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Stargate Movie Fan Campaign

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    Originally posted by yessika View Post
    I think sg-1 has the highest probability because it was the series that lasted the longest and already has successful movies
    i hope your right as i want sg1 first then sga and im not bothered if they do a sgu one but it would be nice for the fans of it.
    The best written female character on trek ever.


      I think the producers and MGM will have a long talk about stargate and look at all options.. progress was being made on the movies, but now with SGU being canceled a lot of things changed.. I think we'll hear news on all three series soon...


        Originally posted by major davis View Post
        I think the producers and MGM will have a long talk about stargate and look at all options.. progress was being made on the movies, but now with SGU being canceled a lot of things changed.. I think we'll hear news on all three series soon...
        Yes. It's pretty much time for MGM to fish or cut bait....


          Weekly Announcement

          We want to wish everyone a safe and joyful holiday season. With so much turmoil and uncertainty these days may we all take time to enjoy the simple things and revel in the every day pleasures that family, friends and the season can offer.

          This will be our last update until after the New Year. However that doesn't mean our support for SG1, SGA and the movies will be taking a break.
          So What is Happening?
          1. Fan fic contest entry deadline on Dec. 30th
          2. Cell Phone for Soldiers Drive
          3. Support SG1 and SGA: Twitter, Hulu, Syfy Rewind
          4. SG1 and SGA Product of the Week suggestions
          5. New SG1 and SGA contests TBA in 2011

          News this Week
          As everyone likely knows, SGU was cancelled this week by Syfy. Regardless of one's own personal opinion of the show, we want to express our sympathy to SGU fans. Losing a show that one loves' is never easy - especially with so many stories left untold and dreams unrealized.

          What is the fate of the SG1 and SGA movies?
          At this point no one knows.
          What we do know is that Stargate has been a successful franchise for 15 years and MGM continues to make money from SG1 and SGA. We know that Hollywood loves franchises. We know that MGM has stood behind SG for 15 years, so much so it was even mentioned in the bankruptcy papers how successful the franchise has been.

          The future of the SG franchise is in MGM/Spyglass hands. Our belief is if SG is still profitable for them, they will find a way to continue it. The movies could be a very viable option for them.

          The 2011-2012 TV season will be the first with no new Stargate in 14 years. It is critical that we show MGM/Spyglass that fans support SG1 and SGA. We really need to up the fight for the greenlight! Show your support on Twitter #fightforthegreenlight and be sure to send out your cards and Tweets telling MGM/Spyglass that we want more Stargate!

          Ways to support Stargate SG1 and SGA over the Holidays:

          For the last few weeks we ran a "Greenlight the Movies" mail campaign directed at Spyglass. If you did not have a chance to participate, then PLEASE do so NOW. It is not too late. Click HERE for how.

          Twitter, Twitter and Twitter some more. The message is:
          " I support #SG1 & #SGA. Please Greenlight the #Stargate movies."
          Use #fightforthegreenlight" in ALL your tweets.

          Free - Watch an episode of SG1, SGA on HULU and/or Syfy rewind

          Buy - a Stargate gift for your friend, a family member or best of all yourself! See our PRODUCT OF THE WEEK for links to the MGM store and Amazon for great gift ideas.

          Save Stargate Games Campaign:
          Major Davis from the Stargate Movies Campaign recently did a podcast with Zainea13 from a campaign dedicated to saving "Stargate: Resistance" and "Stargate Worlds" games. Their goal is to also show MGM that there is a market for Stargate video games in the event that they are not able to save Resistance or Worlds.

          In the podcast, the discussion centered on the two campaigns, support between the campaigns, the state of the franchise, how "Stargate: Universe's" cancellation may affect the campaign, and much more.
          Listen to the PODCAST

          For more information on the Save the Stargate Games you check them out on TWITTER or on FACEBOOK, and/or sign the PETITION to help keep the games alive.

          Please Support Cell Phones for Soldiers

          The Movie Campaign would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to donate old, unused cell phones to Cell Phones for Soldiers.

          This very worthy cause takes money earned from the donation of old cell phones to buy and send phone cards to military personnel serving overseas so they can call home. Help give our troops the best holiday gift ever this season, a chance to hear the voices of their loved ones. Donate today and help military families cope with deployment.

          Have a Holiday Drive!
          Over the Holiday season start a collection drive among co-workers, friends and family to collect old, unused cell phones and send them to Cell Phone for Soldiers.

          The donation will cost you little to no money as there is a FREE pre paid shipping label available to print off from the website.

          Please visit the DRIVES PAGE on the campaign website or CELL PHONES for SOLDIERS site.

          FOR the LOVE of STARGATE Contest News

          IMPORTANT UPDATE: Fan Fic Entry Deadline Extended to Dec. 30th

          We have received 4 really terrific stories for the contest. But because of the holidays and the fact this is such a busy time of the year we are extending the deadline for entries to be sure everyone has had the opportunity to participate.

          Category #1 DELETED SCENES: Here's your chance to come up with your very own DELETED SCENE from SGA's Enemy at the Gate or SG1's Continuum

          Category #2 WHERE ARE THEY NOW? You can write a scene from where you envision your favorite characters to be in the present day!

          Visit the CONTEST PAGE on the website for complete guidelines.

          COMING JAN 2011 - NEW CONTESTS!!!!!!!!!
          Stay tuned for the next installments of our For the Love of SG Contest Series

          For the Latest News on MGM and the Movies visit our FORUM SITE

          May we all have a very safe and happy holiday season.
          See you next year!
          Major Davis, Marie Wynn, EdenSG
          Last edited by EdenSG; 20 December 2010, 07:26 PM.


            Weekly Announcement for 01.04.2011

            First and foremost, we hope all our fellow Stargate fans had a safe and healthy holiday season and we wish you all the best in this new year.

            MOVIE NEWS
            As we know, the end of 2010 brought some tough times for Stargate with the cancellation of SGU and writer/producer Joe Mallozzi saying in his daily blog that the SGA Movie has been put on indefinite hold. The campaign's goals have always been to support SG1 and SGA as well as rally support for the movies. We have no plans to cease and desist just yet and we ask that you not throw in the towel either.

            There is still so much we don't know about the status of the movies, the state of the franchise and MGM future plans. We have the statement from JM that the movie is on hold, however where does that information come from? JM's interpretation? From MGM? From Brad Wright?

            On Dec 23rd, JM stated in his blog: "Which brings me to a conversation I had with Stargate Creator/Showrunner/Executive Producer/Writer Brad Wright today. Alas, no details to offer (yet!) but suffice it to say he’s battling hard to ensure the franchise (that’s SG-1, Atlantis, and SGU) lives on and that the season two finale of Universe, “Gauntlet”, will not be the end. He’s adopted a clever two-pronged approach that, if successful, will see our awesome crew back at work next year. Nothing is guaranteed, but it’s great to hear he’s got a plan to make it happen... "
            Then on Dec 26th JM stated, " I’m sorry to say but the cancellation puts the brakes on whatever progress the SGA movie had made in the past month, shelving it indefinitely."

            The information provided over a 2-3 day period, is somewhat contradictory. What one can conclude is that there is still a lot going on that we (and probably JoeM) doesn't know about and that Brad Wright and MGM are actively discussing the future of SG. Until something is officially announced, it would seem the status of the movies is the same as they were one year ago; shelved but not officially cancelled.

            Therefore the Movie Campaign's New Years Resolutions are to:

            1. Continue supporting SG1 and SGA.
            2. Continue to rally for the greenlight for the SG1 and SGA movies until more definitive word or info comes from MGM that the movies will not happen.
            3. Continue to enjoy and celebrate all the good things that we and fans love about SG1 and SGA

            BEST WAY TO SUPPORT SG1 and SGA NOW?

            Buy SG1 and SGA merchandise - DVD's, books, audiobooks, posters, calendars, action figures, comic books etc..... check out our PRODUCT of the WEEK for all the suggestions, with links, on the website.

            We know we sound like a broken record and we know most of you have already bought your fair share of SG stuff but really this is the best thing to do as it shows MGM that SG1 and SGA are still profitable.

            FAN FIC CONTEST

            Thanks to all the talented fanfic writers that contributed stories for the contest. We hope everyone will enjoy reading the stories and appreciate the time and effort the authors took to write them.

            Voting is slated to begin on the Fanfiction stories on Wednesday, January 4, 2011. You can view the entries via our forums or via LiveJournal. Links to read the stories and to vote are on the website contest page at

            Be sure to vote for your favorites!
            Voting ends Wednesday January 21st at midnight EST.
            One vote per person please!


            Making a donation to Cell Phones for Soldiers is a way to show Stargate fans at their best.

            Did you, or a family member, co-worker, or friend get a new cell phone over the holidays? If you did please consider donating the old, unused one to Cell Phones for Soldiers.

            This very worthy cause takes money earned from the donation of old cell phones to buy and send phone cards to military personnel serving overseas so they can call home. Help give our troops the best holiday gift ever this season, a chance to hear the voices of their loved ones. Donate today and help military families cope with deployment.

            The donation will cost you little to no money as there is a FREE pre paid shipping label available to print off from the website.

            Please visit the DRIVES PAGE
            on the campaign website or CELL PHONES for SOLDIERS site.

            If you are unable to donate an old cell phone, and if you want and are able to, please conside a cash donation. For more information please click on the BADGE on the home page of the website that will allow you to make a cash donation.

            MORE CONTESTS for 2011!!!!

            Let's enjoy what we love the most about SG1 and SGA.
            Stay tuned - Next week we start announcing new contests for 2011.

            Wishing you all the best,
            Major Davis, Marie Wynn, EdenSG


              Hey guys! Just a quick reminder that you can donate money to Cell Phones for Soldiers via the campaign thanks to Network for Good! Check out our site for the badge! Every little bit helps, even if it is only one dollar!
              Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
              My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


                Weekly Announcement... 1/11/11

                MOVIE/MGM NEWS

                The only new mention about SGA, SG1 and the franchise came from Joe Mallozzi's blog on Jan 4th in which he posted, "After lunch, I spoke to Brad about the future of the franchise. We discussed “the plan”, Universe mainly, but also talked SG-1 and Atlantis. No word on progress yet but, given the recent holidays, that’s to be expected I suppose. Hopefully, we’ll receive some positive news next week."

                The final fate of the movies, and likely the franchise at this point is with MGM. As we stated in December, we believe this is a very pivotal time for the future of the movies as well as the SG franchise in general. Time may be running out for fans to express their support. We need to work together, and we need to do it now.

                TELL MGM that FANS SUPPORT the STARGATE MOVIES!!!

                CALL to ACTION!
                By Friday, 1/14/2011 Please:

                1. TWEET this message to MGM:

                Fans support the #Stargate #SG1 and #Stargate Atlantis #SGA movies-Please greenlight the movies #fightforthegreenlight



                *Please tweet/retweet the above message with #fightforthegreenlight in the message by this Friday 5:00 pm EST - and we will pick one person to win the new Stargate Atlantis 2011 Calendar

                2. SEND a LETTER to MGM

                Tweets are good - but the BEST way to express support is with a letter:

                Please send MGM/Spyglass a letter expressing support for the Stargate Franchise and the SG1 and Stargate Atlantis movies.

                *Note: we know not all fans are franchise fans, however MGM considers Stargate a franchise and will be looking at it from that business perspective. SG1 and SGA are part of the franchise - that is how MGM views it - therefore we need to let MGM know that greenlighting the SGA and SG1 movies is good for the franchise

                Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum
                Co-Chairmen and Chief Executive Officers
                Spyglass Entertainment
                10900 Wilshire Blvd.
                Los Angeles, CA. 90024


                CHARLES COHEN
                MGM Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
                10250 Constellation Boulevard
                Los Angeles, CA 90067
                United States

                GARY MARENZI and JIM PACKER
                Co-Presidents, MGM Worldwide Television
                10250 Constellation Boulevard
                Los Angeles, CA 90067
                United States

                (Sample Letter):

                Dear Mr.

                I have been a longtime fan of the MGM Stargate television series.

                I want to take this opportunity to express my support of Stargate and the Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis movies that are currently on hold. Please consider greenlighting these movies as myself and fans around the world are still anxiously anticipating their release and have the desire to purchase the movies. Having the Stargate movies go into production would certainly revitalize and strengthen the franchise.

                Thank you for your consideration.

                (Sign your name and address)


                Most of all we want to celebrate and enjoy all the things fans love the most about SG1 and SGA. So please join us for our contests, updates and discussion and let's have some fun.

                FAN FIC Contest Voting:
                Voting has started!! You can read the entries via our forums or via LiveJournal. Links to the stories as well as voting info are on the website contest page at

                Be sure to vote for your favorites for each category.
                Voting ends Wednesday January 21st at midnight EST.
                One vote per person please!

                !!NEW CONTESTS!!

                1. VIDEO CONTEST

                It is a new year so it is time for a new video content!
                Lets celebrate the best of SG1 and SGA.

                The subject of the video should be what you love about SG1 and SGA.
                It could be about a character, space battles, villians, teamwork, etc.

                Deadline for entries is March 28, 2011
                For info and guidelines click HERE:


                What is your favorite episode of SG1 and/or SG1?
                What is it about the episode that makes it your favorite..., the characters, the action, the team, the CGI, any special moments?

                There will be Two Categories:
                SG1 Episodes
                SGA Episodes

                Deadline for entries is Feb. 9, 2011
                For info and guidelines click HERE

                Major Davis, Marie Wynn and EdenSG


                  Don' forget to send your tweets today!

                  The campaign will be giving a way one SGA 2011 calendar to one person who tweets the following message by 5pm EST today.

                  TWEET this message to MGM:

                  Fans support the #Stargate #SG1 and #StargateAtlantis #SGA movies-Please greenlight the movies #fightforthegreenlight



                  *Please tweet/retweet the above message with #fightforthegreenlight in the message by this Friday 5:00 pm EST - and we will pick one person to win the new Stargate Atlantis 2011 Calendar


                    Weekly Announcement 1.17.2011

                    *Important Notice: Due to family obligations, the webmaster for the campaign website will not be able to update the site at the present time. Please look for the latest news and announcements on the campaign Live Journal and FaceBook pages as well as on the Gateworld and Syfy forums. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

                    MGM/Movie News


                    The only information continues to come from Joe Mallozzi's blog. Basically nothing has changed; the focus remains on finding a way to continue SGU and there has been "no movement" on the SGA movie. Also, when asked about the SG1 movie, he made no comment.

                    We understand things seem rather discouraging at the moment, but the truth is no one knows, and this likely includes TPTB and MGM, what will happen to SGA, SG1 or even the franchise at this point. Will there be movies or do TPTB have another plan in mind or is there no hope at all? NO one knows for sure. Until we have definitive word the campaign will continue to rally support for SGA and SG1. We should continue to let MGM know fans support SGA and SG1, that we want the greenlight for the movies and most importantly, enjoy being SG1 and SGA fans.

                    TELL MGM that FANS SUPPORT the STARGATE MOVIES!!!

                    TWEET and/or ReTWEET these messages to MGM:

                    @mgm_studios It's time to greenlight the #Stargate #SG1 & #StargateAtlantis #SGA movies #fightforthegreenlight

                    @stargatecommand It's time to greenlight the #Stargate #SG1 & #StargateAtlantis #SGA movies #fightforthegreenlight

                    *Please tweet/retweet the above messages with #fightforthegreenlight in the message by this Friday 1/21/2011 7:00 pm EST - and we will pick one person to win the first two issues of Dynamite comic book series "Stargate Daniel Jackson"


                    The purpose of these contests is to celebrate the best of SG1 and SGA. We invite all SGA and SG1 fans to have fun and enjoy what they love the most about the shows.

                    FAN FIC CONTEST VOTING:
                    Attention Live Journal Users:
                    We had a glitch in the voting process with Live Journal. We have corrected it and all seems to be working now, however all votes may not have been counted. If you voted on Live Journal please cast your vote again so we can be sure your vote is recorded. If you continue to have problems with voting on Live Journal please contact us.
                    *Note: If you already voted by e-mail or on the website your vote has been counted, do not vote again.

                    You can read the entries via our forums or via LiveJournal. Links to the stories as well as voting info are on the website contest page at

                    Be sure to vote for your favorites for each category.
                    Voting will be extended to Friday, January 28th at midnight EST to be sure all those who voted with LJ have a chance to revote.
                    One vote per person please!

                    VIDEO CONTEST

                    The subject of the video should be what you love about SG1 and SGA.
                    It could be about a character, space battles, villians, teamwork, etc.

                    Deadline for entries is March 28, 2011

                    For info and guidelines click HERE:


                    What is your favorite episode of SG1 and/or SG1?
                    What is it about the episode that makes it your favorite..., the characters, the action, the team, the CGI, any special moments?

                    There will be Two Categories:
                    SG1 Episodes
                    SGA Episodes

                    Deadline for entries is Feb. 9, 2011
                    For info and guidelines click HERE

                    Keep up the support.
                    Major Davis, MarieWynn, EdenSG


                      Weekly Announcement 1.24.2011

                      Will there be Stargate Movies?
                      No one can answer that question with 100% certainty at this time.
                      What we do know is that MGM and Brad Wright are actively engaged at looking at the franchise and deciding its fate.
                      Will there be more SGU? Will there be SGA and SG1 movies? Or are they considering a combination of SG1/SGA movie, miniseries or something else?

                      So what do we do?
                      Since the fate of the franchise, and thus the possibilty of seeing SGA and SG1 continue in some way, is still undecided, this is not the time to give up! Now, more than ever, we should let MGM know that as they make their decisions about the fate of the Stargate franchise, that fans still want and support SGA and SG1 being a vital part of the franchise.

                      TELL MGM that FANS SUPPORT STARGATE SG1 and SGA!!!

                      1. TWEET and/or ReTWEET these messages to MGM:

                      @mgm_studios Fans won't give up on #Stargate #SG1 & #StargateAtlantis We support more #SGA & #SG1 #fightforthegreenlight

                      @stargatecommand Fans won't give up on #Stargate #SG1 & #StargateAtlantis We support more #SGA & #SG1 #fightforthegreenlight

                      *Please tweet/retweet the above messages with #fightforthegreenlight in the message by this Friday 1/28/2011 7:00 pm EST - and we will give away to one person the first two issues of Dynamite comic book series "Stargate Vala Mal Doran"

                      2. MGM STARGATE WEBSITE

                      Goal: Increase page views at MGM site
                      Visit the SGA and SG1 pages at:

                      Goal: Buy Stargate SG1 and SGA
                      If you plan on buying any stargate SGA/SG1 items then visit the
                      MGM Stargate store at:

                      3. SEND a LETTER to MGM:

                      Please send MGM/Spyglass a letter expressing support for the Stargate Franchise and the SG1 and Stargate Atlantis movies.

                      *Note: MGM considers Stargate a franchise and will be looking at it from that business perspective. We need to let MGM know that continuing SGA and SG1 is good for the franchise

                      Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum
                      Co-Chairmen and Chief Executive Officers
                      Spyglass Entertainment
                      10900 Wilshire Blvd.
                      Los Angeles, CA. 90024

                      CHARLES COHEN
                      MGM Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
                      10250 Constellation Boulevard
                      Los Angeles, CA 90067
                      United States

                      GARY MARENZI
                      Co-President, MGM Worldwide Television
                      10250 Constellation Boulevard
                      Los Angeles, CA 90067
                      United States

                      (Sample Letter):

                      Dear Mr.

                      I have been a longtime fan of the MGM Stargate television series.

                      I want to take this opportunity to express my support of Stargate and the Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis movies that are currently on hold. Please consider greenlighting these movies as myself and fans around the world are still anxiously anticipating their release and have the desire to purchase the movies. Continuing the story of Stargate SG1 and Atlantis in movies or some other format would certainly revitalize and strengthen the franchise.

                      Thank you for your consideration.

                      (Sign your name and address)


                      The purpose of these contests is to celebrate the best of SG1 and SGA. We invite all SGA and SG1 fans to have fun and enjoy what they love the most about the shows.

                      FAN FIC CONTEST VOTING:

                      Attention Live Journal Users:
                      We had a glitch in the voting process with Live Journal. We have corrected it and all seems to be working now, however all votes may not have been counted. If you voted on Live Journal please cast your vote again so we can be sure your vote is recorded. If you continue to have problems with voting on Live Journal please contact us.
                      *Note: If you already voted by e-mail or on the website your vote has been counted, do not vote again.

                      You can read the entries via our forums or via LiveJournal. Links to the stories as well as voting info are on the website contest page at

                      Be sure to vote for your favorites for each category.
                      Voting will be extended to Friday, January 28th at midnight EST to be sure all those who voted with LJ have a chance to revote.
                      One vote per person please!

                      VIDEO CONTEST

                      The subject of the video should be what you love about SG1 and SGA.
                      It could be about a character, space battles, villians, teamwork, etc.

                      Deadline for entries is March 28, 2011

                      For info and guidelines click HERE:


                      What is your favorite episode of SG1 and/or SG1?
                      What is it about the episode that makes it your favorite..., the characters, the action, the team, the CGI, any special moments?

                      There will be Two Categories:
                      SG1 Episodes
                      SGA Episodes

                      Deadline for entries is Feb. 9, 2011

                      For info and guidelines click HERE

                      Don't give up!!!!
                      Major Davis, MarieWynn, EdenSG


                        Hmm.... I love Old SG-1 is Jack,Sam,Teal'c and Daniel back three movie. I hopeful is "New Stargate: Legend". Thanks to EdenSG nice see my old post is "new Stargate". *hugs at EdenSG.



                          Stargate:Legend? What's that?


                            Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                            Stargate:Legend? What's that?
                            First new three movie back old SG-1 in "Staragte: Revolution" than I think maybe brad w thinking new series is SG-1 and SGA familiar new member is "SGL-1". before SGU had gone ship is blow up. New stargate is Gold Solid and Carveons 8 Light change color.

                            Eden G, Thanks to Stargate Campian.

                            Please brad w, don't give up to SG-1 and SGA new series in movie. maybe it. you feeling winner very good SG-1 and SGA not yet the end for waiting "New Stargate: legend". Thank you.



                              Originally posted by HolyAngelQueenSG-1 View Post
                              First new three movie back old SG-1 in "Staragte: Revolution" than I think maybe brad w thinking new series is SG-1 and SGA familiar new member is "SGL-1". before SGU had gone ship is blow up. New stargate is Gold Solid and Carveons 8 Light change color.

                              Eden G, Thanks to Stargate Campian.

                              Please brad w, don't give up to SG-1 and SGA new series in movie. maybe it. you feeling winner very good SG-1 and SGA not yet the end for waiting "New Stargate: legend". Thank you.
                              I'm sorry, but I just don't know what you're trying to say.


                                Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                                I'm sorry, but I just don't know what you're trying to say.
                                That makes two of us.
                                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!

