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Stargate Universe - Casting Call

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    It would be fun if they let Woolsey continue his command with this team....I say more Picardo!!
    "History will never be the same again..."
    "No kidding..!"
    "If you say so..!"
    "Here we go again..!"
    "Never say never..!"


      Originally posted by kymeric View Post
      Well if the show is a hit then your wrong, thats right opinions can be wrong. I can say moby dick is literary garbage. But no one will listen, and no one will publish or buy my book titled "Moby Dick Suxxorz"

      I just wish i had a forum to talk about sgu with something than omgsux wallpapered in every thred.
      Well, SGU replaced SGA literally. SGA is still performing very well. The most recent ep pulled in some record ratings. So it's confusing people to why they are letting SGA go when it is still successful. People are upset now, so the majority would seem to not be welcoming SGU with open arms.

      With SGA and SG-1 it was different. Nothing was replaced. They ran SG-1 and SGA for 3 years together.

      I was all for SGU, I still am, but I am very cautious now with this young cast. I am still hoping it is a fluke.

      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
      I just read the news...and haven't read this entire thread.

      IMHO...this is great news for me. It's sounds cheesy and cliche. Ooo, loads of material to pick apart. *rubs hands together with evil laugh*
      You are sooooooooo Evil, but I love it.


        Colonel Everett Young
        Wha??? But... his first name has more than four letters! And it doesn't start with a "J"! Don't the writers realise they're destroying a decades-old Stargate tradition?! Jack and John would be ashamed, ashamed I tells you!

        Coming soon to Syfy and DVD... hopefully!


          Originally posted by GhostPoet View Post
          I'm a little iffy on one of the characters...but otherwise, I see a lot of potential here. There is a ton of room for growth in each character.

          One thing i'm confused about it who is the team leader? I see FORMER team leader...but not the actual team leader. Nevermind...I see now. He was a former leader and now a current leader of the new team.
          The older one will prob die, leaving our sexually frustrated (at the start) teenagers all alone on a space ship.

          This will of course cause the jock to get upset and take his shirt off for no reason what so ever, and the party girl will start to cry, the slacker will say "yo dude that sucks" and the psycho will sharpen his teeth.


            Originally posted by iolanda View Post
            I'd personally love to be proven wrong in this case. But it just does not feel like that.

            I feel the same way. Heck we will have more SG. If it is a train wreck, it is going to be a war. Knowing SGA was cancelled for garbage.

            SGU has a lot to prove.


              On first read...I thought the same thing. I thought it was going to be One Tree Hill IN SPACE!

              but...reading it closer and really thinking about it...getting over my personal bias...i've come to realize that because these characters are a little green, that means there is a ton of room for growth...more so than with more experienced characters.

              Often times, character bios when read...don't come close to what is shown on screen. It may describe them perfectly...but reading and SEEING the actor put his/her own personality into the character are two very different things.
              It feels good to be alive.
              Cause i've been dead for so long.


                *cough* ASIAN TEAM MEMBER! WOOOO!!!

                It feels good to be alive.
                Cause i've been dead for so long.


                  Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                  Well if the show is a hit then your wrong, thats right opinions can be wrong. I can say moby dick is literary garbage. But no one will listen, and no one will publish or buy my book titled "Moby Dick Suxxorz"

                  I just wish i had a forum to talk about sgu with something than omgsux wallpapered in every thred.
                  How can opinions be wrong if they're someone's personal opinions? Brian isn't stating his feelings as fact it's his opinion. In your eyes it might be wrong, but maybe not in his eyes.

                  Well, since (as far as i'm aware) no pro or anti threads, praise and compliments, misgivings etc then this will have to suffice and you'll need to understand that there are two sides to everything.


                    Originally posted by GhostPoet View Post
                    I'm a little iffy on one of the characters...but otherwise, I see a lot of potential here. There is a ton of room for growth in each character.

                    Not sure on the team leader.
                    They surely can gain some centimetres of body length over the first season. The older one will most probably just loose some out of old age.
                    The cake is a lie!


                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      How can opinions be wrong if they're someone's personal opinions? Brian isn't stating his feelings as fact it's his opinion. In your eyes it might be wrong, but maybe not in his eyes.

                      Well, since (as far as i'm aware) no pro or anti threads, praise and compliments, misgivings etc then this will have to suffice and you'll need to understand that there are two sides to everything.
                      Heck , Ghost Plumbers is a huge hit, yet I think the show is awful and is not worth watching at all. I'd rather burn my eyes out.


                        And you felt you were special enough to warrant your own thread, why?

                        We already have the Casting Call thread & Discussion thread; along with more likewise unwarranted and repetitive "Universe sucks" and "Give Universe a Chance Threads".


                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          I have no interest in watching a bunch of socially and emotionall lacking twenty somethings. There is nothing I can relate to from these bios and I find it insulting that the ptb are only trying to appeal to the youngsters. I'm totally sick of everything these days being geared towards kids, sorry but the Stargate audience is made up of all age groups but yet the ptb only want to appeal to one portion of that audience. Fans that have supported the franchise for the past 15 years are being tossed aside. I do care that they are all youngsters.. Pouty and psyco kids don't appeal to me at all. I want something of substance and a more diverse cast that can appeal to all ages.

                          The ptb had the perfect cast on SGA but didnt really know what to do with them or use them to their full potential so instead of trying to develop them they cancell the show and give us babes in space instead.

                          What a sad way for the franchise to go.
                          I couldn't have said it better myself blue.....They're destroying the stargate franchise

                          From what i've read about SGU it doesn't even feel like stargate anymore


                            To quote the wonderful, funny and sexy Donna Noble, played by 40-year-old Catherine Tate: "You are kidding me!!"

                            These cannot be the characters. Please.
                            I never realised all these 90210 jokes would turn out to be true....

                            Thing is, I'm not buying the "well, of course they look like clich on paper, wait til we se the real show". 5 years later, Teyla is still a cliche. Ronon is a cliche. Sheppard is a cliche (sorry Peg ).

                            And their character description wasn't as cliched as all the characters decribed here.

                            And oh yeah. Other than the party girl/ 90210 bit - what exactly does the Chloe Carptenter character do there? Why is she on this team? I might have missed the part where they said she could in some way contribute to off world missions or was in the USAF while clawing my eyes out.
                            Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                            Yes, I am!
                            Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                            Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                            Peter Pan R.I.P


                              Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                              I dont know who you guys think you are fooling, you are all gonna watch this show and like it. Otherwise you woulda just said 'thats dumb' and clicked on another sub forum. But you came her and griped, over and over. I see you all in the season1episode1 thread sometime next summer XD

                              Well you won't see me there.

                              Maybe the reason people are posting here is the very faint hope that maybe, just maybe, someone from tptb will read the comments and have a major re-think. As it stands I wouldn't watch Universe if it was the only show on tv and I was tied to a chair in front of it with my eyes glued open!

                              Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                                I was on the fence until I saw this, and frankly, I do not think I will even bother watching this unless something dramatically changes or TPTB wake up.

                                Anyway, I think it's about time for someone to start the Anti-Universe thread :/

