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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Ian Z. writes: “While I’m not against it. What made you (and fellow writers) decide to have the Lucian Alliance use Earth weapons instead of Goa’uld weapons? Are we to assume that Earth has superseded the Goa’uld in arms dealing?”

    Answer: No particular reason. As I said in a previous entry, the Lucian Alliance is made up of disparate groups who have helped themselves to any and all tech (rudimentary and advanced) available since the fall of the goa’uld. When it comes to handheld weaponry, that covers everything from zats to crossbows. We decided to go with Earth (Earth-like) weaponry to differentiate Kiva’s faction from previous factions we’ve encountered. Also, they’re cooler in a firefight.

    Mark writes: “1.if the crew of the destiny finds a seedership, could they change the programming of the seedership to build a supergate from the collected materials?

    2.If the Seedership is not big enough to produze a supergate (to get the destiny through the supergate (if they could control it) to earth) they could change the programming to build more modern stargates, to change the limit of the range?”

    Answers: 1. Highly unlikely. 2. Again, highly unlikely.

    Simon writes: “[...] 2) When’s that Jamil Walker Smith Q&A coming?

    3) If SGU where to end shorter than expected, are you prepared for that? [...]”

    Answers: [...] 2) Good question. Jamil?

    3) Oh, sure. I’ve been prepared since the end of SG-1′s fifth season. It’s been a fantastic twelve season ride for me and I would never take anything for granted – still, if I had to put money on it, I’d say that, same time next year, you’ll be quizzing me about a possible fourth season pick up.

    myhelix writes: “1) Will we have a episode in Season 2 that focused on Dr. Rush and Col. Young´s and Rush and Eli´s relationship ?! These three are a blast to watch, they have a great on-screen chemistry.

    2)Will the Destiny crew ever stumble across a planet with a whole alien society on it?”

    Answers: 1) Possibly. 2) Again – possibly.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
      what health mystery?
      If you mean his seizure, TJ did a pretty good job of explaining that - a helluva bump on the head and neuropraxia which isn't some big health mystery but a result of trauma. Maybe the mystery you expected wasn't made a big deal of because it wasn't a mystery?
      I didn't remember that conversion Young and TJ had in his wife's kitchen.

      I took any example as a mystery as i could think of. I used the chair to explain the same thing in this thread. The same thing can be said about the Destiny itself where the mystery of it is not explored, not layers are added to it. It's just there laying fallow. Same as the blue aliens which are nothing but a plot device at the moment for a few action episodes.

      The two standalonish episodes - Time and Pain - explained their mysteries right within the episode, all the rest have been ones that have been built up over several episodes. Maybe that's the trouble with them, that they don't explain right away?
      Yes I have trouble with them when nothing is done with them. Good mysteries evolve through time, are explored, questioned and layers (new questions and possibilities) are added to when some answers are found. It's not only "To be explained later somewhere in the middle of season 2" kind of mystery. Time and Pain did explained their episodes mysteries (beside why the ship stopped at just the right planet), unlike Faith.
      Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


        Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
        I didn't remember that conversion Young and TJ had in his wife's kitchen.

        I took any example as a mystery as i could think of. I used the chair to explain the same thing in this thread. The same thing can be said about the Destiny itself where the mystery of it is not explored, not layers are added to it. It's just there laying fallow. Same as the blue aliens which are nothing but a plot device at the moment for a few action episodes.

        Yes I have trouble with them when nothing is done with them. Good mysteries evolve through time, are explored, questioned and layers (new questions and possibilities) are added to when some answers are found. It's not only "To be explained later somewhere in the middle of season 2" kind of mystery. Time and Pain did explained their episodes mysteries (beside why the ship stopped at just the right planet), unlike Faith.
        concussions make for good times

        I'd love for the Destiny to be explored more, but I wouldn't say that it's NOT explored. New things come up all the time and as other posters have said, more has been discovered about Destiny than was discovered about Atlantis. Layers are good Not 'concussions' good, but good to this form of storytelling.

        Isn't everything a plot device? Everything gets used as a tool to inform us more about the characters and what drives them; the aliens in and of themselves may not be as important as what dealing with the aliens tells us about the characters, including the Destiny herself. Rush, Chloe, and Young are all affected by the aliens to varying degrees with Rush obviously suffering the worst for it. Then Eli, Chloe and Scott are also affected by the aliens. Even TJ and the rest of the crew are affected as they have no planet to retreat to when they can't cross the void. Did aliens sabotage the Destiny through James or are we hearing Chloe's fear? Greer, Wray and Rush were also affected by the blue aliens, if only through Rush's terror that they had returned and the effect that had on them all. There are all sorts of things that came about because of that encounter and for all we know, it might not be done, but even if it is, it's served its purpose of affecting the characters. Remember - everything is a plot device, for if it doesn't drive the plot, why bother, right?

        Time and Pain explained their mysteries because they were relatively self contained episodes. As for the other mysteries - they continue to unfold and I think it'll be rare where we see episodes like Time and Pain that are so neatly sewn up, as this is another type of storytelling altogether.



          Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
          concussions make for good times

          I'd love for the Destiny to be explored more, but I wouldn't say that it's NOT explored.
          While the physical exploration of the Destiny can be fun, which some crazy room or device. Here I'm talking about the Destiny mysteries. For example, they explore some room, find a Destiny craters, in it. 50 diet coke, some books and some antibiotics and a couple of radio. Are they the human on the Destiny? Are they looping in time? BAG's divine action? Later they find out by looking at the trajectory that the Destiny was on earth relatively the last 5000 years. Obviously its only brainstorming, but it add layers to the mystery. The mystery just doesn't stand there looking at you with nothing to say like some really bad date or something.
          Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


            *backs away from Commander Zelix, whispering to TJ about another possible head injury* (heehee, j/k)

            layers like they're in orbit around a planet for a month and go exploring, find a robot, which later aids in repairing your FTL drive down the road?

            Or a chair that could be all sorts of things, turns one guy's brain to refried beans in one episode, results in a backstory with clues in another, and has a guy in a catatonic state vanish into thin air, possibly the ship itself?

            those are just two, and they're not bad date sort of mysteries



              Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
              *backs away from Commander Zelix, whispering to TJ about another possible head injury* (heehee, j/k)
              What are you trying to say?!!? Look at me when I'm talking to you!! *ends of Young angry mode*

              layers like they're in orbit around a planet for a month and go exploring, find a robot, which later aids in repairing your FTL drive down the road?
              No specifically not that. The robot is not a layer added to the mystery, but a just a fun little robot do make repair.

              Or a chair that could be all sorts of things, turns one guy's brain to refried beans in one episode, results in a backstory with clues in another, and has a guy in a catatonic state vanish into thin air, possibly the ship itself?

              those are just two, and they're not bad date sort of mysteries
              The guy vanishing on the myterious chair is definitely adding layers. But more stuff should be happening around it. Not just dropped completely to be picked up 5 episodes later. That's just my opinion.
              Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
                What are you trying to say?!!? Look at me when I'm talking to you!! *ends of Young angry mode*

                No specifically not that. The robot is not a layer added to the mystery, but a just a fun little robot do make repair.

                The guy vanishing on the myterious chair is definitely adding layers. But more stuff should be happening around it. Not just dropped completely to be picked up 5 episodes later. That's just my opinion.
                the robot is as interesting as the kinos, maybe more so
                I'd love them to do more on the chair and I'm sure that when the current invasion is over and everything settles back into its normality, that the writers will bring us more. I don't mind things arced out over 5 episodes but that's a personal taste thing, I guess. Some people like their stories more contained, episodic, and some don't. I'm guessing that you're of the former and that that may be why this form of storytelling might seem lessened somehow?



                  Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
                  the robot is as interesting as the kinos, maybe more so
                  I'd love them to do more on the chair and I'm sure that when the current invasion is over and everything settles back into its normality, that the writers will bring us more. I don't mind things arced out over 5 episodes but that's a personal taste thing, I guess. Some people like their stories more contained, episodic, and some don't. I'm guessing that you're of the former and that that may be why this form of storytelling might seem lessened somehow?
                  But it's not about being episodic or not. In Lost they were a lot of mysteries but they add layers to them as we found more about them. The idea is not just to hang those mystery there be picked up in future episode, but explore them, find some answers and some new questions and developments.
                  Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                    Sean D. writes: “1. Any chances of Rush’s chess set making an appearance in either season 2 or at some point in the future?

                    2. Will we have future episodes focusing on individual characters – possibly in season 2 – similar in concept to “Human” (Rush) and “Lost” (Greer) from season 1?

                    3. Can we see Scott, Greer, Eli, and Chloe team up again and explore alien worlds in future episodes?

                    4. Can we see any combination of: those 4, and Young, Rush, Wray, T.J., Telford, Brody, Volker, James, Park, Riley, etc. team up and explore worlds?

                    5. Will we possibly get to see the forming of established SG teams in any of the future SGU episodes?”

                    Answers: 1. Sure.

                    2. Yes.

                    3-5: . Possibly.

                    Daniel writes: “[...] 3) anything you’d change about the first season if you could?”

                    Answers: [...] 3) Oh, sure. I don’t think there’s a single episode of the franchise’s 300+ episode run that I wouldn’t want to tweak in some way.

                    Ian Z. writes: “1. Do you guys (the writers) have an idea of how you want to end the current story arc?

                    2. Will the characters in the next season become more stable? And by this I mean become used to the issues at hand instead of continuously being frightened, and angry.

                    3. In season 2 which character has the most life-changing event? (if thats not too much to ask)”

                    Answers: 1) Yep.

                    2) Yes, there will be a shift in general attitude.

                    3) Off the top of my head, I can think of six.

                    Philbert writes: “Could there possibly be an answer in the mailbag where you dont say possibly, possibly?

                    Will we be seeing more of Becker?”

                    Answer: Um. Potentially.

                    CuperMcLeod writes: “1. I love seeing Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O’Neill. I’m sort of curious, though. He has brought a lot of humorous elements to the shows. Are his quips scripted, or does he ad-lib a lot of his lines? I may be totally wrong about this, but I thought I read in an interview that a lot of the stuff he does onscreen is basically made up on the spot (particularly in the later seasons of SG-1.)

                    For example, on a recent episodes of Universe, when he walks the wrong way down the hallway, or remarks “I know what makes ME special”, is that in the script, or made up by RDA on the spot? [...]

                    Answers: 1. I’d say roughly half of Rick’s quips are ad-libs – like the “I know what makes me special.” and wrong-way walk-out in Subversion. He’s a funny guy. [...]
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                      1. I love seeing Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O’Neill. I’m sort of curious, though. He has brought a lot of humorous elements to the shows. Are his quips scripted, or does he ad-lib a lot of his lines? I may be totally wrong about this, but I thought I read in an interview that a lot of the stuff he does onscreen is basically made up on the spot (particularly in the later seasons of SG-1.)

                      Answers: 1. I’d say roughly half of Rick’s quips are ad-libs – like the “I know what makes me special.” and wrong-way walk-out in Subversion. He’s a funny guy.

                      Wow, I didn't know about that. Anderson is great. I now wonder how many stuff he came up with on SG1.
                      Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                        Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
                        Wow, I didn't know about that. Anderson is great. I now wonder how many stuff he came up with on SG1.
                        I think I read somewhere it was his clout that brought the whole humour aspect to SG-1, thus radically changing what the producer guys had in mind. I'll believe that - if anyone could do it, it'd be RDA.
                        ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                        ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                          Three cheers for RDA!
                          (yes, he's on the list)
                          "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                          Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                          Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                          Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                          Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                            Hey guys guess what. ITs the SGU hiatus project tonight!!!!


                              Originally posted by major davis View Post
                              Hey guys guess what. ITs the SGU hiatus project tonight!!!!
                              What's that?


                                Originally posted by EvilSpaceAlien View Post
                                What's that?
                                OMG REALLY! ITs super fun. Every friday SGU isn't on there's this chat for SGU fans and some of the cast and crew of SGU often drop by(and Malibunextyear, brians mom is always there).

