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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by cavyherd View Post
    Wow, look at that! Now do you have formal training? How long you been doing this? These are watercolor, yes?

    Very nice!
    Actually, those are done by the artist who go by EuticphicL. You can find her on She has extraordinary. Even did some illustration for "A Rock That Bleeds" by hOuse-mOuse. It was partly those illustrations that convinced me to reread the story and change my mind about the quality of it. The latest chapter of it just showed me how glad I did.


      Originally posted by b_barnett View Post
      I'm a new fan, having seen RC in Once Upon a Time. I'm going through his films. Hope you don't mind I've posted a link to my review of his 2008 film Summer (Blogcritics)
      Welcome new fan! I've read your blog a few times.


        Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
        Is it all spoken in his natural Weegie accecnt? I'm going to try to get both the book and the audio. I am really excited about this.
        YES! Reading the book along with it would be helpful for anyone, the accent and some of the slang can be hard to get at times.

        Nice picture for you today.


          Originally posted by cavyherd View Post
          Oh, dear Ghu no. They're all on my harddrive. But I got them all off the net. 2K of 'em came from this thread (Yes, I said 2000.) 40K of 'em are screencaps of SGU. So figure maybe 5-10K of those are Bobby.) You're welcome to paw through my RC bookmarks, though. I direct your attention particularly to the section headed "carlyle - pix"

          (Sorry, I don't know if the indenting will work properly. Does on my Windows computer at work, but not on my home Mac, and I haven't been bothered enough to fix it.)

          Enjoy yourself!
          Thanks! You really know how to please us! So now I have bookmarked your bookmarks.


            Originally posted by jeri;13038119[/URL
            Nice picture for you today.
            Oh, that's really nice


              Originally posted by jeri View Post
              Those fans are spying on him everywhere it seems...
              Damn it, this is cute I love you fangirls!! But why does this guy has to stand in the way so that we couldn't see more of Bobby dear?

              Originally posted by cavyherd View Post
              Wow, look at that! Now do you have formal training? How long you been doing this? These are watercolor, yes?

              Very nice!
              I didn't to that! Oh my god it would be so amazing if I could. No, these drawings are from a - in my opinion very talented - artist on deviantart. I like her stuff and she's also the one who makes the pics for the "A Rock That Bleeds" Story.


                Welcome, b-barnett! I, too, have read your blog a few times. Wonderful writings!


                  Originally posted by jeri View Post
                  YES! Reading the book along with it would be helpful for anyone, the accent and some of the slang can be hard to get at times.

                  Nice picture for you today.
                  Oh, FINALLY! Thanks! )


                    good night

                    EDIT: leather pants
                    Grimm returns October 24

                    Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                    Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      BTW- I forgot to say that The Cutting Room is 8+ hours of Bobby speaking, need I say more?
                      My inner fangirl has just bullied me into reserving it from the library! Our local library has several copies. Bonus!


                        Originally posted by elaiel View Post
                        My inner fangirl has just bullied me into reserving it from the library! Our local library has several copies. Bonus!
                        Well, I know what you're doing this weekend. Don't overdose. But if listening inspires further musings on INY, I'm all for it. And on S&P. Can't forget that one. Or if it spikes anything new, I'll not turn those down either. Yes, I'm whining again.


                          Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                          Oh, FINALLY! Thanks! )
                          Okay! How about a really nice one?

                          This is from here:





