered him one of the least likely to helpful despite what he has shown on the ship.

    Anyway, I just don't really think Chloe developed all that much more ... she still only seems to serve one purpose on the show and doesn't seem like she is progressing more then just in her own little world. None of her development is on a broad scale, its all within her own little bubble where as some of the others the development they are getting impacts many other characters along with themselves.

    Just my take on it.

    - CB
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      Originally posted by Cecil Brax View Post
      Yep, you're right they invited her. So she has that going for her at least.

      I can agree the character might not have figured it out, but many people who watch the show had figured that. The point I was making is that while in the show the character had a sudden realization, it was played out very poorly and kind of like a "Well duhh" moment for me. (I don't know if other people feel that way.) After all, the writers are writing for us to watch, and there are many other ways they could have written the diaolgue that would have been creative rather then her just blurting it out. For example she could have talked about wanting to take a more active and meaningful roll, or said she needs better taste in friends, etc etc, which convey the same message.

      Some people will disagree with me and think it was done well and like the scene, I just didn't.

      Just my take on it.

      - CB
      Fair enough. I'll still argue that even though it's obvious to us, it's not necessarily obvious to her. People rarely want to admit serious faults in themselves, but I'm glad to see that Chloe did and seems to be ready to start doing something substantial.

      We'll see
      Sig by Pandora's Box


        Originally posted by Coronach View Post
        Fair enough. I'll still argue that even though it's obvious to us, it's not necessarily obvious to her. People rarely want to admit serious faults in themselves, but I'm glad to see that Chloe did and seems to be ready to start doing something substantial.

        We'll see
        Yeah, I can agree with you about wanting to see all the characters develop. While I still am not fond of Chloe, I would hope that eventually everyone on the show develops. There are characters I didn't originally like on shows like Heroes and even House, but they developed nicely. I certainly hope for the best. We'll see. Not like I am going to stop watching over a dislike for one character. hehe.

        - CB
        Before you insult a man, walk a mile in his shoes.
        Then, you're a mile away ... and you have his shoes.

        Enjoy Online Roleplaying? So do I! Contact me over any listed IM program to learn about my Online Roleplaying Website! (E-Mail me first if you plan to contact me through MSN, I have privacy mode enabled.)

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          So invigorating and riveting. A wealth of elements in this episode. Truly ASTOUNDING, my favorite episode so far (even though all of them have been astounding). I really LOVE Martin Gero's writing style. Amazing camera views panning out from the ship. This will tell us more how the rooms in Destiny are in relation to the exterior of the ship. So much goodness in this episode that it'd take forever to say it all.


            On a side note, this band at the club is absolutely terrible. Not to mention the lead singer's hair. Well, on a less shallow note...

            Proud supporter of His holy BAGness!


              Originally posted by AVFan View Post
              On a side note, this band at the club is absolutely terrible. Not to mention the lead singer's hair. Well, on a less shallow note...
              YES. Man, whose kid was that that managed to get some free publicity?
              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                wanna dance

                i want to punch them in the face LOL


                  Jack looks bloated, like maybe he has as weight condition, maybe from a life problem, a medical condition? Steriods can blow a person's body up like that..
                  Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to start trouble, but I didn't say anything when I first saw him in the first SGU episode.. but he looks like he either gained lots of weight,, or??

                  Originally posted by wargrafix View Post
                  Jack was especially stupid in this episode. Guess old age finally catch up.

                  The episode was really entertaining. The dynamic with the earth and the ship staff was impressive. And chloe's mom was great in this one. people lambasted her for the drinking thing, but considering, people would have acted 10 times worse.

                  Scott needs to grow a pair. Greer was calm, but it would be fun to see him kick some ass. And my theory was half right. TJ had hooked up with young.
                  My Story:


                    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                    YES. Man, whose kid was that that managed to get some free publicity?
                    Awww, that was Janelle Monae. I actually really liked the first song she performed "Many Moons", and have been meaning to put it on my iPod
                    Sig by Pandora's Box


                      Originally posted by AVFan View Post
                      On a side note, this band at the club is absolutely terrible. Not to mention the lead singer's hair. Well, on a less shallow note...
                      That band sucked, but then again I am in my 50's.
                      My Story:


                        my dad defenity would have punched josh in the face. ; liking chloe


                          I gave Telford the benefit of the doubt before, but, he is a real dick.. maybe I just see him as humorless and now adding a weird twist at the end of this one,, well, he's beena letdown for me..

                          I have to say the sex in this episide was not needed.. it went way over the top...

                          My Story:


                            Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                            my dad defenity would have punched josh in the face. ; liking chloe
                            I like you dad. Does he need a drinking buddy? Maybe we will spot Chloe.
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Jelgate's Two Cents

                              If a person looked up the definition moral ambiguatory in the dictionary I swear you would Stargate Universe next to it. Especially if you paid very close attention to Earth. Their was one big honkening lack of morals in this episode while some smaller examples. Bearing that in mind and bearing that I love morals (or lack of morals) in this case I think it safe to assume how I felt about this episode. This was very much a character episode as it shows us more about Eli, Chloe, and Young. But what is so great about Earth in intermixed with that character is a strong plot action and dilemma. But once again (I really need better transition sentences) lets show what made this episode so great

                              For those of you who thought a TJ-Young ship was going to happen I will gladly take the high road. *waits a second.* I told you so. I told you so.. Anyway a good piece of foreshadowing for those of us who don't read spoilers to tell us that at the very least their is some physical attraction between Young and TJ. Also speaking the teaser Ming Na looks great to be doing some acting chops. It’s also nice that we get some common sense behind using the communication stones. Besides that their isn't much to say about the teaser because nothing else really interesting happened.

                              I feel like Jack in that briefing room. I consider myself a scientific mind but I had a hard time understanding what they were saying. Felt like my head was spinning. Good thing we have Eli to dumb it down for us. Because I don't about you people but their are some things that just go over my head. Speaking about over my head lets consider Rush. Sometimes his arrogance is funny and sometimes it’s annoying.

                              I almost forgot about the Wray scene in Washington. Its short but it tells us a lot. We now know Wray has been passed up for a job many times and the IOA wants her to spy for them. But I don't think Wray is one to follow. I think it’s more likely she will double cross them. But that begs the question. What does that mean for the Destiny? I guess only time will tell.

                              Let’s start talking about the Earth scenes. I'll return to Telford and the Destiny later. I want to talk about Eli and his mother. First a laugh at the Futurama reference. But seriously we didn't learn anything new did we? We already knew Eli was a genius and a slacker and we knew that Eli's mother has some mysterious illness. But this scene had an unspoken thing and if you aren't very observant you probably wouldn't see it. Eli is at a conflict (No not the Chloe conflict). He conflicted with his love for his mother and his love for the new job and the new things he is looking. Like I said before Eli is learning who he is but the same time wants to hold on to whom he was. Such an emotional scene from my perspective.

                              Now about the scene between Chloe and her mother. Their isn't much to say as it’s self-explanatory. Chloe and her mother are sad about the situation that has developed but grieving has caused them to deal and accept it. That is about it. Nothing ground breaking but it kind of tells us the relationship between these characters

                              Moving back to the Destiny. Telford you are *censored*. In a lot of ways you are like Rush. You’re a jerk and if I saw you in real life I would probably punch you in the nose but at the same time I find your character intriguing. I love seeing you bitter about Greer and locking him in a cell. Don't you think whatever the reason for punching you that he has suffered enough? Further more I know that Rush can't be trusted but don't you think provoking Rush is a bad idea. He does know more then you at the moment.

                              No not Sgt. Riley. He is the most awesome recurring character we have yet. Actually I like seeing more uses of those suits and confirming we still have too. For a long time I thought Riley was a coward. But that scene proves he isn't. He risked his own life to save the ship and everyone on it. That is proof enough that Riley is anything but a coward and I think that will point us into more direction that Riley despite spying on a certain 2nd Lt. is deep down a good person.

                              You have been asking for it and I will give it to you. No not the club scene. We'll get to that next paragraph. I wonder who Emily was talking about. She implies that Young had an affair with someone. Given Young's daydream earlier the first guess would be TJ But without some more concrete canon evidence it’s hard to say who this was directed at. And I wonder if Young knows what moral ambigulatory means. He just committed a serious act. Sure I can understand why he did it. He was emotional grief stricken about losing Emily and didn't think about his actions. He didn't really care or think about the consequences. All that mattered to Young was seeing his love again. So while I can understand it the scene still doesn't excuse for Col. Young's apparent lack of morals.

                              I expect this whole club thing will cause a stir of fandom I can't help but say the club scene was good. Given what has happened so far with I think something like this was needed. I think we needed a showcase just how worthless (stay with me Chloe thunkers) Chloe is. She is more like Eli that she would like to admit. Chloe may have a degree but she really hasn't done anything and people are only using her for political influence. It’s easy to hide from that in the real world but when a person is thrown into traumatic experiences it’s easy to see things in a new light. And I think that is what happened. Being on the Destiny has shown Chloe just how useless she is and how worthless her friends were.

                              I can't talk about the club scene and not talk about Eli in the car. Seems like we have a repeat of Darkness here. But before I get serious let me say I at the part where Eli imagines himself kissing Chloe. But on to more serious issues. This just reaffirms what we already know and probably solidifies it even more. Eli telling her she isn't worthless and Chloe saying Eli is a good person but hinting she isn't the right person for him. How many us have been there before? Seriously show of hands. It’s an interesting and quite realistic love triangle. One I think many of us have been in before.( Well except maybe you female posters). We feel for Eli because many have been like that before where we have feelings for the girl but she likes someone else either for shallow or deep reasons. And I think that is why many of us will identify with Eli because many of us have been there. But I warn the writers this is very thin ice you are walking on. Love triangles have a knack for being written poorly. So far I am satisfied but be careful what you do. It could end up badly.

                              Back to the Destiny as the story reaches its climax. Okay we knew it wouldn't work. That much is obvious. But I think their are too interesting angles. Telford being a coward I did not see happening so it’s an interesting angle. He is not the hard ass good soldier that I thought he was. Also I knew Rush was up to something but I didn't think he would stage something. Its just continues what we know. Rush can not be trusted. So maybe I should have seen it coming but I didn't. But I love seeing Eli spying on Rush. We can see a division coming. I wonder who would you side with? More importantly who would you side with?
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                I totally anticipated the akward sex scene with Young's wife since i knew they had the communication stones on the Destiny. That's gotta be weird for her knowing that it's Young in Telford's body, not mention the awkardness when the communication was temporarily severed and Telford was like "what the frak?!".

                                I'll admit i enjoyed the "drunk kiss" between Eli and Chloe. I'm geussing Chloe knows HER limits when it comes to alcohol but obviously the chick she was possesing doesn't have the same tolerance level.

