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Ripple Effect (913)

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    Oh by the way did anyone else notice the EXTREEEEME SG1 team (the one with teal'c and his deathglider cannon, they were the first team after the real SG1 iirc) and the fact that they were dressed in the same style camo's from Wormhole Xtreme.


      I have to say in all honesty that overall I was deeply disappointed in Ripple Effect.

      Man I miss Janet Fraiser/Teryl Rothery. As soon as she stepped into view of the camera the whole place lit up with her presence, her energy and her dynamic personality. I actually cried when she had to leave to go back home.

      I want Janet back!

      The dynamic of the interaction between Fraiser and Landry was awesome. There wasn't the 'daddy issue' thing creating a barrier between them. These were two people who only knew each other as equals and adults. Landry couldn't subvert Fraiser with references to her as child and she certainly didn't have any cause to play the 'neglected child' card on him.

      I personally think that making Lam and Landry estranged father and daughter was the worst thingthe writers could have done for the character of Carolyn Lam. She is forever the 'child' to his 'adult' and they have no room for equal footing. Poor Carolyn is stuck being 'daddy's girl' and it really takes away from the strength of the character no matter how well and how hard Lexa Doig has worked as an actress to raise her character above this barrier. Having Janet Fraiser step in and be able to go toe to toe with Landry in an adult manner only served IMHO to casting glaring light on this flaw in creating Carolyn Lam. To Lexa Doig's credit she has tried her best to rise above it, but the writers keep digging the hole deeper.

      Sam's love lives was another disappointment in all of this. I was so looking forward to having the Sam Carter back that could fight a Mongel Chieftian with nothing but her knife and her bare hands. Having back the Sam Carter who didn't need a man to be her storyline focus. I wanted back the Sam Carter I admired so early on and respected.

      This aint her. This storyline of 'a dozen Sams and their love lives' was a disservice to her as a character. It was disservice to Amanda Tapping who is capable of doing so much more and deserves to be doing so much more.

      I loved seeing Martouf again. I miss JR Bourne too and he lit up the screen as well. I didn't want him to go either.

      Sadly, I think I would have been happier if Mitchell had faded into the woodwork again. At least I could have carried with me the memory of that wonderful character development and amazing acting by Ben Browder that was in Collateral Damage and looked forward to seeing that again. Unfortunately in this episode we seemed to have gotten a double dose of Mitchell acting just like the 'dumb comedic Jack O'Neill' of later seasons. The one that wasn't enjoyable to watch. There was no depth to Mitchell in Ripple Effect like there was in Collateral Damage. He was just a cardboard cut out spouting one liners and acting like a drunken teenage boy.

      Please bring back the Mitchell we saw in Collateral Damage, I really liked him and respected him. Ben Browder was awesome in that episode.

      Finally there is no use crying over deleted scenes that would have given Daniel and Teal'c, in any of the incarnations, something that rose them above being nothing more than extremely sexy looking wallpaper.

      Last edited by GateAngel; 24 January 2006, 10:22 AM.
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        Couldn't the SG-1 team give the other team a one of those new generators they sent to atlantis to power up the chair!! Apparently the MK2 generator produced enough power... Acording to the Atlantis episodes!!!!!

        Bit of a plot failure!! Sort of poor sprtsman like conduct if you ask me!

        Spoiler below (Highlight for it)

        Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!!



          Simple, a ZPM is way more powerful than a MK2
          "At least my heroes exist. If this was a Trek convention, you’d be all dressed up like a Klingon."


            Originally posted by CromeX
            Couldn't the SG-1 team give the other team a one of those new generators they sent to atlantis to power up the chair!! Apparently the MK2 generator produced enough power... Acording to the Atlantis episodes!!!!!

            Bit of a plot failure!! Sort of poor sprtsman like conduct if you ask me!

            Spoiler below (Highlight for it)

            Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!!


            this is addressed in the Ripple effect thread.
            Get YOUR P90 Here!
            Am i alone in hoping that the Seaquest seasons with the DeLuise brothers are finally released on dvd??

            Nice hair!!


              Well this was good. I really enjoyed seeing all the other SG1s. I liked the plot twist with the desperate SG1, but the ending felt like a real cop-out.
              Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                NO, NO, NO! *Stamp feet on floor in desperation* We were sooo close! We could almost touch it, why do they decive us thus?

                ((Devoted S/J Shipper here!))

                Good ep tho.
                Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
                LOVE HIM-> DT
                ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


                  Yes it's more powerful, but would you choose no power or little less power than you hoped for?


                    Sigh. I've tried reading all the comments before I responded, but I'm still a few pages away and I can't wait. Forgive me if I repeat something someone said recently. [except the first paragraph. I would say that even if repeating the previous post]

                    I absolutely LOVED Ripple Effect!!! LOVED IT!!!

                    I didn't think the Black team was evil. I think they were desperate, raw, determined and maybe rationalized things with a little tunnel vision. BlackMitchell rationalized stealing the ZPM with IF the wraith return and IF they attack and IF they defeat Atlantis... all things that might happen, whereas, in his world, the destruction was already there and not taking the ZPM meant certain destruction of his world. The danger to Atlantis might have been a bit more imminent than BlackMitchell thought, but it still was just a possibility in the future . Our Earth and Atlantis would have had at least a little time to find an alternate defense, but BlackMitchell's world was out of alternatives.

                    I think we can assume that BlackMitchell, his entire team, and the world as he knows it, is now destroyed.

                    And are we any better? Landry was willing to strand all the teams here just to save our world. Some/many of those teams were on missions to save their own worlds and now what are their chances without their number one team, lost forever in an alternate universe?

                    Frankly, I'm not finding a lot of fault with anybody here. If I lived on BlackEarth, I would want a team as ruthless as BlackMitchell's trying to save my family and me.
                    Also, they were trying to get what they needed without hurting anyone. Their weapon of choice was Zats and they only used them to stun.

                    Okay, maybe the Teal'c headslam was a bit much. And it looked so real. Shades of Crichton in the first episode of FarScape. I wonder how hard that is to act and how much real pain is inflicted [even if he is hitting a softer prop]. I totally think the "No hitting" line later was because of this scene. So, I'm pretending that the painful-looking headslam was kept in for the later "No hitting" joke. Otherwise? A bit cruel.

                    About the green wire. I don't think there was anything evil in that. I think he was trying to get under GreenMitchell's skin by either mentioning something that never happens, or if it did to BlackMitchell already, either ALL the wires are green, or NONE of them are. I don't think BlackMitchell would really want to kill GreenMitchell or make him ponder overlong about whether to trust BlackMitchell or not. BM just wanted GM to worry about it. No matter what happens in the future of the series wire-wise; I'm going to believe that in BM's universe ALL the wires were green or NONE of the wires were green and it's a non-issue.

                    I agree with all the reasons that it wouldn't be noticed that the uniforms were different, especially the fact that who knows how long ago they left and who was on duty when they did. And besides, a bunch of men noticing what other guys are wearing? [Or I should say mostly men, because the SGC is predominately men. ...and not of the fashion designer variety]. I wouldn't have noticed the difference between black and green after watching what was possibly many teams going through the gate. Maybe if one was the camouflage and I noticed particularly because whereever they were going called for that certain camouflage to be worn and I knew more about the planet than a bunch of numbers to know that's why they wore that, but frankly, I'm female and I don't think I would have paid much attention. I didn't realize that they kept Mitchell and Daniel in different color uniforms all the time in the beginning of the season [presumably so we wouldn't get them confused?] until it was pointed out in some forum. I still didn't notice, actually. I'd read the next day that their uniforms were still different and I'd say, once again, "oh, didn't notice". Other than this episode are they still doing that? See? Still don't notice.

                    What I do notice is how well Mitchell fills out his uniform [of any color]. And how well he fills out his skivvies.

                    But to repeat: I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!

                    Loved all the variations and loved all the interactions, particularly the way Sam and Mitchell tease each other. It's sweet. I think they are quite comfortable with each other and I would love to know their past history. Good friends there, it seems. I also like the way Mitchell interacts with Daniel and Teal'c, but we got some good stuff in this episode with Mitchell and Sam.


                      Originally posted by CromeX
                      Couldn't the SG-1 team give the other team a one of those new generators they sent to atlantis to power up the chair!! Apparently the MK2 generator produced enough power... Acording to the Atlantis episodes!!!!!

                      Bit of a plot failure!! Sort of poor sprtsman like conduct if you ask me!

                      Spoiler below (Highlight for it)

                      Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!! Eh..........Eh............Eh....!!!!

                      The other SG-1 is almost the same as the others (green team) So it is safe to say that they have a Mark II. However the black team may not have went back in time to steal a ZPM from Ra. That is maybe why they tried to steal it.


                        I Think this ep was Great !!!
                        Loved the reintroduction of Martouf and Janet although the whole twelve or whatever many versions of Sam's lovelife started getting on my nerves. I have to admit it would have been nice for two Teal'cs to talk to each other but some of us dare to dream.
                        The Black SG-1 team were cool although I dont see why they had to come to our Galaxy for the ZPM I mean you never know we could have been using the ZPM and as a result of that the Black SG-1 team would have been in a bigger dilemma than beforehand.
                        I Think the best team was the Extreme BLue team with all the Bandana's plus Teal'cs Death glider cannon. MAkes you remeber those days when Teal'c and his Cannon pwnd all.
                        There should have been a little more interaction with Teal'c and Daniels character as in all honesty it would have been nice to see further converstations (eg perhaps in one universe Daniel retained all the ancient knowledge he rediscoverd in reckoning) still I give this episode 8/10 for brilliance plus they ad Janet back too and shes well such a fantastic character.
                        Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

                        Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


                          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                          About the green wire. I don't think there was anything evil in that. I think he was trying to get under GreenMitchell's skin by either mentioning something that never happens, or if it did to BlackMitchell already, either ALL the wires are green, or NONE of them are. I don't think BlackMitchell would really want to kill GreenMitchell or make him ponder overlong about whether to trust BlackMitchell or not. BM just wanted GM to worry about it. No matter what happens in the future of the series wire-wise; I'm going to believe that in BM's universe ALL the wires were green or NONE of the wires were green and it's a non-issue.
                          It was foreshadowing.

                          There are 2 more examples in the episode:
                          - BlackCarter tells GreenCarter about the second Beachhead/Supergate.
                          - BlackTeal'c tells GreenDaniel about Bra'tac becoming leader of the Jaffa Nation.

                          Also, because some scenes were deleted, there would have been:
                          - BlackTeal'c telling GreenDaniel how the Prometheus was lost in a firefight.
                          - BlackMitchell telling GreenMitchell how he would meet this girl at some restaurant (forget the name).



                            Originally posted by gateroom
                            The other SG-1 is almost the same as the others (green team) So it is safe to say that they have a Mark II. However the black team may not have went back in time to steal a ZPM from Ra. That is maybe why they tried to steal it.
                            The black team did have a ZPM. It was just depleted. I would assume they got it the same way as the Greens.


                              Originally posted by Colonel Dixon
                              The black team did have a ZPM. It was just depleted. I would assume they got it the same way as the Greens.
                              Then one i'm talking about is the one that is in Atlantis right know. That is one they hide back in time so they would find it in the future. The green also had a depleted one too.


                                Great episode, one of the best of this series and seeing old cast members return gave some older fans a good feeling.

                                I loved the start with the mix up between the two teams and all the carters in the lab was really funny.

                                I also loved how the question about who Carter had a releationship with kept getting avioded.

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