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Beachhead (906)

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    I enjoyed the episode. I did noticed that Sam refered to Mitchell when it came to giving the order to fire the Promethus' weapons instead of captian of the ship. She knew that he was in command of SG-1.

    I also the look of the Goa'uld when Landry told him of his fate after he expected to killed by his actions.


      Originally posted by Kalliope
      Rescue mission to get Vala out of the Ori world!!!! Any volunteers?
      vala doesn't need rescuing. she can take care of herself quite well. in fact, she wouldn't have been burnt alive if she hadn't taken daniel's advice. or been arrested and almost exectued (not meant as a dig at daniel). vala *knows* how to survive, it only got real bad when she followed someone else's lead.

      so i can imagine vala showing up someday, after hiding out, finding/stealing transport and funds, and gleefully waltzing back into everyone's lives to give them headaches.




        Yay Sam's back!! I was so glad Sam returned! I was hoping to have a little more fan fair regarding her return. Daniel did make a nice comment, I am happy about that! Maybe next week when she returns to the SGC full time.

        I'm not too worried about the Vala character. I'm sure she will be making guest appearances on the show. We know she is alive by the comments the team made at the end of the show.

        I liked how the entire team contributed to this episode!! Like others have said this was a great team show!! We were able to see some of the dynamics for the team. This was the best episode of the season for me!!!


          I'll tell you, it really is refreshing reading so many of these positive posts in regards to this episode. It's nice to know so many others thought it kicked ass too. This episode really makes me look forward to what we're going to see the rest of this season.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            Originally posted by Capn_Canada
            Why does Gen. Landry wear his leather jacket so much...INSIDE. he had it on when he was going to go tell the chicken-lover about hunger. Maybe he was cold?

            And anyone else love the part about the chicken-lovers voice.
            -"Your voice just changed"
            -"O, we don't have to talk like THAT"
            I jjust loved it.
            yeah, all of that goauld's scenes were great. here i loved the goauld, and i can't remember his name. i want to call him nero... anyhoo, i think my fave moment in the ep was the landry-nero showdown. you really can't go wrong with such wonderful actors, and it showed through. landry knew just what buttons to push, and the look of utter horror on nero's face... priceless.




              I liked the episode but Nerus reminds me of Urgo... any one else agree?? lol big bad evil Goa'uld ... if i ever ran into him i dont think I would run away. maybe stop and laugh... but yeah.. thats just me...


                I must say it..


                Now this was an SG-1 episode, we have been waiting for!


                -SAM!!!!!! Thank goodness shes back!! Heres to her not disappearing again!!
                -Vala. Her face in that dumb looking space suit on the planet, after Cam and Daniel had their speeches, was just too funny. She saved the day!!! Nice going! [I bet CB made some sort of face getting on the elevator, cause if you look at AT when Vala plays with her ponytails it looks like AT was trying not to laugh. I could be mistaken on this one I only watched it once.] Anyway, I was so very unhappy to hear that Vala was coming back at the beginning of the season, but now I cant wait for her to get back. Still liked the Vala/Daniel interaction. (A little less talk, a lot more shut the hell up!)
                -Teal'c!! Finally he's got something to say! It wasnt a whole lot, but it was so much more then it has been!! Welcome Back Teal'c!!!
                -Previews for next week!!! BA'AL!!!!
                -The Prior talked less!!!!

                -Garek, such an @$$!! And should have been shot down!
                -Landry, I'm just not really all that into the character. YET!
                -The fact that I got that the weapons weren't going to work and that they were "feeding" the shield, sooner then Sam did! Most of the time I dont even come close to being right with the SG1 stories.
                -*SOB* I miss Jack!!!

                Overall I think that we are slowly but surely getting our semi-normal SG1 back. Minus Jack of course... *SOB*


                McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


                  Originally posted by Seshat
                  I'm a little surprised at some folks nodding sagely and commenting on what they perceive as Vala making "digs" at some fans' perceptions or dislike of her character. I was making a JOKE in my earlier post about it being an acknowledgement of same. There is such a thing as reading too much into things (especially around here lately...).

                  This episode was written months ago, folks, filmed and probably the can before the new season started AIRING. I seriously doubt that "digs at the fans" about a character they hadn't even SEEN yet was in the writers' minds six months ago. I think they were just making fun of themselves, which they have often done in the past in their scripts.
                  heck, yes!

                  vala made comments because she knew how she was being perceived. at that point in time (filming the ep), the writers had no way of making these little 'adjustments' to the script to reflect the fans, because we were faaaaar from seeing it.




                    great ep, im super super sad vala is gone for the time being but hopeful in her return sometime in the future to once again to save the stupid earthlings heehee sam seemed kinda out of place honestly, i still don't get the deal with her and jack (im forgetting big chunks of season 8 but she dumped her cop guy for jack and now what?). im sure its mostly cuz they didnt do any exposition on her return, so she'll be back in the swing of things shortly, esp with vala gone - vala tends to be a scene stealer

                    cool to see the super stargate, that was neat. cool also to see how dispassionate and cunning the ori/priors are.


                      Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
                      I thought it was funny initially. Sometimes you just get comfortable in an antagonistic relationship with someone; the fact that you're not openly nice at every turn with them doesn't imply that you don't care, often quite deeply, for them. But it seemed out of character that Daniel wouldn't have warmed up to her at least a little, since Daniel's usually not that way. Daniel's usually very accepting of people, and he's seen Vala in pretty vulnerable spots already.
                      i didn't see daniel as mean to vala, but then again, the depth of their interactions go over my head sometimes because of disinterest.

                      what i saw was daniel being tired of dealing with her antics and behavior (as was everyone i think). i also think vala's desire to be the center of attention made the situations seem worse to her. but ppl mean to her?. naw, i saw it as exasperation.




                        I loved the episode. It was well-developed, and each character was needed. I will miss Vala, but I'm glad to have Sam back. I loved the Ori gate, Vala's dramatic rescue of the galaxy, and the team dynamics this episode.

                        As a side note, can we please have Gerak killed soon? He is starting to get on my nerves. Or can we at least speed up his dialouge? He pauses every two or three words it seems.

                        I can't wait for next week.
                        "Trust me. I'm a psychopath." Jekyll

                        "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse" Ianto-Torchwood


                          So, far I have really enjoyed this season and the creation of a new team and a new enemy.

                          To Me...both the team and the new enemy were shown at a new level.

                          Where to start?

                          A)Jack being involved? Nerus acknowleding the change in SG-1?

                          B)Vala's departure/Sam's Return

                          C)A Super Gate (and what exactly were they gonna send through there?)

                          D)Ori solidifying themselves as the most powerful enemy in show history.

                          A) I enjoyed including Jack on the other end of the phone call. SG-1 has a history of having characters that are regulars, and some who are often talked about or have small roles later in their original seasons or in later seasons. Its soemthign that more shows need to do. Too often in shows people are gone and never heard from again. It also showed that Jack is the reason Sam returns and that he is keeping a close eye over the SGC.

                          Nerus acknowledging the changes was great. I like that they have not tried to make Mitchell some type of super leader. They make it clear he is the new kid on the bloack and the Nerus comment just lets everyone know he has some work to do to earn respect in the galaxy.

                          B)Vala's departure was well done I thought. I liked that they kept her through 6 episodes. They easily coulda just had a small scene in the beginning saying that the bracelet effects wore off and that vala had left, but they made it a nice transition. I especially liked how they had Vala go through the gate 1st solo and then the new team went through together for the 1st time. I didn't really like Vala in the beginning, but she did grow on me. I would like to see her come back either at the end of this season or beginning of next. I think fan demand will bring her back earlier rather then later. I wouldn't mind seeing her actually join the team at some point. I think she would be a great contrast to Sam as well as give Daniel someone to have conflict now that Jack is gone. He and Mitchell seem too agreeable to me, but I do feel Daniel's role is changing definetly. How can you not love having Sam back.

                          Cand D) The supergate was pretty intense for alittle while there. I like that they are being very aggressive and making us squirm. This was also a point where I felt as though they were for real. Previously they seemed to have alot of cheap parlor tricks..some mind reading...disappear...ok the plague was alot, but having a virus to put on a planet could be done....this was the 1st sing that the Ori could really make a serious war in our galaxy. I was wondering what they were gonna send through. One all powerful supership? a Fleet? Who knows. But certainly they will attempt again.

                          As for some other comments I had issue with:


                          Vala and Daniels proximity. Yeah they are close to each other alot. However, most of the 1st few episodes werew when we see them in the infirmary beds. Remember that scene where Vala is in his room. She snuck over but is clearly suppossed to eb away from him at times and being watched. Perhaps with her always attempting to get to Daniel they thought why fight it. As for her in meetings....landry took her to congress--why not have her in the meetings too. Top secret--yeah yeah I know,..but she is able to provide alot of intelligence. She knows about the new Alliance, Goa'ld (since she was one), she new about Nerus. She's one of the few people we have on our side who have had contact with the Ori. So why not have her there?

                          Anti-Climatic? Nope,...the audience has not seen Sam for awhile, but I am sure she has kept in touch with everyone else. I can see them not hugging.

                          I had the familiar feeling of the energy being used to make the shield bigger as well. However, the higher ups who like to blow everything up gave the order. Who coulda predicted that they were gonna use a black hole to keep the gate open?

                          As far as beach head? There was a scout ship in the area monitoring what was going on. Perhaps he overheard the word being used. Plus it really captures what they were trying to do...establish a foothold in our galaxy.

                          Why is it unlikely for the Goa'uld to follow the Ori? They are "false gods". They do not have any real power of their own. Remember the term "power vaccuum". Every time the most powerful one fell off they scrambled for power and at times they would allow them selves to fall under control of the most powerful leader. It happened with Anubis and most of the system lords followed him. Nerus worked for Ba'al. Lord Yu's Jaffa worked for Ba'al at one point. They are just trying to survive.

                          I love Landry. I love that he is not a super military type and has a "senile" quality too him. I think Jack chose well.

                          and Now I Will Destroy Abydos

                          Nerus was not the best Goa'ld ever. I don't know how you can say that. He was a great character for one epsiode but struck me like Dom Deluise's character..a great oen time perfoamce, but not legendary like apophis. I do believe Nerus will be back though and part of the solution to the Ori problem.

                          Great episode--Great Season
                          Every Tuesday General Hammond gets alittle touch up on his dome. I say, "General Hammond, alittle off the top today?"

                          Top 25 females of stargate


                          Top 25 males of stargate



                            Originally posted by valaCB
                            and another thing. is there something between Vala and Teal'c? in the beginning after the basketball scene, Vala was behind Tealc's chair and they exchange looks. something is going on there
                            Teal'c looked at her because she was leaning on his chair. At least, that's the impression I got, since Vala removes her arm quickly and sits down across the table.

                            I don't know why everyone seems to be against Gerak, though. He's definitely a love-to-hate villain my book. He annoys me, but he's so perfectly Jaffa in the all of the opposite ways from Teal'c that he makes a great foil for Teal'c and antagonist for the SGC. I hope he sticks around for a while.
                            Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                            Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                            Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                            Jack: ... They're lying.


                              Originally posted by greytop
                              I enjoyed the episode. I did noticed that Sam refered to Mitchell when it came to giving the order to fire the Promethus' weapons instead of captian of the ship. She knew that he was in command of SG-1.

                              I also the look of the Goa'uld when Landry told him of his fate after he expected to killed by his actions.
                              Yup...Cam's in command of SG-1 so Sam deferred to him. Of course, right now he's the only member of SG-1, but that's another subject altogether.

                              People have posted on here why there weren't hugs etc. between everyone and a part of me would have liked to have seen that too but I think this shows that she's been in constant contact with them all along.

                              Also, Sam isn't back. As far as she's concerned this is just a TDA. She was ordered to join the expedition and to ensure that the weapon detonated without incident. She did her job. She didn't think it would work (albeit for different reasons than it didn't work) and she seemed ambivalent about being there. It was nice for Daniel to say Welcome back to her... "even though it's temporary..."

                              Vala grew on me in TPTB and I digged her even more in Beachhead. I liked the interaction with SG-ME (Shaft), Teal'c, Daniel and Vala on the showed that she was no longer the adversarial pain in the mik'ta she was when she first gated to earth. She was also right about the Goa'uld. I think Sam and the others agreed with her but really didn't know what else to do...he had vital information and they needed to hear it.

                              I also like the fact that we had kind of a Jim effect (you know, from Threads)...a somewhat innocuous looking fella who turned out to be a serious enemy (or at least the messenger for that enemy).

                              I'm proud of Vala for doing the right thing and preventing the formation of the supergate. However for those who don't know Sam, they probably don't know that, had they not been distracted by Vala's taking off, she probably would have made a suggestion that would have been equally affective. That being said, I in no way want to diminish Vala's accomplishment and still hope we'll see her again in the future sometime.

                              And can I say it??? Because in case you hadn't seen it in every single post leading up to this one...SAMANTHA'S BACK!!!!! yay

                              She seemed subdued to me and I think this is due to a few reasons. First, my guess is that Amanda was exhausted...I mean she's a new mommy with a hectic schedule. But at least she gets that 6-8 minutes of quality sleep every night. Second, Amanda herself said that at first she felt a little out of place...kind of like the new kid on campus...which is funny for an 8 year veteran to say.

                              This played well into Sam's mental/emotional state I think because as a character she was apprehensive about being there because, again, she didn't think it would work.

                              I thought the joke was funny and kinda played out the set up to it in my mind:

                              Jack calling Area 51: I need you to be there at EXACTLY 1400 hours on Thursday. Not a minute before or after. Understood?
                              Sam: Yes sir. Uh, if I may ask, why that specific a time?
                              Jack (smirking): I have my reasons.

                              Now for the rest of the show/characters.

                              Teal'c continues to be a wall flower. That was really the only thing that disappointed me I think. Come on Chris! When the director yells ACTION! that means do something other than stand in the background.

                              I'm liking Landry more all the time. He handled that Goa'uld perfectly. And who knew chicken was such an exotic dish? I'll view my dinner tomorrow night much differently now.

                              And I agree with everyone else. We're royally screwed. Right now we really don't have a way to defeat the Ori. Bullets don't work and apparently neither do Mark 9 nukes.

                              All in all, Beachhead being the episode I've been waiting for FOR MONTHS was not a disappointment for me on any level (except the Teal'c thing). I enjoyed the "team's" interaction and look forward to next week when they actually become a team.

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                best visual effects of the year -- and the best cast -- but bring Vala back,,,

