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Ripple Effect (913)

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    Originally posted by Heaven
    well it seems they come from a future alternate reality (ori invaded with 2nd supergate)
    maybe they had a zpm in atlantis too but it was lost/depleted/rodney blew everyone up
    and they hoped to come to an alternate reality in the past where it still exists
    The Black SG-1 said their ZPM was depleted. They didn't say how.


      they prolly left the shield on too long


        Alright i'll say this once cause someone told me this, and was correct about it

        THE Alternate Universe's THEORY states that time is constant, events may have just happened faster in the other universe


          How about, they took a chance that our reality would have a ZPM? you know like a last ditch effort to try and save your race from annihilation? Kinda like going back in time 5000years to find a ZPM?
          Don't put jam on a magnet

          my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle


            Originally posted by KRiZ
            How about, they took a chance that our reality would have a ZPM? you know like a last ditch effort to try and save your race from annihilation? Kinda like going back in time 5000years to find a ZPM?
            Yeah, that would be my guess but remember our SG-1 actually knew that there was a ZPM and where it was supposed to be. Where as these guys would be flat out guessing and once they got here how would they have confirmed their theory was correct. Do people in the SGC just talk about Atlantis openly with guest?
            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


              I don't know if this has already been brought up, but if in order to send the alternate teams back to their reality, they had to be sent back to the planet in which they gated from. If that's the case, wouldn't they be going back to a planet that was dangerous in the first place. Didn't Landry decide to only let through teams that were under fire? So, wouldn't these alternate teams be going back to planets where they were under fire?

              Everyone, please let me know your thoughts. Am I completely off because I misinterpreted something or is this an accurate conclusion?
              Shop through Big Crumbs for your online purchases to receive a little bit of your money back.


                Good point. Perhaps they made sure the danger had passed?


                  Makes sense.


                    Originally posted by knowsfords
                    So obviously the 'Black' team were desperate, however Teal'c went nuts when 'Green' Cam mentioned the Sodan... I'm thinking that Cam was never captured in thier reality so he couldn't lean into thier ear about and the Sodan became pawns for the Ori hence Teal'c's hatred.

                    I like the bad tptb wont go down that road...or maybe they will in the future
                    The doctor told me Im insane, thank God! its so much better then being outsane!


                      I don't think I was bashing Mitchell just for the sake of it. I just felt I had some legitimate gripes with him.

                      And also I just thought of something that would've been nice. An SG-1 team that consisted of Atlantis characters coming through.


                        I have to admit, there was a dark side to black team Teal'c. I mean, he was menacing and no matter how desparate our team would become, he would never act that least I hope not.


                          Well, I've read the past few pages and was actually surprised that some of you didn't understand/like/got annoyed at the whole Cams reminiscence scene.

                          I mean, haven't you ever had this REALLY FUNNY memory that it just makes you smile out of nowhere when you remember it? Well I have, and it's caused my friends to give me serious looks and ask if I was going crazy. The Cams were doing just that, only externally. I mean, it's so much of an inside joke that there's only one other person who gets it: his alternate self.

                          Oh well, at least that's what I'LL be doing if I had a chance to talk with an alternate universe me.

                          There's only us,
                          There's only this
                          Forget regret, or life is yours to miss
                          No other road,
                          No other way
                          No day but today...


                            so if PD thought that sam's love in RE was mitchel and he was wrong who the heck was JM aluding to?
                            Get YOUR P90 Here!
                            Am i alone in hoping that the Seaquest seasons with the DeLuise brothers are finally released on dvd??

                            Nice hair!!


                              Remember that the black Mitchell said that "all the ZPM doing right now is providing a one way travel back to Earth". I'm guessing that's how they are using their ZPM and depleted in their reality. That's why they need to steal a ZPM from another reality.


                                Originally posted by KillerMercury
                                Well, I've read the past few pages and was actually surprised that some of you didn't understand/like/got annoyed at the whole Cams reminiscence scene.

                                I mean, haven't you ever had this REALLY FUNNY memory that it just makes you smile out of nowhere when you remember it? Well I have, and it's caused my friends to give me serious looks and ask if I was going crazy. The Cams were doing just that, only externally. I mean, it's so much of an inside joke that there's only one other person who gets it: his alternate self.

                                Oh well, at least that's what I'LL be doing if I had a chance to talk with an alternate universe me.
                                Only one other person got it, his alternate self. Unfortunately millions of fans got to see the joke no one got. That doesn't really come across as funny to me. More of an obnoxious attempt at funny.

                                I would've found it funnier if they were just interupting each others sentences, because they both knew where it was going and just ended up laughing about it.

