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What's your opinion now about SGU ?

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    Originally posted by Deevil View Post

    I too have the right to hold my opinion mate.
    Indeed you are, yet I have not seen you make a negative statement yet about SGU, unless I'm mistaken, perhaps you have. But frankly Deevil you come across as a crusading zealot for SGU, don't mean to sound harsh, but that is just mine and many other posters opininon. Every single page, (practically) has a reply from you, though you were here 24/7 to reply to every anti- SGU poster. It's just a bit too obvious, that's all I'm saying. Almost scary.
    My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
    sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


      Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
      Indeed you are, yet I have not seen you make a negative statement yet about SGU, unless I'm mistaken, perhaps you have.
      You haven't been in every thread. I have stated many concerns and criticisms, some even in this very thread. So I suggest you pay attention rather then make incorrect blanket statements.

      As for the rest of your reply - your personal opinion of me has no baring on this thread (and please speak for yourself and not others). Criticise what I have to say rather then me, myself. You don't know me well enough to make any of your opinions of my character even remotely valid.

      Now, can we get back onto topic?

      In my opinion, SGU despite some of it's problems, it manages to supply some good entertainment that isn't as fluffy and campy as SG1 and SGA was... and is markably different then BSG (who had a similar feel), in that we don't have moralistic BS whacked about our heads.
      Last edited by Deevil; 06 December 2009, 01:15 AM.
      Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

      Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


        Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
        Indeed you are, yet I have not seen you make a negative statement yet about SGU, unless I'm mistaken, perhaps you have. But frankly Deevil you come across as a crusading zealot for SGU, don't mean to sound harsh, but that is just mine and many other posters opininon. Every single page, (practically) has a reply from you, though you were here 24/7 to reply to every anti- SGU poster. It's just a bit too obvious, that's all I'm saying. Almost scary.
        Were that true, and it isn't for Deevil has been just as critical as I on pretty much the same points, I would say 'So?' Does it make any difference to you if someone has no criticisms? It's like ... well, you for example ... someone who criticises everything negatively.


          Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
          Deevil are you sure you're not PR for SGU? Becaause no matter how good an opposing veiw is, somehow you manage to find holes in it. The above posted opinion was one of the most thought provoking yet on this thread. And whether pro or con, he should be acknowledged for the insightful arguments presented.
          That's pretty subjective, actually. If someone has a good argument, that doesn't mean someone else will agree... So there'll always be an opposing side to poke holes into it.

          For example, if someone says that sex takes up the entirety of the show thus far, and I told them that it was actually a very small number, they'd still poke holes or somesuch...
          ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

          ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


            Hey my opinion of SGU *now* still the same. Boring to tears but hey the mid season finale was almost exciting enough keep me from falling asleep. J/K, I was awake for Justice from start to finish. I liked this episode enough to feel really happy about it but the whole warm fuzzy feeling was completely neutralized by the retarded 4 month break until the second half. Scifi, why do you hate me???

            Anyway, I hope Justice was a sign that things are going to pick up pace and be much more interesting.


              My current opinion on SGU, still love it, more so after Justice. I feel it was a turning point for the show. I think someone had mentioned on here that SGU, while had been advertised as darker, there hadn’t been too much difference from the other shows, they had dealt with themes such as sacrifice and suicide. Now with Justice SGU actually moved into properly darker territory, Young’s actions, whatever side one takes was still a sudden shock and a very dark moment. I’m thoroughly looking forward to the second half of season 1.



                So you mean something like Startrek's computer AI? They might've been afraid the series would seem too much like a rip of that series if they did that, besides, Atlantis which i guess was built after Destiny, didn't have a computer AI system either, nor did either of the ancient warships in pegasus.

                As far as the military goes, there were a few bad ones in SG1, but they weren't as unstable, as some of the SGU lot seems to be.

                I do agree it needs more plot/story developement and alittle less who's husband/wife's being unfaithful, who has kids they knew nothing about, who has furniture they cant get rid of, etc.


                  To this point I had no problems liking Young. But he has now marooned somebody, left Rush to die, on that other planet. Sorry, but by now, the only two persons I find actually likable? ... are the Doctor and maybe Eli.

                  Pretty much only the Doc is still there for me to actually like, as Eli is turning into the 'Gary Stu' of the series.

                  Everyone is usually busy argueing. Normally, I even like drama like that. But here - to me - it somehow feels so superficial. Out of proportion. The constant bickering is getting most of the attention.

                  How much I would've loved to see them taking an all around look at the hull of that strange spaceship. Instead of just standing beneath it, busy smacking each other around, it would have been a welcome change to actually get a look at this. I am aware that this might happen in a later episode. But that's not the kind of pacing I find enjoyable. While not quite as terrible as the discovery of the hatch in Lost, it's right up there with that.

                  There is just plain ... so little satisfaction in having to wait this long just to get a short glimpse an alien spaceship. You would've thought that, while they're already here, they'd at least take pictures of this, climb up the rubble to see what it looks like from above, and from all around. You could do at least -that- much if you're just going to gawk at it.


                    Originally posted by Deevil View Post
                    Interesting take on the Desiny, but I am unsure any of that is 'required' though - despite how interesting it could have been.
                    It's a show about people trapped on a ship. That Ship, any way to you look at it is integral to the show. I feeling that the creators should have had a little forethought on the actual layout of the ship.

                    I mean they named it, had a 3d model created. An impression while viewing the show, that the ship had a logical design and was more than several set pieces randomly arranged would be nice. Ok, we need about 4-5 corridor designs, 3-4 crew quarter designs and maybe 2-3 common areas to... Seems to be the extent that's been taken thus far.

                    You know with all the BSG envy present in SGU you'd think they'd have realized, the Galactica was a main character of the show not just an assemblage of sets.

                    If I were a writer of the show I'd have sketched the layout of the Destiny, radiating outward from the gate-room. I'd designate which areas where unlocked and accessible by each episode. It only seems logical, but does not seem to have been done.

                    Originally posted by Deevil View Post
                    People say this, and I can't help but disagree. There is nothing to say that the military has to be brilliantly perfect. They are allowed to be, and should be flawed. Flawed characters are far more interesting to watch.
                    I'm not saying they need to be brilliantly perfect. But they could at least act professionally. The flaws could have been gradually revealed. The way it's been done I have zero respect for Scott, Greer or Young and done right disgust for Telford.

                    I am also left with complete disbelief with the way these characters have behaved in these situations. I have not been drawn in, I have no empathy with them. I could careless if they live or die, correction I was upset when Benson died but have when I watched Scott die.

                    I still want Scott to die, he's a disgrace and he is supposed to be the young protagonist. I will never like him. He does not come off as a competent, determined, tough-minded young officer. He comes off as a a young dumb horn-dog and screw up. And I never served in the military.

                    The writers should have given more thought as to what they are really trying to portray here. They have put the cart before the horse. What are they trying to accomplish? Hmm? What?

                    Are they going to show how this ragtag group of survivors with countless issues and problems can pull themselves together and cooperate and survive. Or should they be showing how these professionals thrown together into unreal and extra ordinary circumstances slowly over time fracture into cliques and individuals start to crack over time.

                    I think the latter would have been more logical more interesting and better received by a thinking audience.

                    Originally posted by Deevil View Post
                    So, it's exactly like the previous 2 series' in that regard? That's cool...
                    Only partly, the previous 2 shows would actually entertain us through the course of the episode. Also the previous shows would also develop plot twists and turns a bit further and show how when the characters attempt to solve one problem other unexpected consequences arise. The mid season finale of SGU was the 1st to really give us a taste of that sort of development.


                      Originally posted by captain simms View Post
                      so yeah im bored, has anyones opinion on sg universe changed then? for example people who instantly hated it because atlantis was cancelled but are now interested with all the trailers and updates on the series and vice versa
                      hell, yes my opinion changed, from bad to worse.

                      yes i watch it - surprise surprise the bad German watches the show - but i hope it gets better.
                      I hate all this infighting among the crew as even a dimwit should know that this doesn't help them at all.

                      I dislike the characters, hell the only two characters i like are: Rush (yes, ruthless but imho the only person who can overlook the situation as he knows the ship better then anyone and seems to know what he is doing most of the time) and Eli Wallace - hey who doesn't like the bright kid from next door? hell he is like one put a fan right in the show!

                      I absolutely hate the impulsive sergeant (greer) who is a ticking timebomb (hell who would send someone like that to an SG-Base, even more, one with anything important on it, like the icarus base was? - No one, that's who!)
                      I dislike Colonel Young - hell i love maybourne compared to him and i'd rather be stuck with my most hated character then him (vala)...he is no real leader, he has no charisma (O'Neil, Sheppard and Mitchel have that, and they are not total *******s), he can't lead and he can't stand his ground against others without violence, threats or going behind their backs (his constant fight against rush - who imho would be the better leader, his beating up people left and right (surely, sometimes he is right...but does that crack it?)
                      I don't like the civilians, most of them are untrained idiots with no real value (hey, i would be of more use on that ship!) and they panic to lightly, if they really were the people that had been planed to go on the expedition in the first place then the only thing i have to say is: HAVE THEY KILLED ALL THE OTHER QUALIFIED PEOPLE? i mean, Atlantis Expedition had civilians, too, but they were of far better "quality".

                      as for the stories so far: i keep thinking "why don't you turn destiny upside down (even more after you have found space suits so accessing compartments without air should be no problem, even more as we have seen hull breaches are sealed of by shields anyway)? why don't you look for a way to blow the FTL-Generator (or take it offline) because getting further and further from earth is not really helpfull, is it?)

                      as for the first episode: if you build a bunker with shielding you can't beam through, why don't you give it rings for evacuation? why doesn't the base have shields - even more if it is where the ancients had an outpost before? why didn't they install a second gate? (mckay did that for the midway station, so why don't do that here, too?) and why didn't sam carter - with a fully armed 302 (with beamweapons!) - blow the lucian alliance ships to bits (hell their shields didn't have much of a problem holding, so why not stay and fight?)???

                      so, as far as i am concerned, the show is not that good, it's a shame stargate hat to sink so low as that and stopp producing shows that were good (SG-1, SGA - i liked both, even did like SGA more towards the end, as i didn't that much like the ORI-Story-Arc in SG-1)
                      worse for the show imho is that they have these communication stones (hell why? if on a ship why not make it really impossible to contact earth!)...even worse i can't imagine a single human willingly surrendering control of his body to someone else (who knows what the other person might do with it? have sex without permission, make the body pregnant? beat somebody up? make the body drunk and then leave when the body is at it's worst?....possibilities are endless)...

                      all things considered: POOR STARGATE, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU?

                      greetings LAX


                        Originally posted by Werewolfhero View Post

                        So you mean something like Startrek's computer AI? They might've been afraid the series would seem too much like a rip of that series if they did that, besides, Atlantis which i guess was built after Destiny, didn't have a computer AI system either, nor did either of the ancient warships in pegasus.
                        That was a flaw in Atlantis too. I preferred to believe Atlantis being a city designed to actually be inhabited did not require an advanced AI, and it had low level AI running the environmental systems, automated defense and maintenance systems.

                        The same being true with the Ancient warships found, they were designed to have crews aboard throughout the entire course of their operation. Advanced AI not needed because Ancient would be onboard making the decisions.

                        Not only that but both Atlantis and the War ships were likely created or downgraded post Replicator. If the Ancients were more weary of AI after the Replicator problem that is a plausible reason fore Atlantis and the War Ships.

                        Destiny on the other had was sent out unmanned. It would require and AI in order to fulfill it's mission and preserve it's existence until the time it rendezvous with the Ancients. This is pretty basic SciFi here.

                        Humans are not Ancients, they are the fruit of the seeds sown by the Ancients. Destiny's AI might not see them as a threat and therefore not attempt to interact with them openly. Destiny's AI would also not accept their orders and continue on it's mission only providing the bare minimum for the human's survival.

                        This maybe what is happening. Honestly I like some thought provoking science in my SciFi.


                          Originally posted by Rowe View Post
                          [b]It's a show about people trapped on a ship. That Ship, any way to you look at it is integral to the show. I feeling that the creators should have had a little forethought on the actual layout of the ship.
                          I don't disagree with you - I just don't agree with what you think the ship needed. I don't think we need a present AI, or mechanical cleaning bots...

                          I think they can do the show without this. Because a) AI's are just annoying, especially when they have a voice and a conciousness. It's also campy... and b) everytime I think of 'cleaning bots', I think of Farscape... and I thought they were rather fluffy in Farscape.

                          You know with all the BSG envy present in SGU you'd think they'd have realized, the Galactica was a main character of the show not just an assemblage of sets.
                          BSG envy I don't think they have that at all. No more then BSG had Lost envy and so on and so on. The comparisons to BSG are rather superficial.

                          [b]I'm not saying they need to be brilliantly perfect. But they could at least act professionally. The flaws could have been gradually revealed. The way it's been done I have zero respect for Scott, Greer or Young and done right disgust for Telford.
                          And that's fine. Some people seem to like Greer and Young anyway, it's about personal taste.

                          That being said, I tend to think being stranded billions of light years from home the idea of 'professionalism' goes out the window - so I have no issue with the characters becoming unhinged. I tend to find it interesting.

                          I think the latter would have been more logical more interesting and better received by a thinking audience.
                          Personally I don't think we can judge what they are trying to portray because in shows like SGU it isn't immediately obvious. We're just along for the ride.

                          I find it interesting how quickly they have disingrated, and it really boils down to the fact that these guys really were not meant to travel on this mission (if it happened as imagined by the SGC). These guys really are the wrong people.

                          I don't need to see them being 'professional', because the lack of professionalism is an intentional part of the story.

                          Of course, I also don't have to see the excesses of Young and his Wife either.

                          Only partly, the previous 2 shows would actually entertain us through the course of the episode. Also the previous shows would also develop plot twists and turns a bit further and show how when the characters attempt to solve one problem other unexpected consequences arise. The mid season finale of SGU was the 1st to really give us a taste of that sort of development.
                          I dunno, I didn't find all the many - if any - twists and turns in SG1 or SGA... and in SGA and especially later SG1 they didn't so much solve their problems as much as blow them up can't say I found that overly fantastic storytelling.

                          And yes, it was for the most part enjoyable, but I have to say I am enjoying the change of pace in this show.
                          Last edited by Deevil; 06 December 2009, 07:32 AM.
                          Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

                          Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


                            Originally posted by Rowe View Post
                            I still want Scott to die, he's a disgrace and he is supposed to be the young protagonist. I will never like him. He does not come off as a competent, determined, tough-minded young officer.
                            I'd point out the clear examples of his competence, tough-mindedness, and his determined attitude...but I'm sure it wouldn't matter anyways.

                            He comes off as a a young dumb horn-dog and screw up. And I never served in the military.
                            As if serving in the military has anything to do with it? There are members of military here on GW who like Lt. Scott, as well as non-military members

                            Are they going to show how this ragtag group of survivors with countless issues and problems can pull themselves together and cooperate and survive. Or should they be showing how these professionals thrown together into unreal and extra ordinary circumstances slowly over time fracture into cliques and individuals start to crack over time.

                            I think the latter would have been more logical more interesting and better received by a thinking audience.
                            Actually, you are going to (and we have) seen both things happening thus far. They are not mutually exclusive storytelling possibilities.
                            Sig by Pandora's Box


                              Ideally what I would have like to have seen so far would be the classic Military vs Scientists start.

                              In one corner we'd have the Competent, Highly Trained military personnel. They'd be taking charge and expecting the civilian scientists to get in line and follow orders.

                              In the other corner you'd have the Intellectuals who'd believe their superior abilities to analyze the technology they are surrounded by makes them more fitting to call their own shots. Lead by Wray who believes she is the highest civil authority and should therefore be in charge of the civilians.

                              Behind the scenes you'd have Rush fanning the flames. Pretending to support Young but all along subverting his authority.

                              There has been too much focus on Earth, character's pasts and other irrelevant BS. I'm not tuning into Bravo, I'm not tuning into A&E. I'm tuning into a show with freaking Stargate in the name.

                              The drama should be on the damn ship. I don't care about Wray's lesbian relationship unless it's with TJ. I don't care about Scott's ex, stripper, alcoholic, single mother of his child, period. I don't care about Young's problems with his wife or Telford's stalker-esque behavior.

                              Because if I were in their situation my focus would be the situation I am in, not the things I can't control back on Earth. They haven't been in the situation long enough to become complacent with their circumstance.

                              Yeah is what I'd like to have seen stale, perhaps but what they have given us is just as stale, just as tired. Just because the faux drama they've given us is new to a show with Stargate in the name doesn't mean it's original. What they've given us is cliche, it's been done before and done much better. There execution on all levels has been juvenile at best and outright insulting to our intelligence at worst.


                                Originally posted by Rowe View Post
                                Ideally what I would have like to have seen so far would be the classic Military vs Scientists start.

                                In one corner we'd have the Competent, Highly Trained military personnel. They'd be taking charge and expecting the civilian scientists to get in line and follow orders.

                                In the other corner you'd have the Intellectuals who'd believe their superior abilities to analyze the technology they are surrounded by makes them more fitting to call their own shots. Lead by Wray who believes she is the highest civil authority and should therefore be in charge of the civilians.

                                Behind the scenes you'd have Rush fanning the flames. Pretending to support Young but all along subverting his authority.

                                There has been too much focus on Earth, character's pasts and other irrelevant BS. I'm not tuning into Bravo, I'm not tuning into A&E. I'm tuning into a show with freaking Stargate in the name.

                                The drama should be on the damn ship. I don't care about Wray's lesbian relationship unless it's with TJ. I don't care about Scott's ex, stripper, alcoholic, single mother of his child, period. I don't care about Young's problems with his wife or Telford's stalker-esque behavior.

                                Because if I were in their situation my focus would be the situation I am in, not the things I can't control back on Earth. They haven't been in the situation long enough to become complacent with their circumstance.

                                Yeah is what I'd like to have seen stale, perhaps but what they have given us is just as stale, just as tired. Just because the faux drama they've given us is new to a show with Stargate in the name doesn't mean it's original. What they've given us is cliche, it's been done before and done much better. There execution on all levels has been juvenile at best and outright insulting to our intelligence at worst.
                                Freaking A.
                                you're so cute when you're slurring your speech but they're closing the bar and they want us to leave

                                'What is it, Sebastian? I'm arranging matches.'

                                "Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality. And the protections that we have, for religion --we protect religion-- and talk about a lifestyle choice! That is absolutely a choice. Gay people don't choose to be gay. At what age did you choose not to be gay?" (Jon Stewart, The King of Common Sense)

