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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
    Uh, that's bad. Luckil I have never broken anything except my nose yet, I had some broken toes from horses stepping on them

    And for all the others who don't know much about horses: they are nice and friendly creatures, things like this are accidents and not intended.
    My experience with horses is good, they are usually friendly and curious. There was the one colt who bite me on the butt when I turned my back on him! I turned and yelled "Hey!" at him and he laughed and ran away! So I think horses have a sense of humor too.


      Originally posted by jeri View Post
      I was over on FB and can't find the T-shirt entry on that crazy new Timeline thing. Why do they keep changing things? I don't see an improvement over the way it was. I guess all of FB will be on that Timeline thing eventually. I will resist as long as I can. Only 2 of my FB friends have adopted it.
      Once Upon A Time... Fan Community is the name of the site. I've got Timeline. I'm not sure what I think of it. In actual fact, I'm almost too private of a person for Facebook. I'm not on that much anymore.


        Originally posted by jeri View Post
        You're right, there we are!
        Maybe we should come up with our own T-shirts!


          Originally posted by NancyP View Post
          Once Upon A Time... Fan Community is the name of the site. I've got Timeline. I'm not sure what I think of it. In actual fact, I'm almost too private of a person for Facebook. I'm not on that much anymore.
          I know the site, I just can't find where they talked about the shirts.



            Let's see where this goes...



              I says to you Good night, Rush waits me to sleep well ^^
              by AresLover452 ^^


                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                I know the site, I just can't find where they talked about the shirts.
                Sorry. Right now it's the third post down. Shows a shot of Mr. Gold in jail and the words: HOW COME NONE OF MY DEARIES HAD T-SHIRTS? That's the thread.
                Last edited by NancyP; 06 March 2012, 05:20 AM.


                  There's some discussion on Tumblr about making shirts: This has a possible image in it...

                  The whole thing about it having a scroll that we sign with fabric markers came from somewhere else but I can't find it now because I didn't reblog it (whoops).


                    for Jeri
                    Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                      Here's some links to the Tumblr SGU art I mentioned before:

                      Tanyanevidimka's SGU tag
                      Another post she forgot to tag SGU, lol

                      There's general sketches and fanart for CWR's Force over Distance and my story, Reprieve (!!!)

                      Coattailsofdoom's FoD illustration (The text formats weird in her style, but you can also see the sonnet I wrote her about their hair, lol).


                        Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post

                        Good GOD!!!!! Is there a video for this???????????????????? O_O

                        The beard is finally coming back So reminds me of Rush *sighs*

                        He needs his club of fangirls, dearies!! He needs us!!!!

                        No, not at all, dearie. He has beautiful hands! And such a great voice!! He is so perfect!!

                        Just the way he talks as Rumple
                        just agree with everything you said

                        Originally posted by Duval View Post
                        *put pillow under Cairi*

                        *Think of making a reserve of pillow*
                        thinking of Rolling Stone

                        Originally posted by NancyP View Post

                        Saw this on the Facebook fan site and it made me laugh...
                        very cute

                        Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                        Maybe we should come up with our own T-shirts!
                        sounds great!


                          Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                          nice pics, thanks
                          If I had a chance to go to the event like this, I wouldn't make it through the event.
                          just *faint* all the time

                          could it be a chance for him to meet Belle?

                          the whole event *big hug*
                          Yeah, it's indeed the whole thing, nice to see that some companies do a bit of really nice fanservice without asking for extra money, or close it for americans only, and things like that. Very much appreciated.

                          *Hugs back!* it's a pleasure to be able to post once and a while something new for all of you, to say thank you for all the nice photos and links I get from here, from you BamBoo, and from everybody else.

                          Originally posted by b_barnett View Post
                          AH, but the question is why does he have the beard? What's going on with Mr Gold/Rumple that would make the usually sartorially exquisite Mr. Gold forget to shave? Is he troubled? Has his encounter with Mo brought back the sadness of Belle's loss? Hmmm. I'm an angst whore, so anything like that would work splendidly for me

                          On a completely different note, I'm about 1/3 through the audio book of The Cutting Room. (yea for an iPhone app that plays audio books!) OMG. I could listen to him all day. I'm mesmerized completely. Difficult to drive listening to that!
                          Maybe he don't use a shaver during some days out of filming, maybe it has to do with one of the last episodes, but I guess we'll know in a few weeks.
                          The Cutting Room is a really good novel. This was my first audio-book ever (and a lovely gift!), but it was also a bit hard to listen to, a lot of different shades of this very special Glasgow dialect, some easy to understand, some not that easy. Half way through the audio, I got the book, and after that it was easier to follow. And I remember a moment about 1/3 of the book, I waked up from this lovely calm voice, I listened to (while doing some boring work), when I thought oops, what's he now talking about?

                          Originally posted by Duval View Post
                          I think he's rather attractive with this stubbles!

                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          Thanks for the videos! You are dedicated staying up to watch. It was the middle of the day here, I couldn't watch because I had to get more pruning done, we are pushing to get done, still a couple more weeks. (as I sit here procrastinating on my computer!)
                          It was not that hart, it just happens. I was on my way to shut down my computer when I saw the link to the life streaming, and then, I couldn't resist any longer, I'm weak if it comes to things like this!

                          I wish all of you a pleasant day, and good luck with everything you're doing.


                            Have a lovely day Artemis

                            did you see this vid?
                            it's RC signing autographs at Paleyfest,



                              another one
                              He's so adorable!

                              *drooling melt faint*


                                G'Day Rushies
                                Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM

