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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by b_barnett View Post
    I've wondered during the OUAT season why RC as Rumple. Why take a supporting role in an American TV show. I know he's said he loves Vancouver, and I'm guessing he's still pretty turned off by the British film industry these days, but why OUAT? Last night's episode answered the question. I can't think of any actor who can bring that range of emotion to a performance. It was absolutely Emmy-worthy (and not in the supporting category either). I'm told that Rumple will have an increasingly important presence in the series as well. And Episode 19 is another Rumple-centric Jane Espenson episode.
    My summation of RC's preferences is that he is all about the work and cares little for the notoriety of it. He goes for roles that he sees depth in. He has said often that he loves to work, wants to keep working, and with SGU enjoyed the longer development of a character that a series can give. So I was anticipating something good to come out of this series. Last night's episode really was worth the wait. WOW! When the commercials came on I was up out of my chair and pacing the floor, "Oh come on, get back to the story!" The dog kept starring at me.

    I certainly hope our European friends get to view this episode today. Fingers crossed!


      Originally posted by Duval View Post
      And I hope that Teyla has to find a solution > <
      I did, dearie

      HE STILL LOVES HER!!!!! OH GOD!!! HE STILL LOVES HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      And I'm still crying a river ;( I can't believe it!! How could her own father did this to her! He is her father!!!!! If I were Gold I would have shot him some things off!!!! This son of a b****!!!!
      And Regina...oh how I hate her!! For 28 years she has been keeping Belle in this cell!!! Gold, please get her outta there!!! These two need to be together!! They belong together!! He needs her!!! When he was hitting French (what a extraordinary name btw ) I could see how hurt he is. Broken inside. Heartbroken. God, please writers of Lost, let them be together! Don't let Belle nor Gold die!!!!
      I'm curious about how he intends to get outta there. It will be interesting. And he has to find her! How is this even possible? I mean, he owns the whole town but he doesn't know about this section in the hopital. That's weird! GOLD, FIND YOU TRUE LOVE!!!! PLEASE!!!! SAVE BELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

      Hehe, I guess Regina is kinda shocked that Gold remembers. And the fact that he remembers just proves how powerful he is. Maybe he really is the creator of the dark curse. And he couldn't enact it because he doesn't have something he loves most anymore - he thinks that. He thought he lost Belle and I don't think he would ever kill her for the curse. I think he created the curse to be in another world and where he could have a better life. I think that, if he had never sent Belle away and Regina hadn't told him that she'd be dead, he would never have created that curse. Does that sound logical? For me, it does but I'm not sure it does for you as well.


        Still crying!!! ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

        It's just a picture


          Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
          I did, dearie
          Oh, I am delighted to learn it, really very satisfied ^^
          It is a good news, on the other hand I have to resist now not to click the spoiler LOL, I can not see always the episode, I have to wait to has the 3-4 am in the morning.
          by AresLover452 ^^


            Originally posted by Duval View Post
            Oh, I am delighted to learn it, really very satisfied ^^
            It is a good news, on the other hand I have to resist now not to click the spoiler LOL, I can not see always the episode, I am going to have to wait to has 3-4 of the morning.
            I hope you can watch it. And then you can read what's in the spoiler tags and then you will cry with me


              Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
              Still crying!!! ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
              It's just a picture
              AAAAAAAAAAAAAH, why he seems so sad? My god, I want to know but I have to remain patient >< >< ><
              by AresLover452 ^^


                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                AAAAAAAAAAAAAH, why he seems so sad? My god, I want to know but I have to remain patient >< >< ><
                You will know soon enough ;( And I must go off now ;( Still crying and I haven't done anything for school yet. When I came home my first priority was watching this episode!

                Good bye girls


                  Good evening, in the pleasure to see again you and to speak about the episode ^^
                  *Big hug*
                  by AresLover452 ^^


                    Originally posted by Duval View Post
                    Good evening, in the pleasure to see again you and to speak about the episode ^^
                    *Big hug*
                    Of course you will see me again And of course we can talk about the episode


                      Hi girls, I've finally made it home, driving through the falling snow was like hell, but now my first priority is to get something to eat and a cup (or more) of coffee!


                        Oh some snow!!!
                        The snow bottom, to me, I am sad ....
                        In any case, it is good, you are in your house, good in the warmth ^^

                        by AresLover452 ^^


                          Hi to all, and especially hi to our 2 newbies RhineGold & misadventure.

                          Just finished the latest episode of OUAT. I think it's after "Desperate Souls" my new favorite.

                          Spoiler for "Skin Deep":
                          Those writers are genial with their twists and unecxpectend turns on our known fairy tales. So well done. From all parts. And great performances from all the actors, with a slightly stress on my most loved one. But just a slight, cos all of them were good.
                          I hope we'll get some fallout of Reginas doing in this case on an later episode. Seriously, that's the first time our quiet and thoughtful Mr. Gold lost his nerves. Badly.
                          Btw, was that the way he got his limping, by getting punished by the soldiers of that duke for his run-job during the war?
                          Waiting for the first stories with some interaction between him and Emma in the prison, about things like he need his meds, and can't get it there and is too pride to ask for it, or something like that.
                          Anyway, like always waiting for the next episode.


                            A little Valentine's Day viewing for the discerning Rumple fan:






                                Thanks for the caps!

                                Currently watching "Skin Deep," I only like the RC parts but since that's most of the episode I'm liking it overall
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

