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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Hi! *waves to all*

    Most parts of me are fine, and I don't want to think about the rest. Life is busy, and I'm occupied with other things and fandoms.


      Hi everybody! I hope all of you are well! So, finally after a long five weeks I'm back at home, with a desktop full of work which is waiting for me, and in between I'll try to translate chapter three of "The End Of Silence". As expected, I didn't find any time to start on this while I was away.

      Good wishes to all of you!


        Hi everyone, how are you?
        I am sad to see that some of you have a hard life right now, I hope for you that things will work out. Me, I was in Bourgone, a region far from home to work in the vineyard. It was great but I'm glad to be back.
        Artemis, it's nice to see you here, I'm looking forward to read more of your fanfiction.
        by AresLover452 ^^


          Noo I'm Sansa, I don't like this character
          by AresLover452 ^^


            Hi all. I know it's been awhile (crazy insane year so far). Finished my novel (final form, and my agent has been shopping it). I so channeled RC while writing it Then just recently the company that owns Blogcritics wanted to get out of the online publishing business and focus on advertising and marketing platforms for publishers. I have now taken the helm of Blogcritics (with my business partner, and the other exec. editor!) Yikes.

            After becoming a bit off on Once Upon a Time, I really like this latest arc, and it gives Robert such a lot of meat to play. His role in the fall was pivotal and now his role as a prisoner under the control of one evil dame is catnip. I was inspired to to a piece on Rumple.

            I am so thrilled that he is directing Barney and that Emma Thompson is attached to it. Very smart casting. It will be interesting how she plays it (I loved her in Saving Mr. Banks; she was such a sourpuss!) So I think it will be a cool pairing. Very much looking forward to seeing RC in a dark comedy like that.


              Good to hear from you Barbara! I enjoy your blog and esp. the podcast. I meant to go on there and say how much I enjoyed the one talking about science fiction TV with the guy from the museum(?) I had better go on your page and find that!

              Of course I always enjoy you because we are fellow RC fans. Keep up the good work.


                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                Hi everyone, how are you?
                I am sad to see that some of you have a hard life right now, I hope for you that things will work out. Me, I was in Bourgone, a region far from home to work in the vineyard. It was great but I'm glad to be back.
                Artemis, it's nice to see you here, I'm looking forward to read more of your fanfiction.
                Thanks Duval for your kind words.

                Originally posted by b_barnett View Post
                Hi all. I know it's been awhile (crazy insane year so far). Finished my novel (final form, and my agent has been shopping it). I so channeled RC while writing it Then just recently the company that owns Blogcritics wanted to get out of the online publishing business and focus on advertising and marketing platforms for publishers. I have now taken the helm of Blogcritics (with my business partner, and the other exec. editor!) Yikes.

                After becoming a bit off on Once Upon a Time, I really like this latest arc, and it gives Robert such a lot of meat to play. His role in the fall was pivotal and now his role as a prisoner under the control of one evil dame is catnip. I was inspired to to a piece on Rumple.

                I am so thrilled that he is directing Barney and that Emma Thompson is attached to it. Very smart casting. It will be interesting how she plays it (I loved her in Saving Mr. Banks; she was such a sourpuss!) So I think it will be a cool pairing. Very much looking forward to seeing RC in a dark comedy like that.
                Nice to hear from you again, to read you blog and is always very enjoyable. Would be cool to see you around more often.

                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                Good to hear from you Barbara! I enjoy your blog and esp. the podcast. I meant to go on there and say how much I enjoyed the one talking about science fiction TV with the guy from the museum(?) I had better go on your page and find that!

                Of course I always enjoy you because we are fellow RC fans. Keep up the good work.
                Good to see some old faces back at the thread.

                For me, life is frustrating as hell right now, nothing seems to work at the moment. Everything I would like to do goes horrible wrong, even my birthday was sad and depressing. I really hate life at the moment. Don´t know how to cheer myself up or distract me these days. I even annoy my family with my bad mood.


                  Originally posted by myhelix View Post

                  For me, life is frustrating as hell right now, nothing seems to work at the moment. Everything I would like to do goes horrible wrong, even my birthday was sad and depressing. I really hate life at the moment. Don´t know how to cheer myself up or distract me these days. I even annoy my family with my bad mood.
                  Sorry to hear that life is giving you nothing but lemons right now. I think we've all been there. Hold on, I know something will change and things will be different. In my life it seems to go in cycles, for a few years things go good, then something happens, (and I think it's often about my attitude at the time) then things are difficult for a while. And it can go on for years these good and bad moods. The only thing I have never lost is being an optimist deep inside, even when things are truly bad, like when my father died or when I had cancer, I somehow knew it wouldn't last forever. Maybe I'm just naive. There is an old saying, "hope springs eternal"

                  This is something I have thought a lot about. When we get older things should be easier, but they're not! In fact some things are worse! Like problems we have had since a young age and we ignore. So I see that as a signal that I need to change and grow. The problem is, I'm never quite sure which way I should grow, what to do, what do I want? I have no real idea usually. I'm one of those people who always has too many ideas, too many interests and projects. So I pick something that is interesting to me at the time and go with it. Try to learn more about it, try it out. Sometimes it can be a major backfire, but I always learn something.

                  One new direction I recently chose was to learn about computers and the internet. I had no experience in any of this until about 2008. I had always loved photography and it became clear I needed to upscale into digital to progress. I started taking classes in digital photo and my brother had given me a computer, so I began to learn even though I was so overwhelmed at first. Having been a Carlyle fan from Hamish days, I was excited to find GW and this thread and some others, as a side bonus indeed! (Notice my use of the word recently meaning 2008. Things mostly don't happen overnight, and take a lot of patience. Observing things that appeal to you and finding ways to bring them into your life, is the only advice I can offer that really will help.)

                  Now I am working on learning to build a good website of my own and finding ways to sell my art photography. Years ago I worked as a photographer, which was extremely competitive and not fun, actually. So I felt at first foolish that I could compete in this huge media, but I was enlightened by a thought I kept hearing over and over, as if sent to me: "it's a huge world and there is always room for your voice" I had also heard Mr. Carlyle's talk about his life and his encouragement to "go do it, whatever your dream is" at just the right time, as if it was meant for me to hear. I find that things are coming together as I (slowly!) learn this new stuff, and my confidence grows with it.

                  Well, myhelix please just keep your eyes open and trust that something will turn up.


                    This is the talk I referred to. Everyone has troubling things in their life, and I think one of the major points that Bobby is expressing is that we can take control of our lives.


                      Originally posted by myhelix View Post
                      For me, life is frustrating as hell right now, nothing seems to work at the moment. Everything I would like to do goes horrible wrong, even my birthday was sad and depressing. I really hate life at the moment. Don´t know how to cheer myself up or distract me these days. I even annoy my family with my bad mood.
                      Well, I just say something I deeply believe. The universe, the world is governed by equilibria, not always, I know (and the world is essentially chaotic in my opinion ...) Anyway ... I'm sure when something bad in life then happens something good happens next. This is a bad thing as you live, I hope that this belief applies to you, I believe for you. Anyway, I send you positive vibes and makes you lots of hugs.

                      And a very lovely man for hug (:
                      Last edited by Duval; 06 April 2014, 05:20 PM.
                      by AresLover452 ^^


                        Hello everyone. Sounds like a few of us are struggling with things at the moment. It can be difficult to keep going when you dont even know where you really want to go, or cant see how you can get there.
                        But a saying I like is this..'when life keeps throwing **** at you, gather it up and grow roses' I think that sometimes when you feel you cant cope it is lifes way of telling you to step back a little, give yourself some tlc, do the things you can do to the best you can under the circumstances and keep believing that all things end in time, both good and bad.
                        MH, {{{{{huggzzz}}}}}
                        Jeri, I think you and I sound similar, I too have too many interests, and go from one to another. And find it hard to set my life in one direction and stick with it. I have always enjoyed photography and am trying now to find classes I can go to to learn more. Having saved very hard to get a Canon EOS camera (a second hand 400d) I have been trying to learn from books, but I learn faster if I have combined show and read. But digital photography is great for seeing what went right or wrong as soon as you are back to the computer. Impatient, me, never!


                          Hi wolfsong! digital can have a steep learning curve, but it's so worth it if you love photography. The best thing I love about it is getting a big memory card and being able to shoot as many photos as you want. Shoot til you drop!

                          I had to go to the local collage and take full semester classes to get the quality training I wanted. At first it was so hard and I remember being brought to tears of frustration a couple of times in class! But I found that I learned just as much from the other students as I did from the teacher. The cool thing too was that they have a Mac lab with all up to date equipment including large scale commercial printers. That was what really spoiled me, being able to print art quality photographs. So now I'm saving for one of these good printers. (I'm looking at a Epson 3880)

                          I still am using my used Nikon D60, I will get one more lens for it and it's fine. The thing is that there is a point where the amount of megapixels becomes more than one needs. Unless you plan to create billboard sized photos! But I have a professional scanner and scan negatives. I have a Leica camera and several other film cameras that I still want to use as long as I can get B&W film. And of course I have tons of older negatives to play with. So go for it!


                            Rumple's in trouble!
                            click for larger image
                            Last edited by jeri; 09 April 2014, 07:57 AM.


                              Looking worried...


                                Needs a hug for sure!

