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Sgt. Hunter Riley Discussion/Appreciation

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    Riley's an interesting support character!

    Just wait, you'll all see!
    ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

    ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


      Originally posted by Adrenaholic View Post
      I know this is a bit off topic, but im curious as to his rank... Im active duty military and this caught my eye in particular: Everyone calls him Sergeant (E-5), but he has Senior airman stripes on his collar (E-4)...

      I know that in the 80's-90's USAF E-4's were called buck sergeants, maybe SGU has gone back to this practice...

      Are there any AD/Prior Service/Military Buffs who could help me out on this one?

      This bothered me too after I noticed it during his Kino video.

      The best explanation I can come up with is that he was promoted just before the evacuation and hadn't gotten new insignia for his uniform yet. I doubt Icarus base had a BX and even if they did they're always running out of SSgt stripes. His new stripes/uniforms where probably in the cargo hold of the Hammond.

      I know it was probably just a costuming error, but it bugged me enough to be distracting.

      I guess it's possible that he hasn't been promoted yet and everyone is just calling him sergeant early, but you'd think at least one person would still call him Airman Riley or at least Staff Sergeant Select Riley.


        From the "Water" sneak clip, I loved him. Both the exchange with Greer and what he said to Young.
        "Spencer wanted to have a look in the tank."
        "He's a crazy person..."


          Spoiler tags please!!
          "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
          Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
          Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
          Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
          Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


            I was trying to find some cool pictures of the SGU cast members when I stumbled across this very interesting picture.

            I personally think that at some point, Riley should go with the goatee. Maybe we might see it in an alternate reality episode.


              Spoilers for "Earth."

              Riley earned some serious respect points from me in this episode. He placed himself at significant risk to protect the ship and crew in order to fix that coolant leak. His injuries looked substantial. I really hope his role isn't diminished in the coming episodes and that Colonel Young or another character gives him some recognition for helping to protect the ship and crew.


                Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                Spoilers for "Earth."

                Riley earned some serious respect points from me in this episode. He placed himself at significant risk to protect the ship and crew in order to fix that coolant leak. His injuries looked substantial. I really hope his role isn't diminished in the coming episodes and that Colonel Young or another character gives him some recognition for helping to protect the ship and crew.

                he def got banged up but i'm sure he'll still be around



                  When I first saw that scene with the coolant leak on live TV, one of the first things I thought was, "Oh no, they better not have Riley into a redshirt just right now!"


                    Can anyone clear up for me exactly what he did? He rushed into the room tot fix the leak or something, but did he actually accomplish something with it? I'm not sure what they showed. I know he was trying to save the ship, but my first interpretation was that he foolishly rushed into a dangerous situation and was hurt in the process.
                    "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                    *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                    "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                      Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                      Can anyone clear up for me exactly what he did? he rushed into the room tot fix the leak or something, but did he actually accomplish something? I know he was trying to save the ship, but my first interpretation was that he foolishly rushed into a dangerous situation and was hurt in the process.
                      He was trying to fix the coolant leak. The piping ruptured and he was severely injured because of the backlash. Brody very likely fixed the leak and dragged Riley to the infirmary.


                        NOOOOOO. Dont let this thread go dead. Riley will be back. Hes alive don't worry!!!!!


                          I have firm hope that, once the second half of the season begins (tonight!) we will see our good man Riley back and healthy. I love that character!

                          (In fact, the so-called "secondary" characters on SGU are all just made of awesome!)
                          Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


                            Sounds of things he's still recovering but OK for now, IMDB has him staged for Incursion part 2, but we all know how wack that can be


                              At one point Mallozzi confirmed that he will come back.
                              E writes: “Will we ever see Riley again?”

                              Answer: Yep. He’ll be fully healed of his injuries in the back half.
                              This heart was like a tardis
                              I went and lost the key in a fight

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                                Originally posted by Mealla McAllister View Post
                                At one point Mallozzi confirmed that he will come back.
                                That's good to know. I was starting to wonder if Riley became a semi-permanent vegetable if he suffered serious head injuries.

