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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by b_barnett View Post
    It was clerics, not nuns, but nuns are clerics. Interesting. Good catch.
    I enjoyed your blog. I'm increasingly frustrated with the "Entertainment Weekly" OUAT blog. I like that you honestly enjoy the show, write about it succinctly and aren't trying to show us all how "cool and witty" you are. I definitely prefer your professionalism.


      Originally posted by jeri View Post
      The final chapter of Force Over Distance is up!
      I am......seriously do not open spoiler tags unless you want to be really spoiled!
      careening against the walls in total complete utter happiness! Our homeboy done come back! And the way it ended, the way Everett left the note for Eli, "we're not separate beings", OMG!!! I am so frakking happy!!!!!!!


        Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
        I had this problem last year, we chanced our internet provider. I visited my friends to check my emails
        The modem died and they're sending me another one. They said something about it combing both the router and the modem into one device. Like I'm gonna know how to install it.


          Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
          Well, if anyone needs me, I'll be over here being a huge baby about Force over Distance. ;______________; (And someone on Tumblr drew fanart for my story so now I am filled with all these emotions... Today is just the best day...)

          Cari, welcome back. I hope you'll be okay. (hugs) My uncle passed away on the 19th of February and it was very hard for me and my family. I came to a good place about it during his funeral, and I hope you and your loved ones will, too.
          Can you send us a link so we can see it? Also, I'm really sorry about the loss of your uncle. It sounded like he was a truly great guy, hun. I think he wanted you to write so he's really happy about that. (((((((Hugs)))))))


            Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
            Jeri, those pics are amazing!

            I'm pretty excited about that! I wonder if it is court-ordered anger management after he attacked Moe French?
            That's what I'm thinking. Don't know how else Emma
            could legally let him off so easily(the fact they haven't made any mention of his "crime".)


              Originally posted by myhelix View Post
              I really think imageshack trys to scare me with my pictures, now the message comes for April the 1st, that´s kind of stupid from them, so I´ll wait and see.
              I'm beginning to get a feeling that this is a scam, that it's not really Imageshack. I remember I used to get "emails" from Paypal that said that my account was compromised. I tried to let them know that I didn't have a Paypal account and then I read on that it was a scam. Frankly, I haven't heard any uproar about this story, so I'm guessing it's a scam. Don't click on any link that they send but instead, type the address directly into the browser link.


                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                I still want to know who actually carved those chess pieces? Did they have someone do it for the show, or did they find them at a crafts fair?

                I always imagined that they should have had a scene in which Rush is working on them, and has little bandages on his fingers.
                There were actually three sets made with resin, rather than with carved wood. They were auctioned off when they sold the props and sets on ebay.


                  Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
                  Oh, my... I love watching him talk. One-on-one, he's so animated and always so politely interested in the interviewer, it's adorable. I've said on Youtube before that I could watch him fidget all day, and it's true. I love how his face lights up when he talks about his children. He's such a magnificent man.

                  God, his hands. I think he has the most attractive hands I've ever seen. Is that weird?
                  OMG, Yes! I have to say he is one of the very few actors that I truly love as a person as well as his acting ability. I admire many actors, but seldom does their real personality grab me as this man has.


                    Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                    Oh, that is just adorable!!! They tease each other a lot, RC calling him dearie and Josh calling him darling. I love it when actors tease each other like that.


                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      OMG, Yes! I have to say he is one of the very few actors that I truly love as a person as well as his acting ability. I admire many actors, but seldom does their real personality grab me as this man has.
                      I always had the impression that the other actors seem superficial, not all, but many. RC is simpler, seems more human, somebody of voucher and gentile and who makes his job for the love of the art and not the love of the cash
                      by AresLover452 ^^


                        Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                        The modem died and they're sending me another one. They said something about it combing both the router and the modem into one device. Like I'm gonna know how to install it.
                        I know what happened now. All those tears over reading FOD did it. The moisture sunk into the modem and fried it! I told you to keep a towel handy! Always have your towel handy! You can't go anywhere in the Universe without your towel!


                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          So sorry, hun! I get very upset when my pets dies. But so does everyone else.


                            Originally posted by Duval View Post
                            I always had the impression that the other actors seem superficial, not all, but many. RC is simpler, seems more human, somebody of voucher and gentile and who makes his job for the love of the art and not the love of the cash
                            Precisely, he is humble and genuine and aware of how blessed he is in being able to do what he loves. He understands that fans help to let him do what he loves. Too many people forget who exactly they are working for.


                              Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                              So sorry, hun! I get very upset when my pets dies. But so does everyone else.
                              Thanks, I trying not to dwell on it. It's the terms one accepts when loving pets or even loving a person. But it's worth it all for the happiness they bring us.


                                Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                                There were actually three sets made with resin, rather than with carved wood. They were auctioned off when they sold the props and sets on ebay.
                                Ah, I see. I still would have liked to see more of Rush working on them. Cut fingers and all! Maybe someone will write a fic about that!

