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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    No Ford was correctly left out of Vegas. Unfortunately RSF brought nothing to the role and although he had a massive amount of screen time, it was hard to think of the Ford character as anything more than another background marine. Thats just my opinion, I know he was well liked by some though.


      I am now....


      Firstly, there are now at least 3 middle aged characters. Col Young, Rush, and this IOA official - Wray.

      In addition, the details of the conflict between the three of them regarding seniority reminds me of the BSG mini series and sounds brilliant. I look forward to that considerably.

      This means that even IF the rest of the cast is fairly young, they'll be offset by a more mature presence - which is BRILLIANT.

      Bring on SGU! I literally can't wait now.

      "Five Rounds Rapid"



        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
        Anyways, it seems the pieces are falling into place!
        Sigh...yes, I find that I actually agree. SGU is sounding better. When it was first announced, I didn't like the premise - still don't, to an extent, but the other details seem to be making up for it - and the casting call just made things worse, no matter how accurate / inaccurate it actually was, but now the show sounds like it might have potential, and I'm actually intrigued.

        I suppose the old saying is right: "only a fool can't change his mind"

        I was totally pumped over "Wray" when JM talked about her those few weeks ago, and now seeing that she's kind of a "proto-Woolsey" just makes it all the sweeter.
        Agreed. SGU might just get a slight return to the political wrangling of SG-1 (which I always loved, helped to ground it and provide a real-world way 'in' to the sci-fi/fantasy element), despite being a vast distance from home - something I think SGA lacked, to its detriment.

        And hey, whatever happened to the "OMG IT'S ALL TOO YOUNG!!!" thing?
        Don't know what you're talking about...*whistle, sidle, run*
        And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
        Stargate Ragnarok | | AO3 | Lakeside | My Fallout 3 Mods | Poppy Appeal | Help For Heroes | Combat Stress


          Damn i have to wait till tuesday for the end of Atlantis and a taste for something even more EPPPIIIIC. Curses you americans, curses.

          I bet its on youtube...

          And if so, HOW DO I STAY OFF THE YOUTUBES?!?!!1


            Originally posted by benxander View Post
            Damn i have to wait till tuesday for the end of Atlantis and a taste for something even more EPPPIIIIC. Curses you americans, curses.

            I bet its on youtube...

            And if so, HOW DO I STAY OFF THE YOUTUBES?!?!!1
            Epic isn't really a good way to describe it...And no, it's not on youtube.


              *sing songs and skips*

              #Universe is gonna be great

              The teaser I wanna see

              Someone please put it up on YouTube

              Before I get worse with this sing-aling-aling#

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                My speculation is in new series likely the ancients begin to involve more in sg-command affairs. Like gouald the wraits will end in sga series. So basically everything need to ascend. ;D


                  Originally posted by Angarag89 View Post
                  My speculation is in new series likely the ancients begin to involve more in sg-command affairs. Like gouald the wraits will end in sga series. So basically everything need to ascend. ;D
                  What? We already know what the show's gonna be about. And it's got nothing to do with Ancients getting involved with the SGC.


                    I'm happy to let SGU run it's own course and not have to rely on SG1 and SGA for it to be success.


                      Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                      What? We already know what the show's gonna be about. And it's got nothing to do with Ancients getting involved with the SGC.
                      whoops sorry I am just checking this forum first time in months so kind of really lost in new developments. Right now I am checking the other pages for sgu. ;D


                        I think S.G.U. will be great show. I can't wait until later this year.


                          Agree that Ford was a nothing character. He only became interesting for me when he was insane with Wraith enzyme drug.
                          "Other Nations" T&P Marsh


                            OMGOSH! I AM SO GLAD SOMEBODY REMEMBER FORD!! You know when the Murderer was still a mystery, My first guess was ford! Althought I feel they did the right thing by not adding ford to this mess. Atlantis left a lot of loose ends. Ford is definatly and issue that vanished into thin air. But they are known for this I am sorry to say, they did the same in SG1. What ever happened to the issues with O'Neil and Sam??


                              Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                              Firstly, there are now at least 3 middle aged characters. Col Young, Rush, and this IOA official - Wray.
                              Maybe fan reaction wouldn't have been so negative if these older characters had been included in the initial information about the series. On the other hand, maybe they got included because so many people were going about this younger cast they were on about.


                                I forgot to add... Stargate Universe should be about everything, Making it all about Atlantis and SG1, but of course adding a new team as well.

