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What to watch after SGU?

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    Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


      warehosue 13 is awesome!/Solar_wind84


        woo! someone linked to my thread! =D


          Originally posted by themeatcleaver View Post
          woo! someone linked to my thread! =D
          That was an awesome thread you started there. I had to link it. LOL Hopefully, it will become a sticky.
          Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


            Originally posted by falcons319 View Post
            coming soon
            The Game Of Thrones
            wait is this a tv adaptation for the book by George RR Martin?


              Originally posted by do not freeze View Post
              I'm not the most hardcore sci-fi fan on the planet, but I gotta admit that I enjoy following a sci-fi show on a regular basis. It makes me think about something other than "real life" for a few minutes and that's something important for me. It captivates my imagination and I gotta say that I need it...

              Well, now that stargate is over, what should I watch? I've already seen all of SG1, SGA, SGU, BSG (kinda hated how it always was about god and religion). I've watched most of the first two seasons of Eureka, I loved it. I've also watched the first season of deep space nine. I though it was okay, but I didn't bother for the other 6 seasons, the DVDs are way too expensive. I used to watch 24 and Lost too, unfortunately those shows are over too.

              I don't have cable so I mostly buy my shows on DVD/Bluray and iTunes.

              I watched a few minutes of Sanctuary, it didn't look very good to me. Same for Dr. Who. Torchwood is alright for a few episodes but I got tired of it after a while.

              Any suggestions?
              If you can, do get hold of the rest of DS9 and watch it. Season One, as with SGU's first season, set up the characters and their situation, so a bit hard going. However it pays off as it develops into a really fantastic show. Well worth watching if you liked SGU, for me it's like the SGU of the Trek franchise, not the usual Trek fare, not saying I don't like the rest of the franchise! DS9 was a lot darker and painted the Federation in a less flattering light, and boy did you get some interesting characters!

              Well, you'd never guess that I really like DS9!!!


                Originally posted by I am Goa'uld View Post
                wait is this a tv adaptation for the book by George RR Martin?
                yes, it is.


                  Been a while now so I thought i'd update on where i'm at. I've picked up one new show so far and its totally a favorite, Breaking Bad. Its odd, like, you can only watch it a few at a time because it's just not light-hearted --at. all.-- granted, its got its funny parts and jokes which are mostly hysterical but half the time it makes me want to shoot myself and i have to offset it by watching reruns of sitcoms lol. that said, fantastic show and definitely definitely recommend it to any and all!


                    GAME OF THRONES. Currently the best show airing a probably the best show in last several years
                    Stolen Kosovo


                      game of freaking thrones, burn of freaking notice, spartacus blood and freaking sand, transporter of freaking um...transporter. and never watch syfy, dont watch BSG blood & chrome.


                        given the fact the new BSG will be more or less a battle of a week show(so a casual SYFY viewers can understand it), I will probably boycott it
                        Stolen Kosovo


                          Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                          given the fact the new BSG will be more or less a battle of a week show(so a casual SYFY viewers can understand it), I will probably boycott it
                          I'll check it out for sure, but more episodic than serialized doesn't bode well for me.


                            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                            I'll check it out for sure, but more episodic than serialized doesn't bode well for me.
                            it had a hand in killing stargate, best to ignore it. it will be serialized but full of action.


                              Originally posted by Duneknight View Post
                              it had a hand in killing stargate, best to ignore it.
                              Then I'd adapt the same attitude as some bitter fans had about SGU killing off SGA, and now rest of the franchise. I didn't like when it was mentioned all the time, and I'm definitely not going to act the same way now.


                                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                                Then I'd adapt the same attitude as some bitter fans had about SGU killing off SGA, and now rest of the franchise. I didn't like when it was mentioned all the time, and I'm definitely not going to act the same way now.
                                well im loyal to stargate and watching new bsg would seem like a betrayal.

