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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    I had Jane Espenson on my show again tonight (she talked a lot about Mr. C and Rumple), so if you want to have a listen:


      Thanks for the link.
      "I choose freedom." Teal'c Threshold
      "To resist the influence of others, knowledge of one's self is most important." Teal'c Stronghold


        Originally posted by jeri View Post
        I just put that new wallpaper on my big monitor, it looks great, although I see in on the left image, there is a thread on his pocket. I may have to put this in photoshop and clone that out, it will bug me I'm sure. Yes, yes, I know, I have a little OC problem.
        Just a tad, ya think?


          Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
          Maybe he likes to grow fangirls with bare hands

          Oh, that's so clever, C!


            I love his shirt at the Paleyfest. He bring back the '70's with style!


              Originally posted by jeri View Post
              Way cool! But I'm gonna wait until someone else orders it and/or post a review. If it's just one of those glossy glib books, then I don't want it. But hopefully it expand on alot of things about him.


                Originally posted by Bagpuss View Post
                Some could be those-the others could be fans-in-waiting.

                Robert's pretty popular after all and his Tweets could be helping boost interest!
                Is he still doing Questions and Answers tweets? I don't plan to bother him with questions anymore. With over 97 thousand followers, I assumed that it'd overload his time too much.


                  Originally posted by jeri View Post
                  I'm afraid to go see if Photobucket is working right, it's so frustrating to mess with it. I don't have the energy for it right now. But I do so need to post pics!

                  My mother has hip replacement surgery today, so it's off to the hospital we go. See you all later.
                  Hugs to your mama. It's really a nervous time anytime a parent is in surgery. Ask her if she wants to go jogging with me right after surgery. (Ducks and runs)


                    Sorry, y'all, for not being on lately. It has been a hell of a month for me. Major move from a house to an apt. and I'm very happy. Alot of things had to be tossed and I really don't care. Too many things can bog down a person.I had a TV until one of the movers (a friend) dropped it. It was an old bulky one so I really didn't care. I've sold two of my paintings for the very first time and am using the check to buy a new flat screen. My "California Solo" DVD from Amazon arrived but it's not subtitled in English so I can't watch it on my computer and no TV yet. Oy!
                    I am so chomping at the bit to do a picspam story but this is a new different computer I'm using and I'm still trying to figure it out. On top of that, I've decided not to get a telephone landline, so no internet. Only can get it at the apt. clubhouse or at my bro's who is less than two minute drive from me.
                    Miss all of you guys! MWUAH!!!!




                        Well, it's the weekend, I'm happy, I'm really tired, and sick, so my voice is hoarse

                        Jeri, I hope your mother gets better, hug for her and for you

                        sacredclay it is always a pleasure to see you here ^^

                        Dandyness, thanks for the pics, very nice !
                        Last edited by Duval; 16 March 2013, 06:14 AM.
                        by AresLover452 ^^


                          Hi girls, how is everyone?

                          I am a bit busy lately, but I hope to come back more often now.

                          Thanks for posting so much great pics Dandynes, Jeri and cairi!

                          Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                          Sorry, y'all, for not being on lately. It has been a hell of a month for me. Major move from a house to an apt. and I'm very happy. Alot of things had to be tossed and I really don't care. Too many things can bog down a person.I had a TV until one of the movers (a friend) dropped it. It was an old bulky one so I really didn't care. I've sold two of my paintings for the very first time and am using the check to buy a new flat screen. My "California Solo" DVD from Amazon arrived but it's not subtitled in English so I can't watch it on my computer and no TV yet. Oy!
                          I am so chomping at the bit to do a picspam story but this is a new different computer I'm using and I'm still trying to figure it out. On top of that, I've decided not to get a telephone landline, so no internet. Only can get it at the apt. clubhouse or at my bro's who is less than two minute drive from me.
                          Miss all of you guys! MWUAH!!!!
                          We miss you to sacredclay, nice to see you around.

                          I know exactly what you are talking about, we have a house and I would love to do a major spring-cleaning but it´s not only my stuff laying around. So I can´t toss it away without the permission of the others and that thwart my plans.

                          Originally posted by Duval View Post
                          Well, it's the weekend, I'm happy, I'm really tired, and sick, so my voice is hoarse
                          Get well soon Duval, hope you are feeling already better?
                          To bad the weekend is almost over, the good thing is easter time is coming soon. I hope I´ll get a few days off.


                            I am glad the moderators have insert the poll so quickly, thank you very much, btw.
                            Hopefully more people on GW will vote here.

                            Would love to know what you guys think about the poll, did I forgot to insert something?


                              Hi cairi!

                              Some picspam is on the way, anyone else here?


                                The poll is a great idea! And I don't think that you forgot something.

                                Yes, the weekend is almost over, so it's time for this:


