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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Czarina View Post
    Anyone over 40 who claims to feel great, may very well be on prescription meds that enable them to think they feel great. Me, 41, feel 61. I had no idea when I was 21, or even 31. Now I know. My kid is 21, and he was talking one day: "Yeah, we were there, and this old guy, about 40 ish..." ... I said, "Hey!" He apologized, then said the same damn thing. Out of the mouths of babes. I'm not offended, but you can't be offended if one of us says something about youth. Man, I know now what I did not know then, and the contrast is startling.
    The sad fact is the older we get the more we must work at keeping fit and healthy. I coasted on my youth and perceived immortality for a long while, until cancer crashed down on me. I've been working very hard the last few years just to get back to were I was before, but guess what? I feel better now than I have for years BC (before cancer) and still have much work to do before I would say I was "fit". But damn, I am still way too young to give up and be old! I'm planning on my 100th birthday!


      Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
      Edit: I just watched the video clip again from the gala, and just fell in love all over again with how he uses his hands when he speaks. I do it, and used to think it was annoying. Kind of a breath of fresh air that I'm not the only one who moves their hands a lot when I speak lol. xp
      You and me, kid! I once had someone say to me "You're particularly animated when you're engaged". One could argue if this is a complement or insult, I chose the complement. There is nothing better than to be free to express oneself!


        Originally posted by jeri View Post
        The sad fact is the older we get the more we must work at keeping fit and healthy. I coasted on my youth and perceived immortality for a long while, until cancer crashed down on me. I've been working very hard the last few years just to get back to were I was before, but guess what? I feel better now than I have for years BC (before cancer) and still have much work to do before I would say I was "fit". But damn, I am still way too young to give up and be old! I'm planning on my 100th birthday!
        I may have sounded like I was 'poor me' playin', but in all reality, I'm every bit as ornery as when I was young; only now it is more fun because I am much more wise as to how to ... ride the wave with more grace. Cryptic, huh?
        I'm glad to hear you have overcome (I hope it is not too strong a word) the big easy feat for anyone. I have heard that one's attitude may have the fatal impact, if they give up and start printing off flyers for their funeral, well, they are making their own bed. Self fulfilling prophecy works both ways. If you know that you will beat it, you will most likely self-actualize your own healing.
        You can refuse to know something, but you cannot escape the consequences of that refusal.~~ me


          Hey Cairi love the avatar!


            Originally posted by Czarina View Post
            I may have sounded like I was 'poor me' playin', but in all reality, I'm every bit as ornery as when I was young; only now it is more fun because I am much more wise as to how to ... ride the wave with more grace. Cryptic, huh?
            I'm glad to hear you have overcome (I hope it is not too strong a word) the big easy feat for anyone. I have heard that one's attitude may have the fatal impact, if they give up and start printing off flyers for their funeral, well, they are making their own bed. Self fulfilling prophecy works both ways. If you know that you will beat it, you will most likely self-actualize your own healing.
            You are so wise. I know people who spend all their time dwelling on the negative, like some fatalistic death wish. What's the point of wasting our lives moaning and complaining. The reality is we've got to make our own happiness, and then try to spread it around.


              Originally posted by jeri View Post
              Hey Cairi love the avatar!
              Thanks. Sometimes I think my horse is an alien.


                Just one before I leave



                  Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
                  Then again, he isn't a son of a b**ch either. He said he'll sign or take the time to talk to ANY one. So in that retrospect, kudos to him. I just hope he's taking care of himself, is all, and is not wearing himself too thin. While as a fan, I appreciate his hard work and continuance to provide entertainment, I'd hate for him to do so much he becomes ill. Like collapses or gets a serious condition (which could put a can on him period). It's important, job title and duties aside, at least for himself, that he continues to take care of himself. And not overdo.
                  Sorry lol, I could go on for hours like this.
                  He's got three kids under the age of 10 that need him. I wish he'd quit smoking.
                  --Dallas =^..^=
                  "This ship is called Destiny for a reason."


                    Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                    Thanks. Sometimes I think my horse is an alien.
                    It's quite possible.


                      Originally posted by Czarina View Post
                      Anyone over 40 who claims to feel great, may very well be on prescription meds that enable them to think they feel great. Me, 41, feel 61. I had no idea when I was 21, or even 31. Now I know. My kid is 21, and he was talking one day: "Yeah, we were there, and this old guy, about 40 ish..." ... I said, "Hey!" He apologized, then said the same damn thing. Out of the mouths of babes. I'm not offended, but you can't be offended if one of us says something about youth. Man, I know now what I did not know then, and the contrast is startling.
                      Right there with you: 49 going on 65.........
                      --Dallas =^..^=
                      "This ship is called Destiny for a reason."


                        Originally posted by MrsTigercat View Post
                        Right there with you: 49 going on 65.........
                        Ah come on, cheer up, it's bound to get worse!
                        Last edited by jeri; 01 October 2011, 05:42 PM. Reason: typo!


                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          My grandfather lived with us after grandmother died, and I watched him suffer and hack his way to death for 4 long years with Emphysema, smoking until the end. I was 8 when he died, is it any wonder that neither my brother or I ever had any desire to smoke!
                          I work for a respiratory company. Whenever I see someone smoking I think, "Oh look, a future _____ Home Care patient."
                          --Dallas =^..^=
                          "This ship is called Destiny for a reason."


                            Originally posted by MrsTigercat View Post
                            I work for a respiratory company. Whenever I see someone smoking I think, "Oh look, a future _____ Home Care patient."
                            Did you read my posts about my grandfather's emphysema? That's all I can see with smoking.


                              Originally posted by jeri View Post
                              Now THAT'S a perfect picture. THANK YOU very MUCH!! <applaudes>
                              --Dallas =^..^=
                              "This ship is called Destiny for a reason."


                                Originally posted by MrsTigercat View Post
                                Now THAT'S a perfect picture. THANK YOU very MUCH!! <applaudes>
                                Oh, you remind me, I still haven't found the photo I was looking for last night. Better look some more.

