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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by jeri View Post
    I want a friend with a castle!
    I was thinking the same

    Is he a descendent of some knight?
    Grimm returns October 24

    Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
    Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


      Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
      I was thinking the same

      Is he a descendent of some knight?

      No, it's just an unusual kind of hobby. They don't live there, it has no electricity. Their father (or grandfather, I know the whole family) started rebuilding it, there were only ruins left.


        Originally posted by jeri View Post
        I want a friend with a castle!
        Me too

        Originally posted by jeri View Post
        Great news, RC fans! I am going to see California Solo this afternoon in Sacramento. It's about 1 1/2 hour drive, but an easy drive. Can't wait!
        WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I wanna watch it, too


          I love my best friend We finally came up with a good idea for a story And we're already working on it. She draws the characters and I write


            Originally posted by bekkamouri View Post
            I have a 1st grader who's already like that. She wants to be in control of everything and she drove me crazy all summer. It's kind of hard when they're eager to take initiative because that can be a good quality down the road but they need to learn the difference between taking initiative and being a control freak. I think kids that are like that have had to deal with a lot a chaos in their lives so they want to be in charge so they know what's going on.
            That's it exactly. Well, the thing I'm trying now is not to clean up in her room as it's her stuff, she should do it, but also she wants some "ownership" over here space. She did ask me to help her find something the other day, and I think I need to wait for those invitations, at least at this early stage of our relationship.


              Bad news! I never made it to the film!!!!!!!!!! I got caught in a major traffic jam and at a certain point it was way too late to get there, then I had a terrible time getting out of it and turned around to go home. I was so frustrated and angry and upset! What a lousy thing!

              I can't believe it really! Why is it when something is important, things conspire to keep you from it? It's just too weird. I guess I'm still Pi***d off!


                Aw no! How frustrating! Take heart in the fact that it will be coming out sometime this fall. I can't wait to see it on an actual movie theatre screen with a decent sound system.

                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                Bad news! I never made it to the film!!!!!!!!!! I got caught in a major traffic jam and at a certain point it was way too late to get there, then I had a terrible time getting out of it and turned around to go home. I was so frustrated and angry and upset! What a lousy thing!

                I can't believe it really! Why is it when something is important, things conspire to keep you from it? It's just too weird. I guess I'm still Pi***d off!


                  Originally posted by jeri View Post
                  Bad news! I never made it to the film!!!!!!!!!! I got caught in a major traffic jam and at a certain point it was way too late to get there, then I had a terrible time getting out of it and turned around to go home. I was so frustrated and angry and upset! What a lousy thing!

                  I can't believe it really! Why is it when something is important, things conspire to keep you from it? It's just too weird. I guess I'm still Pi***d off!
                  Oh, this is bad but as said b_barnett you can surely see the film this fall
                  but I understand that you're frustrated
                  by AresLover452 ^^


                    Yes, I keep telling myself that. Surely I WILL see this film soon!

                    Feeling better about the whole thing now, thanks for tolerating my hissy fit!




                        Originally posted by jeri View Post
                        Yes, I keep telling myself that. Surely I WILL see this film soon!

                        Feeling better about the whole thing now, thanks for tolerating my hissy fit!
                        It's always annoying to miss something because of a traffic jam!

                        But I'm afraid to miss it because it won't come over here. So be prepaired for more complaining.


                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          Bad news! I never made it to the film!!!!!!!!!! I got caught in a major traffic jam and at a certain point it was way too late to get there, then I had a terrible time getting out of it and turned around to go home. I was so frustrated and angry and upset! What a lousy thing!

                          I can't believe it really! Why is it when something is important, things conspire to keep you from it? It's just too weird. I guess I'm still Pi***d off!
                          Okay, that's really bad. I feel with you, dearie. I think if I were you I wouldn't stop swearing. And you're right. Everytime you have something importatnt to do something unexpected happens that keeps you from it. I hate that!

                          Originally posted by b_barnett View Post
                          Aw no! How frustrating! Take heart in the fact that it will be coming out sometime this fall. I can't wait to see it on an actual movie theatre screen with a decent sound system.
                          I really hope so! I want to watch that movie!

                          Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                          It's always annoying to miss something because of a traffic jam!

                          But I'm afraid to miss it because it won't come over here. So be prepaired for more complaining.
                          Yeah, like always. :/


                            Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                            any idea when and where this pic was taken? SGU era or more OUAT?
                            I think the picture was taken on the OUAT set.

                            Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post

                            I'm sooo looking forward!
                            Thank you again cairi for the invitation, I had a great weekend. Hope you also enjoyed it?!
                            Met a lot of nice people and saw some very interesting stuff, like a castle for instance, not that our region has not enough "old" constructions, but this one was special!

                            Not to mention that the host was very nice, and the whole surrounding area.

                            Originally posted by jeri View Post
                            Hi gang! Hope everyone is well and I have missed you all. So let me tell you why I've been away. I am adopting a 13 year old girl named Hannah, and she has been living here just one week now. Things are going well and she's a great kid. Today she had her first hair cut in 2 years, and is elated to look her age instead of 10. Oh boy! am I in trouble! She is beautiful, and the boys are going to go nuts! She has started middle school this week, 7th grade, and so far, she's liking it.

                            There is such a lot of red tape and requirements for this, but it will all be so worth it. This is my one shot at having a family of my own, I can't believe things have worked out so well, and just when I was thinking of giving up on the idea. Cancer took away my chance of having a family in the usual way, but this may be what was meant to be. I'm going to do everything I can to make a good home for her and help her grow up strong and happy. Wish me luck! A teenager!
                            Congrats jeri! I am sure you are going to be a great mother, wish you all the best with your daughter!
                            Sure teenager tend to be a bit difficult from time to time, but we where all going through some major changes at that age.


                              More OUAT behind the scenes S2 caps:



                                already posted by Jeri:

                                another one:


