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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    My attic is rather big for you all ^^
    It is just necessary not to pay attention on cobwebs, on cats, on moths which sometimes come, in the animals which run on the roof, in miles legs.... LOL

    Thank you for the explanation Mrs Rush, I am stupid, stupid stupid !!
    by AresLover452 ^^


      Originally posted by jeri View Post
      That's exactly it. I am now taking a graphic design class, and let's just say, the plot thickens.
      I think one of these days I'll take a graphic design class, it seems interesting.

      If we start with that method, mi will have to translate for us!
      that's true!

      I hope your friend can make it. I had a time or two where it would have been so easy to let go, times when I thought death would be preferable, but then somehow I went on and things got better. I don't know what you can say to him other than you care, and would miss him if he goes. It really has to come from deep inside, the will to live. But quality of life is important, and if he losses too much, then we have to abide by his choice. I had a friend when I was in my 20's who did not want heart surgery, and she died. It was her choice. I understand it better now than I did then.
      I hope he finds the strength to want to live, his kids need him since their mom is a junkie

      Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
      Didn't you say you something about not much time?
      Yeah, apparently not

      For the age thing, my current age is the Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything

      And I'm sorry that I'm not so much around at the moment, I have some RL worries. I read a lot here do get some distraction, but I'm not in the mood for posting.
      *hugs* I'm glad we are helping out a little bit

      Originally posted by Czarina View Post
      I started clipping stuff out and putting it on youtube -- I'm about to lose my good computer and I'm trying to save stuff online that I have collected...and the Born Equal stuff was in two versions: great video quality in Russian, and the version on youtube already that is in I did audio overlay onto video...could be better, but I am an amateur after all...
      Cool, I didn't know you are on YT (I would friend you or add you as a contact, whatever, if I knew how to. The new YT is not user friendly )

      Originally posted by Duval View Post
      Oh, I knew not that it is you who in fact these videos, me like them, I look at them and often listen to, especially the second!! Bravo, beautiful images, very good music choice also, really, I am a fan lol
      Aw! Thank you

      Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
      Indeed I am! I knew him since I was 12 years old. He made a face at me in the cafeteria and I got back at him-I married him! Divorced for two years now. He just wasn't in love with me anymore and I didn't want to live a life like that. Life doesn't always turn out the way you'd envisioned. Either you learn to deal with it and move on, and he was disappointed with his life, but focused on me for faults. I'm sure I'm a piece of work at times, not conventional, odd, an acquired taste, etc.but I just decided I didn't want to live like this and I certainly didn't want my kids to think that this was normal. Part of love is about letting go of things you can't change, accepting it. I'd say Jeri had it harder than I did, but then we can't get into a pissing contest about that, because everything affects people in different ways. Her attitude and the fact that she's back in college learning new things really inspires me. Just like the rest of you, I find y'all inspiring and aw, shucks, this is starting to degrade into something maudlin, so let's just say, I love you guys! (steals RC as everyone is distracted and runs off, cackling).
      *super squishy huggles*

      *runs after you* Come back here you mad woman and return RC!
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
        So say you, youngster!

        I do! Don't mess with me

        Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
        And I own Begbie, which trumps Rumpy's ass anytime, dearie!

        And I own Durza as well And with those two magicians I can do anything Begbie won't be helpful

        Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
        You are challenging me, dearie? LOL! I wouldn't dream of throwing a curse on you. Teyla, maybe, but certainly not you! )
        I heard that!!!!!!

        Originally posted by jeri View Post
        So now I'm confused. What does >.< mean? If I have confused you, I am sorry.
        It's a smiley - as already explained by the others (thanks ) - I really like to use


          Thanks for these vids, BamBoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          God, I love the first one!! I had to watch it several times - especially when Rumpel catches Belle It's so cuuuuuuuuuteeeeee!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

          Well, it's not really suspicious to go into a shop and buy a tape and a rope after he has just been robbed. No, not suspicious at all

          I'm curious what Emma's gonna do about Gold. I'm sure she will keep an eye on him


            Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
            Indeed I am! I knew him since I was 12 years old. He made a face at me in the cafeteria and I got back at him-I married him! Divorced for two years now. He just wasn't in love with me anymore and I didn't want to live a life like that. Life doesn't always turn out the way you'd envisioned. Either you learn to deal with it and move on, and he was disappointed with his life, but focused on me for faults. I'm sure I'm a piece of work at times, not conventional, odd, an acquired taste, etc.but I just decided I didn't want to live like this and I certainly didn't want my kids to think that this was normal. Part of love is about letting go of things you can't change, accepting it. I'd say Jeri had it harder than I did, but then we can't get into a pissing contest about that, because everything affects people in different ways. Her attitude and the fact that she's back in college learning new things really inspires me. Just like the rest of you, I find y'all inspiring and aw, shucks, this is starting to degrade into something maudlin, so let's just say, I love you guys! (steals RC as everyone is distracted and runs off, cackling).
            Well, I just want to say that I wish you to find somebody who will love you and as well as I find that very adorable this friendship which there is here, with you and the other girls ^^
            And do not steal RC ><
            by AresLover452 ^^


              by AresLover452 ^^


                by AresLover452 ^^


                  by AresLover452 ^^


                    by AresLover452 ^^


                      by AresLover452 ^^


                        by AresLover452 ^^


                          by AresLover452 ^^


                            by AresLover452 ^^


                              by AresLover452 ^^


                                I wanted beard lol
                                by AresLover452 ^^

