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The Preview Trailers Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by nobycane View Post
    This was interesting....I watched the 2-hour series finale of BSG, and never saw the Universe trailer....was it only exclusive to certain cable providers or areas in the world?
    I only recall seeing it once. during the BSG finale but its all over the net.
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      they didnt say "And now the exclusive TV teaser for Stargate Universe" like they usually do. It was right before BSG came back on during the first hour.


        Originally posted by nobycane View Post
        This was interesting....I watched the 2-hour series finale of BSG, and never saw the Universe trailer....was it only exclusive to certain cable providers or areas in the world?
        The first time they air'd it (the first showing of Battlestar) I think they advertised it as Caprica and not SGU - that's kind of what I remember hearing although I wasn't paying alot of attention to the commerical until I saw Robert Caryle's face in the commerical and realized it wasn't a commerical for Caprica.

        They air'd it a second time with the second showing of BS.


          ok you see these flashes inbetween, right?

          they are: Blue energy pulses. and twice you see an engine array, red exhaust, three engines arranged much like the regular spaceshuttle in RL. and oh, with Walace, you see a strange blueish warp that might be some kind of gatesequence.


            Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
            I agree 100%. I prefer this one:


            Maybe a different color than purple, but that one looks a lot better.
            Yes, that logo looks like a continuation of the franchise. Nothing but the gate (blink and you miss it) in the trailer had the feeling of 'stargate' to me. I was encouraged and excited before seeing the trailer. I'm just not encouraged or excited now.

            But - if they get the BSG crowd and all their happy new viewers, who cares about the loyal ones that have followed the franchise from 'Children of the Gods', right?

            I want to have hope that this will be good and will have a more Stargate feel than a BSG one but that trailer didn't give me one iota of hope in that regard.
            Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!




                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                ok you see these flashes inbetween, right?

                they are: Blue energy pulses. and twice you see an engine array, red exhaust, three engines arranged much like the regular spaceshuttle in RL. and oh, with Walace, you see a strange blueish warp that might be some kind of gatesequence.
                i didnt see any of that, cay you provide a time code dude


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post

                  Either that was put up there for the reason you are suggesting or they were simply put up to add to the suspense.

                  Originally posted by toby1kanobi View Post
                  i didnt see any of that, cay you provide a time code dude
                  Because they were so fast...They were like subliminal messages. If you blinked, you wouldn't notice them.

                  There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
                  and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                    Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                    Given they named it Frantic, I suspect they will be releasing other promos, or perhaps we got hunt them down ourselves. Each promos may relate different info, this one was about showing glipses of everything, except the outside of the ship.
                    So we could have "Run out of food" "Ohmygawd, no toilet paper!", etc. ?


                      Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
                      Either that was put up there for the reason you are suggesting or they were simply put up to add to the suspense.

                      Because they were so fast...They were like subliminal messages. If you blinked, you wouldn't notice them.
                      thanks for pointing those out, i think im gunna run the prome through a few programs and see if i can clean it up a but theres a lot of detaail in the "orange" shot i cant quite make out


                        Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                        The first time they air'd it (the first showing of Battlestar) I think they advertised it as Caprica and not SGU - that's kind of what I remember hearing although I wasn't paying alot of attention to the commerical until I saw Robert Caryle's face in the commerical and realized it wasn't a commerical for Caprica.

                        They air'd it a second time with the second showing of BS.
                        No. They said "Stay tuned for a first look at Caprica", but they didn't mean it was coming on AT THAT MOMENT. They meant later on, during the finale.


                          my money is on a new promo each month

                          and the week before the series starts, Launch, or maybe, Departure


                            the problem is, you can see it with your eyes, but by the time you click its over. every of these shots are perhaps .4 seconds long. the picture of the gate is there if you watch closely, but if you try to click play/pause once you see it, or when you are about to see it, you'll miss. thats the problem. or as joe malozzi said.

                            "he was afraid noone would notice. i said that fans would have it online in 5 seconds frame by frame"

                            with other words: tons of footage to find out. like: the new gate, what's on that chinese looking guy's shoulderpatch who says "we're gonna die out here".

                            actually, there are atleast 4 types of tease shots aside from the gate.
                            -the "energy bolt". well, it seems like its actually the lighting inside Destiny/icarus.
                            -the engines. the second time they appear they are firing up.
                            -flash of light. looks like a normal flashlight to me.
                            -lightwarp. when Wallace comes in view he lights up. and you see that blue warpy thing. posted a pic of it.

                            the trick to see all this is simple yet intense: place your mouse button over the play/pause button on Youtube and press VERY fast repeatedly. turn off sound cause it isnt pretty. you'll see what i saw. but can anyone reduce its playspeed 4x or so?




                                they look like theyre falling through the gate (especialy the first through) its as if they fall through a horizontal gate to get there

