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Stargate Universe - Casting Call

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    Originally posted by xandder View Post
    but for someone to sit here and bashed somthing that they practically know nothing about...
    First of all, why is it that when anyone says anything negative it's considered "bashing" regardless of how well it may be worded? Someone says, "I think it's going to be terrible because of A, B, and C" and they get accused of "bashing" the show. Typical behavior, of course, and exactly what I've come to expect from certain mindsets, but it's still both irritating- and amusing- to see.

    Secondly- and also a source of high amusement- I love how folks expressing concerns or saying anything remotely negative are sneered upon as being a bunch of close-minded bashers "attacking" something they know almost nothing about... but people expressing hope and saying positive things about the same sketchy details are held in high regard and praised for their open-mindedness. Hypocrisy, thy name is fandom.

    Originally posted by Tal View Post
    You're right in that one letter from one person won't make someone make such a significant decision - but you're probably not the only person with that opinion - and if they get a bunch of people writing in expressing concerns about the writing, then maybe they'll look at the issue more seriously
    I disagree. As I said, Brad could get hundreds of letters from fans griping about the writers and I don't think it'd make a lick of difference. I highly doubt that they'd "look at the issue more seriously." In fact, I'm willing to bet that such letters, if not outright laughed at, would be disregarded in their entirety and tossed in the recycle bin.

    You think "we" could make a difference or even get them to give it some thought, but I still think that's utter crap and that there is no chance in the nine circles of hell of that it would ever be given enough thought to raise it to the level of "issue." It'd just be the "usual suspects" blowing off some steam, same as always. It's a decided non-issue and IMO Brad would never spare a thought to the mere idea of different writers.

    You can sneer all you want and look down your nose at me from your supposed moral high ground, but it isn't going to change what I see as FACT.


      Originally posted by Ikaros View Post
      Maybe from the executive producer's interviews?
      The ones that they made here in gateworld?
      They said they wanted a younger target group... while the show was watched by young people already.
      With their casting calls they made clear what ages they wanted.10-25
      Really? 10 to 25? At first I thought typo but 20-25 wouldn't make sense.

      Well, basically that would cover adolescence emerging into teenagedom onward and upward.

      One has to admit, looking at the Gateworld Forum, that the Characters & Relationships Forum dwarfs all the others - something like 1.7 million posts.

      Teenage and twentyish is the prime area where forming relationships are the most exciting if not turbulant.

      There is a certain logic to what they are doing.

      And the funny thing about being young. It's not a permanent condition. Taking a super-optimistic view, maybe if the series goes on for many many years, characters and actors getting too old would not be such a concern (assuming whatever main cast decides to stay on and make a career of it).
      "Thank God it hit the Reading Library, or somebody might have been seriously hurt!"


        Maybe that's why they canceled Atlantis: the characters were getting too old.


          Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
          Maybe that's why they canceled Atlantis: the characters were getting too old.
          Technically you are right. The 5 year old contract could be a good reason for cancellation...
          "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

          "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

          "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


            Originally posted by Ikaros View Post
            Maybe from the executive producer's interviews?
            The ones that they made here in gateworld?
            They said they wanted a younger target group... while the show was watched by young people already.
            With their casting calls they made clear what ages they wanted.10-25
            Oh, I'm not disputing that they want younger viewers... in addition to what they've got... Yeah, there are plenty of young people watching the shows - Hell, I'm one of them! - and that number is increasing, but the average Stargate viewer is supposedly still in their late 40s.

            Brad and Rob have been working on the Stargate franchise since it began... They aren't suddenly going to start writing Dawson's Creek in Space or Voyager 90210 or whatever the hell the popular nickname is this week.

            But what I was questioning was the bit I highlighted, that they're "taking out anything that might appeal to the older (and by that I mean older than 20) audience who've invested so much in the franchise". I don't see where someone could get that from...


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              Ah I get you, so it's ok to say something about a show as long as it's all glowing and positive. And as long as everyone's happy, that's all that matters is it? That is what you're saying isn't it? That if people on this thread are happy, and support the show then their opinions are valid. However if people are voicing their concerns and are discontent, then essentially what you're saying is their opinion means diddly squat. Interesting argument you have.

              The bits i've highlight are my favourite Isn't that called hypocrisy?

              No people aren't just 'bashing' the show because people are pretty, they're bashing the show because they're unhappy with certain elements, bio's, premise, age, feeling disrespected.

              Why should we all be praising them? I was content with Atlantis, I know others were to. So, if I was content, why would I be pleased that they essentailly shafted SGA for SGU? I'm an Atlantis fan. So I should be happy that it got cancelled? Where is the logic with that?

              As for Sheppard, well that's your opinion, others feel differently, that's their choice. I personally don't want Sheppard to appear in a teeny bopper show thanks very much, he's much too classy for that.

              I find it interesting that you're saying that Shep is a watered down version of O'Neill, yet that was never on his bio. However you're happy to accept a watered down version of O'Neill in SGU?? Interesting.

              like ive said numerous times, its ok to have your opinions, but when you sit hear and b****h about something you dont know about just for sake of it, THAT is what annoys me.

              and the teeny booper comment is exactly what im on about, just because it has a younger cast and aimed at a lightly younger audience makes it teeny booper how???
              i came to to the conclusion from what ive read about the show, its to be more gritty, dark and character driven, but not to dark, if that makes it teeny booper, well, colour me blonde

              and im also not saying that everyone has to praise the show, but making comments like the one you did makes no sense and isn't very helpful in the slightest, what is it really proving.

              and as for the premise of the show, i remember a LOT of support for the show before atlantis got cancelle, but now everyone is pissy and saying they aren't going to watch a crap show, when they clearly no nothing about how the actually show is going to run, besides a few prelimanary bits of info and character bios that are subject to change anyway, they always do, once an actor is found, the character is then somewhat changed to fit the actor and vice versa anyway.

              and feeling disrepected, please, its just a show, far better shows have been cancelled, live with it. was i upset when it got cancelled, hell yeah, will i miss watching it every week, yes,
              but at the end of the day, its just a show, i find it hard to believe that some pp are finding it such a shock, this happens all the time,
              firefly was cancelled, angel *which imo was a way better show* was cancelled, charmed and countless others, you cant be that upset, other wise you spend way too much time infront of the tv.
              but should the show of been ccancelled? no!,
              season 5 was shaping up to be the best season yet, every epi so far has been 5*s imo and the new enemy to be introduced looked really promising.

              but thats not to say universe wont be either, but *bashing* the show or what eva you want to call it, just because atlantis was cancelled, and thats what most of you are actually doing imo, is rather pointless, if you are going to be critical of the show, then do it for valid reasons, i myself am not completely sold on the bios, some sound cliché, as other pointed out, but then so did shep, and he still is, but that doesn't mean i wont give the show a chance.
              when i first read the casting call for atlantis, the only characters i liked was wier and teyla, and that was enough for me, i still gave the show a chance and it paid off, the writers know what they are doing on a much larger scale, and if you say they dont, then why the hell do you watch the shows??

              as for the ages of the characters, that doesn't bother me, as long as the actor playing them are good, some might say its not believable, but last time i checked you could find these types of shows under the science FICTION section, emphasis on the fiction, it you want to watch something believable then go watch a documentary.


                Originally posted by xandder View Post
                like ive said numerous times, its ok to have your opinions, but when you sit hear and *snipped for the bad word* about something you dont know about just for sake of it, THAT is what annoys me.
                But that's not what you're saying though, or have been saying that it's ok to have opinions. What you have said all along, is that it's ok to voice opinions providing they're all positive. Well, i'm sorry hon, but such is life. There will always and I mean always be two sides to anything. So you have a choice either live with it or let it go.

                The thing is you are a hypocrit by saying you can post about your feelings but only if they're the warm and fuzzy kind. How can I put this so that you understand? You don't know anything about it either, you know the same as the rest of us, but what your suggesting is that you are allowed to say it, because it's positive. That my friend is what they call hypocrisy. So as I said above you have those two choices ignore everyone that disagrees with you and move on. Or live with it, the good the bad and the ugly.

                and the teeny booper comment is exactly what im on about, just because it has a younger cast and aimed at a lightly younger audience makes it teeny booper how???
                That's me being sarcastic, to me those are young kids, especially as i'm just about old enough to be their mother. So they're young to me, they are still growing and the Ivy league comment tells me they are young. They may be ok for your age range, but not mine. By the inflection of your posts i'm assuming you're quite young? Male about 20/21? And it's not often i'm wrong, so they are about your age, which is fine for you. If you like the premise, great, good for you, but don't get huffy with people who aren't excited by it.

                came to to the conclusion from what ive read about the show, its to be more gritty, dark and character driven, but not to dark, if that makes it teeny booper, well, colour me blonde
                As I said, great if that's what you look for in a show.. there's nothing appealing in there for me at all. The ages for me make it a teeny bopper show for me. Kids who are slackers, psychos, and spoiled brats don't interest me at all. I manage them all day, I certainly don't want to watch and 'deal' with them when I get home on my free time. But you are the demographic that they are after. So as I said before if it works for you. Knock yourself out!!

                and im also not saying that everyone has to praise the show, but making comments like the one you did makes no sense and isn't very helpful in the slightest, what is it really proving.
                Which particular comment hon? I write a lot and it helps me if you're specific. Thanks

                and as for the premise of the show, i remember a LOT of support for the show before atlantis got cancelle, but now everyone is pissy and saying they aren't going to watch a crap show, when they clearly no nothing about how the actually show is going to run, besides a few prelimanary bits of info and character bios that are subject to change anyway, they always do, once an actor is found, the character is then somewhat changed to fit the actor and vice versa anyway.
                Not from me. And at the day i'm only concerned about my own opinions. I don't do generalisations. And again you only know those snippets of information, so I'll ask you why do you think it will be a good show? Why is your opinion correct and those that disagree are wrong when we all have the same information?

                and feeling disrepected, please, its just a show, far better shows have been cancelled, live with it. was i upset when it got cancelled, hell yeah, will i miss watching it every week, yes,
                but at the end of the day, its just a show, i find it hard to believe that some pp are finding it such a shock, this happens all the time,
                firefly was cancelled, angel *which imo was a way better show* was cancelled, charmed and countless others, you cant be that upset, other wise you spend way too much time infront of the tv.
                but should the show of been ccancelled? no!,
                season 5 was shaping up to be the best season yet, every epi so far has been 5*s imo and the new enemy to be introduced looked really promising.
                Sorry hon, take a look around, read people's post, they are telling you they feel disrespected. If you chose to not see that, that's your choice. They are telling you how they feel and you're not accepting it.

                Yes at the end it is just a show, but you're also getting worked up about a show that hasn't even been made yet, yet I see passion in your posts about SGU, isn't it therefor fair that you afford the same people that courtesy about Atlantis? It may not be your cup of tea, but it was to other people, myself included. They invest time and money and energy into these characters and it's sad to see that all go, even if it is just a show. And if it is 'just a show' why are you getting all worked up about it?

                but thats not to say universe wont be either, but *bashing* the show or what eva you want to call it, just because atlantis was cancelled, and thats what most of you are actually doing imo, is rather pointless, if you are going to be critical of the show, then do it for valid reasons, i myself am not completely sold on the bios, some sound cliché, as other pointed out, but then so did shep, and he still is, but that doesn't mean i wont give the show a chance.
                when i first read the casting call for atlantis, the only characters i liked was wier and teyla, and that was enough for me, i still gave the show a chance and it paid off, the writers know what they are doing on a much larger scale, and if you say they dont, then why the hell do you watch the shows??
                Again you feel it's popintless, others don't. However whether you like it or not, they have the right to voice their concerns. Just as you have the right to post your praise. It's exactly the same only the opposite views of the spectrum.

                I've never said the writers don't know what they're doing. I've enjoyed SG1 and SGA, but the premise has now changed, so has the demographic and it's a new series. I've not liked all the episodes, in fact some i've thought, what the hell have they written? But again, that's my prerogative. The eps I don't like, I don't watch, simple as that.

                as for the ages of the characters, that doesn't bother me, as long as the actor playing them are good, some might say its not believable, but last time i checked you could find these types of shows under the science FICTION section, emphasis on the fiction, it you want to watch something believable then go watch a documentary.
                It may not bother you, but hon it sure bothers the hell out of me. Just because it's Science Fiction, doesn't mean that the premise has got to be so totally 'out there' and out of the realms of possibility. Do you really think 20 year old kids would realistically be out there searching the galaxy? I don't.
                Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 21 September 2008, 01:51 PM.


                  Originally posted by Tal View Post
                  Hardly the same. You're forgetting that Atlantis was cancelled for this and that the entire show is not only being aimed at younger people - but taking out anything that might appeal to the older (and by that I mean older than 20) audience who've invested so much in the franchise.
                  Originally posted by Tal View Post
                  If that's your opinion, then you SHOULD write - people sitting back complaining but never taking any action that might make a difference aren't doing anyone any good. If you hve an opinion, express it where it counts - write a letter.

                  Not saying I agree or disagree with your comment, my point is, people sit back and do nothing rather than putting in an ounce of effort to change things (reflects society in general these days)
                  Agree Agree Agree! Apathy gets people no where.

                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  Terry Pratchett fans know that any books he writes for children are going to be ones that adults enjoy too. His Tiffany Aching novels are every bit as good as the other Discworld books even though Tiffany was only nine in the first one.

                  Terry Pratchett aims to write good stories. It wasn't a case of adult readers being 'too old' for what he wanted so he reinvented the Discworld for a new generation.

                  I honestly have never seen anyone my age read those books. Perhaps you are refering to people who are barely out of childhood themselves, maybe 18 and 19 year olds? The point here is not that all people whatever age will enjoy the show and we should give it a chance. The point here is that, as a psychologist, I can tell you that all humans go through developmental stages throughout life. What was interesting to a 20 year old is not interesting to a 40 year old. Those are the facts of developmental psychology. Look it up if you don't believe me. Therefore, I am not going to find the show interesting unless it is extremely well written and aimed at me, as Star Trek was, and as Eureka is.

                  Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                  While it may be your opinion that writing in might change things, my opinion is "that's bull****." I don't think writing in would do any good- Brad is intensely loyal to his team, especially after so many years and there is not a doubt in my mind that he will continue to use the same writers until the last ep of the last spinoff/movie. Oh, someone new may be added to the mix once in a while, but eventually their creativity will be beaten into submission just like the others'.

                  I'm not going to waste my time, effort, or resources on something I see as a hopeless, pointless exercise. Brad isn't going to hire new writers on my say-so and he isn't going to do it even if I'm adding my voice to a mob of others begging for the same thing. It won't happen.
                  Bridge Studios is a business like any other. If our comments worry him in his pocket, or if the ones with the purse strings begin to worry about their bottom line, they WILL expect him to do something about it. What he chooses to do is up to him.

                  Originally posted by xandder View Post
                  ok not wanting to get into a war or anything, but for someone to sit here and bashed somthing that they practically know nothing about and i assume are basing their opinions off the back of atlantis being cancelled, does seem pretty closed minded to me, i get that you have your opinions, and you are enititled to them, but when you choose to spout your opinions to others based on what can only be seen as an early draft on character bios seems highly counter productive to me. no one im sure wants to sit here and read the same post over and over again about how they think universe is going to be crap, when frankly they have nothing substantial to base their opinions on, i myself have nothing to base mine on about how its going to be good, the difference in, im not being negative about something i know nothing about.

                  and i like how you just disregarded my whole reply about how looks and how sexy they were going to be as irrevelant, when frankly, thats what 99% of ppl are bashing the show for, you all should be prasing for the writers for coming up with something fresh for the franchise, not wanting just a cheap immatation, and why on earth would you would want them to put sheppard in the new show is beyond me, you all must not have very good taste, he is without doubt the worst character the franchise has ever seen, just basically a extremely watered down version of o'neill, just not as funny or appealing.
                  Ok, this is the THIRD time I have said this. I know people on the inside who have told me that Brad and Robert are testing the waters to see what the response is going to be to their ideas. My person has been right in the past about information. I'm not saying that he or she is right this time, but if you were me, and had the information I have, would you not operate from that information? Again you are making assumptions about where I am coming from. So get off your high horse and get some perspective yourself.

                  By the way, xandder, seems you have managed to irritate more than me in your discussions. You are on a role.
                  Last edited by Arctic Goddess; 21 September 2008, 01:38 PM.
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                    Originally posted by xandder View Post
                    ...when you sit hear and b****h about something you dont know about just for sake of it, THAT is what annoys me.
                    ...i came to to the conclusion from what ive read about the show, its to be more gritty, dark and character driven, but not to dark
                    So it annoys you when people ***** about something they "don't know about just for the sake of it" but when they express excitement about something they "don't know about just for the sake of it" that's acceptable?

                    YOU think it's going to be grittier and darker and whatnot and that's fine. But if folks think it's going to be shallow and vapid and teeniebopperish, they have the same right as you to express those feelings. They're opposite sides of the same coin. Everyone is basing their opinions on the same sketchy details, so why is ONE opinion more acceptable than another?

                    and im also not saying that everyone has to praise the show...
                    And yet that IS what you're saying: praising the show is acceptable but expressing concerns and negativity "makes no sense and isn't very helpful in the slightest." I say again: two sides of the same coin. If one is allowed, so is the other. In fact, it's even in Gateworld's rules that people are allowed to express ANY opinion they want so long as they remain respectful to the people on the show... and to other fans. It doesn't matter how "stupid" or "close-minded" you may think those opinions are, they're still allowed and quite frankly, who are YOU to determine what's "good" and what isn't? It's called opinion for a reason. You don't have to agree with what someone says, but you do have to allow them to say it, even if you think it's just a waste of space.

                    ...when they clearly no nothing about how the actually show is going to run, besides a few prelimanary bits of info and character bios that are subject to change anyway, they always do, once an actor is found, the character is then somewhat changed to fit the actor and vice versa anyway.
                    EXACTLY. So why praise something that may wind up completely different?

                    Fans have ALWAYS expressed their feelings about unaired material and jumped to conclusions (both positive and negative) based on the sketchiest of details. And every time they do, the ones who are negative get slammed while the ones who are positive pat each other on the back for doing the EXACT SAME THING as the naysayers.

                    but *bashing* the show or what eva you want to call it, just because atlantis was cancelled, and thats what most of you are actually doing imo is rather pointless
                    MOST? No. It may be part of the reason for some and it may be wholly the reason for others, but I wouldn't say that MOST of us are "bashing" SGU solely because of the cancellation. I'm certainly not. I thought SGA tanked in S3, so as far as I'm concerned its cancellation is overdue. My opinion that the show turned to crap is one of my main reasons for thinking SGU won't be any good.

                    Anyway, so what if it IS pointless? When has that ever stopped fans before? There are a lot of things in life that are pointless (this forum being one example) and yet people still feel strongly about them even if their reasoning is equally "pointless." It obviously isn't pointless to them and that, quite frankly, is all that matters.

                    if you are going to be critical of the show, then do it for valid reasons
                    Everyone's reasons are valid to themselves, and what's the point of coming up with "legitimate" reasons when they're just going to be ignored and/or lumped together and dismissed as "bashing" or "whining" along with everything else of a remotely negative slant?

                    the writers know what they are doing on a much larger scale
                    ROTFL!! Says you.

                    and if you say they dont, then why the hell do you watch the shows??
                    I don't. But I did for a while because for a while I thought their stuff was pretty good. Then they seemed to get bogged down by their own success and turned it into a hopeless muddle of crap and recycled plots. Opinion, of course. The writers CAN come up with good material, but most of the time they don't seem to bother; at least not from where I'm sitting. If I think they fumbled SG-1 and Atlantis, why should I believe SGU might be any different?

                    Also, as for the whole "They canceled SGA so I won't watch SGU" thing, I don't see it as being particularly illogical. Or, at least, I can see some logic in it, if not necessarily the logic folks might be intending.

                    If SGA was canceled for SGU, what might happen if another spinoff series starts being planned? Why get into SGU if there's a chance somewhere down the road that it will be killed off to make room for something newer and shinier? There's also, IMO, an implied disloyalty to the franchise and the fans to kill off one thing in order to make room for another. Folks talk about being "loyal" to the franchise, but what about the franchise being "loyal" to the fans? Some feel that SGA is being cut off at the knees. In that case why would you feel ANY loyalty to the ones doing the cutting? And if you ask me, the opinion that "any Stargate is good" is just as illogical as "I'm not watching SGU because they killed SGA."

                    In my wacky little world loyalty is something earned, not given blindly, and based on my experiences watching SG-1 and Atlantis I feel no reason at all to be loyal or to expect that things will be completely awesome just because it says Stargate on the tin.


                      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                      Terry Pratchett fans know that any books he writes for children are going to be ones that adults enjoy too. His Tiffany Aching novels are every bit as good as the other Discworld books even though Tiffany was only nine in the first one.

                      Terry Pratchett aims to write good stories. It wasn't a case of adult readers being 'too old' for what he wanted so he reinvented the Discworld for a new generation.
                      I'm sorry, I didn't make my point very well, cos it wasn't supposed to be about terry pratchet: it was supposed to be about writers' artistic freedomn to do whatever the heck they want, writing-wise, and not to be tied to a single formula within a single format within a single genre ad infinitum as a punishment for once doing that formula/format/genre well.

                      There is nothing wrong with wanting to do different things. It's not just about audiences, it's about what the writers want to write.

                      I just find it quite bizzarre that so many people are treating this as some massive betrayal or something.



                        Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                        I just find it quite bizzarre that so many people are treating this as some massive betrayal or something.
                        The writers have ALWAYS done whatever they wanted, sometimes while giving the finger to fans. This is really no different.


                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          But that's not what you're saying though, or have been saying that it's ok to have opinions. What you have said all along, is that it's ok to voice opinions providing they're all positive. Well, i'm sorry hon, but such is life. There will always and I mean always be two sides to anything. So you have a choice either live with it or let it go.

                          The thing is you are a hypocrit by saying you can post about your feelings but only if they're the warm and fuzzy kind. How can I put this so that you understand? You don't know anything about it either, you know the same as the rest of us, but what your suggesting is that you are allowed to say it, because it's positive. That my friend is what they call hypocrisy. So as I said above you have those two choices ignore everyone that disagrees with you and move on. Or live with it, the good the bad and the ugly.

                          see, you're actually one of the few ppl who have actually stated valid reason as to why you wouldn't like the show, although some to me do sound a bit *closed minded* but at the end of the day it is your choice, its just that i have read enough *this show is gonna suck because...* posts that have yet to give valid reasons beyond *just because* that is what annoys me, comdenming the show before giving it a chance

                          That's me being sarcastic, to me those are young kids, especially as i'm just about old enough to be their mother
                          . So they're young to me, they are still growing and the Ivy league comment tells me they are young. They may be ok for your age range, but not mine. By the inflection of your posts i'm assuming you're quite young? Male about 20/21? And it's not often i'm wrong, so they are about your age, which is fine for you. If you like the premise, great, good for you, but don't get huffy with people who aren't excited by it.

                          giving the highlighted part more though, like i said above, would that mean i wouldn't of like sg1 or atlantis because they are older than me, no, but then again, thats your preference, i prefer to give most shows a chance, other than star trek that is, but thats a whole diff story.

                          As I said, great if that's what you look for in a show.. there's nothing appealing in there for me at all. The ages for me make it a teeny bopper show for me. Kids who are slackers, psychos, and spoiled brats don't interest me at all. I manage them all day, I certainly don't want to watch and 'deal' with them when I get home on my free time. But you are the demographic that they are after. So as I said before if it works for you. Knock yourself out!!

                          like i said above, young doesn't always equal bad, although there is a number of *young* shows out there that are bad, so i can see where you are coming from in that respect.

                          Which particular comment hon? I write a lot and it helps me if you're specific. Thanks

                          mostly the teeny booper one lol but im past that already.

                          Not from me. And at the day i'm only concerned about my own opinions. I don't do generalisations. And again you only know those snippets of information, so I'll ask you why do you think it will be a good show? Why is your opinion correct and those that disagree are wrong when we all have the same information?

                          i agree, we only have the same information, and im not in a place to say my opinion is the right one, what i am saying is either give the show a chance or if not, give ACTUAL reasons as to why not, not just the same *because its gonna suck, stargate 90210* etc, they aren't reason, imo, thats just ppl being upset, which i can understand, to some extent, to atlantis being cancelled.

                          Yes at the end it is just a show, but you're also getting worked up about a show that hasn't even been made yet, yet I see passion in your posts about SGU, isn't it therefor fair that you afford the same people that courtesy about Atlantis? It may not be your cup of tea, but it was to other people, myself included. They invest time and money and energy into these characters and it's sad to see that all go, even if it is just a show. And if it is 'just a show' why are you getting all worked up about it?

                          atlantis was *my cup of tea* i loved the show, and i dont have *passion* for sgu, simple because at the moment, we know little about it, what i am willing to do is to atleast give it a try. the reason i am getting so worked up is that ppl are just throwing stuff around about a show that could have so much potential, im all for critism, just as long as its constructive, negativity get no one, no where, and im sorry if i have come across that way, i didn't mean to, its just that there is only so much *sgu sucks* one person can read without getting worked up.

                          Again you feel it's popintless, others don't. However whether you like it or not, they have the right to voice their concerns. Just as you have the right to post your praise. It's exactly the same only the opposite views of the spectrum.

                          again i agree with you, what i dont agree with is how they choose to voice their concerns, i know that i have been *quite* vocal about this in the past few posts, and i think i have answered this already above. and my posts haven't all been about praise for sgu, some of the bios do concern me, but theres a difference, i dont post *this will suck coz he's young, she's a brat* and so on, i try to post constructivly, this might not of come across, i think i might of been caught up in *passion* as you put it, and im sorry if i came off sounding arrogant, that wasn't my intention at all.

                          I've never said the writers don't know what they're doing. I've enjoyed SG1 and SGA, but the premise has now changed, so has the demographic and it's a new series. I've not liked all the episodes, in fact some i've thought, what the hell have they written? But again, that's my prerogative. The eps I don't like, I don't watch, simple as that.

                          while i do agree that the premise has changed, the demographic not so much, just because they are trying to aim at a younger audience doesn't mean that they will be forgetting the ones that have followed stargate from the start.

                          It may not bother you, but hon it sure bothers the hell out of me. Just because it's Science Fiction, doesn't mean that the premise has got to be so totally 'out there' and out of the realms of possibility. Do you really think 20 year old kids would realistically be out there searching the galaxy? I don't.

                          while its a tad unrealistic, i'll give you that, but thats not to say that the actors playing the characters wont play them with maturity, and again age really isn't an issue with me, as long as i find the characters interesting, take ford for example, he was what 25, he was played quite childish, still a good character though, whats to say that the new lot wont play their characters more grown up, the doctor to me sounds the most interesting imo, probably one of the reasons im willing to give the show a chance, that and the spoilt brat chloe, and not because she hot either, i think there is a great deal of room for that character to develop, take cordelia chase out of buffy the vampire slayer, she started out much the same way i envision this chloe character. and then look at what cordelia became, a self sacraficing *champion* that would put anyone or anythign before, while still retaining who she actually was. thats the kind of development that has always been missing from both shows, they always started out the *heros* the new lot sound like they are completely inprepared for what they are about to encounter, i myself find that very interesting, some ppl might not and im willing to accept this.

                          i just dont like reading negative comments without any real substance to back them, other than *just because* im guessing ppl dont mind reading positive comments about stuff, but there is a reason negative is called negative. like i have said in this quite lengthy post *sorry for that lol* i understand some ppl might not like the show, and thats ok, afterall i might not ending up liking the show, but im reserving my negative judgement until ive actually seen it, its only fair,
                          and agian im not meaning to sound arrogant or closed minded to those of you who might not agree with me, it wasn't my intention
                          Last edited by xandder; 21 September 2008, 02:45 PM.


                            Originally posted by Naonak View Post
                            Brad and Rob have been working on the Stargate franchise since it began... They aren't suddenly going to start writing Dawson's Creek in Space or Voyager 90210 or whatever the hell the popular nickname is this week.
                            I actually find this a bit of a problem.

                            If they aren't going to write in a young-ish style then why bother making such a big deal about how young, sexy and inexperienced the crew are. They may as well cast an age range mix as in previous shows to widen the appeal. People can be old(er) and desperate, y'know.

                            So by making a issue of the youth and the sexiness it suggests to me they are going to attempt to write Voyage to Dawson's Creek: 90210.
                            And I'm not convinced it's in their ability do that successfully. Especially in a franchise perceived as quite old, and not very trendy.
                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                            I don't. But I did for a while because for a while I thought their stuff was pretty good. Then they seemed to get bogged down by their own success and turned it into a hopeless muddle of crap and recycled plots. Opinion, of course. The writers CAN come up with good material, but most of the time they don't seem to bother; at least not from where I'm sitting. If I think they fumbled SG-1 and Atlantis, why should I believe SGU might be any different?
                            Shadowmaat, you're negative and don't watch the show? What are you doing on a fan board then?
                            Away with you! Be gone!

                            This post was designed to cover the next step in the "Positive opinion only: fandom argument rule book". Please all now move on to step 17. Thank you.


                              Originally posted by smurf View Post
                              I actually find this a bit of a problem.

                              If they aren't going to write in a young-ish style then why bother making such a big deal about how young, sexy and inexperienced the crew are. They may as well cast an age range mix as in previous shows to widen the appeal. People can be old(er) and desperate, y'know.

                              So by making a issue of the youth and the sexiness it suggests to me they are going to attempt to write Voyage to Dawson's Creek: 90210.
                              And I'm not convinced it's in their ability do that successfully. Especially in a franchise perceived as quite old, and not very trendy.

                              Shadowmaat, you're negative and don't watch the show? What are you doing on a fan board then?
                              Away with you! Be gone!

                              This post was designed to cover the next step in the "Positive opinion only: fandom argument rule book". Please all now move on to step 17. Thank you.

                              see that there is clearly what im on about, constructive cristism, this person has clearly thought about it, not saying that the others haven't but this person has chosen to post an *intelligent* response

                              which is reason enough for this person not to watch the show, and would you look at that, they haven't praised sgu at all, thus proving i am not completely *pro* sgu

                              again not meaning to sound arrogant or anything


                                Note: no spoilers, the tags are for length.

                                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                                If the young characters are the stars they're the ones we'll be seeing the most no matter who the supporting characters are.

                                BSG, Lost and Heroes have a lot of main characters but we don't get to see all of them every single episode. In SGA terms it would be some episodes having Sheppard and Rodney in them while others didn't. Unless the writers are going to change their entire approach to writing for characters it will be the usual thing of the same faces every single week with the rest just appearing every so often.
                                Very true.

                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                see, i don't see torchwood full of sex. it's more violent than dr who by a long shot. and is more graphic in places, but i don't recall it full of sex
                                I never saw it, just heard someone say it. It's in the spoiler tag if you look up the post I said it at (believe you quoted yea).

                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                Ah I get you, so it's ok to say something about a show as long as it's all glowing and positive. And as long as everyone's happy, that's all that matters is it? That is what you're saying isn't it? That if people on this thread are happy, and support the show then their opinions are valid. However if people are voicing their concerns and are discontent, then essentially what you're saying is their opinion means diddly squat. Interesting argument you have.

                                The bits i've highlight are my favourite Isn't that called hypocrisy?

                                No people aren't just 'bashing' the show because people are pretty, they're bashing the show because they're unhappy with certain elements, bio's, premise, age, feeling disrespected.

                                Why should we all be praising them? I was content with Atlantis, I know others were to. So, if I was content, why would I be pleased that they essentailly shafted SGA for SGU? I'm an Atlantis fan. So I should be happy that it got cancelled? Where is the logic with that?

                                As for Sheppard, well that's your opinion, others feel differently, that's their choice. I personally don't want Sheppard to appear in a teeny bopper show thanks very much, he's much too classy for that.

                                I find it interesting that you're saying that Shep is a watered down version of O'Neill, yet that was never on his bio. However you're happy to accept a watered down version of O'Neill in SGU?? Interesting.

                                (^no spoilers, just for length)
                                Please don't start this stuff here.

                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                                First of all, why is it that when anyone says anything negative it's considered "bashing" regardless of how well it may be worded? Someone says, "I think it's going to be terrible because of A, B, and C" and they get accused of "bashing" the show. Typical behavior, of course, and exactly what I've come to expect from certain mindsets, but it's still both irritating- and amusing- to see.

                                Secondly- and also a source of high amusement- I love how folks expressing concerns or saying anything remotely negative are sneered upon as being a bunch of close-minded bashers "attacking" something they know almost nothing about... but people expressing hope and saying positive things about the same sketchy details are held in high regard and praised for their open-mindedness. Hypocrisy, thy name is fandom.

                                I disagree. As I said, Brad could get hundreds of letters from fans griping about the writers and I don't think it'd make a lick of difference. I highly doubt that they'd "look at the issue more seriously." In fact, I'm willing to bet that such letters, if not outright laughed at, would be disregarded in their entirety and tossed in the recycle bin.

                                You think "we" could make a difference or even get them to give it some thought, but I still think that's utter crap and that there is no chance in the nine circles of hell of that it would ever be given enough thought to raise it to the level of "issue." It'd just be the "usual suspects" blowing off some steam, same as always. It's a decided non-issue and IMO Brad would never spare a thought to the mere idea of different writers.

                                You can sneer all you want and look down your nose at me from your supposed moral high ground, but it isn't going to change what I see as FACT.

                                OK, so you see the show being a "teeny boober" as a fact? Fine. You have issues with the show? Fine. But the rule of thumb with any fan site is this: you say something bad about said show, people will be angry people will get hurt. However, by siting specifically why you don't like the show, A that allows you to point and say, "Look, here, I did tell you why i don't like the show and I was respectful, so back off", and B, if your wrong, someone will point it out, and C it could help make the actual show better, because the actors/writers/producers do look on gateworld and it's forums, and I bet you they are here right now.

                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                But that's not what you're saying though, or have been saying that it's ok to have opinions. What you have said all along, is that it's ok to voice opinions providing they're all positive. Well, i'm sorry hon, but such is life. There will always and I mean always be two sides to anything. So you have a choice either live with it or let it go.

                                The thing is you are a hypocrit by saying you can post about your feelings but only if they're the warm and fuzzy kind. How can I put this so that you understand? You don't know anything about it either, you know the same as the rest of us, but what your suggesting is that you are allowed to say it, because it's positive. That my friend is what they call hypocrisy. So as I said above you have those two choices ignore everyone that disagrees with you and move on. Or live with it, the good the bad and the ugly.

                                That's me being sarcastic, to me those are young kids, especially as i'm just about old enough to be their mother. So they're young to me, they are still growing and the Ivy league comment tells me they are young. They may be ok for your age range, but not mine. By the inflection of your posts i'm assuming you're quite young? Male about 20/21? And it's not often i'm wrong, so they are about your age, which is fine for you. If you like the premise, great, good for you, but don't get huffy with people who aren't excited by it.


                                As I said, great if that's what you look for in a show.. there's nothing appealing in there for me at all. The ages for me make it a teeny bopper show for me. Kids who are slackers, psychos, and spoiled brats don't interest me at all. I manage them all day, I certainly don't want to watch and 'deal' with them when I get home on my free time. But you are the demographic that they are after. So as I said before if it works for you. Knock yourself out!!

                                Which particular comment hon? I write a lot and it helps me if you're specific. Thanks

                                Not from me. And at the day i'm only concerned about my own opinions. I don't do generalisations. And again you only know those snippets of information, so I'll ask you why do you think it will be a good show? Why is your opinion correct and those that disagree are wrong when we all have the same information?

                                Sorry hon, take a look around, read people's post, they are telling you they feel disrespected. If you chose to not see that, that's your choice. They are telling you how they feel and you're not accepting it.

                                Yes at the end it is just a show, but you're also getting worked up about a show that hasn't even been made yet, yet I see passion in your posts about SGU, isn't it therefor fair that you afford the same people that courtesy about Atlantis? It may not be your cup of tea, but it was to other people, myself included. They invest time and money and energy into these characters and it's sad to see that all go, even if it is just a show. And if it is 'just a show' why are you getting all worked up about it?

                                Again you feel it's popintless, others don't. However whether you like it or not, they have the right to voice their concerns. Just as you have the right to post your praise. It's exactly the same only the opposite views of the spectrum.

                                I've never said the writers don't know what they're doing. I've enjoyed SG1 and SGA, but the premise has now changed, so has the demographic and it's a new series. I've not liked all the episodes, in fact some i've thought, what the hell have they written? But again, that's my prerogative. The eps I don't like, I don't watch, simple as that.

                                It may not bother you, but hon it sure bothers the hell out of me. Just because it's Science Fiction, doesn't mean that the premise has got to be so totally 'out there' and out of the realms of possibility. Do you really think 20 year old kids would realistically be out there searching the galaxy? I don't.

                                The site demands (read the rules) that you do respect people. That goes for xannder, too, however that goes for you, as well. Name calling isn't allowed, either, and xannder has yet to call you or anyone a name. So please refrain form doing that.

                                Second, as I said above, this is a fan site, so if you say anything bad, back it up. And also...was xannder talking about you? Why is it when someone says "be respectful, don't say those negivate things" that someone (in thise case many) feel the need to demoralize that person, by calling them names or whatever means? Why is it that people say we have freedom of speech, but when the person expresses his opinion and then requests that you be respectful, people say "Hey! Your breaking my freedom!" even when they weren't talking to you?

                                Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                                Ok, this is the THIRD time I have said this. I know people on the inside who have told me that Brad and Robert are testing the waters to see what the response is going to be to their ideas. My person has been right in the past about information. I'm not saying that he or she is right this time, but if you were me, and had the information I have, would you not operate from that information? Again you are making assumptions about where I am coming from. So get off your high horse and get some perspective yourself.

                                By the way, xandder, seems you have managed to irritate more than me in your discussions. You are on a role.
                                ...what exactly do you mean, testing the waters? That the casting call is just seeing what people will think? If thats so...haha to them! it's exactly what i would do. And to all the other guys attacking xannder, Arctic Goddess is more respectful to xannder then you guys. Kudos, Arctic!

