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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Here's an article about OUAT and ancient myths:


      Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
      About the latest chapter of FOD
      I am so damn glad that I was wrong about it being the AI. That it's actually Rush. I just love how CWR just constantly surprises me! It was such a well done chapter, especially when Young finds out who it really is. I kept rereading it over and over all day long.
      Originally posted by Katherine Arandez View Post
      Well, I read the last chapter of FOD,
      I'm glad it's Rush, and not the AI/Rush thing
      I'm happy about that, too.

      Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post

      My school might looks pretty bad but we got a lot of building so we might find some buildings to study when the flood was gone

      Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
      Oh, Hamish, have to watch it again!

      Last week, during Our Gaelic Filmfestival I talked to one of the guests about Hamish (I mentioned how much I love the subtitles) and she said she had worked as a teacher in Plockton where it was filmed. But she was there after the filming, but a lot of people came asking about the Hamish locations.
      Have anyone been there in Plockton? we should make a trip

      Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
      well, it is not exactly what I would watch. the only reason I took it in consideration is RC. let me watch the next eps and I will decide if I will continue or not. but I find it interesting reading the reactions of the fangirls here on this thread
      For me I quite interested in fair tale and fantasy film. But for now RC is still the main reason for me to watch it.
      so, as mi said let's see the next ep.
      btw, if RC see something in this story it must be great or at least good


        Have you seen this one?

        Pint of Milk: Robert Carlyle
        You'll never guess what Begbie's favourite word is...
        the last answer is so sad. I love LOTR

        Last edited by BamBoo; 25 October 2011, 11:34 PM.


          Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
          Have anyone been there in Plockton? we should make a trip
          I have been there, but it was before I knew Hamish. Oh, yes fangirl trip to Plockton:

          My pics:

          As you can see I took a pic of the 'Keep clear' not knowing what would come out of this


            [QUOTE=BamBoo;12996518]Have you seen this one?

            Pint of Milk: Robert Carlyle
            You'll never guess what Begbie's favourite word is...
            the last answer is so sad. I love LOTR


            nice quetions but i don´t like it if they call him begie again and again. he was great in it but he his not his role. it´s sad.


              Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
              I have been there, but it was before I knew Hamish. Oh, yes fangirl trip to Plockton:


              My pics:



              As you can see I took a pic of the 'Keep clear' not knowing what would come out of this
              Is that a same street? *thinking of fangirl trip and grin *

              Originally posted by warumonochan View Post
              nice quetions but i don´t like it if they call him begie again and again. he was great in it but he his not his role. it´s sad.
              yes I prefer RC to begie , but maybe he happy with that you know people can remember his character.

              his umbrella attract me again







                    sorry, I did not now you, I thought it honest to the press. sorry i don´t think of you, i mean honest the press. It does not sound as if it bothers him, but because it is written it sounds maybe different. in videos, he never says the word f *** or i don´t hear that. I can not imagine but that which is his favorite word, typically British.
                    Last edited by warumonochan; 26 October 2011, 03:50 AM.


                      Originally posted by warumonochan View Post
                      sorry, I did not now you, I thought it honest to the press. sorry i don´t think of you, i mean honest the press. It does not sound as if it bothers him, but because it is written it sounds maybe different. in videos, he never says the word f *** or i don´t hear that. I can not imagine but that which is his favorite word, typically British.
                      Hi to everybody, hope you're all well today!

                      I'm not absolutely sure what you wanted to say warumonochan, so, if I misinterpret you, I'm sorry.

                      RC said several time in between, that he'd like to play Begbie again, if there'd be a continuation in form of a movie (the book exsits). And he absolutely loves to say that famous four letter word f***, he even uses it in interviews, repeatedly (when it's allowed), but sometimes the publisher cuts it, for known reasons.

                      I prefer him in different movies, though "Trainspotting" was a good one, but I don't really get the huge popularity of Begbie. He's not exactly the nicest character of that film.



                        sorry if it sounds bad or angry. i don´t mean it. i´ve used a translater and this is what comes out.


                          Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                          Have you seen this one?

                          Pint of Milk: Robert Carlyle
                          You'll never guess what Begbie's favourite word is...
                          the last answer is so sad. I love LOTR


                          nice quetions but i don´t like it if they call him begie again and again. he was great in it but he his not his role. it´s sad.
                          Yeah, he said in an interview, that he's this wee guy with this massive shadow, and it's Begbe!
                          I can understand why he doesn't like LOTR and SW, he an to serious about his acting, too much CGI and not enough real actors, something like that. Although I liked the first Star Wars, the rest are pretty light weight, maybe fun but not really remarkable.

                          Thanks to BamBoo for that link, now I've got an image of RC sunbathing on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Sounds like a song...


                            Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                            Hi to everybody, hope you're all well today!

                            I'm not absolutely sure what you wanted to say warumonochan, so, if I misinterpret you, I'm sorry.

                            RC said several time in between, that he'd like to play Begbie again, if there'd be a continuation in form of a movie (the book exsits). And he absolutely loves to say that famous four letter word f***, he even uses it in interviews, repeatedly (when it's allowed), but sometimes the publisher cuts it, for known reasons.

                            I prefer him in different movies, though "Trainspotting" was a good one, but I don't really get the huge popularity of Begbie. He's not exactly the nicest character of that film.

                            I think Begbe appeals to people's frustrations, who wouldn't want to go crazy like that just once? But most of us don't and would never, but I have to admit, there are times when I'd like to!
                            As for his favorite word, I have to admit I have used it myself, in extreme situations. Normally don't of coarse. I'm not surprised that he uses the f word, I would think it is mostly some kind of expressive release, being under the microscope all the time, and the normal frustrations of the world. Fighting his way up out of poverty and still rebelling against the status quo, it's part of him. I wonder also if because despite tough words he is really a sweet guy that he likes to sound not so nice to counter act the idea that he might be soft? You know a guy thing.


                              Originally posted by jeri View Post
                              Isn't it great how things work themselves out sometimes? You got to watch the show, and the creepy ex-friend is out of your way now! Yeah!
                              Yeah, but today I received a message from her. It says: I don't wanna be friends with you anymore. And I don't know if you realised it, but my hate for you increased in the last two years!
                              I didn't even answer it. I deleted her contact on facebook and the one of her boyfriend as well. Just so stupid these two. My mom thinks, that maybe HE manipulated it somehow so that he would get this message with the purpose to make her girlfriend (Lena) jealous. Daft morons!

                              Originally posted by jeri View Post
                              Okay, here's what I think about Mr. Gold/Rumpy:
                              Mr. Gold owns the whole town! Wow, I bet he made some deal with the evil queen, did you notice in the trailer for next week, they are going to make some deal? But knowing RC there's surely more to the character than that. Why else would he tell Snow White anything about Emma? So maybe he's made a deal with EQ, but he will still do his own thing. He's probably less twisted than EQ, but maybe just greedy, and not really evil. We'll see.
                              Oh yes!!!! I was thinking the same thing. And it would be a "Perfectly Simple Explanation" Watched this episode of Hamish yesterday. I just love it He as Satan Great!

                              Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
                              Just a thought about OUAT (non-spoilery) - I am really happy to see RC on my screen, and I think I will enjoy the show, and that is all good.

                              But . . .
                              What I really want? Is Rush. And Young. And TJ, Eli, Greer, Scott, Volker, Brody, Parks . . .
                              And Destiny.
                              That's what I really want.
                              You're not alone my friend *hug* I miss them too, but especially Rush.

                              Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                              can't remember if this specific video had already been posted - but I love listening to RC speaking

                              Awww, thanks for that!! *big hug*

                              Have you noticed? He looks healthier on that video!

                              Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                              Have you seen this one?

                              Pint of Milk: Robert Carlyle
                              You'll never guess what Begbie's favourite word is...
                              the last answer is so sad. I love LOTR
                              Cute I like these two answers:
                              What’s your favourite word in the English language?

                              What’s your idea of heaven and earth?
                              Me and my wife and kids on a beach in Barbados… that would do me.

                              ...and this one:

                              What would be the title of your autobiography?
                              Dark And Light… That’s brilliant. ‘cause it’s two sides of my life. Film: Dark And Light. That came out of nowhere that did, that’s really good.

                              I would buy it without hesitation!

                              Today we had our first big English. It was...ok. The first part was a text with questions. We had to characterize a chara and then write about the intentions of the narrator leaving his home town and the last task was to find two stylistic devices.
                              The second part was a Compostion. We should wirte a letter to our best friend about our experiences and feelings after we had moved out
                              I named my best friend Chloe and I also wrote, that a very friendly neighbour helped me to find all the shops etc. I named him Nick Rush
                              And we should write about 250 words. I wrote 350. My teacher was totally amused about it He said I would ruin his holidays next week


                                Just read the last chapter of FOD. It's sooooo cute!!!

                                I'm glad Rush finally managed to get back to English. Even if it's just these robot like English. But I think he is a fast learner Just as Chloe said. But his accent has to come back!!!!!
                                The "Making Out" Scene was sooo cute!! I thouhgt Rush would refuse totally but happily he didn't

