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The Ties That Bind (904)

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    Originally posted by DarkQuee1
    ...I had been liking Landry, but I liked him a little less this time. He was even worse than Jack at dumping his scut work. And on a sergeant who isn't even the 2IC or his aide. And I had a problem with his "Jack, Jack, Jack" when he got the message that he should talk to the senator. Hey, O'Neill was going to bat for Landry with the President, but he thought that the base's commander would be the best person to defend the base to the senator. He's absolutely right; Hammond always was the one who defended the SGC when needed. Suddenly, between the files and this, Landry looks like someone who wants out of a lot of his responsibilities. Didn't care for that.
    I also had a problem with his, "Jack, Jack, Jack" for exactly the reasons you mentioned, but I didn't put the other two points together and you're right. If some meetings are beneath him and he wants the sargeant to handle them and others he wants someone above him [O'Neill] to handle, exactly what does he think is in his domain?

    I'm hoping this is just an aberration, though.


      Originally posted by zats
      Doubt it. We'd've ran into them at some point. At least with Vala's information (and she actually seemed serious for once) we'll have some idea of what to expect.
      Yeah. And I'm sure we would've run into the Ori at some point as well, right? Only NOW we don't have Harod and Sallis' advice to run with, do we? And THEIR only ally was killed - because of Daniel and Vala's interference.


        I'm not blaming them for everything either. Don't get me wrong. A lot of stuff has happened that was simply out of their control. Other stuff... Look, I know it's how shows work. Sometimes a character is pulled in a certain direction for the sole purpose of moving a plot or an arc forward, even if it pisses off half of the fandom and causes that character to be mangled almost beyond recognition...

        *cough* Gemini *cough*

        I'm just surprised that so few people had really mentioned the repercussions of their actions. In Gemini, if the characters had acknowledged their mistakes (understatement of the year), I don't think fans would have reacted to such extremes.

        And just as I understood WHY they did what they did in Gemini, I understand WHY they did what they did in Avalon Part II and Origin. Does it change the consequences? Did RepliCarter still cause problems (understatements #2 and #3)? Will the Ori still cause problems (understatements #4 and #5)?

        I just want to know why no one seems to care in this particular instance.

        Oh wait... It's all coming back to me.


          Can't wait for tonight's episode. For those of you who won't get to see it tonight, sorry about this post. Just getting excited, you know. We will be one step closer to sg-1's return after tonight's episode. It will be nice to actually learn a little more about Vala's time as a host to a goa'uld as well ( not just what she's said - can't tell what's a lie and what's not ). Should hopefully be a good one.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            Originally posted by Kalliope
            We really are watching two different shows, unfortunately. Good thing is that TPTB have the last word on it and knowing how precious gem they found in the person of beautiful and talented Claudia Black, they won't let her go so easily.
            Well you pretty much stated your only watching the show for CB and you will probably stop watching after Beachhead unless Vala makes a return appearance. So yeah, I think its pretty safe to say you are watching a different show then many (not all) of the people here.

            I would say that most (not all) of us watch Stargate because we actually like Stargate. Some of us like it better with Vala, some of us liked it better without Vala and some of us (most I think) like it irregardless of whether Vala is in it or not.

            Im sure writers and directors are always happy to get good experienced actors that has a built in fanbase and CB certainly fits in this category. Im also sure if they can find a way to write her into the story in a way that makes sense for Stargate then they will do so. But if they cant then they won't. As you say, TPTB have the last word and I am sure they will do whatever they think is best for the show.
            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


              Originally posted by AGateFan
              Well you pretty much stated your only watching the show for CB and you will probably stop watching after Beachhead unless Vala makes a return appearance. So yeah, I think its pretty safe to say you are watching a different show then many (not all) of the people here.
              Yup, Claudia is the main reason I'm watching SG-1 now and to be perfectly honest I enjoy it very much, 'cause it's a kind of s-f I like, more character driven, emotional, crazy, unpredictable, funny, and what's most important, no techno babble or very little. Re-freshed. Something new. Something brave. Will I stop watching after "Beachhead"? I don't know, I really like Beau Bridges, and after reading Michael Shanks' compliments for CB, I love this guy more and more every single day, so probably they're gonna be the reason I'll continue watching it, although with definitely smaller amounts of viewing one episode, one time will be perfectly enough.


                Originally posted by Kalliope
                Yup, Claudia is the main reason I'm watching SG-1 now and to be perfectly honest I enjoy it very much, 'cause it's a kind of s-f I like, more character driven, emotional, crazy, unpredictable, funny, and what's most important, no techno babble or very little. Re-freshed. Something new. Something brave. Will I stop watching after "Beachhead"? I don't know, I really like Beau Bridges, and after reading Michael Shanks' compliments for CB, I love this guy more and more every single day, so probably they're gonna be the reason I'll continue watching it, although with definitely smaller amounts of viewing one episode, one time will be perfectly enough.
                No techbobabble or very little?! Now I KNOW you haven't watch an episode with Sam in it.


                  Actually I watched. Almost the whole 7th season. But I don't remember anything from it.


                    Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
                    I think Vala kissed him, actually. And then he replied with something like, "You're a fruitcake!" and she knocked him out.
                    Now you have made me to look Prometheus Unbound again. The things I do for the sake of discussion...
                    And you are right, Vala kissed Daniel, not the other way around. Still, knowing her idea of foreplay, I do not blame him for not jumping into the bed with her.
                    Originally posted by AGateFan
                    Well I guess that’s the beauty of these particular eps. They were specifically designed so that everyone would know in no uncertain terms that Sam had absolutely nothing to do with the Ori attacking earth.... But then come to think of it the Goa'uld attacking earth wasn’t her fault either, that was Jack and Daniel.... Hey I think I see a pattern... we shouldn’t let Daniel go offworld he’s a big troublemaker
                    Hey, you are unfair here. As we have seen it has been Daniel's contribution that saved the Earth! In two different alternate realities we have seen he didn't join the first Stargate program and they did manage to decipher it without him. Yet without Daniel somehow they failed to conscript Teal'c and, in turn, failed to defend Earth from the Goa'uld (OK, the second one got saved by the Asgard. But I wonder how much longer did they last after that...)


                      Originally posted by joasia
                      Hey, you are unfair here. As we have seen it has been Daniel's contribution that saved the Earth! In two different alternate realities we have seen he didn't join the first Stargate program and they did manage to decipher it without him. Yet without Daniel somehow they failed to conscript Teal'c and, in turn, failed to defend Earth from the Goa'uld (OK, the second one got saved by the Asgard. But I wonder how much longer did they last after that...)
                      Actually I was just making fun of the blame everything on Sam attitude that majorsal was making fun of. I just turned it into a blame everything on Daniel thing, which is obviously as absurd as blaming Sam.... especially since we all know its all Jacks fault... (see we can say that now because he’s not around to defend himself plus we all know Teal'c is completely blameless.)
                      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

                        And just as I understood WHY they did what they did in Gemini, I understand WHY they did what they did in Avalon Part II and Origin. Does it change the consequences? Did RepliCarter still cause problems (understatements #2 and #3)? Will the Ori still cause problems (understatements #4 and #5)?

                        I just want to know why no one seems to care in this particular instance.

                        Oh wait... It's all coming back to me.
                        if sam had been the one to alert the ori to our presence, the anti-sam ppl would be having a fit. and they'd just add that to sam's list of monumental failures. but when it's someone else, especially do-no-wrong daniel, then every excuse in the book is given for him. there is nothing fair about fandom, and the only thing you can count on is the squeakiest wheel getting the most attention.




                          Necklace for "cure."
                          Power Coil for necklace.
                          Cargo ship for power coil.
                          Impossibly dangerous situation for cargo ship.

                          ...Legend of Zelda, anyone?


                            Over a week has passed, and I haven't posted my routine reactions on the ep, so here goes:

                            This one was ultimately forgettable for me, but I still enjoyed it. It did, however, seem broken up and detached, the sequence of events being ruined. I understand it was mostly for comedic value, and I enjoyed some of those aspects. The Raiders comment cracked me up, and I did like SG-Cameron and the Gang working together to forumulate that final plan to get the ship. The escape seemed a bit too easy, but the Lucian Alliance seems like a good idea. Too bad we have to wait till after the break to see more from them.

                            Not enough Mitchell, Daniel, and Teal'c, either. I like Vala, and Daniel gets his big parts in the other four eps I've seen, but Mitchell and Teal'c seem neglected. Probably my least favorite ep thus far, but I still enjoyed it and it has great rewatch value!

                            So far, from most enjoyable to least:

                            1. The Powers That Be
                            2. Avalon Part 2
                            3. Origin
                            4. Avalon Part 1
                            5. The Ties that Bind

                            More, more, more!
                            Beyond the Horizon Lies the Gateway to a New Galaxy
                            Stargate Horizon, Co-Executive Producer
                            Latest Episode: 4.06 - "Eden"
                            Stargate Destiny, Fan
                            Latest Episode: 1.20 - "Alliances, Part One"


                              what was that lucian alliance ship it was the only ship in that fleet that wasnt an alkesh it looked to be like one of the ships from space race but im not sure which


                                I personally love this episode. My sis and I were saying the scenario (having to track down and trade various items) would be great for a video game level.
                                Also, that "monk" is awesome!

