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Will we see familiar enemies/aliens? Spoilers for any/all seasons

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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

    The Ancients didn't seed these other galaxies with humans so we won't be seeing humans or hybrid species like the Wraith. The show will also avoid puzzles such as how did everyone in Pegasus learn to speak Modern English when their languages are supposed to be derived from Ancient.
    How much you want to bet it will like the Star Trek's universal translator
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      How much you want to bet it will like the Star Trek's universal translator
      If the show brings in something like a universal translator there will be an explanation for the aliens speaking Modern English. We'll be hearing what the Destiny crew members are hearing.


        Probably the only way a former enemy would appear is in some sort of Dream/Hallucination. Similar to how a Super Soldier had a Cameo in SGA in a hallucination. But the only reason why that is so is because the person who hallucinated it had encountered it before in real life. And since most of the crew of SGU seem to be rookies, i don't think they have encountered Gould/jaffa, or Wraith. You cant dream up something that actually exists which you have never seen before.

        Hey if they can give the Taliban (Shepherds hallucination) a Cameo in SGA, im sure they can find a way to give an old enemy a cameo in SGU as well.


          The Ashen. Remember how O'neill gave them that address to a black hole? well they dialed it, hte whole planet got sucked into the black hole, then techno whosits in the gate caused the whole planet to be spat out unharmed in another galaxy.
          "Enemies of the Ori show no mercy in their attempts to draw believers away from the path."
          "Those who abandon the path are evil."
          "Hallowed are the Ori!"

          "Individuals who point the finger and assign blame based on nothing more than their gut instinct are ignorant at best, cretins at worst." -- Joseph Mallozzi


            Originally posted by amforster View Post
            Also turns out they have near instant travel tech that allows them to cover the vast distances required to get back to pegasus or milky way.
            That technology would probably elevate them from "roving bandits" to "universal superpower." Just the technology itself would provide an enormous strategic and economic advantage over any potential competitor, never mind the power generation technology necessary to operate such a drive system. The only similar drive that we have seen so far is the wormhole drive, which the inventors of the "bottled supernova" (i.e., ZPM) abandoned as too power-hungry.

            When I said "intergalactic pirates," I had in mind something similar to the Turanic Raiders of Homeworld: nomadic, unconnected bands of pirates who have spread themselves throughout the universe, not through any especially fast drive system, but rather through wanderlust and lack of long-term colonies.

            Originally posted by amforster View Post
            This would evidently result in our guys trying to figure out a way of getting their technology (i.e. steal from the pirates!).

            Originally posted by amforster View Post
            Lets also say that they had never encountered the gate network before (because only 0.0001 percent of the universe has gates by this point) and they are intrigued by the technology.
            Well, only a small portion of the universe may have been seeded by now, but I figure that, in order for "the crew" to have encounter these aliens, the Destiny would have to be passing through (or at least near) "their space," meaning that they would have been seeing Stargates for several centuries at least.
            "From East Middle School. Suzumiya Haruhi. I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders, or espers here, come join me."
            - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya; Best Character Introduction Ever.

            "And can we lose the ten thousand year old dead plants?!"
            - Stargate: Atlantis (1x03) "Hide and Seek"

            "Hammerheads do not load/unload units immediately – they must descend to ground level first. Initial experiments involving jump-jetting infantry into the Hammerhead’s cargo compartment met with unfortunate results."
            - Command&Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Hammerhead Unit Spotlight


              Well we all know Ba'al got a hold of the Ancient Database. It might be possible that he sent his last clone in that direction. Itd be funny to see an episode down the road after it started that baal made it there but passed them up and we meet him further along the pre programmed course. Itd be even funnier if he was killed already or being held prisoner somewhere. lol it could work. I could use some more Baal. Imagine hearing all the sg universe theme music for episode after episode after episode and then all of a sudden we get kidnapped and imprisoned our selves and as we are being booked into there "jail" we start to hear the goauld theme music and we walk by a prison cell with baal in it.
              Id love that episode. I can just see baal saying how the he*l did you get here.



                i want new aliens....completely different than we have seen before.the only familiar alien that would make sense would be the asgard....they must have more colonies or rogues throughout the universe.


                  In Sci Fi, we can't rule out seeing almost any familiar race. In the right context, I would not be completely against it.


                    If they really wanted to bring the Replicators back, I suppose they could always have the Destiny go to the random Galaxy SG-1 went to in Exodus/Enemies.

                    I've noticed alot of people in this thread, and on this forum, complaining that the Replicators were over used because they were in SGA. However the Replicators weren't in a single episode of SGA, the Asurans were. Now, I know that the Asurans are very similar to the Human-form Replicators. It's implied there's a connection between the two races, although we are not told what that connection is (we are left to fanwank it).

                    Just because they are similar in design, it doesn't mean they are similar in any other way. The MW Replicators are a technological force who's sole purpose is to replicate, after some tiime in a time dilation field they evolved into human formed Replicators. Popular fanwanks into why they are so similar to the Asurans range from Reece being an Asuran to the Replicators finding out about the Asurans on their travels. The Human-form Replicators, ie Fifth and Replicarter only act as leaders to the bug Replicators. Their purpose is still to Replicate, although with a leader capable of emotion no longer would they do so "without prejudice". They also gain knowledge, but only to help them replicate, though with Fifth or Replicarter as leader this can be argued.
                    The Asurans were created by the Ancients to fight the Wraith, they have aggression "programmed into them". The Ancients then deemed them a "failed experiment" and attempted to destroy them. The Asurans survive and become a little pissed. They try to destroy Atlantis as an act of "retribution", seeing the humans as "favoured children". McKay reactivates their original programming to fight Wraith. They choose to do so by attrition (I think that's the right word for the situation) and start killing off human worlds.
                    I admit they're a few similarites between the Asurans and Replicators. Both are technological, both Fifth and the Asurans feel "hard done by" someone, but that's it really, not enough to justify all the utterances of "OMG REHASH!" on this forum.
                    Besides, Replicator episodes like "Nemesis" and "Menace" are completely different to Asuran episdoes like "First Strike" and "Be all My Sins Remember'd".
                    You may say that they are not Asurans because they were only called "Asurans" once, and that was in dream/halluciantion, and after that the characters referred to them as Replicators, but think of it this way; If the Wraith were co-incedentally called "Goa'uld" too, would that make them the same to the Goa'uld of MW?
                    Last edited by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac; 13 April 2009, 06:21 AM.
                    Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


                      Eventually I think we'll see something that connects us to some SG-1 Aliens or maybe SG-A, but I hope it doesn't become a regular thing.


                        Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
                        Just because they are similar in design, it doesn't mean they are similar in any other way.
                        They were similar in the way that they were treated in the show. All Replicators were irredeemably dangerous and had to be destroyed. This included Ava in 'Outcast' and

                        all of Weir's faction even though only one of them had done something wrong and been dealt with. Why couldn't the TPTB have done something different by putting the rest on a planet so they could create organic bodies and pursue Ascension?


                          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                          They were similar in the way that they were treated in the show. All Replicators were irredeemably dangerous and had to be destroyed. This included Ava in 'Outcast' and

                          all of Weir's faction even though only one of them had done something wrong and been dealt with. Why couldn't the TPTB have done something different by putting the rest on a planet so they could create organic bodies and pursue Ascension?
                          Isn't this how they treated the Ori and the System Lords?
                          Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


                            Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
                            Isn't this how they treated the Ori and the System Lords?
                            The System Lords were Goa'uld. SG-1 also had the Tok'ra who were the children of the Goa'uld Queen, Egeria. Not all wriggly snaky things were presented as being irredeemably dangerous.

                            PS: The Ori were the same race as the Ancients. This meant that not all ascended Ancients or even all ascended beings from other races were presented as being irredeemably dangerous.


                              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                              The System Lords were Goa'uld. SG-1 also had the Tok'ra who were the children of the Goa'uld Queen, Egeria. Not all wriggly snaky things were presented as being irredeemably dangerous.

                              PS: The Ori were the same race as the Ancients. This meant that not all ascended Ancients or even all ascended beings from other races were presented as being irredeemably dangerous.
                              Fifth wasn't irredeemably dangerous. He was nice and docile until Carter betrayed him.
                              "Enemies of the Ori show no mercy in their attempts to draw believers away from the path."
                              "Those who abandon the path are evil."
                              "Hallowed are the Ori!"

                              "Individuals who point the finger and assign blame based on nothing more than their gut instinct are ignorant at best, cretins at worst." -- Joseph Mallozzi


                                Originally posted by The Mastage Kidd View Post
                                Fifth wasn't irredeemably dangerous. He was nice and docile until Carter betrayed him.
                                Which means he was turned into something dangerous which had to be destroyed.

