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'Air, Part 3' (103) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    exactly. they don't have only one 'team' to go off world. they have 80+ people. or they could have at least LOOKED at the other planets. You can get a lot done in 12 hours.

    and there is that one working shuttle. how far away are these other planets? are they reachable by the shuttle? can someone fly it? if so, go out and check them out from orbit, see what they have.

    I may be 'demanding' too much from them given that they've been shipwrecked for a day or two, but there's a ship full of scientists and military and civilians whose jobs are to think outside of the box....even if the other options weren't totally doable, they could have been mentioned and dismissed.
    What about the issue of power?
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      I have a sneaking suspicion this topic might have been brought up between TPTB during the pilot's creation, and could have gone something like this:

      "So wait a minute, what's stopping them from checking out some other planet during the twelve-hour window?"
      "There isn't enough time."
      "No, no, I mean, what's stopping someone from checking it out? Can't they send another team or something? And isn't there a shuttle?"
      "Well they just got there, you know. Pretty chaotic situation going on."
      "Yeah, but let's look back at the other shows. If we were writing one of the shows, wouldn't someone like Hammond or Landry or Weir be like, 'let's check out that other address anyway, send a Kino'?'"
      "Sure, but these are the wrong people, in the wrong place. They didn't realize that."

      So in conclusion, maybe that's another aspect they're trying a bit too hard to portray. Maybe the writers knew all along we'd notice this and figured we'd go along with that, but relatively minor as it is, it's still kind of borderline ridiculous...
      If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


        Ooh, jelgate actually made a good point, I think I forgot that. Didn't they say dialing the gate is draining way too much power as-is?
        If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


          if the shuttle worked, if someone could have flew it, and if the planets were within range, wouldn't the issue be the shuttle's power? if it has it, cool, if not, then it doesn't.

          All i'm saying is that no one mentioning the possibilities was a bit odd.

          'it's too bad we can't use that shuttle to check out those other planet'
          we could if they weren't so far away, the shuttle would never make the round trip in 12 hours. what we need is a version of the KInos that's made to work over a long range and not limited to a short area like they are'


          what i'd love to see is Young siccing someone onto rush to doublecheck him. to keep an eye on him.

          Making Rush too powerful is a potential trap. Baltar would have been absolutely intolerable had he not been under control. Adama and others could control him and keep him in check. Rush needs to be controlled.

          If he's not...i find it very frustrating to watch one person control and 'abuse' others.

          so i hope they fix that pretty soon.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            or that no one has thought of : ok, so the ancients locked out 'bad' planets...well was the diagnosis of 'bad' made tens of thousands of years ago?or is it based on current scanner readings?
            Was this discussed? I know there are seeder ships out there that predate Destiny, but was it stated they sent them out 10(s) of thousands of years ahead?

            I've assumed the seeders were not that far ahead at all, probably sending data back to destiny as to which seeded planets are safe and not. Otherwise how does Destiny know? If its not getting the data from the seeders I would assume it either has to visit the planets, or dial the gate and auto kino?

            So, (correct me if I have missed something) I assume the gates on the planets they will encounter were recently placed? Seeders placing them, Destiny not far behind? Close enough for communication?


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              if the shuttle worked, if someone could have flew it, and if the planets were within range, wouldn't the issue be the shuttle's power? if it has it, cool, if not, then it doesn't.

              All i'm saying is that no one mentioning the possibilities was a bit odd.

              'it's too bad we can't use that shuttle to check out those other planet'
              we could if they weren't so far away, the shuttle would never make the round trip in 12 hours. what we need is a version of the KInos that's made to work over a long range and not limited to a short area like they are'


              what i'd love to see is Young siccing someone onto rush to doublecheck him. to keep an eye on him.

              Making Rush too powerful is a potential trap. Baltar would have been absolutely intolerable had he not been under control. Adama and others could control him and keep him in check. Rush needs to be controlled.

              If he's not...i find it very frustrating to watch one person control and 'abuse' others.

              so i hope they fix that pretty soon.
              Your scenario brings up a question that will need to be answered. What is the range of the SGU gates. Is it just a solar sytem or bigger. Because the only way those shuttles would have worked if all 4 gates were in the same solar system
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Rush made the huge assumption of 'since those planets are locked out, they must be bad, it dialed this one, this one must have what we need'

                he's crediting the ship with intuitiveness that it might not have. He's trusting it to care for humans, seemingly without considering that it was built to care for Ancients. And the version of Ancients from thousands of years ago no less.

                Rush seems to be blindly following the lead of a ten thousand year old ship that may or may not be 'in its right mind' so to speak. Who knows if the programming is still good and hasn't been corrupted by thousands of years of neglect?

                And if the seeder ships were sent out to plant gates on suitable planets....yeah well as SG1 found out, just cause there's a gate doesn't mean that the planet's still suitable for human life. The no atmosphere planet from Message in a Bottle for example, the super hot desert one from Fifth Race, the ice age planet from lockdown i think (where they marooned anubis)

                My point is, just cause there's a gate there doesn't mean that hte planet is a good one to visit. It just means that it WAS 10,000 years ago.
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  Your scenario brings up a question that will need to be answered. What is the range of the SGU gates. Is it just a solar sytem or bigger. Because the only way those shuttles would have worked if all 4 gates were in the same solar system
                  yeah, and that question has yet to be answered. if the Destiny is picking up the gates on its sensors, what is the range of those sensors? Which also plays into how soon can they 'see' any threats out there
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    My point is, just cause there's a gate there doesn't mean that hte planet is a good one to visit. It just means that it WAS 10,000 years ago.
                    I understand your point, but my assumption (and its assumption, I dont think I've missed anything that stated otherwise)

                    I assume that Destiny has left in a straight line away from its starting point. That the seeders also did this sometime just prior to Destiny.

                    I also assume as the seeders enter a new galaxy that the ancients would have had them seed the planets in some sort of logic/methodical manner, not seed one solar system at the beginning of the galaxy and then the next at the complete other side of it. So, if Destiny is following on the heels of the seeder ships (and the seeder ships aren't 10(s) of thousands of years ahead, then these planets they can visit would be recently seeded. (years?) To get the 10,000 year old planets Destiny would have to go backwards along the path.

                    In other words, to my thinking, the only way a planet would have a gate that old in range was if the seeders were sent that many years ahead of Destiny. Or if Destiny is also retracing instead of always moving forward


                      The episode was great! Great suspense and a very nice ending with people being able to find some relief for a few seconds in a very bad situation. It was the escpae shuttle, possibly the broken one that Chloe's father died shutting the door to show that she was going to find a way to "let go".


                        Forgot to post earlier: The very funny and odd thing was to see obviously older StarGate version - the one that spins completely when dialing, not just the inner ring with the chevrons! Looked quite cool imo
                        Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                          Originally posted by Vagabond Serpent View Post
                          Forgot to post earlier: The very funny and odd thing was to see obviously older StarGate version - the one that spins completely when dialing, not just the inner ring with the chevrons! Looked quite cool imo
                          Not to mention that it shoots steam for some reason every time it closes.


                            Yea, I wonder if the steam-thing is indicative of the mechanism beginning to malfunction. Also, if there are no DHDs on these planets, how would any indigenous life-forms use the stargates? And I wonder if the pod exiting the Destiny was a malfunction, as well. Mysteries, mysteries... So far I think SGU is doing a great job of leaving the viewer wanting more. Very much looking foward to Darkness.


                              Originally posted by Nemises View Post
                              because he refused to give him water when he was thirsty and lets not forget that rush gave his water to scott before.
                              They have limited rations. Rush ins't entitled to Greer's ration of water. Period.
                              || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                                Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
                                Yeah, I have some issues with the Kino usage as well. Rush said last week that he 'suspects that's what they were originally designed for', or something along those lines, in regard to sending one to check things out. So he knows, and obviously Eli took one with him and recognized the usefulness of one.

                      , if Eli recognized this, then how come none of the SGC-trained personnel, like you said, seemed to realize the full potential?
                                The Kino seems pretty limited to me... unless somebody can explain how they think the kino would be able to test the sand much less bring back enough to fulfill their needs.
                                || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!

