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MSgt. Ronald Greer Discussion/Jamil Walker/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Oranos View Post
    I went through and collected them when I was at the airport today (and I think I got them all, but I'll check again tomorrow). Added a couple that weren't originally facts but probably should have been, and reworded a couple that sounded a little weird. We currently stand at twenty Greer facts.
    Wow, thank you for that. This is horribly selfish of me, but would you mind re-posting all 20 which are currently on the list?

    And seconded, please post the link if you do find a fanmail address!


      Originally posted by natyanayaki View Post
      Wow, thank you for that. This is horribly selfish of me, but would you mind re-posting all 20 which are currently on the list?
      Yeah. If you can wait till tomorrow (probably late evening for me), I was going to do it then. Like I said, I want to make sure I didn't miss any facts. But also, I have some stuff to do for class tomorrow and I should probably unpack tonight too. After that, bed calls, I think.


        Originally posted by Oranos View Post
        Yeah. If you can wait till tomorrow (probably late evening for me), I was going to do it then. Like I said, I want to make sure I didn't miss any facts. But also, I have some stuff to do for class tomorrow and I should probably unpack tonight too. After that, bed calls, I think.
        oh there is no rush....I mean we don't even have his address take your time.....
        Originally posted by jelgate
        This brings much pain but SQ is right


          Originally posted by Oranos View Post
          Yeah. If you can wait till tomorrow (probably late evening for me), I was going to do it then. Like I said, I want to make sure I didn't miss any facts. But also, I have some stuff to do for class tomorrow and I should probably unpack tonight too. After that, bed calls, I think.
          Oh of course, I didn't even think you'd be able to do it that soon...thanks so much! :-D

          Sweet dreams!


            This thread almost made it to page 3...gasp!

            Anyways, to bump this thread I have a question, should Greer become a one woman man, or should he spread the love?


              I've been busier than expected with some work for my classes. It looks like you'll have to wait a little longer for that GF list.

              But I do have this Greer/Park kinosode if you haven't seen it yet.



                Originally posted by Oranos View Post
                I've been busier than expected with some work for my classes. It looks like you'll have to wait a little longer for that GF list.

                But I do have this Greer/Park kinosode if you haven't seen it yet.

                Oooo a goody!! I will watch that tomorrow....thanks for posting oh and no worries on the GF list....get to it when you can!! Night!!
                Originally posted by jelgate
                This brings much pain but SQ is right


                  Originally posted by Oranos View Post
                  I've been busier than expected with some work for my classes. It looks like you'll have to wait a little longer for that GF list.

                  But I do have this Greer/Park kinosode if you haven't seen it yet.




                    Just watched the Kino vid it's nice!! Love the way he walks! Is that
                    the woman he was with in bed in the last ep??
                    I couldn't tell who it was. Whats her name again?? I know i'm a bit slow....just humor me!!
                    Originally posted by jelgate
                    This brings much pain but SQ is right


                      Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                      I know i'm a bit slow....just humor me!!
                      Okay... one day Greer walked into a bar and the bartender asked him.... And yes, that was the esteemed Dr. Park in that Kinosode.


                        Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                        Just watched the Kino vid it's nice!! Love the way he walks! Is that
                        the woman he was with in bed in the last ep??
                        I couldn't tell who it was. Whats her name again?? I know i'm a bit slow....just humor me!!
                        Were you so enamored with the shiny link that you missed everything I said?

                        (Not that I can really blame you).


                          I hope we get a significant amount of Greer time. We need more of him, I feel like he gets the same amount of focus as the secondary characters...


                            Originally posted by Oranos View Post
                            Were you so enamored with the shiny link that you missed everything I said?

                            (Not that I can really blame you).
                            Well yeah... *hee* You did mention it was Park.....was she the woman he slept with? I could barely tell who that was.....and I haven't had the chance to rewatch it yet.
                            Originally posted by jelgate
                            This brings much pain but SQ is right


                              Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                              Well yeah... *hee* You did mention it was Park.....was she the woman he slept with? I could barely tell who that was.....and I haven't had the chance to rewatch it yet.
                              One and the same.


                                Originally posted by Oranos View Post
                                One and the same.
                                Thought so but wasn't sure.... I try and do too much stuff while I'm watching and I miss stuff.... ARGH damned multitasking....
                                Originally posted by jelgate
                                This brings much pain but SQ is right

