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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    What I liked most about that episode of Atlantis was that we were forced to face the things we had done over the years. Both good and bad.
    Hmmm... What I dislike most about Atlantis, in general, is that they did things that were unacceptable in pretty much anyone's book. They wouldn't have gotten away with that crap if Daniel had been around. I don't want to feel that kind of ambivalence about the crew/team in SGU.

    (I noticed while I was writing this that when I write about SG-1, I think in terms of 'we', and when I write about Atlantis, I think in terms of 'them'. That's interesting.)
    Last edited by amconway; 24 January 2009, 06:46 PM.


      Just a reminder, while the discussion about SGA is interesting, this thread is about SGU, so while some discussion about SGA and how it relates to SGU is fine, the focus should be SGU.


        Originally posted by KatG View Post
        Just a reminder, while the discussion about SGA is interesting, this thread is about SGU, so while some discussion about SGA and how it relates to SGU is fine, the focus should be SGU.
        Our bad.
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          Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
          What I liked most about that episode of Atlantis was that we were forced to face the things we had done over the years. Both good and bad.

          Originally posted by amconway View Post
          Hmmm... What I dislike most about Atlantis, in general, is that they did things that were unacceptable in pretty much anyone's book. They wouldn't have gotten away with that crap if Daniel had been around. I don't want to feel that kind of ambivalence about the crew/team in SGU.

          (I noticed while I was writing this that when I write about SG-1, I think in terms of 'we', and when I write about Atlantis, I think in terms of 'them'. That's interesting.)

          Originally posted by KatG View Post
          Just a reminder, while the discussion about SGA is interesting, this thread is about SGU, so while some discussion about SGA and how it relates to SGU is fine, the focus should be SGU.
          Perhaps what they (particularly amconway) are wondering is will SGU be a "we" kind of show? or a "them" one?
          What a pity we will have to wait until this fall to find out.


            Originally posted by amconway View Post
            Hmmm... What I dislike most about Atlantis, in general, is that they did things that were unacceptable in pretty much anyone's book. They wouldn't have gotten away with that crap if Daniel had been around. I don't want to feel that kind of ambivalence about the crew/team in SGU.
            Daniel is always such a great moral compass. To keep things on track, I hope there is a similar character on SGU. Somebody who is always trying to do the right thing and doesn't get so caught up in his own issues. Basically, someone I can actually respect rather than just sympathize with.

            Originally posted by amconway View Post
            (I noticed while I was writing this that when I write about SG-1, I think in terms of 'we', and when I write about Atlantis, I think in terms of 'them'. That's interesting.)
            That is interesting. I know what you mean.


              Daniel is always such a great moral compass. To keep things on track, I hope there is a similar character on SGU. Somebody who is always trying to do the right thing and doesn't get so caught up in his own issues. Basically, someone I can actually respect rather than just sympathize with.
              I think it's as important for the writers to have someone like that as it is for the audience. Writing the dialogue for that person makes them explore what the characters are contemplating more fully. If they go ahead and do it, there's no pretending it's okay.


                Originally posted by amconway View Post
                Hmmm... What I dislike most about Atlantis, in general, is that they did things that were unacceptable in pretty much anyone's book. They wouldn't have gotten away with that crap if Daniel had been around. I don't want to feel that kind of ambivalence about the crew/team in SGU.
                Daniel wasn't the ONLY moral compass on SG1. Each team member of SG1 had their opportunities to be the moral compass -- and they equally each had their opportunities in failing to be the moral compass. In the end, it was all about certain things that were morally important to THEM.

                Just as it is in real life.

                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                Morjana's Blog Twitter


                  Daniel wasn't the ONLY moral compass on SG1. Each team member of SG1 had their opportunities to be the moral compass -- and they equally each had their opportunities in failing to be the moral compass. In the end, it was all about certain things that were morally important to THEM.

                  Just as it is in real life.
                  No, all the characters were ethical people who were challenged. Sometimes they met their personal expectations better than other times. They weren't perfect. But they had clear lines that they wouldn't cross. I didn't feel that about the characters on Atlantis. I thought that line was crossed all too often. That aside, Daniel functioned as a kind of group concience that went beyond this. To bring it back to universe, it's not enough that a single person demonstrates a particularily ethical point of view. They have to be able to affect the group dynamic, and if they can't, the result has to be meaningful. (ie Menace).


                    Originally posted by amconway View Post
                    No, all the characters were ethical people who were challenged. Sometimes they met their personal expectations better than other times. They weren't perfect. But they had clear lines that they wouldn't cross. I didn't feel that about the characters on Atlantis. I thought that line was crossed all too often. That aside, Daniel functioned as a kind of group concience that went beyond this. To bring it back to universe, it's not enough that a single person demonstrates a particularily ethical point of view. They have to be able to affect the group dynamic, and if they can't, the result has to be meaningful. (ie Menace).
                    Well, we'll just to have agree to disagree on the point of Daniel being the group conscience. Daniel was the group communicator more than anything else. But to refer to him as the group conscience is an affront to Sam, Teal'c, Jack, Jonas and Cam.

                    I'm thinking that the characters in Stargate: Universe -- at least as the series is now purported to be structured -- will be making a lot of First Contacts to some truly alien species, without the ability to refer to Stargate Command for guidance, and might have to use the Golden Rule as a touchstone -- treat others as you would have them treat you.

                    Or, if they have access to some really cool Ancient technology, they could always take a page from Teddy Roosevelt, and talk softly and carry a big stick.

                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                      True and in most cases they have. *waits for jelly to ask for examples*
                      Why ask you for example? Its one of those gray areas. I have seen many times when the Stargate pays for their actions and others times where they get away with no consquence. That was a major problem with SGA S5 to me. In the past we payed for our mistakes but in S5 we seemed to have no mistakes. I'm hoping that TPTB learn from their mistakes and remember to include consquences of our actions
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Well, we'll just to have agree to disagree on the point of Daniel being the group conscience. Daniel was the group communicator more than anything else. But to refer to him as the group conscience is an affront to Sam, Teal'c, Jack, Jonas and Cam.
                        Well, I really don't think it's an afront, given that it's pretty much how Brad Wright described the character--it's more of a writing device. I'm sure he thinks of all the team members as equally ethical. But certainly we can agree to disagree!



                          This morning proved my productive beyond my wildest dreams. I completed three whole pages of my SGU script AND plotted out the next scene.


                          PG15 writes: “1. Is Martin and Alan leaving the writing staff?

                          2. Is there more of a solid backstory for the characters this time than there were for Atlantis and SG1 characters?

                          3. How’s episode 9 doing now?

                          4. Do you guys have an idea for the season finale yet?

                          5. Will there be a military advisor for Stargate Universe? If so, who is he/she?

                          6. The secondary characters on this show seems a lot more plenty, and a lot more developed than in the past (they already have names!). Will they play a more active role than secondary characters of the past (i.e. Lorne, Zelenka, Dr. Lee), even maybe getting their own storylines and showcase episodes?”

                          Answers: 1. Martin and Alan are not on staff this year as they are pursuing other opportunities. That said, they will each write a script for the first season. Just spoke to Marty G. a couple of hours ago and I’m happy to report that he’s doing well.

                          2. Yes. We’ve made a point of sitting down and discussing established backstories for each of our main characters.

                          3. The episode originally slotted in the #9 spot has been moved back in the schedule and a new story -which we’ll be breaking next week - will take its place. Carl Binder will assume writing duties on the script.

                          4. Nope.

                          5. Don’t know if there is a specific military advisor but scripts went out to both the USAF and Marines.

                          6. This series will be a true ensemble show so, yes, the supporting characters will play a more active role.

                          Davidd writes: “I was wondering if the first season of Universe will have 20 episodes like SGA’s first season, or 23 lke SG-1?”

                          Answer: Actually, SG-1 did 22, not 23 episodes for many seasons. Like Atlantis, Universe will produce 20 episodes a season.

                          Rose writes: “It seems like SGU is taking up a lot of your time lately. Is the Atlantis movie taking a back seat until the new series starts?”

                          Answer: Part of it is optics and part of it is reality. Since we wouldn’t start shooting the Atlantis movie until the summer, as opposed to Universe which begins production in February, the series is more of a priority at this point. Also, because there is more work to do on SGU, you’ll be reading a lot more about it as well. As for the SGA movie - Paul and I have an outline we’re very happy with. The next step is to actually sit down and write it.



                            Sounding good so far! Two writers not full time, far more developed secondary characters. Sounds like they've finally gotten it right.
                            A shame so many people won't watch it, as it sounds the best for characters so far.


                              Ehhh. Martin Gero is the most talented and I hope he will write more script.
                              "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

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                              "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


                                My excitement for Stargate: Universe continues to grow and grow with every new piece of info coming through and I want to thank PG15 for bringing this newest info to our attentions...thank you!

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