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What if SGU's intended finale revealed that....

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    What if SGU's intended finale revealed that....

    Everything is happening for a reason e.g. this is the crews destiny.

    I have a theory that some significant finale event would have come to a head involving the Novus people (crews descendants) becoming part of a major cosmic time loop, in which the Novans would be sent back some billions of years ago (probably by solar flare/obelisk aliens) effectively becoming the very people who would go on to create the Stargates themselves.

    I have somewhat weak but intriguing evidence to back this up e.g. we all know that Novus was an unstable planet because of volcanic activity, would it only make sense that if such an event were to happen again, rather than abandoning their cities they could simply fly them off the planet and put them on water to avoid seismic activity (sounding familar yes)

    Also the fact that the Novans split up into seperate factions this also could mean they may eventually become Alterean/Ori due to the science/faith ideologies of the people on Destiny.

    There is also the fact that from what I gather the Ancient language is based around latin

    If anyone agrees with this or would like to shoot it down be my guest

    I think that the intended SGU finale would be the ultimate series finale. There wouldn't be a 4th series, at least not by the now-former crew and (probably) cast members.
    The Revolution movie would show that Sam and Jack have become a couple and the Stargate program would be revealed to the public in the movie. The Extinction movie would be the first two episodes of SGA S6, which would probably be the last season of Atlantis in my opinion, unless the writers would come up with a new enemy for Atlantis, just like they did it with SG-1.

    So yes, your theory isn't bad at all. I like the idea of Novans altering the history and taking the place of the Ancients. But in that case, Atlantis would probably be re-named as well, since the Ancients did build it in the first place.


      Originally posted by Novus View Post
      Everything is happening for a reason e.g. this is the crews destiny.
      Well it's a nice theory but I feel that the series finale should of been relating to the Destiny's mission; as much as I dislike the series, the purpose for what Destiny was built for and what it was doing is admittingly a pretty good basis for the series. It gave the crew something to go for that would of binded them together and made them something more had the show continued, it would of shown the effects it had on the "flawed" people which SGU contained, when they ultimately drop everything they hold dear and focus on the mission at hand, the mission which these humans can ever so be essential in. (SG1 helped rid the Gou'ald and the crew from Atlantis managed to combat the undefeatable Wraith, humans always manage to be the missing pieces in these puzzles.) Nobody knows what the ending is other then the writers but I do know that it would of at least tried to be scientifically metaphorical and logistical in nature. The crews "destiny" reminds me a bit too much about Lost, who's hints of Destiny is one of the themes of the show; (Jack was given a purpose as a leader, Locke had a renewed purpose, Jin & Sun had a new relationship and one of them even managed to restore the balance in the end.) if SGU were to use the whole "Destiny" thing as an ending then it would of undermined the whole dynamic story they were going for; the people, the ancients, the mission, the purpose... You yourself would be pissed if it turns out that the reason we were watching this show (including all of the major character moments and dramatic action) was to learn that these people would build the Stargates.
      Back from the grave.


        To be honest, I don't really like the idea. There are too many contradictions with the various series for it to work, and I doubt it is what the creators intended. Plus, it doesn't address the signal from the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and what it is, which I think will be the major plot point of the finale. I also firmly believe that the SGU finale would leave things open for the possibility of more Stargate shows, and this has actually been implied by TPTB before.


          But the thing is that SGU was the last planned series and would be if it were finished the way the writers intended. This was confirmed by the crew working on the show, if I'm not mistaking.

          Even Telford says that "Ancients built Stargates with 9 chevrons. So it's got to go somewhere!" back in "Air". Then in "Twin Destinies", he is the one who says that the whole point of the Icarus project was to get the 9 chevron address working and explore where it leads to and then he urges anyone to go home, even trough an unstable wormhole. That is a clear hint that the writers intended SGU to be last series. But if there were to be a 4th series, I think we would either get a different Stargate or one with more than 9 chevrons.


            They said it would be their last involvement with the franchise, and a fitting tie-up/wrap-up to all three series, but they also said that it would allow for more spin-off afterwards. It's wasn't going to be an "...and the universe blew up" type ending


              I apologize, but how does Telford wanting the crew to go home through an unstable wormhole indicate that the writers intended SGU to be the last series?


                I'm jut saying that the writers did say that they weren't planning on doing a 4th series and the story seemd to go that way. It's just like KEK said (thanks for correcting me!), SGU would be their last involvment with the franchise. We would probably get an "endgame" SG finale in SGU S5 and afterwards, both SG-1 and SGA planned movies and probably another extra SGA movie, which would finish the SGA story. But after that, the series would be done.

                Yes, another team would have probably done another series, but I don't think we would be seeing any SG-1, SGA or SGU stories continue or be a part of it. The actors from the 3 series would probably appear in the 4th one, but I'm guessing they would probably be playing new characters and would be given new stories. But that's just my opinion.


                  I don't think they ever intended on rebooting the franchise, or even dropping out of it. I don't remember seeing anything from the producers like what you have mentioned.
                  If anything, I would think they would have wanted the franchise to go on, as I do remember Joseph Mallozzi mentioning that they wanted to resolve SGU's storyline with two films before doing an Atlantis film, another SG-1 film, and a film that combines elements from all three series.


                    Originally posted by Bradley View Post
                    I apologize, but how does Telford wanting the crew to go home through an unstable wormhole indicate that the writers intended SGU to be the last series?
                    It doesn't, the fact that TPTB said it was does. I can't find the link off-hand, but both BW aand RCC said this was going to be thier last series.
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Indeed. Mallozzi said he and Paul would leave after it too. Or actually the quotes might have been more accurately that this would be their last series, I'm not sure they ruled out working on more movies.


                        Originally posted by Bradley View Post
                        I don't think they ever intended on rebooting the franchise, or even dropping out of it. I don't remember seeing anything from the producers like what you have mentioned.
                        If anything, I would think they would have wanted the franchise to go on, as I do remember Joseph Mallozzi mentioning that they wanted to resolve SGU's storyline with two films before doing an Atlantis film, another SG-1 film, and a film that combines elements from all three series.
                        I remember reading about that on Malozzi's blog. He said that they would be able to resolve SGU's story with 2 movies. Then they would do Extinction, Revolution and an SG Combo movie, which would probably involve all 3 casts, although the combo movie would be better as a trilogy, since it would combine the elements from all 3 series.

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        It doesn't, the fact that TPTB said it was does. I can't find the link off-hand, but both BW aand RCC said this was going to be thier last series.
                        Well, 20 seasons + movies would be enough in my opinion. I completely agree with them, since I too think that a 4th series would be too much for them.

                        Originally posted by KEK View Post
                        Indeed. Mallozzi said he and Paul would leave after it too. Or actually the quotes might have been more accurately that this would be their last series, I'm not sure they ruled out working on more movies.
                        Of course not. They would do the remaining movies first after SGU would be done, and then probably a couple of more in my opinion. I think that was their plan. But that's just me guessing.

                        Although, if you ask me, they should've done the SG-1 and SGA movies after SGA was cancelled and then proceed on to doing SGU.


                          "Novus" username with a thread addressing the people of Novus, and the username has only 1 post. Sounds like someone created a duplicate account. Regardless, Novus username has not posted anything since but there have been some interesting replies since the original post....

                          Originally posted by Mnikolic View Post
                          I think that the intended SGU finale would be the ultimate series finale.

                          Originally posted by Zombies Rise from the Sea View Post
                          Well it's a nice theory but I feel that the series finale should ... been relating to the Destiny's mission
                          It most likely would have involved her mission, which most likely would have had something to do with the CMBR.

                          As for 1-post-Novus-user's original post:

                          Originally posted by Novus View Post
                          Everything is happening for a reason e.g. this is the crews destiny.
                          That would be a logical assumption.

                          I have a theory that some significant finale event would have come to a head involving the Novus people (crews descendants)
                          Mallozzi has shared a couple times in his blog ideas on how SGU could have continued had it been given a 3rd season. One of this posts was from around mid-2011 and another in 2012, which had a modified sequence of ideas. I cannot remember when he posted the more recent one but it was pretty clear that the Destiny crew's descendants would be involved. Eli rerouted the shuttle's power to a stasis pod, the crew woke up 100 years later, Earth found a way to easily connect with Destiny, Earth's tech was advanced enough to cure T.J., repair Park's vision, and the descendants of the Destiny crew returned, and I think this is what Mallozzi said, with an interest in taking over Destiny believing that the current crew is not fit for it. So basically, it sounds like the descendants might have been the new villains. And, of course, they would've been in another galaxy. I think Mallozzi said that most or all of the threats from the previous galaxy (previous season(s)) were gone.

                          becoming part of a major cosmic time loop
                          There were hints of something along those lines potentially coming to fruition by series end. I doubt it would've required time travel. The writers could have just written the end into the beginning.

                          ...unstable planet because of volcanic activity, would it only make sense that if such an event were to happen again, rather than abandoning their cities they could simply fly them off the planet and put them on water to avoid seismic activity...
                          One word defeats your line of thinking:


                          split up into ... factions
                          The writers might have had those intentions, associating the different groups of descendants with the different groups of ascendants, or it could have been nothing more than unoriginal ideas being rehashed for use strictly with the descendants. The notion of science versus religion is nothing new, and it is very likely to come up again, and again, and again, even among different species that have absolutely no association with one another.

                          There is also the fact that from what I gather the Ancient language is based around latin
                          The "fact"? No.

                          Considering what we know of languages in the Stargate shows, Latin is based on the Ancient language, not the other way around.

                          If getting into the time loop idea then, sure, say all of those things are possible, yet by that point that does nothing more than make the entire Stargate franchise a paradox, which in a way makes it come off as more of a joke than anything else.
                          Are you in the Kansas City area? Do you know any SG fans in the area?
                          Email me and join the local group of Stargate enthusiasts! (Email address in my profile.)
                          What if... events occurred differently in Stargate? | Which version Stargate fan are you?
                          An all new crew: Who would you want MGM to hire for a new Stargate show or movie(s)?
                          When have you met SG cast or crew (excluding conventions)?
                          Stargate Enthusiasts in the Kansas City Area | Being Introduced to Stargate


                            If that part of mallozzi's blog is true about the 100 years things, no one on earth might even remember them...


                              No one on Earth that they knew would still be alive.
                              Are you in the Kansas City area? Do you know any SG fans in the area?
                              Email me and join the local group of Stargate enthusiasts! (Email address in my profile.)
                              What if... events occurred differently in Stargate? | Which version Stargate fan are you?
                              An all new crew: Who would you want MGM to hire for a new Stargate show or movie(s)?
                              When have you met SG cast or crew (excluding conventions)?
                              Stargate Enthusiasts in the Kansas City Area | Being Introduced to Stargate

