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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    That wouldn't be very ethical though. The MW was only reseeded after the plague wiped out most of the life there, and Pegasus was devoid of life when they seeded it. To automatically seed life where there may already be life is just...bad. Genesis Device bad.

    That's only assuming there was no life there to begin with.
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      Originally posted by lilmacdacddy929 View Post
      ok i think everyone is a little off topic, so back to the topic it is my understanding from what i am reading that the new show "Stargate Universe" is going to be base around the 9 chevron or something like that??? i think that is lame and i will tell you why!!!

      OK the show open like this Daniel is in a meeting with the rest of Sg1 and landry. he goes on and tell them he find something somewhere about i new Universe or something like that. but they got to use the super gate and it takes 9 chevron to get there and they are going to need to take two new earth ship that just got made and blah blah blah LAME.. and let me guess this is where the Furling went or are at and there a big bad race there too or something like that... Hello sounds just like atlantis.. tell them to stop it and come up with something new!!!
      What are you on about? Universe is going to be nothing like that. It's about a ship the ancients sent out millions of years ago in order to explore the universe and seed different galaxies with Stargate systems. Then, they sent out another ship to follow that one and explore the galaxies that have gate systems.

      The 9th chevron gets us to that second ship no matter where it is in the universe. It's nothing like Atlantis, IMO anyway. It means that instead of just having two or three galaxies with gate systems to explore in the Stargate franchise, we have an entire universe to explore.

      And as far as we know, it has absolutely nothing to do with the Furlings.


        Only as far as we know!

        Sorry, couldn't help myself.
        If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


          Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
          they had their own tech and could NOT do it...
          luck's got nothing to do with it
          At the time when the ancients were around the Wraith also cloned more of themselves, if the wraits attacked atlantis with 100 hiveships with us defending it we would lose quicker then we could fire up the chair to launch drones.

          uhm, they're not the undisputed superpower anymore... its a 3-way tie between us, them, and the asurans... small force though we might be, we've been able to muck up the field enough to level it out...
          They're also fighting amongst themselves because of the food shortage which makes that possible.

          the "gatebuilders" couldn't stop the asurans... and we did... well that remains to be seen after tonight... but we put a major dent in them...
          again: we destroyed the Ori... who are exactly the same as the ancients...
          yes, the wraith beeotch-slapped the ancients... but so far they have refused to engage us full on... and anytime we meet up with one of their hives, a few asgard bursts and it's gone...
          The "gatebuilders" didnt need to fear them either since they werent doing anything to anyone, they attacked them once and thought they were done and really had no reason to go back and check.

          The Ori, how exactly did we destroy them again? Merlin in Daniels body build the weapon that killed them, and we opened the Arc of Truth built by the Alterans to reveil the true nature of the Ori and the only reason we were able to do it was because we had help from the Ancients who by the way had no reason to fear the Ori after they ascended since the Ori had no idea where the Alterans were or if they had even survived.

          1 Alteran ship could handle a few hiveships as well, probably more than our asgard souped up 304 can so i dont really see how we're superior?

          yes the ancients were far more superior to us in almost every way
          but you cannot dispute the fact that we've succeeded in places that they've failed...
          It's always easier to get something done when you have the experience and tactical advantages from someone else.
          If our race manages to survive for as long as the Alterans did then sure we might surpass them, but seeing as how destructive humans are in nature i'd say it's a very long shot at hoping to survive as a species for that long.
          Daniel to Thor: Wait, you're actually saying you need someone dumber then you are?
          Jack: You may have come to the right place.


            I'm just glad for what sounds like a return to an emphasis on exploration and discovery. I'm glad they will only have one ship and be out there on their own. It will make it more difficult to keep the connection with modern day earth, though, which is important. I think that hindered Atlantis. I'm sure there will be space battles, but they won't be able to rely on ships the way they have for the last few years. They'll have to go back to sneakiness behind enemy lines and the occasional foray into diplomacy. I don't care if the folks they find out there are humanoid or nonhumanoid, really. I just hope there is cool stuff to explore, artifacts and archeology, technology and new science, all the good stuff!


              Wouldn't it be cool if they brought Lorne to Stargate universe.
              Also even Carson because he is not as needed on Atlantis anymore.
              Then add Daniel and atleast one to two new guys.
              This i think would be the perfect cast.


                That would be pretty darn good. I'm assuming that you're using 'guys' to mean male or female.

                Sadly, Michael Shanks will almost surely not be available...


                  Lorne = definitely

                  anyone else = not so much

                  i want to see fresh new faces...... not a motley crew of SG1 and SGA members
                  and quite frankly, beckett's begun to annoy me...
                  Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                  Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                  Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                  Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                    I don't want any of the former main cast of either shows to become a regular on SG:U. Lorne is a good choice but no Daniel. However, I would love to see some of the old faces as guest stars in some episodes because it would strengthen the feeling that the whole franchise is taking place in the same virtual universe.


                      ok you all forgot how fast they have devloped in 10 years. and we are already more powerful than the gouald and what not. i think what this new series needs is a story in stead off jumping around and putting crap together like atlantis and a few season of sg1.


                        I don't want any of the former main cast of either shows to become a regular on SG:U. Lorne is a good choice but no Daniel. However, I would love to see some of the old faces as guest stars in some episodes because it would strengthen the feeling that the whole franchise is taking place in the same virtual universe.
                        Lorne is always good. I'm not all that big a Beckett fan, but I know how much lots of fans like him, so I wouldn't have a problem with that. The actor also brings a lot of emotion to the role, which is good in terms of plot development and interactions. The main reason I would like to see Daniel (which isn't going to happen - rage of angels...) or a character like Daniel, if that would ensure an emphasis on exploration, etc. rather than the fight of the week we see now.
                        ok you all forgot how fast they have devloped in 10 years. and we are already more powerful than the gouald and what not. i think what this new series needs is a story in stead off jumping around and putting crap together like atlantis and a few season of sg1.
                        The fact that they will be an enormous distance away from the Milky Way, and their allies, will negate most of the gained advantage of the last 10 years. No back up, no help from other races. I think an unknown ship with unknown capabilities in a huge and completely uncharted area of space is a pretty good starting spot for a new storyline. The most important thing will be that they give the characters fully developed and diverse opinions and backstories, as the characters were in SG-1, rather than the more loosely drawn, and homogeneous characters of Atlantis.


                          Originally posted by Jacka View Post
                          Wouldn't it be cool if they brought Lorne to Stargate universe.
                          Also even Carson because he is not as needed on Atlantis anymore.
                          Then add Daniel and atleast one to two new guys.
                          This i think would be the perfect cast.
                          No. I can't think of a more bland and uninteresting characters in the franchise other than maybe Carter, he's just a generic soldier type that brings nothing to the show.


                            he could play a similar role as what he does now, military muscle...

                            It would be nice if there was some familiar face at some point (not necessarily at the beginning) so that you'd get a feel of an actual intertwined stargate universe instead of a separate series, like daniel coming over once to do something
                            I'm an average viewer. As plain as they come. People make TV shows based on my demographic.

                            Million's of ZPM's, ZPM's for free! Millions of ZPM's, ZPM's for me!


                              Originally posted by jenks View Post
                              No. I can't think of a more bland and uninteresting characters in the franchise other than maybe Carter, he's just a generic soldier type that brings nothing to the show.
                              you do understand that the reason he's "generic" and "bland" is that he has not been developed at all, right?

                              Lorne is a secondary or even terciary level character...

                              plus, he's on ATLANTIS, not SG1... you know Atlantis...
                              Stargate Atlantis: We left the story arcs and character development in the Milky Way...

                              evidence: the strongest story in any episode of Stargate that takes place in Atlantis...... was the Pegasus Project... when SG1 came and Danel confronted Morgan...

                              Lorne is a GREAT idea for SGU... he's recognizeable... but not fully fleshed out yet... because he's currently 1-dimensional, the writers for SGU can carve out a 2nd or even 3rd dimension for him... they can finally develop his character....
                              Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                              Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                              Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                              Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                                you do understand that the reason he's "generic" and "bland" is that he has not been developed at all, right?

                                Lorne is a secondary or even terciary level character...

                                plus, he's on ATLANTIS, not SG1... you know Atlantis...
                                Stargate Atlantis: We left the story arcs and character development in the Milky Way...

                                evidence: the strongest story in any episode of Stargate that takes place in Atlantis...... was the Pegasus Project... when SG1 came and Danel confronted Morgan...

                                Lorne is a GREAT idea for SGU... he's recognizeable... but not fully fleshed out yet... because he's currently 1-dimensional, the writers for SGU can carve out a 2nd or even 3rd dimension for him... they can finally develop his character....
                                Well said! I couldn't agree more.

