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Camelot (920)

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    An excellent episode with a little of everything

    Humor-- Everytime daniel says there's no magic he dissapers
    Mystery- Where is merlins amulet
    Suspence- What will happen to SG-1 and the Milkyway
    Action- A space battle unlike we've seen thus far
    Satisfaction-A child pulls the sword from the stone in time to help Mitchell

    Lacking-- I only wish the girl in camalot had more to do with the story her
    stroy seemed unfinished

    All in all I'd have to say an absolute must see


      Yeh it was a cool ep. I feel S9 has been a bit fry but that space battle was absolutely quality. Those Ori ships were too good.
      I HATE SY-FY


        Originally posted by wolverine_nl
        One thing I dont agree with you, and that is about that larger vessels are more advanced, Oddysee looks like a large vessel to me, same size as Asgard.
        One thing i DO agree is that S9 is a build-up for S10.
        The Odyssey is not as big as an Asgard ship or a Ha'tak for that matter. If you go back and look at Off the Grid then you'll notice that the 304 is about half the size of the Ha'taks in the space battle. You can also go back and watch Revelations (season 5) which shows the Asgard vessel’s relative size to a Ha'tak vessel. In Revelation the Asgard vessels are at least twice as big as the Ha'taks. Also there's another example of this is in Unnatural Selection that shows the 303 is much smaller than an Asgard vessel, and assuming that the 304's are close to the size of the 303's then the more advanced races would have the bigger ships. IMO The only Asgard ship that might be the same size are smaller in comparison to the 304, and Ha’tak is the Asgard ship that was seen in New Order, but they weren’t seen in space with any of the Ha’tak are Tauri vessels so they could be much, much bigger than they looked in that episode.


          Well GW DID attract it's largest "members online at one time" statistic yesterday night, at 1352.

          Still I don't think that EVERYONE would vote outstanding. I wouldn't, as the first 30 minutes was a giant waste of time which they could have been using to do something more useful, or at least fill it up with something more relevant to the finale. Someone either made some sort of macro and rigged it or it's just plain insanity


            i the end sequence again, and the asgard do not run away or get destroyed, not as far as the footage shows. you see the ship when they all fly into battle, and you also see it manuvering when the lucian ships come.

            also i think it was the odesy that was destroyed. the korolev had lost power. and the ship that was destroyed that the end, had shields. but the shields were not strong enough and it got destroyed. so im assuming that since the korolev had no power, thus not being able to power shields, that it was the odessy that was destroyed


              actually i liked the entire episode. I also like the idea that Daniel didnt find the amulet at Camelot. Too often they rush somewhere and find something massive that everyone and their dog wanted and never found. I liked that they did all that work and oh no....its real didnt quite work out. I also thought that the episode flowed well from beginning to end. Perhaps seeing it without commercials on Tivo(and once it is on DVD) will help its perception as being slow paced.


                asgards just sent on ship.. it wasn' t really meant for battle.. cause they thought maybe they will find the weapon and send it through the gate.. but then it was too late.. and there was no choice so the asgard ship went into battle.. but it looks like the asgard ship has no effect on the ori ships.. though it can manuveur quite quickly.. hopefully will see fleet of asgard ships come.. or another one of the alliances come.. like the nox or the furlings would be great.


                  Wow, lots of posts already.

                  I have mixed opinions on episode. I really don't like spaceships, I like good, old fashioned Stargates for space travel. I tried not to spoil myself with Season 10 info, except for a few hints that have made it to this thread, but it looks like spaceships are here to stay and I'm just going to have to accept it.

                  I hope there are good explanations on how everyone gets out of this mess alive. It really does look bad for them. Especially Sam, who should be peeing in her spacesuit watching all of this. We really don't look like we stand a chance against those Ori ships.

                  I liked how the village ignored Cam in the mud and surrounded their hero girl.

                  I expected a scene between Vala and hubby and actually thought somehow Daniel would fit into it, perhaps that is in Season 10...haven't read any of those spoilers yet.

                  It was an interesting episode to watch, good cliffhanger, looking forward to another season.


                    I speak Russian, but haven't seen the ep yet, but as for "Ya tebya lyubliu.", it means 'I like you'


                      im hoping the girl has a bigger part in the next series, atleast episode 10x01. i agree it left her story unfinished.


                        i gotta say that was probably one of the best season finales ever.. alot of people are complaining about one asgard ship.. well first off they didn't think they would fight cause they had a plan once daniel found the weapon.. and when it didn't go according to plan, its not like he was going to abandon the free jaffa and earth ships to fight by themselves.. so he likely alerted the other asgards.. we may see thor with his cool ass fleet next season.. furling won't likely be showing up till 200th episode from rumors we've heard before.. the nox, don't see them playing a part just yet...
                        but man doe milky way have bad luck.. with the ori kicking our asses... the wraith are coming... i just hope thor returns in season 10 to save us.. he's always save us in the binds..
                        Also our ships are freakin small compare to the ori's.. the beams were as big as the daedulus class ships.. the ori ships were even bigger than the asgard ships.. man are we screwed.. especially if they were the first wave.. first wave are never as big as the 2nd wave.. the hell we going to do.. ahh i can't wait till summer.. too long!


                          Originally posted by skalra63
                          i the end sequence again, and the asgard do not run away or get destroyed, not as far as the footage shows. you see the ship when they all fly into battle, and you also see it manuvering when the lucian ships come.

                          also i think it was the odesy that was destroyed. the korolev had lost power. and the ship that was destroyed that the end, had shields. but the shields were not strong enough and it got destroyed. so im assuming that since the korolev had no power, thus not being able to power shields, that it was the odessy that was destroyed
                          Sorry to say this but
                          I'm pretty sure it was the Korelev that was destroyed because in Flesh and Blood (season 10) spoilers it says that "Carter radios the Ori ships in the hopes of contacting any survivors of the Korelev..".

                          Also they said in Camelot that the Korelev wasn't even 100% ready to go into battle when Daniel was talking to Colonel Emerson of the Odyssey.


                            You are exactly right; the Asgard weren’t there to fight a battle. They were there to help dial the supergate to the Ori home galaxy. The Asgard getting caught up in the battle was simply the consequences of bad timing.


                              I SLEPT THRU IT AND DID NOT WAKE UP UNTIL ATLANTIS'S SECOND RUN! does anyone know hen the next time it will re-air? i can assume a few weeks before season 10 premiere.
                              Sig Created by Lovley Lahela!


                                I thought this episode was incredible... outstanding... excellent...

                                I have thus far rewatched this episode atleast 4 times since I first saw it.

                                For one, we got our butts kicked.
                                - 3 Lucian Alliance Ha'taks
                                - 1 Asgard Mothership
                                - 5 to 7 Free Jaffa Nation Ha'taks
                                - 2 Daedalus-class Earth ships


                                - 4 Ori ships

                                Results: We were cut to shreds.

                                I also thought this scenes were rivetting:
                                - The scene where Mictchell is facing the Black Knight, and the only one willing to help him was Valencia. She pulled the sword from the stone, and gave it to him.
                                - When Carter is on the Supergate (which activates) and she not only witnesses the arrival of the Ori ships... but also watches the battle, unable to aid.
                                - The final scene showing Vala in the window, having seen the entire battle, also unable to help.

                                OK, we now know of three places to look for the Sangraal... but I still believe the device has a catch...

                                And even if we did percure the Weapon... how could we get it into the Ori galaxy? I would think they would defend their Stargate.

                                I really loved this episode... I am so glad I withstood the difficult change of the first half in order to see such a great episode.


