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Beachhead (906)

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    Originally posted by stargate barbie
    can anyone direct me to a little clip or even give me a transcript of jacks practical joke scene? pretty please?
    Well, since you asked so nicely. I can't provide a clip, but here's my transcript of the scene. Sorry if there are any mistakes.

    LANDRY (on the phone, pacing): Jack, Jack! Jack, she practically invented the Mark IX, and you're the one who thinks we should use the damn thing. Why are you wasting valuable time saying no? I've read enough of your SG-1 mission reports to know that there were times when no one else but Samantha Carter could've pulled your ass out of the fire. Well, this is one of those ti--

    (Camera pans from Landry to the door, where Sam is standing in dress uniform.)

    CARTER: Reporting as ordered, sir.

    LANDRY: ... Yeah. She's standing right here. (Landry eyes Sam with the phone still to his ear.) You're a funny man, Jack. Very funny.

    (Landry hangs up the phone, then turns back to Sam, who smiles.)

    That's it. Not really a huge scene, but it was nice.
    Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
    Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
    Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
    Jack: ... They're lying.


      niiice. thank you.


        I thought it was a good ep. Lots of action, not so much talking in the board room. Which is always good.

        Loved the basketball game. I enjoyed the non-Tauri take on basketball. Teal'c needs to learn that hip checks are for hockey (I think he hip checked Cam on both drives.) (And Cam comes to attention in the middle of a basketball game when Landry shows up. )

        Maury Chaykin was fabulous as usual. The man can easily go much further over the top than this and he was quite toned down. I loved his look at the end when he found he would be "working for food". Great face and he held it so well - I'll bet Brad Turner didn't know when to say "cut". He he!

        I liked that Sam's re-entry did not have a lot of fanfare. Made you feel like they were involved with each other anyway (like she and Daniel had a conversation about the bracelets).

        Cam "Shaft" made me groan. Oy!

        I loved that Vala felt totally left out and was hopelessly vying for membership in the "Stargating Club". Daniel may have been a bit harsh with his "shut ups", but the "a little more shut-the-hell-up" was priceless. I understood that she (for the purposes of the ep) needed to feel that she wasn't going to be listened to and do it for herself.

        Loved that Cam wanted to have a "nuke free" career and that he gave the Prior the blah-blah-blah-blah-blah line to shut him up and "30 Earth Minutes" to allow plenty of time for Daniel to talk. And then....nothing. Very funny.

        When the planet started to compress, the black hole concept became pretty apparent and it was tough to believe that they didn't get the connection between the Mark IX and the spreading of the force shield. But I'll easily overlook that point.

        I don't think anyone has mentioned the "think outside the box" joke. Cam said they needed a giant set of bolt cutters (or something like that) and I think it was Daniel that said: "A little too far outside the box....come back closer to the box" or something like that. Too cute.

        I loved that Daniel was upset that Vala was probably dead because he didn't pay any attention to her and that they all saw Vala as giving the Ori the business on the other side of the galaxy.

        Over all, very enjoyable. Not a "OMG lets watch that again" ep, but very nice.


          Originally posted by stargate barbie
          niiice. thank you.
          You're welcome.
          Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
          Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
          Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
          Jack: ... They're lying.


            Why does everyone assume that Vala was sent to the Ori galaxy? If her matter stream was sucked into the balck hole that would be the end of her (unless she got stuck in the event horizon like in Andromeda). The black hole was made to power the massive stargate, not to send traffic through. For her matter stream to make it to the Ori galaxy, the stargate would have to worked. Also matter is one directional through the gate. If it were to suceed, things could only go from there to here.


              Originally posted by penigal
              Why does everyone assume that Vala was sent to the Ori galaxy? If her matter stream was sucked into the balck hole that would be the end of her (unless she got stuck in the event horizon like in Andromeda). The black hole was made to power the massive stargate, not to send traffic through. For her matter stream to make it to the Ori galaxy, the stargate would have to worked. Also matter is one directional through the gate. If it were to suceed, things could only go from there to here.
              I think everyone is simply assuming she was sent there because it was said so on the show, although she did say only that their could be a chance.
              Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                I thought it was a great episode. We got to see Sam again after a breif absece and finally we get to see some real action with the Ori. Too bad about Vala, though the writers have made a way that she can be brought back.


                  I still a little confused on the entire 'Super Gate' part. Why was the Ori, Prior building such a large gate? What exactly is the use for something so big? We are so screwed fighting Ori thats for sure. There is no way we can beat Ascended/Powerful beings such as them.

                  Daniel needs to find a way to ascend again, and get help from Annubis and Oma. This many episodes in to the season and we don't have the Asgard's view on the Ori. For the Ori being all knowing, they seemed a little surprised to find all these planets that they are not worshipped. Just a few drivels going through my mind.


                    Originally posted by SunKrux
                    Knowing what she knows about the Ori, I don't see Vala going for that. I think she'll be helping those who are resisting the Ori and making it difficult for the Ori to get a foot hold in any where.
                    I think you are right, she will help the people there.


                      Originally posted by Oma Desala
                      I still a little confused on the entire 'Super Gate' part. Why was the Ori, Prior building such a large gate? What exactly is the use for something so big? We are so screwed fighting Ori thats for sure. There is no way we can beat Ascended/Powerful beings such as them.

                      Daniel needs to find a way to ascend again, and get help from Annubis and Oma.
                      In the episode 'Origin' (not sure if I should put in spoiler tags, so better safe then sorry)
                      the Doci said that they would be building ships to invade this galaxy and launch, for lack of a better word on my part, an intergalactic crusade.
                      And in this ep, Teal'c said that a gate that large could be used to transport large armadas and possibly even motherships (conjecture on my part).

                      I agree (at least partially) that we are definitely gonna need some kind of Ancient help against these guys ( no spoilers for 'the Fourth Horseman', please). We had enough trouble fighting Anubis, and he wasn't even completely Ascended anymore! Plus, he was limited in what he was allowed to do. The Orii are not limited by anything in their own galaxy, so they can build anything they want and send anybody they want with whatever powers they want.

                      And this was just gonna be a small little comment.
                      Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                      Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                        That does make some sense. Thanks for the reply. Well we've seen what just one Prior could do. In that one episode, the Ori had the towns people put Vala and Daniel to death. They escaped death twice in that episode. The Priors have meet SG-1 a few more times since, and did not kill them. They did plague innocent people to make a point. How come no more attempts have been made on SG-1s lives, with them not belieiving the Ori are gods?


                          I have some things to say about Vala. People are complaining that she didn't try hard enough to make people hear her idea. I thought this is because she wanted to do it herself anyway, to prove herself. Y'see, she has always been a bit of a loner since she was de-goa'ulded, but when she gets to the SGC she finds people who she actually likes who aren't gonna double-cross her. But unfortunately they don't really trust her after the whole Prometheus incident so she feels she has to earn it. Plus she found out about the Ori and she wants to do something to help stop them.

                          And I'm sure if she did get sucked into the Ori galaxy, she can take care of herself. Especially since she knows what happens if she messes up (She'll be burninated). After all, the Ori didn't know about Harrid, Sallis and that other guy investigating their past.


                            I don't think Vala did anything wrong. I think she did try hard enough to be heard.

                            The more I think about this episode the more I think that the character of Daniel was sacrificed for the plot in this episode. I was actually very surprised about Daniel's treatment of Vala after what they have gone through in the past five episodes, but particularly their emotional experiences in Avalon II and TPTB. There is no doubt for me that Vala is irritating and annoying, and she continued to be in this episode (and she is supposed to be). So, of course Daniel is still going to be frustrated. But to dismiss her like he did, and then to ignore her at the end seemed completely out of character.

                            Daniel of all the characters should have paid attention to Vala at the end. He knows her the best, and they have gone through a heck of alot together. It didn't seem like Daniel. To me, this is a good example of the character of Daniel being sacrificed for the plot so that Vala is portrayed as a hero.


                              Originally posted by LoveYouBaby
                              Emmm... why didn't the Prometheus use their Asgard transport technology, to get Vala out?
                              Good question. I was wondering the same thing!!
                              Teal'c--what's with the hair?


                                [mod snip - it's OT to post about dings in the episode threads.]

                                thank you for your time!
                                Last edited by Madeleine; 22 August 2005, 03:11 PM.
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

