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Ripple Effect (913)

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    Originally posted by MasterPower
    I call them the redneck SG-1.
    Why "redneck"? Why not "Commando SG-1"?


      For me, this was the best episode of Season 9. I was throughly entertained! The nods to past episodes was fun! Hats off to Joe for this one! Classic Joe to tease shippers and anti-shippers. I agree with most of the positive things that were said. But I have to say something....

      Where is the duct tape for Mitchell's mouth?? How does a Lt.Col. get away with making such crass statements in a professional situation?

      MITCHELL: "Does this mean in some universe I made it to second base with
      (whoever). Boggles the mind, don't it?" (why a sex joke???)

      MITCHELL: "I have another stupid question." (Stupid is as stupid does)

      MITCHELL: "Finally found someone to keep up with you, huh?" (How do you slam a fellow teammate like that?)

      The whole scene with HIMSELF talking about spewing orange juice. How juvenile!

      Jack got away with such remarks because he was Jack (and RDA played the lovable, childish, grumpy Colonel so well), but Mitchell just comes off as asinine and unprofessional. Then Carter looks at him after such remarks like "Are you that stupid?" This is exactly why Mitchell has not clicked with me. If Mitchell would stick to drama, maybe it would work for me. Can't see it happening though.
      /end rant

      I would have preferred leaving out the Asgard/Sam/Martouf supposed joke for the scene between Black Mitchell and Black Daniel discussing the ethics of what they were doing.

      Janet can come back to our SG-1 universe anytime!! I think we need some Janet smiles maybe with needles and a P-90!

      Joe, keep up the !! Bad PDL!

      Token ~


        I loved the episode. I agree that it would’ve been a great episode to bring Jack O’Neill back, but I appreciate the fact that he has a family to care after.
        But what more could you want with the appearances of Martouf and Dr. Frasier?
        The realities that were in the episode only demonstrated that the closest permutations occurred and converged – so it would be unlikely that the permutations would occurs that Jack would be commanding SG1.
        It is interesting to compare this episode with the quantum mirror ones. In Ripple Effect, we saw realities which were quite close to each other; however the quantum mirror episode allowed us to see an infinite number of possibilities.
        Everyone now have think about this question. Could there be a universe where there would be a totally different set of physics?
        One of the best episodes so far for season nine.
        Yes, I am also one of the people who drooled when seeing that roomful of Carters.


          I don't know about anyone else, but I thought "Ripple Effect" was the best episode this season. All of the actors seemed more relaxed. They seemed to put more of themselves into their acting. It reminded me of the old Stargate, and it was so good to see a couple of our old friends, also. Bravo to TPTB on a job well done--my opinion--what are some other thoughts on "Ripple Effect"?


            Originally posted by Token

            MITCHELL: "Finally found someone to keep up with you, huh?" (How do you slam a fellow teammate like that?)
            How was that a slam? He was saying that she finally found someone as smart as her.
            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


              Great episode. It was really nice seeing Janet and Martouf again. I do wish they had spent more than 2 minutes finding the solution to the problem though...the end was kind of rushed. This is kind of offtopic, but the Asgard in this episode (Kvasir) made me decide to look his name up on wikipedia. It turns out that Kvasir is a god of norse mythology, who, like someone pointed out earlier, was created from the saliva of the gods. Hehe. However, I did find out something else interesting from norse mythology on wikipedia:

              In Norse mythology, Asgard (Old Norse: Ásgarðr) is the realm of the gods, the Æsir, thought to be separate from the realm of the mortals, Midgard.

              Now I know where they got the name Asgard from. I don't know if this is common knowledge or not...I don't really know much about norse mythology.


                Originally posted by BigGator5
                Why "redneck"? Why not "Commando SG-1"?
                Yeah, Teal'c is packing a huge "hedge trimmer" in this scene.


                  It even has a shoulder strap!

                  What kind of guns are the others carrying? They don't look like P-90's, then again I know very, very little about guns.
                  "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                  " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                  Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                  Discover a … New Galaxy

                  Look for a … New Adventure

                  Find a … New Mythology


                    One of my favorite episodes of the season.

                    1. The whole team was involved in the episode - with the added bonus of them all being in the same place together at times and interacting

                    2. We got to see teams coming through the gate - an episode that featured the Stargate -

                    3. Good mix of Science, Humor, with a little action thrown in

                    4. Janet & Martouf - yes I would have loved to see more of Janet - but I can always hope we will see her again in the future or the past or .....

                    All in all 4 out 5 - for pure fun team episode
                    My View From The Peanut Gallery


                      I usually read the whole thread before posting, but I don`t feel like spending 2 hours reading it. Read Pages 1-5 and 14-15. People seem to alternately love and hate the various bits.

                      I usually hate time travel or AU, even though it`s always interesting to explore the "what if?" thing, so I try to enjoy such eps for the character interaction rather than the plot. They sure delivered.

                      I LOVED this ep. Finally the TEAM working together. I loved all the Prometheus action and interaction when they outfoxed the "black" team.

                      Loved all the Carters, and how they all looked up when Landry comes in calling for "his" Carter. Loved them working together. Loved Cam`s comment about her having someone who could keep up with her. I saw someone say they didn`t like that because it was a diss or whatever, but I didn`t see it that way. I thought it was showing respect for her and acknowledging that she was way smarter than most people.

                      Was GREAT to see Janet again. Interesting to see how each team sees its agenda and need to save its version of Earth as more important than the needs of "our" Earth. She was no exception and why should she be? Like she said, "her" Earth was just as important as "ours". Was glad our SGC was able to help her out. I never even thought about the lack of time spent between her and Sam until people here commented on it. I guess it`s a good point though, but I just thought Sam had a lot to do and I guess I just filled in the gaps and assumed they`d interacted more that we didn`t see. But yeah we should have seen it.

                      I was never that big a Martouf fan, but still it was good to see him again. Was glad he and Sam had a relationship in one AU anyway. But interesting that it didn`t work out. Could it be because Sam ended up with Jack in that universe as well? I was LMAO at the teases and not saying who she was with, imagining the hardcore Jack/Sam shippers cursing and throwing things at their TVs, and then found myself wanting to do the same. And why did they not even MENTION Jack?! Every AU always has him and Sam together. Could they not even say that in this ep? What would be the harm? Even if they`re changing their minds (as if they had ever actually made them up) about Sam and Jack finally getting together, they could still have said that they were together in the AUs. Even if Jack didn`t actually show up in the ep they still could have mentioned him.

                      Loved "black" Teal`c clotheslining "our" Cam and wishing he could beat on him some more. Some redirected hostility against his own teammate? (LOL)

                      Loved the Daniel/Cam exchanged looks and eyerolls. Someone commented that they didn`t like Daniel acting that way because he should understand what Sam`s saying and appreciate it. The poster made a good point I guess but I took it as them just rolling their eyes at the technobabble and just wanting to get on with fixing the problem. It didn`t bother me at all until I read that post. Now they got me thinking about it.

                      Someone commented on Cam`s line about the Asgard being just like Sheppard`s the first time he saw one, but that was intentional. Maybe that`s the reaction they inspire in a lot of guys. :shrug: I didn`t see that ep of Atlantis so wasn`t aware of the similarity until reading the writer`s explanation of that line, but I like that they gave them the same reaction and lines. Maybe it`ll be a recurring comment from people who see the Asgard for the first time.
                      Was interesting reading the deleted scenes. They maybe should have made this one a two-parter. Then we could have got more Janet, and some Sam/Janet interaction, or a Sam leading an SG-1, or even a Jack. Just for a second even would have been great.

                      And I am SO glad they caught PDL`s attempt to imply something between Sam and Cam. NO NO NO! Not in this universe or any other. Sam and Jack all the way! Hmm. Maybe I`m one of those hardcore J/S shippers I was laughing at earlier.

                      And. . . . That`s all I can think of for now. Think I`ll go watch it again.
                      Fargater (n.) A Farscape fan who got curious about Stargate SG-1 on learning BB and CB would be joining, belatedly discovered the greatness of Stargate SG-1 in reruns, and who is now a happy fan of both shows.


                        This one was good. I got a new favorite quote from this:

                        Black Teal'c has whumped Green Mitchell
                        Black Daniel: Wouldn't it have been easier to just zat him?
                        Black Teal'c: Indeed, but far less gratifying.
                        Black Cameron: Did he just insult me?

                        The roomful of Carter's was good. Talk about a think tank. But we didn't see the combination I was hoping for, Colonel Daniel Jackson with Dr. Samantha Carter and Dr. Cameron Mitchell. But in my mind they were there. Hey, maybe Moebius geeky Carter is from this team.
                        "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                        " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                        Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                        Discover a … New Galaxy

                        Look for a … New Adventure

                        Find a … New Mythology



                          Plain unadulterated awesomeness.


                            I thought this episode was great fun. Sure there were a few plot holes and contrivances but I don't care when it's fun to watch. *hand wave* It was well-paced and I didn't even wander away from the TV. Heck I even watched it twice - haven't done that much this year.

                            Of course I'm a sucker for AU episodes - ever since I saw the "Mirror,Mirror" episode of Star Trek when I was a kid... And hehe - think Mitchell saw the same episode.

                            Lots of stuff to enjoy...

                            Janet! I nearly cried. Great scene with Janet/Daniel/Teal'c. And I totally loved the little Napoleonic powermonger's "chat" with Landry. *hearts* Teryl Rothery.

                            Martouf! It was nice to see him. I didn't mind the Sam/Martouf "almost kiss" although really the writers just can't seem to stop shipping this poor woman. Still I always enjoyed the Sam/Martouf relationship and thought it was kind of a sweet scene.

                            Technobabble Sam! I admit I LOVED Sam in this episode. It was like the old Sam was back and I didn't even care that she technobabbled our ears off and I didn't understand a word of it.
                            "I got nothing......yet" Favorite Sam line in a long time.

                            Mitchell. Probably my favorite episode with Mitchell to date. He seemed very much part of the team - dare I even say "leader" in this episode - and I thought the dynamics seemed to really gel here. Sam was still driving the action in the science/solving the AU conundrum area but Mitchell seemed to really be the one to drive the team action on the Prometheus. And I enjoy seeing the dynamic develop a little more between Daniel/Mitchell and Sam/Mitchell. They actually seemed like a "team" in this episode.

                            Few Mitchell niggles, but small ones. Didn't like the Amy Vandenburg joke and thought the Cam/Cam "Aunt Emma" scene went on too long and was a little OTT. Totally channeling Crichton in that one. Didn't mind him channeling Crichton later when he appeared in his skivvies. At least it wasn't fishnets.

                            Multi SG-1's! Loved all the SG-1's. From the "ethically-challenged" Black team to the "Wormhole Extreme" Tiger!stripe team. Room full of Carters was funny and seamlessly shot. Enjoyed seeing geeky Moebius Carter again.

                            Yay! AU character scenes! BlackDaniel/Green Mitchell, BlackTealc/GreenDaniel and GreenSam/Black Sam. And BlackTeal'c didn't seem to like BlackMitchell much. Good stuff.
                            Thanks Joe for including these - I wish more could have made the cut, especially after reading the deleted scenes. I would have really liked to see the Black Daniel/Black Mitchell scene on the Prometheus.

                            I wasn't spoiled too much on this episode. I knew Janet and Martouf were making an appearance - thanks to that spoiler photo - but was actually surprised with several of the twists as the Black/Green SG-1's faced off. I knew the Black SG-1 was up to no good but didn't guess that they planned the whole thing in the first place.

                            So thumbs up from me.

                            I sure wish we could have kept Janet though. Yeah, I know it would be a scifi cliche and totally dilute the impact of her death in Heroes but I miss her.

                            Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                              One of my favorite snips:

                              Black Mitchell: Now let me get this straight: we figured that you guys would try to escape and set this trap for you, not realizing that you'd figure out that we've figured you out and set...your own.
                              [Sam and Daniel look at each other]
                              [Teal'c looks towards the side, trying to make sense of what BM said]
                              Teal'c: Indeed.

                              It's so funny on how things HAVE to make sense only if Teal'c says "Indeed". I guess I and a few others need that phrase, too. Or else, we'll just be lost.

                              There's only us,
                              There's only this
                              Forget regret, or life is yours to miss
                              No other road,
                              No other way
                              No day but today...


                                Oh, I got to say (since I always say the other way) that I have to give points to the ep because we didnt see Landry in that dang stupid Jacket he was living in during the first half of the season. He hasnt worn it in the last two eps or the atlantis crossover so maybe thats why I am warming to him a little.
                                Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                                ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                                AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.

