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Avalon, Part 1 (901)

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    One more thing--I love Jack/RDA but goodness---he was so--bored? How many words did he have to choke out?
    I dont know--sometimes I wish I was a fly on the wall of TPTB---meetings


      What did everyone think about the whole Merlin storyline... Doesn't it seem way too similar to Thor's challenges...and does anyone else think Merlin's staff looks very similar to the staffs the Ori Priors carry (from the pics posted on Gateworld)????


        For a starter in a new season =excellent
        Ben's character really brings something different to the table.
        In a way, he adds a bit of his character from Farscape into this one.
        Its felt, with energy, the attitude, the spunk.

        Plus seeing old friends again, even though the team went seperate ways.
        Some odd reason, it reminded me of the Blues Brothers. But in a good way.

        On a side, it felt like Indiana Jones (-the roller ball)
        Its great to see this season unfolding in a different way.


          I was pleasantly suprised and like the show well enough. Not the best ever, but no where near the worst ever.


          Tea'lc - Season 1 Tea'lc except with hair and no staff weapon (P90 looks so small in his hands). He was all nice and stoic except for the little Tea'lc smile he gave to Cam after the bouncing bullets line. (on the shallow - side I really liked the T-Shirt, no tank top)

          Daniel - People said he was weak around Vala but I did not get that impression at all. I thought it was just pefect Daniel. He was much better then in PU. He wasnt drooling all over Vala. In fact he seemed quite annoyed with her and the entire situation. He was also very excited when he got to do his arceology stuff.

          Sam - Yay! we got to see Sam. I didnt expect it. She is head of R&D at area 51 which makes since. Why would she stay on SG-1 and be forced to pick a whole new team as that seems like a pain. Tea'lc had to leave for his people and Daniels been wanting to go to Atlantis since they found the place. So Sams re-assignment makes since. And I am SO happy they left her in the Air Force. (Although it does appear Cam outranks her as I assume he was a Lt Col during the battle).

          Oneill - I want a better send off...

          Walter - I have high hopes, but wheres his buddy Siler (moving to wash with jack)???

          Cam - I liked him. I liked how he looked like a hurt little kid when he found out he got to play just when all the cool kids left. I like how he looked like a "kid in a candy store" when he found out the cool kids were comming back and then sad again when he found out Sam wasnt going to play (I was waiting for him to stomp his feet and say wwwhhhyyyy)... Anyway he is not a mini-jack, I would say he is closer to a Sheppard except not a rebel like Sheppard and way more in the loop. I like how he kept trying to talk to Tea'lc only to face the Season 1 Jaffa silence.

          Landry - Didnt think I would like him but he seems ok. He is NOT the complete hardaz I thought he would be. He is not Hammond or Oneil either. Its hard to put my finger on what he is, will definitly need to see more.

          Vala - not as annoying as I thought she would be. Only one really (in context) cringworthy line - the one after the ring down to the planet. The other lines that were cringworthy during Sci Fi Inside were just fine when in context. In fact her clothing wasnt even so bad when in context and in fact when she had the jacket on she was actually quite stylish. The best thing about her character however was the fact that the other peoples reactions were more real then I thought they would write. I thought they would have all the guys drooling over her and she getting her way with sex... however thats not the case. Mostly everyone looked quite annoyed with her, from the gaurds that brought her through the gate to daniel asking Tea'lc about the consequences of killing her. The picture in the sci fi inside which seemed to show her hitting on Landry and him being about the cave was not that at all. That scene was about Landry treating her like the little spoiled child she was acting like. As long as everyone treats her like she is as annoying as she is I think her character will work out fine. But she definitly should get less screen time unless they add some depth to her character... there is only so much of this childish behavior one can take. and yes, lets tone down the potty humor.

          Over all I liked it. I didnt think it was campy, andromeda was campy, this was just a more light hearted action adventure. I like the humor just dont want every single show to be all humor all the time and I dont like potty humor too much. I like the mix of shows, I think thats what makes SG-1 wo great... but definitly a fan of the happy endings and no character deaths. Merlin hologram was just as good as Thors hologram in Thors Chariot and the testing just as good too lets hope the payoff is just as good. I loved Thors Chariot.

          What I didnt like too much
          I HATE 2 parters unless I have the DVDs and can watch them all in a row.
          I hate the fact that no matter how much you help people they never appreciate it.. now the jaffa hate us too? Looks like our only friends are the Asgard and from the SG-A premier it looks like some of them may be annoyed with us too.

          Give this ep a B+
          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


            Some good, some bad for me.

            The good news is I was entertained. I watched the whole thing, didn't wander off from the set. Was curious to see the new characters and new dynamics. The exposition made it drag in spots but as far as setting up the "new" SG-1 it did a decent job.

            I thought BB did just fine as Mitchell. I like the way they used the flashbacks to introduce his character and give him that "connection" to SG-1 from the Lost City battle. He's enthusiastic, wants to fit in and seems to have a good sense of humor. "SG-ME" was a great line. But otherwise I feel like it's going to take awhile to find out who Mitchell really is.

            I didn't really see "Crichton" except in a couple of scenes. The "nice outfit" crack to Vala. And I thought the "whoa, man, ....bullets bounce" was just like seeing Crichton and D'Argo together. I liked Teal'c and Mitchell's interaction, btw. It's nice to see Teal'c being rather reserved and slow to embrace Mitchell. And he was more serious than the smiley Teal'c we've gotten the last couple of seasons.

            Vala. Okay. Hated the outfit - just thought I'd get that out of the way. But I do like some of the elements she brings to the show. She's a live wire and you never know what's coming out of her mouth (except there's usually sex involved ) so that makes her unpredictable and interesting.

            I liked her a LOT better in Avalon than I did in PU (without the silly cat fight) and if they flesh out her backstory and give her some depth I think she COULD be a really good recurring character for the show.

            Daniel/Vala are an odd couple but it's a rather amusing dynamic. Vala is a hoot at times. The "ladies first" and then Vala pointing Daniel towards the doorway made me LOL. And Daniel's exasperation with her was quite funny at times - particularly the pillow scene. And her "give it a try muscles - I'll give you half" to Teal'c made me laugh. . But by the time we got to "just like sex with Daniel" or whatever that line was it was a little too much with the sex stuff. The OTT sex jokes get a little old -- so I hope that's not all she's bringing to the table for 6 episodes. Surely not.

            One good thing is that I felt like I was seeing "Daniel" interacting with Vala this time around. The Daniel in PU seemed out of character. This Daniel was snarky and pissy but it was "Daniel" - not eye-rolling, Crichton!Daniel. Vala sure knows how to push his buttons and it's a lot of fun to see Daniel having to deal with her. "Give me a minute"....."Not a minute"......."Still not a minute". Hee.

            Landry. Jury is still out for me. I like his bluntness and he certainly has a different style than Hammond or Jack. That's good. But I'm not quite sure I LIKE him. I do like him quoting all the old military generals though. Good on Beau for doing all that research and the writers for picking that up.

            I think I enjoyed the references to Jack more than actually SEEING Jack. It was funny to hear Landry talking about Jack never opening the desk drawer. But Jack's conversation with Landry about packing up was kind of a sad scene for me. It made me miss the Jack we used to have. I hope the few remaining scenes we get for Jack are a little more upbeat.

            The Ancients/Merlin story was a little bit cheesy. *sigh* I like that they're trying to bring back a sense of adventure to the show but the adventure didn't have a lot of depth to it. I'm hoping once we get to the Orii I'll feel differently.

            So mixed bag. I was entertained and certainly want to see what they're going to do with Vala, Mitchell, et al. Daniel and Teal'c were great. It was nice to see the little clips of Sam so she still feels like part of the show. There just didn't seem to be a lot of substance to this episode but maybe that's because it's just setup. It's kind of like junk food. Fun when you're eating it but nothing terribly memorable.

            I'm willing to give it some time and see what they do. I think they have some good characters to work with and I can see that the chemistry might end up being really good. I liked Mitchell so that's a good start. But I want it all. Good stories, good characters, interesting dynamics, meaty story arcs, etc.
            Last edited by keshou; 16 July 2005, 06:46 AM.
            Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


              I liked the atlantis one better, but this one had its moments too.

              Vala's still a hilarious character, I love her humor that nobody else on the base would dare show. "Let's make babies", "I haven't had this dissapointed since Daniel and I had sex", "There's nothing I hate more than a bold-faced lie".

              The fact that Teal'c left Earth upsets me. It was always good having him around. I really hope Sg1 gets back together.

              Mitchell I think is a good addition to the show. His character is funny and is not the serious, 'do your job, no questions asked' kind of guy. The writers can do a lot with him.

              Daniel's still as cool as ever. Throwing the pillow at Vala, staying calm in the face of danger, and humorously bad-tempered, "i can't believe i missed the daedalus for this", he's still a great guy.

              And as Keshou said, the thing with Merlin being an ancient, I find that rather hard to believe. Firstly, Merlin was a myth, and probably didn't exist at all, and if he did, he came way after the ancient's time. I guess maybe if the ancient got sent back the way daniel did and helped arthur ascend... but that's all too weird for me. Better to leave Merlin out of this.


                After sitting back and thinking about this ep for a bit, I just have two things I wanted to say:

                1. I really liked the Cameron/Teal'c interaction. Teal'c conveys so much with just facial expression!

                2. Walter, Walter, Walter - you are quickly becoming my favorite SG-1 character!
                ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                  that sounds hilarous lol - Vala is so cool.
                  i just love to give and recieve GREENS


                    I thought some of the funniest parts between Daniel and Vala where when they both woke up after having passed out and she made a smart remark and he threw a pillow at her. Don't remember the exact line but i was def. laughing.

                    I also like the part when they were in the room with the two pots and Vala was like "can you read that" and daniel is like "yes" she like so whats it say he said something to the effect that the univers is vast. Then vala was said something like what about this one. Daniel is like "The Treasure is in this pot" makes u see that even the ancients had a sense of humor.


                      My quick take on "Avalon" (I'll try to analyze it a bit more later. .after I deal with RL stuff ).

                      I really liked Mitchell. Browder was totally different than Creighton in Farscape, and actually felt sorry for him when no one seemed to want to be on his team, but bits of humor were peeking out, which I'm sure we'll see more of. He sure looks good in a uniform.

                      Vala. .I just love Vala. She wears weird clothes, but they made fun of that. Her comment about the "llimited gene pool" when looking at Browder and Shanks was hysterical - TPTB have obviously been listening to our comparisons. Every time Claudia opened her mouth, I was laughing. I don't know if I could take Vala every week, but she would be a hoot to have pop in every so often after she does her 5-6 week stint.

                      Gen. Landry - at first I though Beau B. was overacting a bit, but I was actually starting to like him by the end. Will have to see how he works out in the next few weeks.

                      Good to see Daniel and Teal'c, though Chris Judge didn't get a whole lot to do. But I did like the end when he shot the wall and Mitchell freaked out. Teal'c turned around with that sly smile of his, as if to say, "This guy is all right."

                      This had to be a tough episode for TPTB to write and for the actors to do, but overall I give it a "thumbs up". Bring on next week!

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Well, as far as I'm concerned, SG-1 ended last season. I can't watch the new shows -- it's just not the same. I was so bored through last night's airing -- it was almost like "Is it over yet?" Yes, the graphics for the fight sequence were good and the tie in with season 7 was creatively done, but the enjoyment really stops there. Beau Bridges is arrogant, Ben Browder seems fake, and Claudia Black...well, I never liked her or her character anyway. I loved seeing Mr. A -- they left his hair fairly long (thank you!) and it makes him look really cute. The whole idea of trying to regroup SG-1 is kind of flat. It seems like the show has been struggling to "put the team back together again" since season 7. I don't know. I guess if Mr. A is scheduled to guest on it, I'll tune in. Otherwise, I'm sorry. They were right about it being a different show, and it's one that I don't really want to watch.

                        They said this is the make or break season -- I still think season 7 should have been -- or even 6 -- and then they should have done movies or DVD movies. Or books -- even books written by the writers of the show would have been more satisfying. Yes, change is good, but why change something that's already great?


                        "LTS" -- Mr. Richard Dean Anderson

                        "I only understand one percent of what she says half the time." -- Col. Jack O'Neill


                          It was sooooo cool seeing Ben Browder on SG-1!! I tell you, I love Cameron Mitchell! He's adorable!

                          I love how Cameron wanted to join SG-1 because we wanted to work with the "best" aka Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c. Y'know the beard on Michael does look kinda weird to me. I dunno. I love Chris' hair! It looks really good! I also loved the whole thing where Cameron was interviewing all these applicants for SG-1! Very funny! LOL!

                          Then, Vala came through the Stargate, and it was great seeing Ben and Claudia back together (sort of speak). And, yes, there was a tiny reference to Farscape, very subtle but I believe Scapers can pick up on it. Cameron just says, "I don't believe we've met." Or, something like that. I love Vala. I think she's great. She's such a beetch though, but in a funny way. LOL! I love how she keeps going after Daniel. For instance, when she comes down the ramp she like, "Where's my Daniel?" I just loved that! Also, I loved how she said she's pregnant and that it might be Daniel's. LMAO!! I laughed so loud I thought the neighbors could hear me! LOL! And, in the infirmary when Cameron tells Daniel he may stuck with Vala. Vala goes, "Let's make babies!" Then, when they get on the Prometheus Vala tries to remember her and Daniel's little brawl, and he...uh...doesn't. Vala so wants have sex with Daniel. LOL! Actually, Vala sound like some Hussies I know! LOL! Just kiddin'! And, i loved the joke where Vala says something about limited gene-pool, and then Cameron and Daniel look at each other. (As MS put it, "We're a couple of 6-foot tall white guys with blue eyes and brown hair.") LMAO!!! That was classic!

                          Oh.....and Gen. Landry is wonderful. Yes, I do miss Jack and Hammond. Nothing can ever replace those two ever. In fact, I still miss Hammond as Cmdr of SGC. I still feel he was the best. But, I feel I will like Landry I like his attitude. It's that don't-give-me-any-crap kinda attitude, and I like it. I like how he says to Cameron, "What's wrond with ya?" Just cutting to the chase of his flaws.

                          Chief Master Sgt. Walter Harriman! Yay! After eight years, we finally know the full name AND rank of the "Chevron Guy".
                          Last edited by Sue_Jackson; 16 July 2005, 07:03 AM.
                          Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                            OMG I was laughing my ass of the entire episode! From the moment Cameron walking into the gateroom till the very last scene! This is a absolutely fantastic season opener!

                            And Ben, Claudia and Beau were amazing!

                            I love love LOVE Daniel and Vala! Haha they were exactly like I hoped they would be! I mean the lines between these guys were the funniest I've ever heard on Stargate!!!

                            ""I haven't been this disappointed since i had sex with Daniel" awww poor Danny boy hehe And the pillow fight and oh everything!

                            But oh crap I knew I should have waited until next week to see this ep. Althou I know what's gonna happened I still wanna see it... and now!

                            I just know I'm gonna love season 9!

                            Can u see that I'm happy???
                            Last edited by Ronja; 16 July 2005, 06:55 AM.


                              Originally posted by Sam & Jack Shipper
                              I so agree. Mitchell was a Jack wanabee and a very poor imitation at that.
                              See, this is what I knew would happen, let Mitchell make a few sarcastic remarks, and the comparisons to Jack would ensue. Jack is not the only person who can be sarcastic. I don't believe in any way shape or form he was a Jack wanabee. It's only natural for the intense Jack fans to watch and compare (and human nature being what it is - compare unfavorably 99% of the time). Heck, when Daniel left I thought Jonas was trying to be like him at first - and I thought he failed miserably.

                              If every time Mitchell makes a sarcastic remark you feel he's a Jack wanabee then the season is going to be very long for you.

                              I loved the ep -- I like Vala - she's supposed to be over the top and she is -- they did a nice job pulling it all together. They had a big job to do and I think they did it very admirably. You knew there would be lots of people unhappy no matter what they did - with RDA gone. I liked Jack alot but he's gone so you have to give the show a break and watch with fresh eyes. I think it's going to be a great season.


                                Originally posted by Sue_Jackson
                                SPOILER (just in case)
                                It was sooooo cool seeing Ben Browder on SG-1!! I tell you, I love Cameron Mitchell! He's adorable!

                                I love how Cameron wanted to join SG-1 because we wanted to work with the "best" aka Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c. Y'know the beard on Michael does look kinda weird to me. I dunno. I love Chris' hair! It looks really good! I also loved the whole thing where Cameron was interviewing all these applicants for SG-1! Very funny! LOL!

                                Then, Vala came through the Stargate, and it was great seeing Ben and Claudia back together (sort of speak). And, yes, there was a tiny reference to Farscape, very subtle but I believe Scapers can pick up on it. Cameron just says, "I don't believe we've met." Or, something like that. I love Vala. I think she's great. She's such a beetch though, but in a funny way. LOL! I love how she keeps going after Daniel. For instance, when she comes down the ramp she like, "Where's my Daniel?" I just loved that! Also, I loved how she said she's pregnant and that it might be Daniel's. LMAO!! I laughed so loud I thought the neighbors could hear me! LOL! And, in the infirmary when Cameron tells Daniel he may stuck with Vala. Vala goes, "Let's make babies!" Then, when they get on the Prometheus Vala tries to remember her and Daniel's little brawl, and he...uh...doesn't. Vala so wants have sex with Daniel. LOL! Actually, Vala sound like some Hussies I know! LOL! Just kiddin'! And, i loved the joke where Vala says something about limited gene-pool, and then Cameron and Daniel look at each other. (As MS put it, "We're a couple of 6-foot tall white guys with blue eyes and brown hair.") LMAO!!! That was classic!
                                Yes exactly Sue!!! LMAO!!

