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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    Maybe fan reaction wouldn't have been so negative if these older characters had been included in the initial information about the series. On the other hand, maybe they got included because so many people were going about this younger cast they were on about.
    Part of me suspects your latter assumption is true.

    This will be even better if one of the '"young 'uns" actually acts older than his years, you know?

    "Five Rounds Rapid"



      I find it odd how so many people have been over the "young" main characters of Stargate: Universe when no one had that reaction to the main characters of Torchwood who, with the exception of Captain Jack Harkness, have been in their mid to late 20's. What's the difference?

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Originally posted by Alan View Post
        I find it odd how so many people have been over the "young" main characters of Stargate: Universe when no one had that reaction to the main characters of Torchwood who, with the exception of Captain Jack Harkness, have been in their mid to late 20's. What's the difference?

        It's more worrying when a show is advertising itself as having a young and edgy cast, as opposed to if it just actually HAS a young cast... I've NEVER thought about the ages of characters in Torchwood, because they all stirke me as the age range I'd expect to see when I walk into any office complex or military installation. Ok in the latter, I'd see some older individuals as well, but it depends on the base and purpose. But still. When you advertise that your characters are young and try to make that a selling point ala Spooks Code 9 (sorry PG15), it becomes troubling.

        "Five Rounds Rapid"




          I find it odd how so many people have been over the "young" main characters of Stargate: Universe when no one had that reaction to the main characters of Torchwood who, with the exception of Captain Jack Harkness, have been in their mid to late 20's. What's the difference?
          Well, for one thing, there is a difference between 20-21, which is what the original casting call was, and mid to late twenties. That wouldn't have been a problem. Everyone remembers that Michael Shanks was 26 when he was cast, and look how well he worked out! Also he wasn't playing a 26 year old, he was playing someone who was in their early thirties. SGU was initially looking for 21 year olds to play 21 year olds.

          Also, one difference would be that I don't like Torchwood. I find it overly emo and angst-ridden. Among other things...

          (Whee! I just made Captain with this post! : )
          Last edited by amconway; 10 January 2009, 11:33 AM.


            Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post

            It's more worrying when a show is advertising itself as having a young and edgy cast, as opposed to if it just actually HAS a young cast...

            When you advertise that your characters are young and try to make that a selling point ala Spooks Code 9 (sorry PG15), it becomes troubling.
            You forgot the bit about stunning and sexy, beautiful and every teenage girl's fantasy. They weren't just using young as a selling point - it was young eye candy which was supposed to glue us to our TV sets. Not that it would have worked for me because I prefer them green with long white hair.


              The political conflict with Wray over seniority will work only if Wray is not made to be a bitter loner making everybody's life difficult only because of her paper authority. But instead, a leader with other people on the ship backing her up (people under her).
              Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                Originally posted by Commander Zelix
                The political conflict with Wray over seniority will work only if Wray is not made to be a bitter loner making everybody's life difficult only because of her paper authority. But instead, a leader with other people on the ship backing her up (people under her).
                It would be interesting to see a three way power struggle between Rush, Wray and Young. Especially if the scientists side with Rush, the millitary personell with Young and the diplomats with Wray.


                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  You forgot the bit about stunning and sexy, beautiful and every teenage girl's fantasy. They weren't just using young as a selling point - it was young eye candy which was supposed to glue us to our TV sets. Not that it would have worked for me because I prefer them green with long white hair.
                  That's a very good point actually.

                  I can't stand the 'hot and young' thing which seems to dominate TV. it's one of the reasons I never cared for Supernatural, why the notion of Twlight makes me want to claw my eyes out, and why I rallied against SGU for so long. 'Every teenage girl's fantasy' not only sounds woefully perverted, but just sounds like we're going to see a sickening college drama where everyone's had every spot airbrushed out. I don't even want to watch a stunning and buxom young lady rolling round with a semi automatic in one hand whilst having her breasts teasingly close to falling out of her one size too small tank top. If I wanted that, I'd buy 'Nuts' or 'Zoo'. I don't.

                  Of course, it appears this is no longer a concern, so I'm much happier. I like professional dramas and have never cared for characters that aren't in some way part of a bigger cause or such. And for me, anyone in UNIT, the SGC, MI5 (fictional), or other such organisation, needs to act like they are, not like they're a high school jock.

                  "Five Rounds Rapid"



                    I'm hearing talk of new character descriptions, where are these located? I've scoured this and the casting thread and didn't find anything.


                      Originally posted by Automission View Post
                      I'm hearing talk of new character descriptions, where are these located? I've scoured this and the casting thread and didn't find anything.
                      Check this link out:


                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        Ahh right. Thank you, I often forget to check the site homepage.


                          I can already tell, we're all gonna simply love "Camille Wray".

                          The whole military leader vs civilian leader thing is fine, and it's natural but I hope that a natural balance is achieved like Weir and Sheppard, cos leadership is important and if done wrong, it will look pretty fake.


                            Well from what I just read, Wray will be a guest star, so she'l no doubt die after asserting herself as leader and making a poor choice of judgement.


                              If she does get killed off, due to such circumstances that would be fantastic.

                              Wray: "Listen to me, I am the voice of the IOA, listen to me, I am wearing this Prada suit and wearing killer heels, I'm the one that rubber stamps missions around here!!! Uh... no, please don't shoot me, I am a valuable asset, I am the IOA here, no, no, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


                              Utterly fabulous. Well in my head at least.


                                Originally posted by Automission View Post
                                Ahh right. Thank you, I often forget to check the site homepage.
                                Your very welcome, for the link. And forgetting about the main page is easily done, pal. No need to feel embarrassed. I'm sure you won't be the last to do that.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

