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SGU: SciFi Writers Experimenting with Drama

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    SGU: SciFi Writers Experimenting with Drama

    I had been watching SGU half heartedly ever since the first two episodes (like your mom says with food, even if you don't like it the first time, try it twice) and have had a somber opinion of it since. I'm sad to say that I haven't watched any of the new episodes for quite some time, I really get no enjoyment out of it. I had been saying terrible things about how SGU was a terrible and entertainmentless show that should have been played on UPN, but I just recently realized that I have been somewhat mistaken.

    I've recently had a conversation with the person who started me on Stargate, and he has opened my eyes to why some fans enjoy SGU and some don't.

    I always thought that I didn't like it because they were turning towards drama, which is why I HATE BSG. But then I realized that I like the majority of dramas that I watch on television, so why start now? Shouldn't I like it more because it has a Stargate plot? But then my friend exploded my brain by saying: "The problem with SGU is that it is career long scifi writers experimenting with drama. It's not that it's bad writing, it's just a strange style that the current fan base is not used to. And while it brings in some new fans, unfortunately some current fans can't stand it."

    This really made me feel better about falling off the Stargate fan wagon, and made me less angry at the series. I mean, I still feel crappy about not watching any new Stargate shows, but....who knows? Maybe there will be a fourth series that I can actually watch and not feel like my head is spinning.

    Please, if you have any comments that would be conducive to my attempt to force myself to like SGU, they would be GREATLY appreciated.

    I guess what I meant to say is most drama shows that I've watched. And what I mean by drama is not general character development. I mean that the drama is the center of the situation. Instead of all of the characters getting along most of the time, only having one or two social problems, this entire show is about the social dynamics of the ship and how one persons actions affect another persons perceptions and how those perceptions affect how they treat another person or upcoming situation. It's when the drama in the show becomes as pertinent or more so than the scifi themes. BLEAH! I no lika dat. So I suppose that it could be said that I don't like the style of drama indeed.

    And...ummmm, I guess thanks for weirdly paraphrasing with filler? Pretty much says the same thing though.

    Don't take my comments too seriously everyone. I liked "Enterprise", so how much water does my opinion hold anyway?
    Last edited by VolrathEvincar; 14 July 2010, 09:29 AM.
    Jack (Addressing Teal'c): You're so.....shallow!
    Daniel: Oh please, Teal'c is like one of the deepest people I know, I mean, he's so deep! Come on, tell them how deep you are. You'll be lucky if you understand this.
    Teal'c: My depth is immaterial to this converstation.
    Daniel: OH! You see!?
    Jack: No more beer for you.

    Bring back SG-1 on SciFi, or the terrorists win.

    Originally posted by VolrathEvincar View Post
    I had been watching SGU half heartedly ever since the first two episodes (like your mom says with food, even if you don't like it the first time, try it twice) and have had a somber opinion of it since. I'm sad to say that I haven't watched any of the new episodes for quite some time, I really get no enjoyment out of it. I had been saying terrible things about how SGU was a terrible and entertainmentless show that should have been played on UPN, but I just recently realized that I have been somewhat mistaken.

    I've recently had a conversation with the person who started me on Stargate, and he has opened my eyes to why some fans enjoy SGU and some don't.

    I always thought that I didn't like it because they were turning towards drama, which is why I HATE BSG. But then I realized that I like the majority of dramas that I watch on television, so why start now? Shouldn't I like it more because it has a Stargate plot? But then my friend exploded my brain by saying: "The problem with SGU is that it is career long scifi writers experimenting with drama. It's not that it's bad writing, it's just a strange style that the current fan base is not used to. And while it brings in some new fans, unfortunately some current fans can't stand it."

    This really made me feel better about falling off the Stargate fan wagon, and made me less angry at the series. I mean, I still feel crappy about not watching any new Stargate shows, but....who knows? Maybe there will be a fourth series that I can actually watch and not feel like my head is spinning.

    Don't take my comments too seriously everyone. I liked "Enterprise", so how much water does my opinion hold anyway?
    Err, right. so you like dramas, but not sci fi dramas?

    Except I don't see how their " experimenting with drama" when they've long had drama in the shows. Drama as a genre simply refers to the development of characters and their interactions as a focus of the show, compared to action, where events drive the show. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I saw rather a of of character development in past shows?

    As for you saying you like most drama shows, that's rather broad isn't it? Grey's Anatomy is defined as drama, as is the Wire, but they are both vastly different shows that appeal to vastly different audiences. Could it just be that you don't like the style of drama SGU uses?


      I think maybe the statement could be fleshed out a bit:

      "The problem some have with SGU is that it is career long sci-fi/action writers experimenting with a more character-based heavily dramatic premise, while the character focus wasn't as heavy in the previous shows. It's not that it's bad writing, though mileage may vary, it's just a strange style that the current fan base is not used to - adaptability may be possible for the writers, but some folk just love the old SG's and their style. And while it brings in some new fans, unfortunately some current fans of the old school SG shows can't stand it."
      ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

      ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


        Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
        I think maybe the statement could be fleshed out a bit:

        "The problem some have with SGU is that it is career long sci-fi/action writers experimenting with a more character-based drama premise, while the character focus wasn't as heavy in the previous shows. It's not that it's bad writing, though mileage may vary, it's just a strange style that the current fan base is not used to - adaptability may be possible for the writers, but some folk just love the old SG's and their style. And while it brings in some new fans, unfortunately some current fans of the old school SG shows can't stand it."
        That makes sense.


          I guess what I meant to say is most drama shows that I've watched. And what I mean by drama is not general character development. I mean that the drama is the center of the situation. Instead of all of the characters getting along most of the time, only having one or two social problems, this entire show is about the social dynamics of the ship and how one persons actions affect another persons perceptions and how those perceptions affect how they treat another person or upcoming situation. It's when the drama in the show becomes as pertinent or more so than the scifi themes. BLEAH! I no lika dat. So I suppose that it could be said that I don't like the style of drama indeed.

          And...ummmm, I guess thanks for weirdly paraphrasing? Pretty much says the same point articulated more thoroughly.
          Last edited by VolrathEvincar; 14 July 2010, 08:23 AM.
          Jack (Addressing Teal'c): You're so.....shallow!
          Daniel: Oh please, Teal'c is like one of the deepest people I know, I mean, he's so deep! Come on, tell them how deep you are. You'll be lucky if you understand this.
          Teal'c: My depth is immaterial to this converstation.
          Daniel: OH! You see!?
          Jack: No more beer for you.

          Bring back SG-1 on SciFi, or the terrorists win.


            The best, and my my favourite learning experience bought through SGU is that drama is a naughty, filthy word.
            Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

            Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


              Originally posted by VolrathEvincar View Post
              I guess what I meant to say is most drama shows that I've watched. And what I mean by drama is not general character development. I mean that the drama is the center of the situation. Instead of all of the characters getting along most of the time, only having one or two social problems, this entire show is about the social dynamics of the ship and how one persons actions affect another persons perceptions and how those perceptions affect how they treat another person or upcoming situation. It's when the drama in the show becomes as pertinent or more so than the scifi themes. BLEAH! I no lika dat. So I suppose that it could be said that I don't like the style of drama indeed.

              And...ummmm, I guess thanks for weirdly paraphrasing with filler? Pretty much says the same thing though.
              So it basically boils down to you not liking "HBO" style drama? I take it from your statements your not a fan of shows like Deadwood, The Wire and The Sopranos then, the shows that I think SGU takes a lot of inspiration for its drama from?

              Which is fine, but it boils down even further to this. You have taken this long to realise that SGU is done in a different style to past stargate shows.


                And...ummmm, I guess thanks for weirdly paraphrasing with filler? Pretty much says the same thing though.
                Yeah, no. Previous SG's had drama too, but you weren't exactly specific with the fact that SGU is a character-based drama and not a "Kill the Wraith!" drama or something. Plus, starting the sentence with "the problem with SGU" is your own opinion, so I expanded a bit and made it more general as in "the problem some have with SGU".

                I added the "mileage may vary" thing for the "it's not that it's bad writing" note, because sometimes it is - some writers overdoing one or two scenes or something, and mileage may vary because while I may see a scene as good/poorly written, others would not. Nothing's perfect.

                I also included the point about adaptability because you pointed out the writers were experimenting with the old formula in a new way, so they're adapting to the new premise as they write their scripts. The fans, those from the old days that are now hooked on SGU, are adapting to the new style of SGU too, and some of those that are not liking the show are not adapting to the changes and don't stick around to watch. Those that do adapt are then taking it for what it is, from there on either enjoying it or not or whatever.

                In general, I fleshed it out 'cause I could, to make a little more general and less of a SGU-disliker's POV on the show like your original statement was. Just 'cause I could.

                The best, and my my favourite learning experience bought through SGU is that drama is a naughty, filthy word.
                Nah dude, that's "soap opera".
                ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                  Well, I don't know if you could exactly say that it is an "HBO" style drama or that "HBO" is the type of drama that I don't like. It's more like I don't like BSG and this is BSGesq. And by the way, I haven't taken this long to realize it, if you look through my posts you'll realize that I called SGU a duck before it even came out. It's just that I've taken this long to calm down and just accept it for what it is. And I like the Sopranos! I'm just not sure why exactly.

        're not supposed to put your opinion on threads? I guess I just missed the whole point of forums in the first place. This ain't CNN foo! It's MSNBC! And SGU is only a quarter soap opera anyway.
                  Jack (Addressing Teal'c): You're so.....shallow!
                  Daniel: Oh please, Teal'c is like one of the deepest people I know, I mean, he's so deep! Come on, tell them how deep you are. You'll be lucky if you understand this.
                  Teal'c: My depth is immaterial to this converstation.
                  Daniel: OH! You see!?
                  Jack: No more beer for you.

                  Bring back SG-1 on SciFi, or the terrorists win.


                    Originally posted by VolrathEvincar View Post
          're not supposed to put your opinion on threads? I guess I just missed the whole point of forums in the first place.
                    It's okay to share your opinions, if done in a respectful way. But there's no point in stating one's opinion as facts.


            're not supposed to put your opinion on threads?
                      Fine. My opinion is that, while your statement made sense to you and felt right to you and some others, it being fleshed out like I did made it a more general one, and it was my opinion that I should post it here anyway, because it does follow the topic without anybody devolving into a SGU Likers Vs SGU Haters game. My rephrasing is not a slight on you or your opinions, simply, as I've said, a fleshing out to make the statement more general and to make this thread seem like less of just another old SG fan disappointed with SGU making their own thread and listing a reason why, hence avoiding any potential blow ups that lead to badness all around between the fandom.

                      It's okay to share your opinions, if done in a respectful way. But there's no point in stating one's opinion as facts.
                      And that! Egle, I owe you a pat on the back or something.
                      ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                      ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                        Well, I was just quoting what my friend said anyway, and I didn't want to misquote him. Next time I'll call him and get his permission to change his quote or get him to restate it in a more neutral manner.

                        If you can't tell, I'm being facetious.

                        While I appreciate your fleshing out of what I said, I stand by the fact that it is essentially the same thing, just with a more PC vibe. Regardless, I suppose it was helpful anyway.
                        Jack (Addressing Teal'c): You're so.....shallow!
                        Daniel: Oh please, Teal'c is like one of the deepest people I know, I mean, he's so deep! Come on, tell them how deep you are. You'll be lucky if you understand this.
                        Teal'c: My depth is immaterial to this converstation.
                        Daniel: OH! You see!?
                        Jack: No more beer for you.

                        Bring back SG-1 on SciFi, or the terrorists win.


                          Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                          And that! Egle, I owe you a pat on the back or something.
                          If I get a gold star, that's enough.


                            Originally posted by VolrathEvincar View Post
                            Well, I don't know if you could exactly say that it is an "HBO" style drama or that "HBO" is the type of drama that I don't like. It's more like I don't like BSG and this is BSGesq. And by the way, I haven't taken this long to realize it, if you look through my posts you'll realize that I called SGU a duck before it even came out. It's just that I've taken this long to calm down and just accept it for what it is. And I like the Sopranos! I'm just not sure why exactly.
                            Right, so this realisations all well and good, but you do realise I'm going to give you a bit of ribbing for taking a year to become rational over a tv show.


                              my advice:

                              Watch episode 11, 12, 13.

                              that'll change your opinion

