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New Movies - Stand alones or story builders?

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    Originally posted by Colonel Crawford View Post
    How about the whole Galaxy get caught in a fluxtuating time distortion field, winds back time in random areas in the galaxy and bringing old enemies back from the grave(Apophis? Sokar? RepliCarter?), up to SG-1 to somehow undo this before the distortion effects Earth.
    oh god no! lol Sorry its just too similar to Continuum.


      Maybe a story revolving around the return of Anubis with all his knowledge, with him rapidly becoming a great power in the galaxy again, wiping out our allies and SG-1 struggling to fight him etc.


        Originally posted by mattyg1987 View Post
        Maybe a story revolving around the return of Anubis with all his knowledge, with him rapidly becoming a great power in the galaxy again, wiping out our allies and SG-1 struggling to fight him etc.
        All that would do is demonstrate the need for new writers because another storyline has been redone and nothing original has been presented.


          Originally posted by Colonel Crawford View Post
          How about the whole Galaxy get caught in a fluxtuating time distortion field, winds back time in random areas in the galaxy and bringing old enemies back from the grave(Apophis? Sokar? RepliCarter?), up to SG-1 to somehow undo this before the distortion effects Earth.

          plaese no more time movies or episodes. i just want a classic sg1 movie.



            Originally posted by A Wraith Named Bob View Post
            I heard that another SG1 movie may be about revealing the Stargate program. The next movie should be about that and the civil unrest and political fallout that follows such a secret being revealed. Perhaps an old enemy comes to earth to take advantage of the chaos of WW3. In the end the planet would have to put aside all their differences and join together to defeat the alien threat and it results in a mostly Earth-wide alliance. The space program of Earth goes up a notch afterwards.
            Well. If I remember correctly from the commentaries from Lost City. They seriously considered disclosing the SGC to the world on the eve of Anubis's attack on earth & we were to hear the speech the president had written. So as far as a future movie, this is a very possible storyline. l do love any ep about disclosure. I totally enjoy the reactions of those being told the secret


              Originally posted by Father Jack View Post
              Oh the cheeky scamps!

              I can just picture them being all laid back about the Goa'uld and the Ori:

              O'Neill - "So where were you guys when we needed your help?"
              Furling - "We we're all out getting coffee.... lots of coffee.... for the last few thousand years"
              Jackson - "But you could have stopped them!"
              Furling - "Meh! By the way, want some coffee? We've got loads!"
              O'Neill - "Can we get that to go?"
              Thats a good one

              I think there is just too many ideas to write them all There could be storyline with the Aschen like Kebab Gud mentioned cause they are still out there and they are still very evil and without any sense of humor... They have powerful weaponry and could attack all the galaxy and Earth would step up with The Jaffa nation and the rest of allies.
              There could be a storyline with Asgard as well. How some of them survived and now are in need of help. The Furlings could appear as well or it could say the whole race died while Furlings, Asgard and Ancients were fighting those cybords from last Stargate Atlantis “ The Daedalus Variations” They are so many variations and so many future films could be made, sometimes I think that Stargate universe is infinite.

              And I sure hope to see more Stargate films and it would be nice to see more Jack in action
              Last edited by Thunder God; 06 August 2008, 10:53 PM.


                I want a movie similar to what Bob said, except the disclosure will occur after all of the system lords and the Lucian Alliance are taken care of and a galactic council is created which consists of Earth, the free jaffa, the Tokra, many advanced human civilizations, and other aliens (maybe even the Ori humans and the Furlings). Right after the council is made, all of the governments who know about the stargate inform their nations simultaneously and say that there are no more threats out there and that Earth already has several friends in the universe. While this is happening, somewhere in a desolate planet/solar system, an unknown being/machine is awakened/activated - perhaps due to all of the system lords being killed or it was just time for it to awaken/activate - and dials a gate nearby, then on the planet that it dialed to, people turn around to see the gate activating and aren't so surprised by it since they're used to it already. When the wormhole is established, something comes through it, and it causes the destruction of that planet in some way. This destruction has to be similar to a prophecy of mythology that predicts some sort of apocalypse. It could be four beings that bring conquest, war, famine, and death (Christian, although the four Ori ships that came through the supergate might have made this prophecy done with), a machine that blocks out the sun, creating a permanent solar eclipse (Aztec, and this could scare the people on Earth, causing civil unrest), a machine that starts a three season long winter (Norse), or a machine that causes huge natural disasters and a pole shift (Egyptian and/or Mayan).
                That, or every stargate that gets dialed just blows up. Personally, I prefer the 2012-Mayan-Egyptian apocalypse because it's close to happening and I read that there's a connection to Atlantis in it.


                  Originally posted by o-0 View Post
                  i want a movie similar to what bob said, except the disclosure will occur after all of the system lords and the lucian alliance are taken care of and a galactic council is created which consists of earth, the free jaffa, the tokra, many advanced human civilizations, and other aliens (maybe even the ori humans and the furlings). Right after the council is made, all of the governments who know about the stargate inform their nations simultaneously and say that there are no more threats out there and that earth already has several friends in the universe. While this is happening, somewhere in a desolate planet/solar system, an unknown being/machine is awakened/activated - perhaps due to all of the system lords being killed or it was just time for it to awaken/activate - and dials a gate nearby, then on the planet that it dialed to, people turn around to see the gate activating and aren't so surprised by it since they're used to it already. When the wormhole is established, something comes through it, and it causes the destruction of that planet in some way. This destruction has to be similar to a prophecy of mythology that predicts some sort of apocalypse. It could be four beings that bring conquest, war, famine, and death (christian, although the four ori ships that came through the supergate might have made this prophecy done with), a machine that blocks out the sun, creating a permanent solar eclipse (aztec, and this could scare the people on earth, causing civil unrest), a machine that starts a three season long winter (norse), or a machine that causes huge natural disasters and a pole shift (egyptian and/or mayan).
                  That, or every stargate that gets dialed just blows up. Personally, i prefer the 2012-mayan-egyptian apocalypse because it's close to happening and i read that there's a connection to atlantis in it.
                  too startrekish, lol



                    Either a cross over where the Atlantis team find a video in the database taken from a ship found by the Atlanteans. The video is from the ships commanding officer, a Colonel Mitchell. The Atlantis team contact Earth to find Mitchell and discover he is missing digging deeper they find he was given command of an experimental vessel.

                    The Atlantis team join the remaining SG1 members who have the temporal puddle jumper to find the lost ship.


                    I really like the idea of full disclosure, just for the shot of the outside a newly built IOA building with a flyby of the F-302s and the 304s.

                    Wouldn’t it be great to see the next movie uncover the Furlings? I want the Furlings to find us, they’re a secretive race after the break down of the great alliance; but they have an outpost on Earth to evaluate when we are ready to meet them. The Furlings being the Yeti described on Earth?



                      I have to say a crossover would be tough. Both casts are already big- to have a decent story some of the characters would have to be side-lined or absent. Better two different movies, I think.


                        The aschen would be a good enemy to revisit. Humourless humans who appear to be our saviours at first....would go well with the chaos of a stargate gone public ww3 scenario.

                        I'd like to see a gouald or two playing a role as a good guy for a change. maybe wean them off the sarcophagus or something to stop them being too evil. Get to know them a little better and not just as evil villains. Would make an awesome temporary SG1 team member!

                        Episodes of earth teaming up with old enemies to fight a bigger new enemy are always good too.


                          I know SGA really probably isn't ready for a movie, so this might be better for an episode, or maybe even after the show has run its course, but it would be nice to see Ronon and possibly the team round up and rescue all the runners they can find and then Ronon takes them out to wreak havoc on the Wraith and the Wraith that turned them into runners. A story of revenge.
                          Steve, Bob and Todd. What chummy guys!


                            I think we need at least one more regular movie before we go into 2-3 parters. Get the name out there to john q newfan and get the premise down.

                            But make sure the first part isnt one off those crappy movies thats just a big set up with know reward at all, im looking at YOU matrix-2!!!!!


                              Originally posted by Thunder God View Post
                              Thats a good one

                              Personally, I think they would need some really good reason to bring back some of the races seen briefly or mentioned in the show for a movie, for example only bring back the Aschen if they've become totally evil.

                              Like if they used the addresses they were given and it destroyed their civilisation. Now the survivors have managed to get hold of advanched tech (Goa'uld, Ori or Ancient) and they're out for revenge or conquest.

                              Or if they managed to gate to a planet that wasn't going to kill them and they ended up being taken as hosts by some minor Goa'uld. Now they have advanced technology and this Goa'uld is making plans of his/her own.

                              They could only show the Furlings (properly, not the exploding planet bear versions) if they had something unique to offer. Not false gods, false religions, nanite robots or super ascended powers. Not sure what they could offer tho.

                              I'd like to see something happening with the supergate (if it's still there, I assume they wouldn't just blow it up now that the Milky Way and Ori galaxy are at peace). Who is to say that there are only 2 in existence or that some baddie from our galaxy hasn't used it to go to the Ori galaxy now?
                              I hope you like Guinness sir, I find it a refreshing substitute for.... food


                                I think we turn any mundane situation into a real edge of the seat experience thanks to our good friends at the SGC and a shocking twist:

                                - Gen O'Neill views 2 bed, 2 bath appartments in Washington but (shocking twist alert) he can't find one with good parking! And there's an evil NID spy working as the building maintenance guy or something.

                                - Daniel drives 2 hours to exchange a shirt he doesn't like that he got for Christmas but (shocking twist alert) they will only give him store credit! And there is an evil Ascended being working on returns or something.

                                - Col Carter goes for an eye test and has to order new glasses but (shocking twist) they need to order the lenses from Germany and it will take up to 4 weeks! And there is an evil Replicator also there for some reason.

                                - Teal'c has to attend a 4 hour planning meeting at the Jaffa high council concerning zoning laws but (shocking twist alert) there is a disagrement about retail unit density! And there's an evil Goa'uld who has sabotaged the information packs for the meeting or something.

                                Movies.... pah, easy!
                                I hope you like Guinness sir, I find it a refreshing substitute for.... food

