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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by jeri View Post
    Oh my! I'm blushing! For you, my dear, of coarse!

    I hope CRW would agree with you, and not be planning anything like permanent damage to my dear Nicky! I couldn't take it. But then again, CRW loves to write, obviously, it shows in the quality of the work, so she would not want to damage such wonderful characters to a point that further adventures were not possible. Oh wait, I just thought of the movie 'Misery' where the author tried to kill off a beloved character, but you know what happened when he tried.
    Did you read his latest stand alone story. "Infinite Loops"? I don't know if I posted the link or not. Sorry if it's a repeat.



      Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
      Did you read his latest stand alone story. "Infinite Loops"? I don't know if I posted the link or not. Sorry if it's a repeat.

      Yes, but still pondering, I have something to comment on but it's still forming up there. After having my truck break down and my brother's break down when he came to get me, luckily we were at the mechanics, my mind is like !#%*&!#**!!
      Last edited by jeri; 27 September 2011, 09:52 PM.


        Originally posted by elaiel View Post
        Hello! This thread has whole buckets of tasty goodness on it!
        I read your fanfic since you write them on LJ Love them

        (and Jeri's cat is totally adorable.)
        Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
        Welcome here and enjoy it!
        Today I was making jelly and I used the stop watch of my old mobile, the one with the
        on it, and got so much distracted that I forgot to start the watch. I hope the jelly isn't to runny
        Be careful your jelly might melt the same as me now *melt*

        Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
        *hugs* It's okay, no one's fault. I should have been quicker. But there are 6 items I am watching that have 6 days left. Going to see if maybe I can get one of them for cheap or weasel my way in and bid at the last second for those. Some are props, and there is still one of RC's outfit from an episode. So hey, I can still frame the costume and hang it. I'd just like SOMETHING from the show, you know. RC is like a HUGE added bonus, but anything from the show. A piece of history, you know?
        Sorry to hear that you didn't win *hug* But i'm sure that you will get some awesome piece of history from SGU. GO ERI GO!!
        btw, I'm not sure that I understand this correctly. well, you win RC's chair or not? sorry for my bad english


          Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
          I think Nicky is in some knee deep dark stuff that he doesn't really understand what exactly he gotten himself into. It sounded like he made a pact with the devil, not that I believe in those silly nonsense, but it does describe it well. Maybe Nicky thought he could handle it, the way geniuses think they're above everything and found out the hard way that the ride is a lot roughter than her thought it would be. I want Young to throttle him for holding out info on him and to find out exactly what kind of terms that were agreed to between the AI and Rush. I really feel a cold sense of fear weaving itself through my bones now concerning the AI. I wrote a much more detailed review that I left on the FF page. I'm afraid to take up too much space here.
          reading FOD I'm thinking of this song

          Originally posted by jeri View Post
          I have to admit, I didn't re-read last night,
          but what I'm thinking is that Rush retreated in to a memory perhaps something like a distant memory of childhood football games. Our memories are stored in different locations and are like layers that are added to as we go along. (I could be wrong, but that's what I think I read somewhere)
          Nick has the ability to focus his mind and channel his thoughts in a very disciplined manor. This is how he evaded the Blueberry aliens and also was his emotional survival strategy with his wife's illness and death, where he was able to lose himself in work. Recalling a simple event like play would really be a departure from the discipline of science and math that the AI would probably be unable to decipher. If Young were not channeling all his effort into fighting the AI, he probably could find him in those distant memories. It might take Everett a while to look for him there, but assuming he is learning that Nick is a regular guy under his analytical coat of armor, he would no doubt find him.
          Thanks. That's explain a lot. I hope that CWR would write something about this, to make it clear.
          or maybe CWR wants to let us curious for awhile.

          it seems like he shut down himself.


            Originally posted by MrsTigercat View Post
            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            Thanks MrsTC for the heads up on this photo. I was thinking of that jacket the other day, how long does a guy hold onto such a bold statement? I love that jacket, makes me smile.

            Maybe he looks a little tired, I would be to at that kind of event. To me the look says "is it time to go yet?"
            Poor RC he looks tired and much more scrawny *hug*

            gotta go now,
            see ya


              Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
              SPLAT! (falls backwards flat on her back)
              Thanks for not warning me to have pillows around me! Ouch!
              Oh, sorry. I didn't know that that could happen to you. Can you forgive me?

              Maybe when you see this?

              you may need your pillows



                New chapter today!


                  Originally posted by jeri View Post
                  Just read it. It's fantastic!

                  I first thought, that Telford would begin to make trouble the second he came onboard. I'm glad, he didn't...yet.
                  And I loved the kiss szene!!!! It must happened! It just had to happen!! God, it's amazing! I can't wait for the next chapter! And I'm glad, Rush quit smoking Otherwise he would get lung cancer like in the little fanfiction I'm writing with a friend


                    Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                    Just read it. It's fantastic!

                    I first thought, that Telford would begin to make trouble the second he came onboard. I'm glad, he didn't...yet.
                    And I loved the kiss szene!!!! It must happened! It just had to happen!! God, it's amazing! I can't wait for the next chapter! And I'm glad, Rush quit smoking Otherwise he would get lung cancer like in the little fanfiction I'm writing with a friend
                    Let's see..
                    Telford=trouble. I can see a three way love/hate triangle coming!!! I'll have more to say about that later, you know I like to gel my thoughts a bit.
                    Smoking is always a colorful character cliche, but Rush will have to stay 'quit' so to speak, where's he going to get more? I doubt that the hydroponics team will grow any kind of alien substitute ( although they have already found many medicinal plants to grow) I think they will have to be much more established, secure in their food systems to use valuable resources and time for 'pleasure' drugs. Alcohol is more a by product of food they are already using, so they will make do with that for a while.
                    I always worry about anyone I see smoking, whether I know them or not. My grandfather died of emphysema and it's an awful way to go, not to mention all the other things smoking can cause.


                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      Let's see..
                      Telford=trouble. I can see a three way love/hate triangle coming!!! I'll have more to say about that later, you know I like to gel my thoughts a bit.
                      Smoking is always a colorful character cliche, but Rush will have to stay 'quit' so to speak, where's he going to get more? I doubt that the hydroponics team will grow any kind of alien substitute ( although they have already found many medicinal plants to grow) I think they will have to be much more established, secure in their food systems to use valuable resources and time for 'pleasure' drugs. Alcohol is more a by product of food they are already using, so they will make do with that for a while.
                      I always worry about anyone I see smoking, whether I know them or not. My grandfather died of emphysema and it's an awful way to go, not to mention all the other things smoking can cause.
                      I can't stand the thought of Telford being on Destiny. With Nicky! I'm truly worried about him now! What if Telford's gonna do something bad to him! Young has to keep him safe!!!
                      Why do you worry about smokers? They/We can quit whenever we/they want. *hug*


                        The plot thickens...
                        Yes Telford is definitively going to mix things up! But ah ha! teyla you have fallen into CWR's plan, you are hooked on this story! As we all are!
                        Smoking is not easy to quit, maybe for some people, but hey I just worry about folks in general. Being a cancer survivor, I think why do things that can do you harm, especially when there are so many bad things we can't control. I try to eliminate the things I can that I know are bad for me. But I'm not doing all that well with eating right!

                        Well, got to go to my one class for today, see ya later!


                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          The plot thickens...
                          Yes Telford is definitively going to mix things up! But ah ha! teyla you have fallen into CWR's plan, you are hooked on this story! As we all are!
                          Smoking is not easy to quit, maybe for some people, but hey I just worry about folks in general. Being a cancer survivor, I think why do things that can do you harm, especially when there are so many bad things we can't control. I try to eliminate the things I can that I know are bad for me. But I'm not doing all that well with eating right!
                          I was from the first moment I've read the first chapter! I'm addicted to this story as I'm addicted to this thread and especially to Bobby *melting away*
                          Yeah, you're right, but then nearly everything you'd do would be bad for you.
                          Yeah, eating is quite difficult to control


                            Hi girls, good night, I'll go to bed, I'm too tired to do anything else, especially sitting in front of my computer. I don't like to fall asleep with my head on the keyboard....


                              Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                              Hi girls, good night, I'll go to bed, I'm too tired to do anything else, especially sitting in front of my computer. I don't like to fall asleep with my head on the keyboard....
                              Good Night Cairi! I gotta go to bed too. Tomorrow school = bah!

                              Good night *waves at everyone*


                                Images originally posted at RainDog the black and white one, just him, meow....
                                You can refuse to know something, but you cannot escape the consequences of that refusal.~~ me

