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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Thanks Czarina for the 'California Solo' pics, looks interesting, although I'm afraid I'll never get to watch it

    Originally posted by BamBoo View Post

    Cairistiona, love your av, never thought that he like Christmas
    Thanks, but does he looks like that he likes Christmas?

    And good to see you here, how's it going in your country?

    I've watched OUAT ep6. Rumpy laughing sound is very funny and very annoying but I love it! I can't stop grinning when I heard he laugh like that. How can he make sound likes that?
    btw, anyone felt his laughing sounds more annoying and funnier?
    I finally watched it yesterday. RC is really great in it, and his laughing is just , but without him I probably would have stopped watching.




        Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
        Thanks Czarina for the 'California Solo' pics, looks interesting, although I'm afraid I'll never get to watch it

        Thanks, but does he looks like that he likes Christmas?

        And good to see you here, how's it going in your country?

        I finally watched it yesterday. RC is really great in it, and his laughing is just , but without him I probably would have stopped watching.

        'California Solo' not release in my country for sure, but at least if it was released in dvd I could buy it from amazon *hope*

        I'm not going anywhere
        getting better, the flood is low now. I might can go back to my house new week.
        Bad news is my school is going to open next month (or next year!)
        I just get used to having a long holiday and not ready for school
        (My teacher must be proud of me )

        I love Rumpy's laughing! The most annoying and funnest sound in the world LOL
        I try to define his laughing but don't know yet what to call it ,
        someone in this thread might get it




            Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
            Need something cool?

            And that's supposed to help how, exactly? *cough*


              Originally posted by jeri View Post
              Have you met my brother?
              Not recently, no. Dare I ask why? I have one also that does the same thing that yours does, except he takes good care of me.


                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                Here are my thoughts on Ch39 of Force Over Distance
                Young was drawn in as he could hardly resist the temptation of what he really wants, given to him for the taking. To good to be true. Of coarse Combo Rush knows what is in his mind, and it gave him what he wants. An intimacy so illusive with the real Rush. Was this perhaps Combo’s last ditch effort to convince Everett that he is preferable to the beat up, messed up, piece of work lying in the infirmary? A kind of Swan Song? But because of the full mingling of minds, Combo could now know that there is not going to be a surrendering of Everett’s desire to save the real Nicholas. I think perhaps the influence of the real Nicholas has given Combo some understanding of the persistence of the human “life force”. Something it can’t fully understand but grasp enough of to know it can’t beat it.
                “Tell me I exist”. It seems that the Combo Rush needs validation of it’s existence. It needed to impress upon Young that there was something important about itself, a sense of self.
                Interesting that when asked why it had a heartbeat, the answer was what we as humans would experience, our self awareness includes the nuances of the physical. This Combo has embedded so much of Rush’s human experience that it may not be aware of what is a physical feeling and what is it’s own computational process without purposely making the distinction. I think it’s logic came to the conclusion that because it exists only as a “program” without physical autonomy, it would ultimately be unable to forcibly succeed in bringing Young around to granting it’s wish to replace the man and the AI.
                That makes perfect sense, but there's something else that I'm getting from the story.
                I don't think the Combo Rush is actively trying to deceive Young about its nature. The Combo Rush really desire to be validated, that the desire for that is so strong that it could feel the ache in its own teeth, so to speak. Where did that come from? Probably from the half torn AI who was desperately incomplete and lonely for a hell of a long time. Perhaps because our genius is the recipient of Young's love, the AI also wants to be experiencing that too, that desire that bleeds through the Combo Rush. The whole thing strikes me as terribly sad.
                Last edited by sacredclay; 10 December 2011, 07:42 AM. Reason: incomplete spoiler setup


                  Originally posted by cavyherd View Post
                  Well...okay. Ya got me. Did I hear dimples? There's that neck, with that lovely throat. Leave us, perhaps, contemplate his suprasternal notch, shall we?


                  Ahem. My, is it getting warm in here?
                  Breathe, girl, BREATHE!


                    Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                    Are you sure he didn't spell curse?
                    Just kidding, I will cross my fingers and toes for you, teyla

                    sacredclay, I can't remember when he make a face like this, funny and cute
                    I'm Kathryn That scene is from "Twin Destinies". He was yelling at Young to "Go!" because he couldn't hold the wormhole stable enough for long. This is where the Alternate Rush was recounting the story of what happened to the crew.


                      Originally posted by cavyherd View Post
                      And that's supposed to help how, exactly? *cough*
                      Yeah, I see your point there. It's kind of like offering a glass of water to a drowning person.


                        Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                        Copy that! I'll watch it soon

                        House is awesome! Why you didn't watch it anymore?
                        My friend stop watch it after House dated with Cuddy LOL
                        Well, she prefer to miserable House than happy House << this's what she told me but I think she's just jealous
                        I stopped after Cameron, Chase, and Foreman quit and he started doing the whole numbers thing. I just didn't like that and I'm thankful I didn't see House and Cuddy together because I always wanted House and Cameron to get together

                        Well, I like Loki but I love Thor's body
                        Loki is great but Thor is so awesome (and his body too )

                        I'm going to find a way to watch "California Solo" even if there is no DVD release
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                          That makes perfect sense, but there's something else that I'm getting from the story.
                          I don't think the Combo Rush is actively trying to deceive Young about its nature. The Combo Rush really desire to be validated, that the desire for that is so strong that it could feel the ache in its own teeth, so to speak. Where did that come from? Probably from the half torn AI who was desperately incomplete and lonely for a hell of a long time. Perhaps because our genius is the recipient of Young's love, the AI also wants to be experiencing that too, that desire that bleeds through the Combo Rush. The whole thing strikes me as terribly sad.
                          It seems to me that you're saying what I said
                          about Combo wanting validation, “Tell me I exist”. It seems that the Combo Rush needs validation of it’s existence. It needed to impress upon Young that there was something important about itself, a sense of self. It is sad, here something that has been created and is good, but somehow does not have the right to exist at the cost of a human life, it concedes that it must be destroyed.


                            Hi Cairi, I bet you've been singing 'till you drop!
                            I could use a whole lot more of RC in OUAT, but I can't not watch, just a glimpse of him helps.


                              Originally posted by cavyherd View Post
                              Well...okay. Ya got me. Did I hear dimples? There's that neck, with that lovely throat. Leave us, perhaps, contemplate his suprasternal notch, shall we?


                              Ahem. My, is it getting warm in here?
                              Oh my, I can feel my fingers gently tracing that suprasternal notch. Oh cavyherd! now I've got to go out for a brisk walk up a step hill!


                                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                                Hi Cairi, I bet you've been singing 'till you drop!
                                Next Saturday we will have our Christmas concert

