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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    What!? Netflix has a SAVE option for the California Solo DVD. Good news so far, right? But their preference-algorithm gives it two stars!? Are you kidding me???


      Originally posted by cavyherd View Post
      What!? Netflix has a SAVE option for the California Solo DVD. Good news so far, right? But their preference-algorithm gives it two stars!? Are you kidding me???
      What are you talking about??????? I'm a bit confused. Did I miss anything?


        Netflix is not avaiable here


          Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
          Netflix is not avaiable here
          Wonderful -.-'


            Originally posted by Czarina View Post
            It's happening, megaupload execs arrested
            I can't access my account, either
            It's back up again (I think), have you been able to access it?

            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            Did you see what the group "Anonymous" did, hacked into a whole bunch of government sites and media like Universal? I suspect this proposed law has "kicked" a sleeping giant. I think the best technical minds on the net don't work for the government or these big corporations, they are people like Eli, sitting around in their rooms at night, manipulating data for fun. It will be interesting to see how things play out.
            Yeah, I'm hoping we don't get seriously screwed over

            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            Here's some good discussions going on about SOPA and how it effects the US and the whole world.
            Is this idea the reason why those of you in Germany cannot view many of the YT videos? Do they have a similar law?
            Thanks for the link

            Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
            The YT thing is about rights for music. You have to pay if you want to play music, and you pay to an organisation, the GEMA. They give the money to the composers or owners. But even if a singer or a band plays his own music he has to pay for it, too, and never gets all the money back.
            Well, that sounds yucky but the RIAA and MPAA are not that much better

            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            I think there are ways to make money with their stuff, like making the videos of OUAT available for an inexpensive price for downloading. I think this is the future of entertainment, and the companies behind this legislation are behind the times in implementing new ways of viewing. I think the internet viewership of SGU was extremely high, but they did not have an adequate way of making revenue off of the net viewing. If things were affordable and easy to get legally most people would pay rather than steal. That is the real reason SGU was cancelled, not enough people watched on TV, it was not that there weren't enough viewers, just not enough that they could count and tell advertisers.

            It comes down to this. If a photo or video is placed on the web,it is understood that it can travel anywhere, so it seems foolish to try and fight piracy, it can't be done. They need to find ways to make money from their work in a way that makes it easy for us to buy and see. We should not have to go looking to "steal" RC films. It is incredibly cheap for companies to make their work available for downloading, and I would gladly pay for a nice HD copy of whatever rather than the poor quality of some of these things.
            They just have to make things available legally worldwide, and have the download versions available at the same time as the "live" versions. I would so pay for that

            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            Sorry, but back to this SOPA thing, here is a link to a good explanation to what this could do. Read post #19 by Deevil
            Thanks for the link again

            Originally posted by cavyherd View Post
            What!? Netflix has a SAVE option for the California Solo DVD. Good news so far, right? But their preference-algorithm gives it two stars!? Are you kidding me???
            Well are they like amazon, where you can put on alert for a DVD that they think will come out, and sometimes it never does, because if it is so then I'm not getting my hopes up
            Last edited by yessika; 20 January 2012, 03:10 PM. Reason: Not sure about Megaupload
            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


              First time I wholeheartedly support hackers!

              American server farms should go up in arms too. American authorities can't legally shut down servers outside the US, but I expect they could do what the Chinese do, block their citizens' access to them, if SOPA and PIPA become law. The first step would be to make sites like GW flee US servers in droves. But fortunately protests seem to have had an effect, numerous congesspeople who supported the measures have withdrawn their support.


                I'm too aghast to even jump in. I so admire Henry Rollins for saying a few years back: "**** it, if I have to make the choice, I'd rather be heard than paid. Please, steal my ****." "If the music is that of an up and coming band, they eat mac n cheese and work out of a garage, then go to their show and buy their ****. If it is J-Lo, for god's sake go steal it. It should be illegal for anyone to make money off of crap like that." "**** Lars Ulrich. He looked so ridiculous in his expensive suit in court, worth $200,000,00 at least, crying over the .68 cents he didn't get from some kid in Arkansas. **** Lars Ulrich."

                yeah, like that. those are all Henry Rollins quotes. This has got to look like an insane ransom demand.
                You can refuse to know something, but you cannot escape the consequences of that refusal.~~ me


                  Better news, the bills have been shelved indefinitely.


                    Listen to this....the Henry quotes below, spoken better than I wrote it.
                    You can refuse to know something, but you cannot escape the consequences of that refusal.~~ me


                      Originally posted by maneth View Post
                      You can refuse to know something, but you cannot escape the consequences of that refusal.~~ me


                        An in depth interview with filmmaker Marshall Lewy about California Solo and working with Robert Carlyle. A worthy read.
                        I don't know if it has been posted, I haven't scrolled through
                        You can refuse to know something, but you cannot escape the consequences of that refusal.~~ me


                          Originally posted by Czarina View Post
                          An in depth interview with filmmaker Marshall Lewy about California Solo and working with Robert Carlyle. A worthy read.
                          I don't know if it has been posted, I haven't scrolled through
                          thank you for the news, dearie I can't wait for the movie. I so hope it will avaiable on DVD here in Germany


                            Originally posted by maneth View Post
                            Yeah, but they're not dead and they are going to try to sneak them in later

                            Originally posted by Czarina View Post
                            Listen to this....the Henry quotes below, spoken better than I wrote it.
                            Thanks for this!

                            Originally posted by Czarina View Post
                            An in depth interview with filmmaker Marshall Lewy about California Solo and working with Robert Carlyle. A worthy read.
                            I don't know if it has been posted, I haven't scrolled through
                            Oh! *goes to read*
                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Something funny happened tonight. My husband, I and a few friends went out to celebrate hubby's birthday. At the next table there was a very slim guy with a teal t-shirt on top of a long-sleeved white shirt! He didn't look like RC otherwise but his clothes made me think of Rush straight away.

