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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by jeri View Post
    This is the reason I cannot multi-quote on Foxfire, but can on Safari, but Safari won't remember my password, etc. .
    mmm. Good to know, I use Firefox and was wondering how to multi-quote...but had not really looked into it, to be honest. Sorry about the trouble Just know your too advanced for the forum!


      Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
      You have a very cool sig, Mrs. Rush and the pic you posted is cool But I'd rather see Young in the stasis pod - that would mean that team Rush/Rumple won
      Thanks (all) for the sig comments, maybe I will make a bunch for fun this weekend

      Also, I was going to put Rumple in the pod but just ended up using the found images because I did not feel like working too hard yesterday. For some reason I had gotten up at 4:30 am and did not go to bed until 11-12. URG!!!! Hopefully today will be much, much shorter and more enjoyable


        Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
        Yes, I think you have to have a certain number of rep points before you can give green ones.
        Cool, thank you for having answered me, me understands better now ^^
        by AresLover452 ^^


          Oh yes, Rush and Rumpy who wins, it is better a lot.
          by AresLover452 ^^


            Yeah, and be off probie status.


              Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
              mmm. Good to know, I use Firefox and was wondering how to multi-quote...but had not really looked into it, to be honest. Sorry about the trouble Just know your too advanced for the forum!
              You should try the multi-quote, you may not have any trouble. What you do is click the quote button ("+) in the far right corner, next to "Reply With Quote", and click the quotes you want. Then on the last chosen quote you also click "Reply With Quote, ("+ and Reply With Quote) and it should work.


                Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                Whaddaya mean it was imaginary???? It wasn't real? It was all a dream?????
                Of coarse it's real my dear. Anything you want. Everything is okay. That's a good girl.


                  Aaahhh! Computers! Had to replace my graphic card finally, and now I'm trying to get the settings back to what I was used to have, but it's not really working.
                  And no, kicking isn't helping here


                    Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                    About "The Last Enemy": BamBoo, to be honest, I can't remember the scene you are talking about. You say in the second episode? maybe I'll have a rewatch later on.
                    Oh I'm not sure about the episode maybe 2nd or 3rd. I believe if you do rewatch you must see this scene

                    Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
                    Just for fun:
                    funny and creepy

                    is it Sunday yet?

                    Today I watched Beastly
                    I'd like to watched Beauty and the beast but couldn't find it.
                    but this one is quite ok, kind of teenager love story

                    Be ready for 'Skin Deep' episode

                    The beast is Alex Pettyfer who played I am number four
                    Last edited by BamBoo; 07 February 2012, 08:55 AM.


                      I love your sig Mrs. Rush

                      Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
                      Thanks (all) for the sig comments, maybe I will make a bunch for fun this weekend

                      Also, I was going to put Rumple in the pod but just ended up using the found images because I did not feel like working too hard yesterday. For some reason I had gotten up at 4:30 am and did not go to bed until 11-12. URG!!!! Hopefully today will be much, much shorter and more enjoyable

                      I hope you have (or are having) a much better day.

                      Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                      Aaahhh! Computers! Had to replace my graphic card finally, and now I'm trying to get the settings back to what I was used to have, but it's not really working.
                      And no, kicking isn't helping here

                      When I had to get a new laptop it took me months to get everything just the way I like it, I hope you get the setting you want soon.
                      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                        Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                        Aaahhh! Computers! Had to replace my graphic card finally, and now I'm trying to get the settings back to what I was used to have, but it's not really working.
                        And no, kicking isn't helping here
                        Mine is freeze very often lately, I have to remove a battery to shut down it!



                          We never see Mr Gold's house, right?
                          wonder what it looks like. esp, his closet

                          Three over-good-looking suits just in 1 episode


                            Mr Gold has to live in a big house, very smart, very secure also ^^ '
                            In any case, he always has of gout voucher in garment, he is always very classy (even when he makes of the "gardening" in the forest lol)
                            by AresLover452 ^^


                              Hey guys, here's the info for the LiveChat with Jane Espenson I'm hosting on Blogcritics Sunday Night after the episode airs on the East Coast. Hope you can make it. She wrote Sunday's ep, Skin Deep and Still Small Voice. She loves writing for Rumple, it seems



                                Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                                Yes, I think you have to have a certain number of rep points before you can give green ones.
                                Maybe a little bit of sunshine might help?

