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Camelot (920)

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    I kinda thought it was funny that whenever Daniel said that there was no magic he would get teleported away.


      yes but the Ori are ascended and with that you can learn alot of knowledge and pass onto to the priors
      i just love to give and recieve GREENS


        yea season 10 spoilers tell us which ship was destroyed.. but during the battle.. i would assume kvasir alerted the other asgards for help.. because no way would the asgard hold out.. because the ori are a big threat.. so hopefullly our buddy thor will show up with his new upgraded ship and fleet.. i hope


          Regarding this:

          It could be any number of reasons... Maybe the Asgard just can't afford to send a whole fleet of O'Neill-class vessels to our galaxy due to much needed resources to rebuild and redevelop their civilazation.

          As it already stands... How many times have we saved their butts, rather then they saving ours?

          They are playing a part though... by sending scientists to help us...



            Originally posted by keshou
            Vala watching from the bridge reminded me of Londo Mollari in B5 - except of course he wasn't pregnant with a magical alien child.
            LOL!!! Me too. And then I thought it was strange that I was comparing a pregnant Vala to Londo, but, there you go.


              Maybe the Ori beamed the people off to their ships for some sort of Origan thing?


                Ya tebya lyubliu....


                  Well, without the asgard treaty, Earth would've been invaded by the Goa'uld long ago.


                    the begining might have been slow, but once the ori ships finally came and deliverd all is forgiven. I just rememembed how it was when the shadows(babylon5) first appeard and overpowered everything. maybe a hint of borg too. I dont see a problem to the ori's ship size, it is an invasion of a galaxy after all, they will need to carry lots of troops.


                      Originally posted by Wraith_Hunter
                      I say Mitchell made it off on a 302, DJ was beamed aboard either the Asgard ship or more likely the Ori ship. It seems the Ori like to watch Dj suffer, so because the spoilers for S10E01 say he's onboard with Vala, then I think they took him on board to see his reaction at them getting their asses handed to them on a plate. The Asgard can't even penetrate Goa'uld shields with their beams, so it's unlikely they got him on board.
                      I noticed in Vala's scene she looks to the side in the ship for some reason...

                      Maybe it was Daniel?



                        Anyone find the Asgard vessel much smaller than previously seen vessels


                          Originally posted by Bobthespirit

                          At this point, it's kind of like...

                          "Oh, look! Another massively overpowering force is hovering above us, about to unleash horrible godly wrath on us. Oh, whatever shall we do. Whatever shall we do. This is such a terrible thing. Nothing can save us now!

                          Wait! We just learned about some new weapon that kill the enemy! How fortunate we are to discover this new weapon just in time! We art saved!"

                          This is, frighteningly, starting to remind me of Power Rangers. The bad guys would start acting all menacing, and the good guys would obtain just enough power to fight back and win. Then, the bad guys would come back with an even more menacing power, and just then, the good guys would be given some new power that was strong enough to fight them. Later, rinse, repeat.

                          It's like the show is endlessly going through a cycle with a predictable course, and they've gone so far ahead in technology that the winner is determined by just whoever pushes the more powerful red button.

                          I may or may not watch season ten, depending on whether *anything* original happens in the premiere.
                          Power rangers, that's good! I always said that I thought it was like Dragon Ball Z. Though I think they are both similar enough in that aspect for it to work.


                            Originally posted by GateTrek
                            I SLEPT THRU IT AND DID NOT WAKE UP UNTIL ATLANTIS'S SECOND RUN! does anyone know hen the next time it will re-air? i can assume a few weeks before season 10 premiere.
                            oh!! I feel so bad for you.


                              Oh my god. We got raped by the Ori!!!!!!!

                              When I watched the episodes, remember when they said when they hit the odyssey with the Ori beam, the ship's shield went down to 50%.

                              Its definitely a clear indication that Asgard shields on the Odyssey held up better than that on the Prometheus.

                              I'm watching this again.
                              Subspace Energy Technology Thread


                                Originally posted by Zeppan
                                What i do want to comment on(dont know if this is the right place) is the Ridiculous Size of the Ori ships...If we look right after the sequence where odysseys captain is informed that they have lost Sublight engines... We can see that the Size of the ori ships compared to the COMBINED size of the whole fleet is vast... One Ori ship is basically the size of like 10 hattacks if not more...i mean i would expect more of a technological superiority of the ORI to win this battle... but in this case it seems to be the simple fact of SIZE DOES MATTER rather than the technological advancement... i mean fine they have a Super gun.. but whats from stopping all the other races from building an equally large gun.. just build a ship but make Everything bigger...
                                But aren't they troop transports? They would have to be big to carry the Ori army. No sense in building lots of smaller ships that have less people. They are trying to convert billions of people.

