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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by cyberash View Post
    SG-1 pretty much focused on mythology. Ancient Egypt, Vikings, and then onto the Ancients and Religion (Ori). Atlantis pretty much focused on the Ancients and the Wraith. I would like to make it clear that Atlantis focused on the Ancients.
    So what's wrong with Universe focusing on Earthlings then.
    As it was already mentioned, TPTB said that there won't be human-like aliens.
    Also, Universe is actually "here and now" because they will use that Ancients' communication device and I think that's a great way how to at the same time be able to tell Earth based stories and keep in touch with it and still retain the "we can't go home" theme.
    - the guest member of SGU book club



      I did not realise that SEGA would be the downfall of Stargate, I never saw that coming.

      we should rename Stargate Universe... Stargate Genesis or Stargate Dreamcast.


        er.... I read half the first post and got bored so I'm just gonna assume you haven't actually saw Universe and say IT HASN'T FLIPPIN AIRED YET DON'T JUDGE IT YET

        If you think it sucks balls when it comes out, fine. But you can hardly make that call now. (same goes for people saying it'll be awesome)
        Last edited by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac; 21 May 2009, 03:11 PM.
        Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


          To me it sounds asif you haven't really read much of the information that we've been given about SGU and are just making baseless assumptions.


            First off, let me say you are entitled to your opinion in this wonderful world called the internet. But that also means so am I.

            So instead of repeating what Osiristi has all ready done (explain that every reason you said SGU will be bad, is actually false), I am going to tell you why I am not only willing to give SGU a chance, but more than likely will enjoy this show.

            Reason Number One:
            The Stargate. This is suppose to be the coolest looking Stargate ever. And we will once again see it in action. A lot of people seem to think that they will travel to each planet using the Destiny, but according to what I have read and how I take it, the Destiny goes to a galaxy and uses the Stargate to explore each world. I love this idea. And if we could have a new galaxy every season -- wow, that would be awesome! Could we loose some people, and then see them in other seasons with their struggle to survive? The new story lines are endless and amazing.

            Reason Number Two:
            The Destiny. This ship will change everything, assuming we never learn to control it (which I doubt we will never drive the ship, but who knows? Maybe it's not even possible since it seems it is suppose to be automatic), because now we have a moving SGC that the only way we can defend ourselves when we get in trouble are with the Pre-Jumper crafts and any automated defense grids, assuming the ship has them. Which -- that changes things. Why? Recently, anytime a Wraith ship comes to Atlantis it was easy to take them out with our 304's. In fact, thats probably why the Ori were so powerful -- to make our ships seem week and inferior. However, now we have limited defense with a ship thats falling apart. What does that mean for us? means we could see a lot of space fights that aren't in our favor.

            Reason Number Three:

            And let's not do all the things we've done before. Let's try and bring a new sense of wonder so that the audience and the characters are experiencing something that none of us have seen before, that is fresh and feels like adventure, as opposed to falling back in on the mythology that had become so tied in to itself.
            This quote means that when SGU does alien, it will be alien. Remember seeing the weird plants/white human ppl? That was pretty alien. Remeber the balls of light, or the water that was alive, what else might see...who knows! Thats the exciting thing, it will be like exploring space for real.

            Well, those are three main reasons I want to watch SGU. :-)


              How about you give the show a try before you slate it, no-one can say anything one way or the other until it airs and the ratings start coming in.


                Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                Rant in Motion... I think that Stargate Universe will bring around the end of the Stargate Sega.

                Stargate SG-1. A great show. I don't remember from what point I started watching SG-1, it could have been mid way through one of the earlier seasons, or right from the start. I remember I happened to be in the living room one day when my Dad had it on TV, and I sat down to watch it.

                Ever since that day, I've been an avid fan. I may not post a lot here, but I used to make sure I was free every Sunday at the required times, thus making sure I was there to watch it. If I wasn't, I recorded the episode. I didn't miss one.

                When Stargate Atlantis first aired, I'll admit I didn't watch it. It wasn't until I was reading some reviews one day, that I decided to check it out (I started on season two, and then worked back to season one, and then onto season three). As with SG-1, I became an avid fan of Atlantis also, not missing an episode.

                When I heard the news that SG-1 was going to end, I was shocked and disappointed. However, after having run for ten years, it was quite the accomplishment. SG-1 had done more seasons than most other sci-fi shows had even dreamed of. Concluding that, even though I would miss the show, I was thankful that we still had Atlantis, and that we got the odd guest appearance.

                Then came the news that Atlantis was also going to end on its fifth season, and on top of that, the season final was rushed to hell, and was (to be honest) terrible. Everything happened too quick, there was no back story to it, nor was there any buildup. It just happened. This really annoyed me.

                I really do think that SG:Universe is going to kill Stargate, I really do.

                I 100 percent agree with this. Coming from Star Trek Fandom for many years I have seen Trek TNG downfall and now am going through it with Stargate.

                TNG major mistake? waiting far too long to make a movie. SG1/SGA is doing the same thing, That will kill it more than SGU will.

                Fans don't want to sit and wait 2-4 years while they decide to drag their bums making the movies.

                I've seen seen this all before in Sci-Fi. It's how a good show gets killed.

                Of course the fans will jump on it SGU as soon as it airs and will brag about it but give it a year or so and it will die a slow death. I'd bet money on it.


                  Considering I am not in the "targeted age range" for SG:U (being rather older), I think a fair assumption is that I won't find very much of it interesting. I tend to go for more intelligent fare than the average 18 to 30 year old likes if what is on TV today is anything to judge by. So because I do not fit into the "target audience", I can say that I don't expect to enjoy it as I did SG1 (and SGA to a lesser degree) -- they are NOT writing it for those of my age/interests. I will give it a shot, but we shall see.....


                    Well, for what it's worth, at least the "rant" was respectful; they usually aren't.

                    Originally posted by Vladius View Post
                    I agree with certain parts of your "rant."

                    It will never have the breezy, fun atmosphere of the first two series because the characters will be either too sad, too sexxed up, or trying too hard to survive. For this reason alone, I agree with you that it won't last very long.
                    But of course, you have no proof of this. All we've heard are the typical trendy buzzwords, but what that actually entails - we don't know.

                    It appears to me that you have a very simplistic and generic view of what "dark and edgy" is. Do you honestly think that it'll be them crying all the time, cutting themselves and doing each other? ALL THE TIME?

                    And if you trust the buzzwords, I have another one: hilarious. That's what Joe Mallozzi described David Blue's performance for Air Part 3. Oh, and both Brad Wright and Rob Cooper said that they're incapable of not writing in humor. Why ignore this?

                    All this to say: never say never, and open your mind to the possibilities.

                    Originally posted by DSG1 View Post

                    TNG major mistake? waiting far too long to make a movie.
                    Maybe I'm misunderstanding you here, but you do realize that they made the movie, Star Trek Generations, barely a year (or less?) after the end of the series, right? Or do you advocate that they should've cancelled the series at its height and immediately made the movie?

                    And of course, making movies take time...

                    Originally posted by cyberash View Post

                    When Stargate Universe first aired, I'll admit I didn't watch it. It wasn't until I was reading some reviews one day, that I decided to check it out (I started on season two, and then worked back to season one, and then onto season three). As with SG-1 and SGA, I became an avid fan of Universe also, not missing an episode.

                    However, one of the main reasons that they closed Atlantis, was to make way for SG:Universe.

                    Another thing I liked about SG-1 and Atlantis, was that the majority of episodes were tied in with gate travel. It wasn't until the later stages of Atlantis that ships started to become a common feature. Some may argue that ships don't belong in the show, because it is suppose to be about traveling to other planets via the Stargate. I'd disagree with that, saying that various ship-based episodes are well worth the watch.
                    And SGU is based (literally) on a ship! How lovely that you say that they are worth watching.

                    SG-1 pretty much focused on mythology. Ancient Egypt, Vikings, and then onto the Ancients and Religion (Ori). Atlantis pretty much focused on the Ancients and the Wraith. I would like to make it clear that Atlantis focused on the Ancients.
                    Both series focused on human characters, dealing with those things you mentioned.

                    What is Universe about? The Ancients. We've been there, done that, time to move on. Universe is all about some ship, that is suppose to jump from Galaxy to Galaxy, dropping off Stargate's as it goes.
                    SGU is about a group of humans that accidentally gated aboard the Ancient ship Destiny, which jumps from galaxy to galaxy, investigating planets that have been seeded with Stargates, dropped off earlier by a Seeder Ship.

                    In order to survive, they will need to gate off the ship to various strange new worlds and collect supplies, and in the process explore the other side of the Universe, going where no one has gone before.

                    *Warps off*

                    Great, so why will most of these planets be inhabited by Human looking / talking aliens? - You can pretty much guarantee they will.
                    No, I can pretty guarantee they won't.

                    This Ancient ship would have jumped to many Galaxies since the Ancients Ascended, therefore, the Ancients wouldn't have been around to implant 'the seed of life' in Galaxies they've not been too (and which this ship hasn't either). Since their ascension however, the ship would have no doubt jumped a few times, yet there are still going to be 'people' on planets that the ancients haven't been too. I know this is typical of sci-fi, and it helps with the budget, but still, they've decided to do this show, and they're going to screw it up with so many inconsistencies, it'll become known as a joke.
                    The only inconsistency so far is between what you say and what is true.

                    What is Universe actually about? A group of people stranded far from home, on a ship that they'll manage to operate, that is built for dropping off gates on various planets. Great stuff, they're really going to get ten seasons out of this, let alone five.
                    Actually, since it's exploring multiple galaxies, it can run for much longer than ten seasons, ideally.

                    I really do think that SG:Universe is going to kill Stargate, I really do.
                    Think whatever you want; it won't make it reality.

                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    Considering I am not in the "targeted age range" for SG:U (being rather older), I think a fair assumption is that I won't find very much of it interesting. I tend to go for more intelligent fare than the average 18 to 30 year old likes if what is on TV today is anything to judge by. So because I do not fit into the "target audience", I can say that I don't expect to enjoy it as I did SG1 (and SGA to a lesser degree) -- they are NOT writing it for those of my age/interests. I will give it a shot, but we shall see.....
                    With all due respect, if SGU isn't targetting your age range, then neither did SG1 and SGA. Most show nowadays wants the male 18-34 demo. What they get is obviously up to the audience.

                    So yeah, you were never targetted. I was, though.
                    Last edited by PG15; 21 May 2009, 01:00 PM.



                      I don't think it will be it's downfall it may lose some hard core fans, but it has potential to pick up some new ones. I think it sounds cool. Actually Jace Hall did a few interviews with the Exec. Producer at but after watching the interviews I think I would much rather be working on the show than watching it. It looks like they all have so much fun.


                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        Considering I am not in the "targeted age range" for SG:U (being rather older), I think a fair assumption is that I won't find very much of it interesting. I tend to go for more intelligent fare than the average 18 to 30 year old likes if what is on TV today is anything to judge by. So because I do not fit into the "target audience", I can say that I don't expect to enjoy it as I did SG1 (and SGA to a lesser degree) -- they are NOT writing it for those of my age/interests. I will give it a shot, but we shall see.....
                        How can you say you're into more intelligent fare when Universe is supposed to be more adult and intelligent than both SG-1 and Atlantis were? I like SG-1 and Atlantis as much as the next person, but they're hardly 'intelligent fare' are they? They're just a fun action adventure, besides, if Nielsen are to be believed it's younger viewers that go for the more intelligent TV, not older ones.


                          Counter Rant:

                          Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                          Another thing I liked about SG-1 and Atlantis, was that the majority of episodes were tied in with gate travel.
                          Guess what? The entire point of stranding the crew on the Destiny is so THEY HAVE TO USE THE STARGATE since, being stranded billions of lightyears from Earth, THEY DON'T HAVE SHIPS.

                          Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                          Some may argue that ships don't belong in the show, because it is suppose to be about traveling to other planets via the Stargate. I'd disagree with that, saying that various ship-based episodes are well worth the watch.
                          Hence, Universe is the best of both worlds: the potential for ship-based episodes under certain conditions, but the necessity of using the Stargate to travel where they want to go.

                          Also, which is it? Do you like the show being 'Gate-focused, or like the use of ships?

                          Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                          What is Universe about? The Ancients.
                          WRONG! Other than actually launching the Destiny and creating the Stargates, the Ancients shouldn't have any involvement in the series.

                          Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                          Universe is all about some ship, that is suppose to jump from Galaxy to Galaxy, dropping off Stargate's as it goes.
                          Wrong again. The Destiny is a follow-up ship. This means that it follows the ship(s?) that already seeded the Stargates.

                          Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                          Great, so why will most of these planets be inhabited by Human looking / talking aliens? - You can pretty much guarantee they will.
                          Simple answer: THEY WON'T BE populated by human-looking/English-speaking aliens.

                          Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                          What is Universe actually about? A group of people stranded far from home, on a ship that they'll manage to operate...
                          Define "operate." It's a major plot point that the crew won't be able to .

                          Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                          Then they should have simply moved on to another Galaxy.
                          You say this then have the arrogance to accuse Universe of retreading old ground? At least Universe isn't recycling a premise that they've already done.

                          Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                          I really do think that SG:Universe is going to kill Stargate, I really do.
                          Since you've been wrong about everything else, I'm guessing you're probably wrong about this too.

                          Please excuse my bitterness. This is how I feel.
                          "From East Middle School. Suzumiya Haruhi. I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders, or espers here, come join me."
                          - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya; Best Character Introduction Ever.

                          "And can we lose the ten thousand year old dead plants?!"
                          - Stargate: Atlantis (1x03) "Hide and Seek"

                          "Hammerheads do not load/unload units immediately – they must descend to ground level first. Initial experiments involving jump-jetting infantry into the Hammerhead’s cargo compartment met with unfortunate results."
                          - Command&Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Hammerhead Unit Spotlight


                            Ah, the obligatory SGU-is-going-to-suck-you'll-all-SEE thread that pops up every now and again. How I missed you, thread.

                            Joking aside, if you've got some inside scoop or crystal ball, maybe even the scripts sitting at home highlighted and underlined then please, share with the class and let everyone see exactly how much this show is going to suck.

                            Otherwise it's just conjecture and while conjecture is fun, it's probably best to wait until the pilot airs to make a really solid claim....or you know...until it leaks on the internet...

                            So while any claims made that SGU will ROCK aren't anymore valid than claims that SGU will SUCK at this point, it's rather more fun to be excited about something than to await it with a tortured psyche and a shiv at the ready.

                            Then again...who knows...maybe some people are just into that sort of thing.


                              Some of you know me as the guy who edits the special features for Stargate DVDs. Im also a fan of the show as much as anyone. After hanging around on the sets, meeting the cast and checking out some footage, cyberash, respectfully? You have exactly zero idea what you are talking about.

                              This is going to jump start the franchise into places it's never been.


                                Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                                Rabble rabble
                                Oh crap! It's October already?! AND I missed the SGU premiere?! God damnit!

                                Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                                However, one of the main reasons that they closed Atlantis, was to make way for SG:Universe. They've practically canceled one (worthwhile) show, to make another..
                                No. They didn't.

                                I don't know how many times we have to go over this.

                                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                                Considering I am not in the "targeted age range" for SG:U (being rather older), I think a fair assumption is that I won't find very much of it interesting. I tend to go for more intelligent fare than the average 18 to 30 year old likes if what is on TV today is anything to judge by. So because I do not fit into the "target audience", I can say that I don't expect to enjoy it as I did SG1 (and SGA to a lesser degree) -- they are NOT writing it for those of my age/interests. I will give it a shot, but we shall see.....
                                Targeted age range? I thought we were also over this bull****?

                                From the people being involved off and on the camera, to the stuff we know about the show itself, it looks like it's trying to appeal to people who watch shows like Southland, The Wire, Battlestar Galactica, House, Firely, etc. So unless you're 8 years old, I'm pretty damn sure you fall within that age group.
                                These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.

