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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    or that, spoilers of course:



      Amazing Rumple/Belle vid!



        Oh, nice video myhelix
        by AresLover452 ^^


          Originally posted by warumonochan View Post
          oh he plays not the hero, he the enemy. but i like at most this actor. moment i have a pic. sorry of topic.
          Oh, he is charming ^^
          But Loki, he is terrible
          Last edited by Duval; 24 May 2012, 02:10 PM.
          by AresLover452 ^^


            Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
            It's just that I have the feeling that no matter what I do, it's wrong! And I got no chance to explain myself! My mother never listens to me. If I say something that she doesn't want to hear she just moves away! I know I'm not a good person but if I want to say that she has some mistakes - and I showed one to her yesterday - she yells at me and I so hate that! It's always the same! And I just don't want this anymore! I barely friends - just one I can really trust, but I don't see her often - and no one likes me. I feel so wrong here. Sometimes I have the feeling that everyone hates me because I do nothing right.
            And then I wish the fairy tales would be real and I could go and hide myself where no one knows me
            Well, I think that we all had kinds of thoughts in our lives but that passes and we feel better. I hope it for you !
            And you should not say to you that you are a bad person, All the world have defects
            Here you are kind and generous and funny and it is always a pleasure to discuss with you then I think you have good qualities RL.
            Last edited by Duval; 24 May 2012, 03:23 PM.
            by AresLover452 ^^


              teyla, everything myhelix and Duval have said is so true. Everyone goes through these problems. It's the hardest thing you will ever do, I think, and that is to learn how to care for yourself and manage your dark feelings. Everyone must do this, and those who don't are the ones who end up hurting others because they are lost in their own misery. It's a struggle, and very hard to learn to be patient with yourself. I think our society makes it harder for sure, the competitiveness of school, work and everything. Your very best friend should be yourself. No one will care for you if you don't care for yourself. This is not selfishness, it's self-respect, which is imperative for survival.

              Also remember to that you are at an age where you are trying to figure out who you are as an adult, which is a whole new thing. So your mom is not sure who you are anymore now too. And that's scary for her. But it's normal. I had terrible fights with my mom when I was a teen and into my twenties. It doesn't mean that either of us was wrong, just that we are different people. My mom had to learn that I was different than what she thought I should be, what she imagined her daughter would be, and I had to learn that it's okay and best to be myself and do some things differently than what she wanted me to do.

              Parents are what they are good or bad or in-between, you can't do anything about that, and understanding that you can't change other people, only yourself, is a big step towards real maturity.

              The other thing is that life is full of ups and downs and if you can learn to handle your moods and know that it's okay to be unhappy, you will be fine. I promise.


                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                Well, I think that we all had kinds of thoughts in our lives but that passes and we feel better. I hope it for you !
                And you should not say to you that you are a bad person, All the world have defects
                Here you are kind and generous and funny and it is always a pleasure to discuss with you then I think you have good qualities RL.
                I agree, I like telyla very much, and enjoy reading her posts, always.

                I have good news, I got an A in my Graphic Design class! I am so happy! I had myself all worried that I didn't do well enough. See how darkness creeps into our lives all the time. When we looked at each others final projects, I realized my work was just as good as those I had admired and much better than most in the class. Although there are a couple of people in that class who are great artists and I'll never be like them, but that's okay.


                  Originally posted by jeri View Post
                  I agree, I like telyla very much, and enjoy reading her posts, always.

                  I have good news, I got an A in my Graphic Design class! I am so happy! I had myself all worried that I didn't do well enough. See how darkness creeps into our lives all the time. When we looked at each others final projects, I realized my work was just as good as those I had admired and much better than most in the class. Although there are a couple of people in that class who are great artists and I'll never be like them, but that's okay.
                  I like very much teyla also, she's so charming and friendly !!

                  Oh I'm happy for you, you were reward for your efforts, it's a good thing, you are an artist or you will become
                  by AresLover452 ^^


                    Originally posted by jeri View Post
                    I agree, I like telyla very much, and enjoy reading her posts, always.

                    I have good news, I got an A in my Graphic Design class! I am so happy! I had myself all worried that I didn't do well enough. See how darkness creeps into our lives all the time. When we looked at each others final projects, I realized my work was just as good as those I had admired and much better than most in the class. Although there are a couple of people in that class who are great artists and I'll never be like them, but that's okay.
                    YESSSSSS!!!! WTG, Jeri! Our boys are really proud of you!

                    "Hey, Did you hear? Jeri got an A!"
                    "That's our girl!"


                      Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                      You don't know me that good to say I'm not a bad person. I hurt my family so many times, I am arrogant and selfish and I cannot change it. I got bullied, let someone break my heart...and I just don't want this **** anymore!

                      But it's the truth! I do everything wrong! And I don't know what to do because every time I try to make things better it's getting worse. Sometimes I doubt someone would care if I were dead
                      I can't help you much in your discussion with your mother, but I have another thought.

                      Some years ago, I had a bad time and had that kind of thoughts, too.
                      During that time I went to hospital because I needed a routine surgery. But things went wrong and I nearly died because of complications after it. The doctors put me in an artificial coma for one week. But yes, there was a happy ending and I'm still here. And after that I was surprised and touched and happy how many friends and people I just know a bit had cared for me and were really happy to have me back, even people I never thought that they have interest in me.
                      Of course I do not wish something similar to happen to you, I just want to say that I'm sure a lot of people care for you, even if they are angry about you at the moment.

                      And I'm really not good at putting things into words


                        Originally posted by jeri View Post
                        I have good news, I got an A in my Graphic Design class! I am so happy! I had myself all worried that I didn't do well enough. See how darkness creeps into our lives all the time. When we looked at each others final projects, I realized my work was just as good as those I had admired and much better than most in the class. Although there are a couple of people in that class who are great artists and I'll never be like them, but that's okay.
                        Yah, congrats, jeri!



                          hiya all i know i haven't been here for a while so HIIIIIII
                          Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                            hi Shep, so how is your teachering job going? kids are still alive?
                            Grimm returns October 24

                            Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                            Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                              Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                              YESSSSSS!!!! WTG, Jeri! Our boys are really proud of you!
                              "Hey, Did you hear? Jeri got an A!"
                              "That's our girl!"
                              Thanks guys! And you too, sacredclay and Cairi!

                              I'm proud of myself too. Still can't believe it.


                                Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                                I can't help you much in your discussion with your mother, but I have another thought.

                                Some years ago, I had a bad time and had that kind of thoughts, too.
                                During that time I went to hospital because I needed a routine surgery. But things went wrong and I nearly died because of complications after it. The doctors put me in an artificial coma for one week. But yes, there was a happy ending and I'm still here. And after that I was surprised and touched and happy how many friends and people I just know a bit had cared for me and were really happy to have me back, even people I never thought that they have interest in me.
                                Of course I do not wish something similar to happen to you, I just want to say that I'm sure a lot of people care for you, even if they are angry about you at the moment.

                                And I'm really not good at putting things into words
                                Good point Cairi, and I think you said that quite well.

