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The I'm still ticked off at TPTB for SGA but will still give SGU a chance thread.

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    As much as it sucks that SGA was cancleed to make way for SGU, it is certainly an intriguing concept and am looking forward to it.... I am just concerned about what they mean about appealing to a younger audience...

    The treatment SGA fans have got from people like Howe has been nothing short of disgraceful though.
    A word of advice... there are creatures that live between this dimension and the next, fiendish creatures that feast on the suffering of an entire world to satiate their eternal hunger. Support the Gateworld Cantina or suffer the fate of all who fall into the clutches of the 'Eladrith Ynneas'


      Originally posted by The_Carpenter View Post
      As much as it sucks that SGA was cancleed to make way for SGU, it is certainly an intriguing concept and am looking forward to it.... I am just concerned about what they mean about appealing to a younger audience...

      The treatment SGA fans have got from people like Howe has been nothing short of disgraceful though.

      Yeah Howe really pissed me off with his statement of loyal fans.


        Im still annoyed that they cancelled a proven show like SGA in order to make another stargate fanchise. I dont know why they didnt just keep SGA going as the the season 5 ratings have been better than the season 4 ratings so its clear that people are still watching.

        I will give SGU a chance however though i am still hoping that David Hewlett will become a regular cast member on SGU as Rodney McKay is my favourite character.


          I'm still ticked off at TPTB for SGA but will still give SGU a chance.


            Amen to everything in this thread. :d


              I'm gonna give it a chance I'll be honest when i first heard the title of SG1's spin off was going to be Stargate Atlantis I was like OH GOD NO!!! THis is gonna suck so bad. But i gave it a chance and i was pleasently surprised!


                It really is going to sting more if SGU is a bomb. I kinda hope it's not so at least the SGA fans will be like "Well this series is good, so at least I still have good stargate to still watch".

                They have a lot of prove. This series needs to be the best they have done in 15 seasons to keep my interest.


                  What if SGU is excellent but then get cancelled by SCI FI because of lack of ratings. You know DVR is going to impact this show just like SGA. If all of SGA's DVR numbers counted we would be going into a 6th season easily.


                    Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                    What if SGU is excellent but then get cancelled by SCI FI because of lack of ratings. You know DVR is going to impact this show just like SGA. If all of SGA's DVR numbers counted we would be going into a 6th season easily.
                    I have no problem with SGU because of SGA's cancellation - I have a problem with it because it sounds complete crap! Like someone has decided to crossbreed Star Trek Voyager with Battle Star Galactica. I mean there is nothing new here, Atlantis at least was something of a fresh concept.

                    I won't not watch it because it's got the Stargate tag on it - but similarly I won't watch it because it's got the Stargate tag.


                      Originally posted by Drizzt Do'Urden View Post
                      I'm gonna give it a chance I'll be honest when i first heard the title of SG1's spin off was going to be Stargate Atlantis I was like OH GOD NO!!! THis is gonna suck so bad. But i gave it a chance and i was pleasently surprised!
                      My friend felt the same way about Atlantis at first and is now more pissed than I am about SGA being canned.


                        I'm willing to give Universe a chance, but if it's all teenage drama and crap I'm not going to watch it. The concept sounds interesting enough, but I hope the show is not just all about relationships. I'm going to miss Atlantis very much.


                          not sure why everyone is so upset about Atlantis being cancelled. It was always going to end... In fact it lasted longer than SG1 or Farscape did on SciFi. Everything ends, and 5 seasons is a pretty good effort.


                            It didn't HAVE to end. I think the real reason they cancelled SGA was because the writers felt they didn't have enough unique, creative ideas to do a sixth season. But honestly, SGA was canned for SGU. And if SGU sucks, then it will be for nothing. SGU has to be better than the 10 seasons of SG-1 and the 5 seasons of SGA combined in order to succeed. Because it is starting out on its own. And SG-1 came along when Star Trek was finishing up. A good bit of people still watched scifi. Now, look at what Scifi has to show for itself. So, SGU really has to surpass SG-1, and SGA. In fact, it has to surpass BSG and Eureka as well. If it doesn't, then the Stargate Franchise is done.
                            Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                            ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                            encounter on the strange journey.


                            2 Cor. 10:3-5
                            3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                            4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                            5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                              Even though i think TPTB are making a huge mistake, cancelling SGA and giving us SGU, i will still watch it, largely because i'm a Sci Fi fan, but if it doesn't grab me i don't think i'd persist like i did with Stargate Atlantis, because i always was optimistic with SGA's potential to tell good stories, which i don't think SGU will have, not with BW and co at the helm.


                                ok, this is how I think it should have been handeled for next season on SciFi 2009:

                                If they where already planning on letting SGA go they should have concluded it strongly with a sixth season...meanwhile moving it to a better new time slot, say on a Tuesday night? grouping it with Sancuary or Eureka, SGU, and SGA together that way the shows could help eachother out by possibly sharing their ratings. I actually ended up liking new shows because they followed one of my favorites so I ended up liking them also

                                I will be giving SGU a chance just as I gave SGA a chance after SG-1 ended just to be fair. Hopefully it will be a new direction for the franchise but stay true to what makes Stargate so unique.




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