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BALDING ASIAN GUY/Bill Butt Appreciation thread( Spoilers Faith-Visitation)

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    Originally posted by James71 View Post
    I think B.A.G. ascended during the flash of light on the Kino.
    The other B.A.G. on Destiny was a fake.
    I also think that is the reason why Rush said "Chen", because Vince Kwan wasn't even on Destiny!! Ha!! Ha!! I will say anything or give any reasons to be back on in season 3, ha!! Ha!! I want to work, bring back B.A.G.!!!!! Thanks James71!!!!!!


      Originally posted by Razor One View Post
      The Balding Asian Guy is no more.

      He has become the Balding Asian God.

      All Hail the Balding Asian God!
      If I am a god, can I come back anytime I want, ha!! Ha!! Well, I want to be back in season 3, I need the work!!! Thanks Razor One!!


        Originally posted by rushy View Post
        Although one of my greatest desires is BAG to die, I still think he is building up as a character. I mean, they gave him a name: Dr. Vince Chan-Kwan. He was so weird and now dead. BAG IS DEAD!!!!!!! LET'S END THE THREAD FOR THE DEAD!!!!!

        Dr. Vince Chan-Kwan
        A born loser
        Occupation: Science

        "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to pay our final respects and to say farewell to
        our dear friend, Doctor Vince Chan-Kwan. A schmuck. Muleheaded, stupid, a redshirt and probably brain-dead before we met him. May his spirit never return and may he never mentioned again."
        Thanks Rushy, for thinking about me!! Thanks for writing about me!! Hope to hear from you soon!!! Thanks from your humble servant!!


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          Fear not misguided fool. BAG not be loved by everyone but he cares about everyone except the kangaroos. Your blind hate will be forgiven. All hail the BAG
          Thanks Jelgate!! I care about kangaroos too, maybe not all of them, but I do care!!!!! BAGllelujah!!


            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            How about Balding Asian Ghost?

            He can haunt Destiny.

            Forget about Franklin. BAG is there to guide you!
            I don't mind haunting Destiny, just as long as I work!!!! Ha!! Ha!! I can just walk around on Destiny on every episodes, ha!! Ha!! Please let Mr. Mallozi know about this idea on his blog, because I want to be back in season 3, ha!! Ha!! Thanks Hindncr!!!!


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              WOW!! Where do you guys find these articles?? Thanks a lot Jelgate!! It makes me very happy to be acknowledge, and it sure doesn't hurt my chances of getting back on season 3. Thanks from your humble servant!!!! Can you please post the article on Mr. Mallozi's blog, so he will know about it. Anything to help "B.A.G. 2 - The Return", ha!! Ha!!


                Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                Awww, what a way to go, B.A.G frozen to death!

                Hope you weren't reminded too much of that by the recent weather we've had in Vancouver! Not being a very efficient 'weather shaman' at the moment I know, minus 8C and snow! There is sun and plus 8C for Sunday though!

                The Faith planet aliens may have invented ascension and B.A.G floats serenely on another plane of existence now. He could return again one day back in his human form, Daniel Jackson style (hopefully there will be a convenient flag around when the time comes!)

                Rush's line about our illustrious B.A.G's hair not being replaced with his so called 'resurrection' made me laugh, especially when I had to wonder who "Chan" was, but it could only be about the great B.A.G!!! Looks like the aliens replaced his name incorrectly too in peoples' minds!
                Hi Krisz!! Was I frozen to death? Did you see me in the shuttle? Did you see me die? Where did I go?

                You are my #1 "Weather Shaman"!! You protect me when I work, so anytime that I am not working, the weather is not your responsibility!! Keep up the good work!!

                You are so right, this is SF, so I can come back anytime!!!! Hopefully, there is enough support to bring me back.

                There are lots of theories flowing around about Rush saying "Chan" instead of "Kwan", but the most important thing is, everybody knew the reference was directed at B.A.G.!!! Thanks everybody for acknowledging B.A.G., and let's hope I will be back soon.


                  Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                  I rewatched the episode and didn't see Dr. Vince Qwan(B.A.G.)
                  You are right!! Did you see me in the shuttle? Did you see me die? Where did I go?


                    Originally posted by dacooker View Post
                    Awww BAG, does this mean the end?
                    I hope not!! I will be back to save the day!!! Ha!! Ha!!


                      Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                      cold way to go out but enjoyed seeing you again
                      This is SF, so with enough support, I will be back again!!! Thanks Pharaoh Atem!!!


                        Originally posted by major davis View Post
                        LOL... Dr. Rushs line.. cant believe they put it in there.. Epic.
                        Lots of people caught the line too, thanks Major davis!!!


                          Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                          That would be great, although a bit busy with working and moving house as well just before Christmas! We sold our house quicker than I thought! Hopefully we can get together again soon though for another lunch.

                          I have to avoid the rest of the thread due to discussion about your appearance on 'Visitation' until I see the episode on Friday. Can't wait to see that and then read your interview. I really try my best to avoid spoilers, I like to be surprised.
                          Looking forward to another lunch, can't wait!! Good luck on your move, and B.A.G. will be lending you his strength!!!


                            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                            We got SUCH a shout out! What did they mention? The baldingness!


                            I am so happy to entertain your whole family, ha!! Ha!! Hopefully, with your support, I can come back again, or I will be out of a job on SGU forever. Thanks from your humble servant!!


                              Originally posted by James71 View Post
                              That was definitely inserted by the writers as a direct result of this thread. I cannot believe Rush actually brought up his baldness and questioned why the aliens had not fixed it along with the shuttle.
                              Hopefully the insert by the writers will mean a come back!!! Thanks James71!!!


                                Originally posted by sblade View Post
                                Mr. Chan? What the heck happened to Vince Kwan?



                                I couldn't spot B.A.G. in the shuttle with the frozen dead. He didn't bite the dust on-screen either. This can only mean one thing... B.A.G. himself is an Obelisk Builder.

                                And the campaign continues
                                Thanks Sblade!! You are the best!! I don't know what happened with "Chan" and "Kwan" either, but everybody knew it was a reference to B.A.G., so that is the important result. You are so right!! I was not seen in the shuttle and I didn't bite the dust on-screen, so where am I? Ha!! Ha!! Please let the campaign continue, because I need to work, ha!! Ha!!

